Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 1052 Tomb of the Tusi King (10)

Yi Ling's totem blessing sales business was very successful. Not only Miao Fangfei directly bought the ten-year-old totem, but other people also bought it, which surprised Yi Ling.

"The white tiger praying for blessings sold by Ling Guo cannot be fake."

Wang Pengpeng smiled and complimented: "It seems reliable at first glance. You can't buy it and suffer losses, and you can't be fooled."

"Not always."

Yi Ling chuckled and meant something: "Maybe this is just a shopping group trick... After all, the family group tour is completely free. Normally, there should be some income in other aspects."

As soon as he said this, some people present looked unnatural. Yi Ling definitely didn't say it for no reason. He was probably just like Wan Xiangchun, and how he heard their conversation!

For a moment, everyone was in danger, and they were quickly recalling whether they had said anything inappropriate just now—whether they had said anything bad about Yi Ling and the Baishan Cult. Wan Xiangchun's face was serious, Yu Hehui smiled bitterly, put down his chopsticks and said warmly: "I'm really sorry, what I said just now offended Ling Dao."

He had previously said that the guide was like a spirit in the mountains. Although his tone was normal and it was just a guess, there was no hint of vigilance or disgust, but a normal person would be a little angry if he was said to be like a spirit. And... everyone was secretly looking at the huge, faintly bright, earthworm-like monster at Yi Ling's feet.

It was thicker than a bucket, and most of its body was hidden in the darkness outside the main room. It was unknown how long it was. The skin looks very hard and rough, with circles of scar-like patterns. It expands and contracts like breathing every moment, making people feel dizzy and nauseated.

The front half of the monster's body was raised next to Ling Dao, easily reaching the height of his chest. The earthworm-like bright yellow 'head' was covered with tentacles with teeth and claws. Miao Fangfei's big snake that looked dangerous before was like a helpless spicy stick, half of which was swallowed up by the monster's bloody mouth. , the tip of the tail twitched and was wrapped and played with by the tentacles.

What a scary monster, what on earth is this? !

"No, I'm not angry."

But Yi Ling laughed and said with a smile: "In other words, for our family members who worship the Mountain Cult, 'like a spirit' is more of a compliment."

"Being separated from the mortal body and closer to the spirits of the natural mountains and forests, isn't it a kind of transcendence and luck?"

Yi Ling sighed, with a look of longing on his face, and then said in a comforting tone: "Although most of my family members are still human beings, I believe that with their talents, they will definitely benefit a lot from worshiping the mountain. They will transcend the world and achieve extraordinary things." The human spirit."

Rao Shiyu and Hui were speechless after hearing this. No one dared to respond. Director Ling's blessing sounded like a curse. It sounded like a spirit, not human... Sigh.

It’s better to continue listening to him selling White Tiger for Blessing.

"Zero, zero derivative, this is cash, please count it."

Miao Fangfei was about to cry. She had just gone upstairs to get the envelope containing the money. Now she hurriedly gave the envelope to Ling Dao, for fear that he would use the 'spirits' to spread his thoughts and say, 'We spirits don't accept human money, but we have to. Essence of the Sun and Moon' and the like.

After Yi Ling took the envelope and put it into her sleeve, she secretly breathed a sigh of relief and looked at the giant yellow worm next to Ling Dao while hesitating to speak. Her poor Banban was being sucked into the worm's mouth and licked it enthusiastically like eating spicy strips. Even though she was connected to Banban's soul and knew that there was nothing wrong with it, she was just frightened. She was also worried that the worm might become a snake addict. He swallowed Banban directly!

Fortunately, Director Ling was very talkative after collecting the money. He patted the giant worm's raised head casually, and it obediently spit out the snake, and then its bloody mouth full of monster-like fangs began to squirm. , and spit out a wet notebook and a pen. The notebook and pen stained with the unknown liquid clattered to the ground and rolled around in the dirt. Yi Ling, who was about to lean over to pick it up, froze when he saw it. His hand fell on the head of the corn shoots and he stood up straight.

"Write your name in this book and the White Tiger Totem will bless you."

"Okay! Thank you, Director Zero!"

Miao Fangfei grabbed the shivering Banban who fled back to her with one hand, and picked up the pen and notebook with the other hand. She completely ignored the suspicious liquid on them and thanked Yi Ling very sincerely. This psychological quality was so good that An Xuefeng even He sighed in his heart, and then he winked at Wang Pengpai. Wang Pengpeng understood and interrupted and asked: "Ling Dao, this, this, Lao Wang, I also want to buy a ten-year blessing, but I don't have so much cash."

"Do you have this QR code? Can you scan it to pay?"

To be honest, although Wang Pengpai's words were a test, he was sincere in wanting to buy ten years to pray for blessings. After all, the asking price of Yi Zero is quite simple, and it doesn’t look fake. Who is cheating me out of only 1,800 yuan? It only costs 1 yuan a day, 365 yuan a year, and there is a discount for ten years. It only costs 3 yuan. Thousands. The money is just a jade pendant of good quality, one or two gold bracelets and necklaces of similar weight, or Wang Pengpai sells a few strings of beads.

Yi Ling, a real strong man who can really crush the darkness with a whip, can just serve as a non-staff consultant of the SWAT team. Even if he only has one mission in a month, his monthly salary plus bonus can be very generous. There is no need to cheat someone out of 3,000 yuan.

According to Captain An's judgment, Yi Ling should be a person who is both good and evil. Unlike a fanatic believer, he may not be absolutely loyal to the Baishan Cult. If the blessing of the White Tiger Totem is true, it will make a lot of money. Maybe it is This is their life-saving straw for this trip to the mountains.

It is true that Wang Pengpai does not have enough cash to buy a ten-year blessing, but it is still no problem to spend more than a thousand to buy a three-year blessing. He just said this to see if he could figure out the various numbers connected to the Y00 QR code. There was an Internet connection in this Tujia Amei B\u0026B. Bai Xiaosheng also came in with a laptop on his back and knew some hacking techniques.

It would be great if we could use this to dig out more information related to Yi Ling and the Baishan Cult.

"of course."

What surprised Wang Pengpai was that Yi Ling was not sloppy. He actually took out his mobile phone from his sleeve, clicked on it and showed the QR code in front of him. Wang Pengpeng's eyes lit up, and he pushed forward and said that he, An Xuefeng and Bai Feibai were together and planned to transfer the money to Ling Dao together. Can they transfer the money directly to the bank?

It's a pity that Director Ling didn't agree this time. Wang Pengpai regretted that he just gave up and transferred 9,000 to Yi Ling. Then everyone else also bought ten-year-old white tigers to pray for, and left their names in the book one by one. When it was An Xuefeng's turn to sign, he took the book and twisted the pages with his fingers. He found that the paper was very flexible, not like paper, but like some kind of leather. It felt very thick.

Why can you get the blessing of the white tiger just by writing your name in the notebook? Is this paper tanned by white tiger skin?

"It's cowhide, how can it be tiger skin?"

After signing his name and returning the book to Yi Ling, An Xuefeng asked this question.

Yi Ling smiled and said, "This is paper made from the scalps of local cattle over three years old."

"The cow's head is the most noble and sacred sacrifice. We will use the cow's head to sacrifice to the white tiger, and the paper made of the cow's scalp will list the sacrifices and burn them together for the white tiger to see during the sacrifice."

"If the family members write their names on it, they will become sacrifices to the white tiger. The white tiger is very concerned about the sacrifices, and it will protect the family members before the real sacrifice begins."

Yi Ling's words made everyone feel horrified. What sacrifice? If your name is written in this book, it will become a sacrifice to White Tiger? ? Is this the kind of blessing Yi Ling mentioned? This this--

"What is the high priest?"

Yu Hehui remained calm and asked: "Is it a sacrifice to the mountain god of Wuluo Mountain, or a big wave of sacrifice to the ancestors?"

"We will worship the mountain gods and our ancestors. Many people will participate, not just us worshiping the mountain cult."

Yi Ling said ambiguously: "It's a good time for my family. This is a grand occasion that only happens once in a thousand years. It will definitely be very lively."

"Okay, everyone, let's go wash up and rest after dinner. You can sleep in tomorrow morning. We will meet in the main room at ten o'clock. We will set off to Zimata Village."

"I'll sleep in the main room. If anything happens, my family can come to me."

Yi Ling refused to reveal any more information about the sacrifice, so Shi Shiran took his worms outside. The flames on the fire pit were still crackling, and the potatoes boiled inside were soft and melted into the soup, but no one had the appetite to drink anymore.

"Professor Yu, what is the big wave you are talking about?"

Bai Feibai asked first in the silence.

"Hand waving dance is the original sacrificial dance of the Tujia people. It is divided into two types: big hand waving and small hand waving."

Yu Hehui sighed: "The small waving ceremony is small in scale. It is held once a year. It is based on the village. Most of the sacrifices are made to the ancestors of the same surname."

"The Big Waving of Hands is only held once every two or three years. The sacrifices are made to the ancestors of the tribe and various mountain gods. Thousands of people will attend and watch."

"But whether it's a big wave or a small wave, the time for the sacrifice is between the third and the fifteenth day of the first lunar month. It shouldn't be held now. And sacrificing the cow's head is not a custom of waving and dancing, so I asked Director Ling what he said. A big sacrifice is a sacrifice to the mountain or a big wave of hands."

"Do we need to use bull heads to worship the mountain gods?"

Wang Yushu asked, enjoying the pain: "All of us have become sacrifices to the white tiger. If the mountain god also wants the bull's head, do you think the white tiger and the mountain god of Wuluo Mountain will have a fight first?"

"Sacrifice to the mountain god... may use an ox head."

Unexpectedly, after hearing what he said, Yu Hehui was silent for a moment, but stopped talking. He remembered that Yi Ling might be monitoring them at any time, but when he thought about it more carefully, their thoughts would be exposed sooner or later. It would be better to tell them earlier, and maybe they could find out something.

So after looking at An Xuefeng, Yu Hehui said: "Ox head sacrifice is usually a bull head feast."

"The Cow's Head Banquet is the most noble and grand reception banquet of the Tujia people. It is said that in ancient times, Chi You would hold a Cow's Head Banquet to boost morale before going to war, and ask wizards to pray for the victory of the war*. Later, the Cow's Head Banquet was mostly used before the chieftain led his troops to the front line. , or used to celebrate victory after a battle."

What he said seemed to be a bit off topic. Wang Yushu and the others were confused and confused, but Lu Shucheng and the others seemed to have guessed what Yu Hehui was going to say, and their expressions changed subtly.

"On Wuluo Mountain, it is said that there are the ruins of Laosicheng and a large tomb."

Yu Hehui said solemnly: "The great sacrifice Yi Ling mentioned may not only be a sacrifice to the mountain god, but also a sacrifice to the owner of the tomb."

A gust of cold wind blew in from outside the main room, causing the flames to sway and sending chills down the back. Whether it’s the tomb owner who has been dead for thousands of years, ‘returning triumphantly’ or ‘preparing for war’, it all sounds extremely hellish.

However, Yi Zero has provided too few clues so far, and they are all just speculation. Seeing that it was half past nine, everyone packed up their dishes and went back to their rooms to rest. Miao Fangfei took out the potato soup left in the pot and put it in a separate basin. Mao Xiaole and Tong Hege went to clean the pot. When everything was finished and it was almost ten o'clock, Miao Fangfei went back to the house and took a simple bath with hot water. When he went down to the main room, he saw An Xuefeng, who had also taken a bath and changed clothes, sitting by the fire pit and looking at the fire, while Wang Yushu sat opposite him, tinkering with something.

"Xiao Miao, you're down."

Seeing Miao Fangfei coming down, Wang Yushu's eyes lit up, he waved to her and asked in a low voice: "Do you mind leaving the country during my live broadcast?"

"live streaming?"

Miao Fangfei was shocked and said cautiously: "Do you want to broadcast live at this time?"

Wang Shuren is actually interested in live broadcasting now. Is this a great anchor? ! No wonder he can do such a great job!

"Hey, didn't I tell the audience in advance that the broadcast will be broadcast at ten o'clock tonight? If it doesn't broadcast, I will ask everyone to call the police."

Wang Yushu said with a bitter face: "Oh, this is just a gimmick. To be honest, I don't have the intention to live broadcast, but what if some viewers really call the police? This place is quite evil. It's better for ordinary people not to get involved."

Just because it was too evil, Wang Yushu didn't want to take pictures of the darkness and oil lamps outside the hall. What if the curse spread through the live broadcast infected his viewers? He just wanted to shoot something safe, such as An Xuefeng and Miao Fangfei, who seemed to be particularly reliable among the teammates who were also participating in the group this time. If An Xuefeng, Miao Fangfei and the others did not agree, he planned to talk to Mao Xiaole The cross talk fooled the live broadcast.

Miao Fangfei didn't mind appearing on camera, and An Xuefeng happened to want to use Wang Yushu's live broadcast as an experiment, so they both agreed.

So at ten o'clock in the evening, the live broadcast room of the Tomb of the Tusi King, which the hotel had warmed up all day in advance, finally launched with great attention under the attention of countless people in the east and west districts!

The author has something to say

There will be an additional update soon! The supplementary update is mainly about the barrage content. It will be posted as soon as it is finished. You can get up and read it tomorrow morning. The next plot will be updated tomorrow!


Wang Yushu: Live broadcast, but only a little bit, showing the big faces of An Xuefeng and Miao Fangfei!



Who asked you to broadcast this!

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