Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 1027 Pre-war Meeting (Part 2)

The core pollution of the journey at 30 degrees north latitude is essentially caused by the three influences of pollution sources, local pollution and butterfly fragments. It is no less powerful than the powerful pollution of butterfly fragments. In this era, the thirty-degree north latitude journey that has been opened up has only one butterfly fragment and only one kind of core pollution.

However, the Tomb of the Tusi King is different.

Wei Xun transferred most of the butterfly fragments in his heart to the tokens in the Tusi King's Tomb. As soon as he entered the Tusi King's Tomb, all these butterfly fragments would automatically enter the journey. Unless these butterfly fragments will automatically merge into one piece, once they are scattered throughout Wuluo Mountain, there is a high probability that different core pollution will be generated. It is even possible that the Tomb of the Tusi King, which originally belonged to the entire journey, will be divided into different parts based on different core pollution. There may be different areas that need to be broken through separately.

These must be considered in advance.

Among the information Bai Xiaosheng prepared for everyone, there was information about Wuluoshan and the Tomb of the Tusi King. Many of them were provided by Wei Xun and An Xuefeng, who had briefly visited the Tomb of the Tusi King. However, these information could only be regarded as For reference, once the butterfly fragments are integrated and core pollution occurs, earth-shaking changes are likely to occur in the tomb of the Tusi King. In particular, the mountain god of Wuluo Mountain also looks after a petal, which may also have a special catalytic effect on the butterfly fragments.

But there is also good news, that is, these butterfly fragments all came from Cui Dao. Even the butterfly fragment in Babylon that was thrown into the tomb of King Tusi was handled by Cui Dao. As long as you can find the fragments, it's relatively simple to fuse them again. Bai Xiaosheng also made a lot of assumptions here. Normally, if he finds and fuses the butterfly fragments, he has already started a journey to 30 degrees north latitude.

The situation in the Tomb of the Tusi King is more complicated. It is possible that after fusing one butterfly fragment, even if the journey is completed, it will be much simpler to find and fuse other fragments. It is also possible that after fusing one fragment, it will be much easier to fusing and looking for other fragments. Harder. The different situations of finding petals first/looking for petals later should also be taken into consideration.

The combat meeting lasted until late at night. Bai Xiaosheng also proposed various dangers that may appear in the Tusi King's tomb and possible elements involved, such as tombs, witchcraft, corpse-turned-flying foxes, Tianmen Fox Fairy, and ethnic minorities. , text totems, tomb robbers, ancient chieftain kings, zombies, mountain gods, dragon veins, reenactments of ancient scenes, etc. In reality, all kinds of information related to the chieftain king’s tomb have been compiled and recorded by the Sunset Brigade’s subordinate departments. Everyone needs to Memorize it.

Even if they enter Wuluo Mountain together this time, with Bai Xiaosheng's super brain able to remember everything, they can't take any chances. Maybe somewhere they would temporarily act alone for various reasons, and then they would have to rely on their own brains.

Miao Fangfei looked through this thick volume of information in awe and determined to memorize it when she went back. However, after flipping through it quickly, she was surprised to find information about the Gannan Great Ring Line in this booklet.

"When we opened the Tomb of the Tusi King, the Ximing people would lead the team to take the Gannan Great Ring Road at almost the same time."

Bai Xiaosheng said: "Although the chance is low, we must also consider that he used special means to exchange journeys with us in a short period of time. Therefore, everyone must remember all the information related to the Gannan Grand Ring Line in case it is needed. "

When Miao Fangfei said this, she seemed to be confused, and her eyes were a little blank. Exchange journeys? They opened the tomb of the Tusi King and ordered people to lead the Gannan Great Ring Road. How can they exchange journeys? But the person who is interested in life is Brother Cui Dao... Ah, maybe it is indeed possible?

In short, Bai Xiaosheng took precautions and not only made full preparations for the Tomb of the Tusi King, but also studied the Gannan Great Ring Road, which is really reassuring! That’s all. Passengers have good memories anyway. However, when Miao Fangfei quickly flipped through the information booklet related to the Gannan Great Ring Road and was about to put it away together, she suddenly discovered that behind this information booklet, there was another This is a finger-thick, palm-sized booklet.

At that time, her heart skipped a beat. What was this book recording? Why is there another one? It can't be the information book for the third journey. Is there another great guide taking the journey at the same time? Do they have to go back and forth among the three journeys? ?

But when Miao Fangfei held her breath and opened the third booklet to check it out, she suddenly felt that it might as well be information about the third journey - the booklet actually contained information about two tour guides: Silverfish and Bee Taoist!

"This time when we open the Tomb of the Tusi King, these two tour guides will also be on the itinerary."

An Xuefeng said calmly: "We will discuss the more specific situation after Wu Yun and I reach an agreement. In short, although they will not go in with us, they will join us during the trip. In other words, the opening of the Tusi King's Tomb this time will at least be Three tour guides lead the tour, and there may be more tour guides.”

"Hiss, the pollution related to the abyss is a bit excessive."

Wang Yushu frowned.

"Excessive pollution in the abyss may irritate the mountain god of Wuluo Mountain and lead to pollution of the mountains of Wuluo Mountain."

Wan Xiangchun said in a deep voice: "Not only will there be abyss pollution coming, but there will probably also be..."

"It is very likely that there will also be battlefield contamination coming."

Wei Xun answered the question and said with a smile: "The butterfly fragments of the ancient oasis are in my vampire knife, and the butterfly fragments of Dongling Jade are in the human skin map, and they will go into the tomb of the Tusi King. And Team Lao Chen and the others and Senior Ji Feihong They are all temporarily living in the undead bunker that I sent to the battlefield... If there is real turmoil in Wuluo Mountain and the battlefield is polluted, I plan to make an attempt to attract the strong men of the previous generation who are still on the battlefield. "

At this point, Wei Xun looked at his puppet and his smile deepened. Everyone was dispatched on the way back, and Taoist Master Kongkong's soul would definitely be brought with him. If Team Lao Chen and others, who were seriously polluted by the battlefield, were really summoned, Taoist Master Kongkong would be able to sing the "Qing Jing Sutra". And this remnant soul is currently either with him or with the half-life Taoist. However, this time Taoist Ban Ming was going to join the team led by Xi Ming Ren. It would be safer for Taoist Master Kongkong to let Wei Xun go - this is where we have to mention Wei Xun's puppet.

Originally, he and An Xuefeng's plan was for An Xuefeng to dedicate part of his energy to join Wei Xun in setting up puppets, just like during the competition, to guard against life-seeking people. But Wei Xun gave it a try and found that the remnant soul of Taoist Master Kongkong could also live in the puppet because it had a soul contract with him. There are many different matching options!

Miao Fangfei couldn't quite understand it at this point. She always felt that opening the tomb of the Tusi King this time seemed to be more complicated and terrifying than she originally thought.

My aunt who is far away in heaven bless me, I hope I can survive in the tomb of King Tusi!

Miao Fangfei couldn't help praying. The pre-war meeting that lasted almost until early morning gave Miao Fangfei a huge shock. After returning home, she didn't even catch up on her sleep. She worked overtime and started to memorize the information booklet. She felt an inexplicable feeling in her heart. feeling of anxiety. Miao Fangfei wished she could go back in time to the day when she first entered the hotel, and then work harder from the first day. With such hard work, she should be stronger and not be held back by now!

And equally anxious is the Black Widow.

Help, no one’s husband has been resurrected and still remains a virgin to this day! The black widow spider is a completely carnivorous type. With her lover who has finally been resurrected next to her, she cannot communicate with her or rebuild a deep connection. Not to mention how uncomfortable the black widow is. But before she dealt with little Emily's problem, she really felt a little guilty.

Yi Zero had promised her to deal with the contamination in little Emily's body before, but she has not been able to contact them since the end of the carnival celebration. Unlike the shameless Lizard Duke who played Yi Ling's video for a whole day, Black Widow originally wanted to leave a good impression on Yi Ling and didn't want to appear so rude and anxious.

...But the fact is that Lizard Duke, who played the video for a day, has now been fused with Silver Moon Killer, and there has been no progress on her side. Seeing how she used to excuse herself from nightlife every day by saying "I'm tired today" and "The puppet master is annoying and uninterested", George became suspicious and couldn't go on like this!

So Black Widow played the video to Yi Ling, and luckily it happened just after the combat meeting ended. After tasting the delicious snake soup cooked by Lu Shucheng, Wei Xun was full of energy and readily agreed to meet with Black Widow at the battlefield orphanage. This time Wei Xun did not bring a police officer, but brought Cen Qin Slice with him. Speaking of which, after ‘perfectly solving’ the pollution in Qingcheng Mountain, Cen Qin Slice finally passed the assessment and got his own code name——


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Just catching up on yesterday’s update!


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