Thriller Tour Group

1020 Meow Meow Meow~ Meow~ Arch Druid

"Meow~meow, meow~meow, meow meow meow~meow~"


Amidst the familiar and melodious accompaniment, in front of countless audiences who were shocked and silent, Zero Guide Big White Cat and Walker Big Black Wolf just started to 'sing'. This scene really opened the eyes of the audience, and they never imagined that they would live in this life. To be able to see such a performance made me feel a little dazed for a moment.

However, if you want to say that the singing is not good, huh, it’s hard to say. This is not a simple question of whether it sounds good or not. I have to say that what they sing is really harmonious when listened to with the accompaniment, especially some of the songs. People from the East End who have been so immersed in this classic old song can automatically add lyrics to their singing voices of "meow", "ow", "hiss" and "baa", and play them automatically in their minds.

This feeling is really weird, and this is a performance supported by the power of the hotel. Even if some people don't want to let their brains sing along, they can't block the singing. Even those in the West End have never heard this classic old song. Under the influence of the power of the hotel, people inexplicably understand this song. The animal language and the lyrics that people can 'understand' are intertwined in their minds, giving people a sense of chaos but inexplicable order.

To be honest, this is quite frustrating for SAN, especially when you go deeper into the induction exploration. The keen peak tourist guides only sensed it for a moment, and after sensing the danger, they were wary and did not continue to explore. They turned their attention back to 'appreciating' the performance under the influence of the hotel while secretly observing the reactions of other audience members.

Compared with the strong ones like them, who are firm-willed and unshakable in spirit, the weak should be more susceptible to influence... Well.

Li Hongxue glanced at the Laoshan Brigade and found that these juniors were in good spirits. She could even hear some whispers of discussion. Many Laoshan tourists were lamenting that it was a pity that Yu Tuan was not in Ling Guo's tour. Team, otherwise you can see the little red-haired monkey singing in this performance.

The red-haired monkey sings…

"What a shame, I really want to hear monkeys singing."

With a quick glance, Li Hongxue silently discovered that the half-life Taoist beside him was lamenting loudly, saying "pity" on his lips. His eyes were staring at the stage like a camera lens, as if they were shining, and he said to himself contentedly: " But it’s great to see Explorer transform into a cat and sing “Unforgettable Tonight”, this performance is so exciting, I’d say it’s even more exciting than the previous performances!”

...Yes, the vast majority of the audience has the same mentality as Taoist Half-Life. At first they thought, ‘This thing is so weird’, and then they thought, ‘Hahaha, it’s an animal chorus, it’s so outrageous! ’, and finally turned into ‘The cat transformed from zero conductor is singing! /The black wolf transformed by Werewolf Walker also sings the vocals! /Is the raven that Heydrich transformed into singing human words or birds? ——Amazing performance! ’

This performance exudes a joyful and relaxed energy, especially when the tour guides and tourists transform into cubs when the old dream is replayed, and then sing the chorus in the state of adult animals. The transition is very smooth, giving people an outrageous but yet The "reasonable" feeling allowed the audience, who had been emotionally drained by the first two performances, to see new things, gain new interest, and fully devote themselves to this performance.

Many people even think that the lyrics that ring in their minds should be thoughtfully designed by the hotel, so that they can understand the specific content of this animal chorus, so that they can better watch the performance. Only a very few strong people find that they can automatically understand this in their minds. The lyrics sung by the animals are not the thoughtfulness of the hotel, but the amplified effect of the core title of this 'performance'.

The top title in the Wild Mind series of titles is Arch Druid.

This title has a low reputation, but it has a very strong effect. The most famous archdruid in the entire hotel is An Xuefeng from the East District, but the relevant information is rarely revealed. Feihong and Xuanxue, who are both brothers in the brigade, do know a thing or two.

The various animals with special alienated powers that An Xuefeng transformed are indeed powerful, but the most powerful thing about the title of Arch Druid is that when the holder completely transforms into a beast, he will no longer be affected by the abyss.

For such a powerful title, it is very difficult to advance, much more than when Wild Mind upgrades to Son of Nature. An Xuefeng has not disclosed specific information. People have made some speculations in private, but they are just speculations.

Now it seems that the Explorer is going to use this performance to meet certain upgrade requirements of the Archdruid?

For example, to achieve ‘communication’ between a certain number of people and animals? Let a large number of people always maintain a positive attitude while communicating with animals? Gather companions who also 'volunteerly' transformed from humans into animals, and accomplish something together?

"Director Cui is not a small cat, but he is squatting next to such a big black wolf and singing, making him look like a white-faced steamed bun, hahahaha."

In his mind, he was speculating on the advanced conditions for the title of Archdruid, but was interrupted by laughter. Li Hongxue glanced at Taoist Half Life. The half-life Taoist laughed at him, and he came to him like a good brother and said cheerfully: "Hey, can your ghost eyes record this scene and save it in the underworld?"

After Li Hongxue shook his head, Taoist Ban Ming sighed: "It's a pity, the damn hotel doesn't allow private photography. What a great show, but it doesn't allow private souvenirs. It's a pity, it's such a pity, if the poster of their best team is the same." It would be nice to have an animal poster, so that it can be hung in our metaphysics so that people in the future can look at it... Uh-huh!"

"Shut up."

Li Hongxue slapped a talisman on the half-life Taoist's mouth, feeling tired. Since slicing, Cen Qin has been letting himself go more and more. In the past, he was more or less pretentious and looked like a boss. It is said that he cut out the cold and ruthless part, and the rest was full of It's's really terrible. Xuanxue always said that Cen Qin was still recovering from his injuries. In fact, his injuries had already healed, but he had never been taken out to see anyone.

How do you meet someone in this situation? If he really smiled in front of Yi Ling and said that he looked like a big white steamed bun, Li Hongxue couldn't even imagine what the consequences would be! Only Yu Xiangyang can tolerate him. Having zombies around him can somewhat share Cen Qin's overly full emotions through the contract, making him at least look like a normal person, alas.

Li Hongxue frowned when he thought of this. Slicing has a really great influence on people. It doesn't mean that the original body left after cutting off a part can still be the same as before. The personality and acting style of the original body and the slice will change, and the soul If divided into two, are they still the same people?

Li Hongxue didn't think much about these issues in the past. After all, he had never considered slicing, nor did Wan Anpian. But now after the Qingcheng Mountain incident, he came back from eating ghosts in the cemetery where he was full of resentment late at night a few days ago. When he was returning to his room, he passed by the study and saw a ray of light shining through the crack in the door. Wan Anpian was still awake at such a late hour, and was studying the manuscripts left by his predecessors in metaphysics.

Li Hongxue didn't have much curiosity at first. It was when Wan Anpong noticed that he was passing by and asked him to come in and chat for a few words that he learned that Wan Anpong was studying the principal and the slices, and had begun to bear fruit.

‘Taoist Master Kongkong appears. Team Lao Chen and the others are not dead and are still suffering on the battlefield. Our generation of metaphysics has a leader. You and I were born in Qingcheng Mountain, which was the most turbulent place in the past.'

The light reflected in Wan Anpian's eyes, making his pupils darker, and there seemed to be a faint cyan color under his eyes.

"Although there are explorers, An Xuefeng and Mingxiren who are famous, our metaphysics is already on the cusp of the storm."

‘After this carnival celebration, we will visit the tomb of the Tusi King on our way home. The journey to the Thirty Degrees North Latitude was fraught with danger, and their entire brigade would be on it. ’

‘Without a way back to stay, all kinds of monsters and monsters will come out. This is the best time to get involved, whether it’s the Butcher Alliance or the hotel...'

Wan Anpong said calmly: 'We have been dormant for long enough, and we cannot continue to dormant. Otherwise, before returning home, Xuan Xue may be in disaster.’

Li Hongxue's expression was solemn, and the emaciated camel was bigger than a horse. The top travelers in the brigade were definitely not weak. How could they be called a catastrophe?

‘The carnival celebrations are over and we will continue our journey. The hotel previously sent me a new mission. On this journey, there are me, you, and almost half of the people in Metaphysics. It seems that something happened to Lian Baoye before, and the hotel issued an additional task, asking us to investigate the situation and take the Gannan Grand Ring Road. ’

‘The tour guide is a life-threatening person. ’

The hotel doesn't need to do anything extra at all, it just needs to bring them together with the life-seeking people. If there is a place where people who are interested in life have plans to hide their secrets, and metaphysics hits it like this, no matter where something goes wrong, it will be in line with the hotel's wishes.

‘Hongxue, even after so many years of hard work, there is still a gap between me and the strongest people. ’

Wan Anpian sighed. Li Hongxue did not see any bitter expression on his face. When he said this, Wan Anpian remained calm, even smiling: "Those who are both talented and hardworking, It’s really hard to do anything about it’

Li Hongxue was speechless at the time. There was no end to the pursuit of becoming stronger, and the hotel did not tolerate the muddle-headed tour guides. Until now, he still does not agree with the practice of slicing souls to gain power and become stronger. Moreover, Cen Qin has already been released from metaphysics. How could the hotel allow them to create another person in charge? But if Wan Anpong makes a decision, he, the vice-captain, will only support him as always. But before that, Li Hongxue still hoped to chat with the explorer about the issue of soul slicing and listen to his opinions.

There were obviously Cen Qin and An Xuefeng who were in charge of the successful slicing, but the ghost king's intuition made Li Hongxue think that it would be more fruitful to discuss these with the explorer. He can do things that others cannot do. Just like in the replay of the old dream just now, he talked about cutting pollution in an understatement, which even the most talented person like An Xuefeng cannot do.

It's not just a matter of talent, it's like the way explorers think is completely different from other people. For example, humans and ghosts, ghosts and beasts, all have completely different thinking patterns. Just like Explorer's two performances this time, they were both situations that Li Hongxue had never seen before. Even a top traveler like him could perceive different things from them.

It's incredible.

Listening to the suddenly enthusiastic cheers from the surrounding audience, and seeing the originally dark banner poster behind the Hongqiao stage gradually showing a colorful picture, Li Hongxue opened her eyes slightly in surprise, and Taoist Ban Ming really got it right. Not only did the eleven explorers appear on the poster of the best brigade, but their corresponding animals in their old dreams also appeared on the poster!

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