Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 1060 Tomb of the Tusi King (16)

"Today's schedule will be quite stressful."

As if he didn't notice the ghostly expressions on the passengers' faces, Yi Ling summoned the corn shoots with a smile and made it spit out a big sack. The sack fell to the ground with a bang, and the mouth of the bag, which was not tightly tied, opened with a shock, revealing a pile of white cardboard boxes inside, each as big as two palms.

"There are a lot of things to prepare before departure. I don't have time to have breakfast. I said hello to the front desk of the B\u0026B and prepared a simple meal. I can eat it on the road later."

He raised his chin and motioned for the passengers to come and pick it up. As the captain, An Xuefeng took the lead. He picked up a carton and opened it. There were two baked potatoes, an egg, a box of yogurt, a small packaged cake, a bag of pickled mustard, and a bag of chili peppers. It looked pretty good. It was normal, except that the baked potatoes and eggs felt cold to the touch, like ice cubes. In addition, there was a bottle of water for each person.

"Is this breakfast?"

An Xuefeng asked.

"That's right, we'll have lunch at the Paper Mata."

Yi Ling smiled and said: "Breakfast must be eaten on the road, and other things except water are not allowed to be brought into the village. That's right, just like many restaurants outside do not allow you to bring your own food and drinks, even though we are in the mountains. The village is still very in line with the outside world.”

"Hahaha, yes."

Wang Yushu came over with a smile, and distributed the cartons to everyone together with An Xuefeng, but as soon as he turned away, his smile dropped, and he looked worried.

Who dares to eat a funeral banquet? You can't touch it unless you have to, okay? In other words, their food for the whole day was just this meal on the road.

"Yushu, it's enough to ask Captain An to hand out food. Come over here."

But Wang Yushu didn't have time to sigh, as Yi Ling had already waved him over to talk about the live broadcast. But before he asked Wang Yushu, he first told others a few things.

"There is also white cloth in the sack. There are two pieces for each person, and one of them should be dyed red. When you get to the paper horse tower, you should tie the white cloth on your forehead and the red cloth around your waist."

"Extinguish the fire pit and collect the ashes with the jars in the sack. There is also one jar for each person. They will be used during the burial."

White cloth and jar? An Xuefeng frowned and reached into the sack to rummage around. Sure enough, the side of the white cloth holding the bottle of water looking up looked good, but the other side had large and small black and green mold spots. It looks very scary.

In the middle of the pile of homespun cloth are a series of small clay pots tied with thick hemp ropes. Each one is only as small as the palm of your hand, and the walls are very thin. Some of the pot mouths are more or less damaged, and several of the pots have small cracks. . Fortunately, it was wrapped in homespun cloth as a buffer, otherwise Yi Ling would have smashed all the pots just when he threw the sack to the ground.

After taking out the white cloth and the clay pot, the sack was completely empty, but An Xuefeng did not find any pigment that could be used for dyeing in the sack.

"Pigment? Of course there is no pigment. Chemical pigments cannot be used for dyeing. Tradition, our purpose is tradition."

When An Xuefeng asked, Yi Ling said seriously and sincerely: "There are many ways to dye. I believe in the wisdom of my family. I am a local who has never been out of the mountains in my life. I can't make any ideas. I have no vision." Open-minded people can definitely bring new ideas.”

"Promoting communication between the mountains and the outside world is the original intention of our Mountain Worship Sect to organize mountain worship tour groups."

Okay, An Xuefeng understood that Yi Ling would not help in this matter, so he stopped asking and just said: "The potatoes and eggs are too cold, can they be roasted by the fire pit?"

"Of course you can, just pay attention to the time."

Yi Ling smiled and put his hands in his sleeves: "We have to set off on time at a quarter past five."


"It's terrible. There are really a lot of mold spots on this cloth. Only one side can be seen to be white cloth."

"Dye it red, what should I use to dye it if there is no pigment?"

When Yi Ling was talking to An Xuefeng, everyone else was listening with their ears pricked up. At this moment, everyone got the white cloth assigned to them and looked at the large areas of moldy spots on the cloth that looked like mouse droppings. They were all coming from their mouths. bitter.

"How could the cloth get moldy? It's really humid here."

Wang Pengpai said with a bitter face, touching the two pieces of cloth he was assigned. The climate in the north is dry, and I have never seen cloth become moldy like this. Moreover, it seemed that the cloth had been left there for a long time. When it was pulled with a little force, it would make an ominous "tearing" sound, and the cloth could be easily torn into pieces, let alone washed.

"Vinegar and alcohol are needed to remove mildew, but rice water and soap will also work."

Bai Feibai said, but his tone was not optimistic: "There is no time, no materials, and Bu can't bear it."

"And it doesn't have to be just regular mildew."

All white cloths have one side that is dry, and the other side is covered with mold spots, and the moldy side has a weird, moist and sticky feel to the touch. This cloth is not thick, so if it wants to be damp, the whole cloth should be damp at the same time. This situation is very strange and cannot be speculated using common sense.

This is the cloth that the guide Yi Ling brought out.

"I know some herbs that can remove mold spots, but Team An is right, we don't have time now."

Tong Hege suggested: "If you have no other choice, you can only fold the cloth and use it. Fold the moldy side inside and the white cloth side outside."

There is really no other way. Each piece of white cloth is two arms long and one arm wide. If it is used to tie it on the forehead, it must be cut and folded, and the size must be enough.

However, when they thought of these sticky, damp mildew spots being wrapped in white cloth and tied on their foreheads, everyone felt a little numb, as they always felt that there would be something dirty like bugs growing inside. After Tong Hege, no one could come up with any solution, and dyeing the white cloth red was more important. However, although Yi Ling's side does not provide paint, An Xuefeng's side is not in short supply——

"Haha, you will probably bring some cinnabar when you join this tour group."

Yu Hehui smiled heartily and took out a bottle of cinnabar powder from the inner pocket of his clothes. He pulled down his collar, revealing the cinnabar birth year pendant he was wearing, the hand of the consecrated Bodhisattva, the small golden Buddha statue, etc.

"I brought it too."

Wan Xiangchun said in a deep voice and laid out five tubes of cinnabar mineral paint. He wore a red rope on his wrist. On the red rope was an animal tooth inlaid with gold, which looked a bit like a dog's tooth.

"I brought a box of cinnabar paint for drawing talismans."

Mao Xiaole was surprised: "Can you also draw talismans? Why did you bring cinnabar?"

“Cinnabar is easy to carry and has many uses.”

Bai Feibai pushed up his glasses, and his exposed wrist was tied with a colorful rope. On the rope was pure white jade, and there was a small jade-carved gourd: "When you come to a place like this, you have to take some extra precautions to feel at ease."

Everyone knows that there is something wrong with this mountain worshiping practice tour group, so of course they won’t come empty-handed. Cinnabar, gourds, jade, dog teeth, colorful ropes, etc. are all good things that can ward off evil spirits. Although it had no effect against the darkness yesterday, today we are going to see the ‘corpse’, so everyone is fully armed. Now there are a bunch of them, let’s not talk about the effect. Just looking at them makes people feel at ease.

And there must be enough cinnabar to dye the belt. The red belt itself is used to ward off evil spirits, and the cinnabar is just right for dyeing it. An Xuefeng and Wang Pengpai went back to the room and fetched a large wooden bucket, which contained unused water from yesterday. Cinnabar is a mineral that does not dissolve in water and does not fade. Fortunately, Wan Xiangchun brought cinnabar mineral pigment and mixed it with some of Mao Xiaole's high-quality cinnabar pigment, which was enough.

Even ten pieces of cloth were still too big. Wang Pengpai and Wan Xiangchun used two hiking poles to stir the paint water. Others used knives to cut the white cloth into strips for easy soaking. For a while, everyone became busy, and there was a clicking sound. The sound of taking pictures and the light of flashes created a sense of enthusiastic unity for a moment. Wang Yushu, who was in charge of taking pictures, was eager to participate, but Yi Ling stood beside him, criticizing the photos he had just taken.

"This one is good, this one is pretty good too."

"Yushu, you are a live broadcaster, so you must be very proficient in editing pictures and adding filters. When the time comes, pick some photos and post them on the news feed to warm up the live broadcast."

Yi Ling was very interested and actively made suggestions: "There are still too few viewers watching the live broadcast at this point, so we need to divert more traffic, don't you think?"

"Boss, you are right, you are absolutely right!"

Wang Yushu gave Yi Ling a thumbs up, and then asked cautiously: "Are we going to have a live broadcast on the road soon? I mean this, this, no, no, I'm not questioning what you mean, it's just that my physical strength is not Very good. If I still run like yesterday, I may not be able to take care of the camera, so the live broadcast effect may be worse..."

Wang Yushu's heart pounded when he said this, fearing that any of his words would step on Yi Ling's thunderbolt. But Yi Ling was very easy to talk to the talent he was interested in. He listened patiently to Wang Yushu and then said kindly: "Xiao Wang, I can understand your concerns. In fact, I was also thinking yesterday, how can we live broadcast the worship of the Mountain Cult? Make it better."

"Since you said so, let me give you my opinion - on the way, you will be responsible for carrying me, and I will live broadcast on your back with my mobile phone. This will solve all the problems. You can also be free. Come for dinner, don’t you think so?”

"...Ah, yes, yes, leader, you are right!"

No, it turns out that this is the live broadcast you always wanted! Wang Yushu's face was full of sadness and tears were swallowed in his stomach, but his face was full of surprise and he smiled and said yes, he had been demoted from Yushu to Xiaowang. Sure enough, Yi Ling heard his temptation and was trying to warn him. Alas, he just wanted to test whether the road today would be dangerous enough to run and whether there would be enough lamp oil.

Forget it, stop being clever in front of Director Zero, be honest, Director Zero is really his leader, go ahead!

"Hey, actually I really want you to start the live broadcast from now on. After all, the family members this time are so talented, and they are really cautious."

Yi Ling felt that Wang Yushu's unconventional good words were quite amusing, so he started chatting with him with a smile.

"I've led a group before, but they didn't bring any cinnabar paint. In the end, how do you guess they dyed the cloth red?"

"They killed two people and dyed the cloth with blood, otherwise it wouldn't be enough to dye the cloth. It's really pitiful. The resentful souls of the people they killed are entangled in the blood. How can such red cloth ward off evil spirits? I haven't entered yet. The Wuluoshan team was wiped out, and the mountain god was very angry. "

He sighed with compassion: "Yesterday Captain An said that you would use blood, flesh and blood to refine oil. I was worried that you would repeat their mistakes. Even if Captain An's blood can be infinitely regenerated and no one will really die, the mold hidden in those cloths will The insect eggs will use blood as nourishment and rapidly expand and hatch. When the time comes, a swarm of insects will grow on the red belt. They will burrow into the flesh and blood of the family members, lay eggs, and reproduce and reincarnate... Huh?"

"Xiao Wang, why don't you laugh?"

The author has something to say

Yi Ling [scary]: Xiao Wang, why don’t you laugh?

Wang Yushu [dryly]: I don’t like to laugh by nature!


The zero derivative is i person, i insect person

Team An is an e-person and an e-capable person.

When they are together, they are in love and family!


Five-color rope, also called five-color silk, is a rope woven in five colors: blue, white, red, black, and yellow. It can be worn on the wrist or neck. It has a good exorcism effect and can ward off diseases, eliminate ghosts, and prevent diseases. . The five colors of the five-color silk represent the five elements. The Han Dynasty believed in the theory of yin and yang of the five elements. The five colors represent the five directions, which are mutually reinforcing and restraining each other. It has the mysterious effect of expelling evil spirits and welcoming good luck.

The gourd has been one of the items used to ward off evil spirits since ancient times, and the gourd is homophonic to Fulu, so it is also a Feng Shui mascot. The gourd can improve luck and ward off evil spirits

Dog teeth have the function of deterring evil spirits, so they can also ward off evil spirits. However, dog teeth themselves also have certain evil spirits. If you want to ward off evil spirits, you can also choose jewelry made from dog teeth.

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution between 2023-11-1923:25:04~2023-11-2100:00:03~

Thanks to the little angels who threw the rocket launchers: 3 autistic Gangzi; 2 Lanyou;

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: 1 Xianyun;

Thanks to the little angels who threw the landmines: 6 Xin Yao and Xi Maotou; 4 autistic Gangzi and Xianyun; 2 glass wool, Lin Luoyun, and Zhuyeqing; 57662093, 300 daily Source Stones, and Tai Kuai Geng, Pandora's Actor, Frost Rose Chocolate, and Chu Jiafan Da Shao 1;

Thanks to the little angels who irrigated the nutrient solution: 90 bottles of Yehua; 60 bottles of Yunmiaomiao and Nanshan; 56 bottles of Huaiyu; 53 bottles of Chumengfanxing; 50 bottles of lemon tea, _(:з」∠)_; the distance between you and me is 0.01, Wutiao Maomao, Like Fire, Chi Qingjiu, Wearing Wolfskin? Xiaohongmao 40 bottles; Xiaoyu Heyu 36 bottles; Fuyangjun 33 bottles; Ainth, People Will Be Killed by Knives, Old Friends and New Friends, Yue Cang, Dugu , 30 bottles of good night; 28 bottles of secret begging; 25 bottles of lemon tea in a bucket; 24 bottles of Zuoqiu Renshi; 23 bottles of mountains and rivers; Ery, 25428686, Amphitrite, social animals left bitter tears, soft , 20 bottles of Ula Ula; 18 bottles of Momian, Hanfeng; 16 bottles of Frosty.; 14 bottles of Asanoyan; 13 bottles of Seto Inland Sea; Suli, Jiudanzi, Drunken Life and Dreams, Yun., Canned Plum Sauce, The Thief Little 10 bottles of Ximi, Wu, Shuangmei Chocolate, Mao Tuaner, and Lin Luoyun; 5 bottles of Cecilia, Yunqi, 66648302, Moshanghuahuakai, Come back for a long time to take a look; 4 bottles of Xia Ling; 4 bottles of Shenshen, Mou Looking for 2 bottles; miracles have stopped, no hair, CC is a bit sweet, quiet, unrequited, peaceful, peaceful. , A Pot of Mushrooms, Gorai, White Peach, Mengbao, Jiangshan Old Woman, Ling Lingzi., Shuo Ye, Just Little Hippie, Spiritual Practice, Carbohydrates That Are Always on the Way to Lose Weight, The Fat White Man Who Grows Flowers, Yu Nanxue , Hot Dry Noodles, Laosandaosi, Jiehua, Jianxue, Yiyu 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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