Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 1066 Nutrient Solution 324 added

You Ziming took a long breath, cheered up, and recalled what the child had just said, feeling a little confused. After receiving an affirmative reply from Chen Zhi'an, "I just saw him," You Ziming even frowned.

"How did you see it?"

Although the pushed Yi Ling photo was displayed on the screen after pressing the button, the screen of his phone was black just now. Can Chen Zhi'an feel the power of the 'sun' now? Is it because today's trip is more dangerous and the photos posted there carry more energy than yesterday?

Don’t be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of the unexpected. You Ziming immediately sent a message to everyone in their ‘audience group’ @to remind them to be vigilant when looking at dynamic photos. Turning around, he returned the home page to the photo and handed it to Chen Zhi'an. He lowered his voice in confusion and guessed: "Is it feeling the energy of the sun? But I have sun fragments, and I have sensed each other with Zero Guide before. Logically speaking, that aspect If the energy fluctuates badly, I should feel it first."

But he didn't feel it at all, which really puzzled You Ziming.

"Who said it was felt? I saw it."

Chen Zhi'an was holding the phone in both hands with great interest, and his eyes were bright. You Ziming even saw that his eyes seemed to light up with a bright purple light, which was a very mysterious and magical light. He seemed to be looking at the phone, and he seemed to be watching something extremely... In a distant place, the feeling of inhumanity was stronger, but You Ziming only felt friendly. He thought of his friend again. In a very dark place, his friend's eyes sometimes seemed to be glowing, blue, just like in the darkness. Like a cat's eye.

"How did you see it? Did you use your celestial eye? Can your celestial eye see the pushed photos through the black screen?"

But the black screen of the phone is not the black sticker stuck on the push photo. It can be seen through the sticker.

"You don't understand even after I tell you. Our eyes can see different things."

The child's attention is all on the phone, not only looking at this photo, but also flipping it up to look at the previous one. Wang Yushu sent two photos, and the first one at around four o'clock was the one responsible for the emergency call that called all the 'audiences' to gather. The light in that photo is even dimmer because the large wooden barrels set up on the fire pit block the light from the fire. In the photo, two tall men are stirring the blood-red paint in a wooden barrel with trekking poles. Next to them are piles of white cloth full of mildew spots. Some are cutting cloth with knives, some are adding firewood to the fire, and some are arranging the linen. Look. It looks like a scene of labor in full swing.

Although the light is darker, the expressions of everyone in the photo are very vivid, not as silent and scary as in the selfie photo, and it looks quite pleasing to the eye.

However, Chen Zhi'an's brows furrowed more and more as he looked at her. Finally, his face scrunched up, he distanced himself in disgust, and muttered: "There are so many bugs, it's really disgusting."


His mumbling was so small that You Ziming didn't hear it clearly, so he asked again: "What can you see with your eyes?"


Chen Zhi'an soon became bored and switched back and forth between the live broadcast interface and the homepage: "I still want to watch, when will the live broadcast be broadcast? Why hasn't the live broadcast started yet?"

"Right now it's just a preview with photos, it should take a while."

"I am bored."

The child puffed up his face, suddenly thought of something, and his eyes lit up.

Although the live broadcast hasn't started yet, he can watch it by himself. As long as he finds the specific location, he can see it. Chen Zhi'an turned the photo back to the one he took himself, and looked at it carefully. He sometimes looked at the photo, and sometimes turned his body to look in all directions, as if to determine the direction.

The world he sees is different from ordinary people. Taoists have clairvoyance. To practice celestial clairvoyance, you need to look directly at the sun, then visualize the sunlight entering the eyes, like a bright red beam, and then use your mind to control the sunlight to reach the Dantian, and then follow the meridians back to The brain repeats the cycle until the eyes can see white light, and then the light is transported to the eight extraordinary meridians, and finally you can see your own blood vessels, bones, organs, and fat.

This is the most basic form of inner vision. No matter how talented a person is, it will take a year and a half to succeed. There is also a risk of damaging the eyeballs by looking directly at the sun.

But Chen Zhi'an was born with a celestial eye, and his talent far exceeds that of ordinary people. His celestial eye is more sensitive to the energy of the sun. In his eyes, Yi Zero is just like the sun. It is not yet bright outside, so the feeling of the sun is even more difficult. Be confused. Chen Zhi'an's newborn calf was not afraid of tigers. He turned his body excitedly, looking for the connection between the 'suns', and answered You Ziming's voice a little absent-mindedly: "The celestial eye can see internally, clairvoyantly, microscopically, and remotely...literally. , no need for me to explain.”

"I can see your heart beating, I can see tiny things, and I can see thousands of miles away - ah, it's over there!"

"What are you looking at? Don't look around. Staring will also bring pollution!"

You Ziming keenly sensed something was wrong and raised his hand to cover Chen Zhi'an's eyes, but he was a beat too slow. Chen Zhi'an has locked the direction. He is full of energy and the halo around his eyes is even brighter. From birth to now, under Zhang Tianshi's strict requirements, Chen Zhi'an has never used his heavenly eyes with such full force. At this moment, his deep purple eyes are almost glowing, so dazzling. , Chen Zhi'an looked straight to the southeast, saw Zhangjiajie from Rongcheng, and saw——


As if he had been hit by a sniper gun, Chen Zhi'an fell backward suddenly, and was pulled over by You Ziming. As soon as he touched his body, You Ziming felt that something was wrong. Chen Zhi'an's young body stiffened and convulsed. He clenched his teeth and closed his eyes. The blood flowed non-stop, but it was ominous thick black blood, accompanied by subtle... The sound of crackling electric sparks exploding seemed like invisible thunder and lightning were fighting against something.

Why did it suddenly become like this? ! He must have seen some serious pollution! At the critical moment, You Ziming reacted very quickly. He picked up the sun fragment and pressed it towards Chen Zhi'an's eyes. At the same time, the bright yellow tentacles of the corn shoots shot out and stuck to Chen Zhi'an's face, swallowing up the black pus and blood full of pollution.

By this time, Chen Zhi'an's body was finally no longer so stiff. You Ziming worriedly pressed his eyes with one hand and picked him up with the other, and was about to take the child to find Master Zhang. But the child's cold and trembling hands pressed the back of You Ziming's hand, and his voice was as weak as a gnat:

"No, no."

Chen Zhi'an's teeth were still chattering and his lips were stained with blood, but his tone was very anxious, even pleading: "There are things that the master cannot know about. They are dangerous. There are sounds..."

Something that no one else can know? It’s powerful pollution! Youzi Ming's heart sank. Chen Zhi'an must have seen extremely terrifying pollution. Even spreading his 'cognition' would cause the pollution to spread. No, we must not let the pollution spread. You Ziming's body, which had just stood up a little, sat down again, as if nailed to the chair, but we couldn't just leave a child to death! He is only nine years old, and he wants to find a way to wander around!

However, he was holding Chen Zhi'an's trembling body, but there was nothing he could do. The tentacle that could absorb pollution was just a tentacle after all. At this moment, its color had changed from tender yellow to an ominous dirty brown, and it could not absorb the black pus and blood. The flow flowed down Chen Zhi'an's cheek, like a dark crack. Chen Zhi'an's bloodless face was like cracked porcelain. It couldn't bear the pollution and was about to burst. His newly stable breathing became extremely weak, intermittent, and weak. It seems like it will disappear in the next second.

But You Ziming is not as powerful as Yi Ling, so there is nothing he can do.

Cracked...he had to find a way to save...

Only nine years old...

You Ziming had a splitting headache. Seeing the child's white eyelashes stained with blood, and seeing Chen Zhi'an's delicate little face full of 'cracks', You Ziming seemed to have seen a similar scene before.

'Wow - help him...he bled a lot, he, he bled a lot -'

The child's shrill cries gave You Ziming a splitting headache, stirring up memories deep in his heart. They were strange and familiar. Some things he seemed to have forgotten for many years, but due to the overload of exposure to pollution, he was also affected by it. Due to the strong stimulation, some of the psychological hints that were originally set were destroyed and shattered, allowing the memories to flow out again.

In the memory, I was extremely weak and could only cry. I stumbled and ran up the stairs with my younger child in my arms, ran through the long seemingly endless corridor, and crashed into a room. The tears in his eyes made the memory blurry. I only remember that someone suddenly stood up and walked towards them quickly. His eyes were so angry that he was frightened. The child in his arms was snatched away with great force, and the child was thrown away. He fell to the ground, but he immediately got up regardless of the pain. He stumbled and sobbed and tried to chase after him, but was blocked by the closed door.


The cold scolding full of anger and even murderous intent scared You Ziming to tears, but he refused to leave. He stubbornly stood outside the door, hugging himself and choking, praying for his friend with all his strength and thoughts.

Don't die, don't bleed anymore, you must live, you must get better, no matter what, he just wants Xiao Xun to survive. Xiao Xun's body is so light and cold, and he has lost a lot of blood. It's like it's broken, don't bleed anymore, no matter what he has to do, save Xiao Xun.

For an unknown amount of time, You Ziming stayed outside the door, praying helplessly. It was so long that he seemed to be hallucinating, his ears were ringing, and he seemed to hear something ringing in his head -

[Do you want to save your friend so that he will stop bleeding? 】

Yes I do! I think--

You Ziming was about to agree, but there was a loud bang, and the door that had been closed beside him was suddenly opened. Before You Ziming could look over in shock, he felt a sharp pain in the back of his neck and fainted to the ground.

When he woke up again, he didn't know when it was. The confused You Ziming opened his eyes and was in a daze for a moment. He suddenly opened the quilt and wanted to jump out of bed to find his friend, but was stopped by the cold voice next to him.

"You are the youngest son of the You family, right."

The voice was cold and hard, like a sharp knife, and the sense of danger rushed towards his face, making You Ziming tremble and instinctively look away. Standing next to his bed was Xiao Xun's very powerful elder brother. His memory was vague, or perhaps the psychological shadow left by that year was too heavy. He only remembered that this elder brother was very tall, with terrifying eyes, a blurry face, and unknown eyes. Is it a bandage or a shadow, like the little black man in Conan.

But at that time You Ziming forgot about his fear and only asked anxiously how Xiao Xun was doing and if he was okay.

"Of course my brother is fine, otherwise you wouldn't have had the chance to talk to me."

The eldest brother's voice was as cold as ice and gloomy, but You Ziming only heard the first half of the sentence and cried happily. He kept saying that it was great and that it would be okay. The other party seemed to be speechless and turned cold after a while. Ask him what happened.

In his memory, You Ziming's memory was also very blurry, and what he racked his brains to say was also blurry. He only remembered that he and Xiao Xun were playing outside. It was a cloudy day and it was rare for Xiao Xun to come out. They were playing hide-and-seek and had a lot of fun, but Youzi Minggen was good at hiding, and Xiaoxun's white hair was very conspicuous. He found Xiaoxun several times, which made him unhappy.

‘If only there was somewhere I could hide so you couldn’t find me’

Xiao Xun said this several times.

‘There’s a crack here! ’

Then before the next hide-and-seek game started, Xiao Xun suddenly looked excitedly at the ground, pointed there and said there was a crack in the ground.


You Ziming looked over in confusion. He saw nothing. There were any cracks on the ground.

The author has something to say

Damn it, I wanted to quickly transfer back to Zhangjiajie, but ended up writing it smoothly. Xunxun's past, You Ziming's special place, some things in the past and big brother.

So there should be an update tomorrow. If you write more, you can update the plot faster!


In the past timeline, Xun Xun was about nine years old, Hao Da Ge was nineteen years old, and Youzi was a little older than Xun Xun.

The butterfly cub hid in the cracks of the abyss playing hide-and-seek. It almost broke its body and went straight back to the abyss, which scared the hell out of its big brother.

You Ziming had a strong desire to save his friend, but ended up hooking him up in a hotel. If his good brother hadn't sensed something was wrong and struck out hard, and You Ziming agreed, he would have gone straight to the hotel, and probably would have taken away He Shen Yuan. The sick and weak Xiao Xun, who is closely related, enters the hotel together.

That’s how a nine-year-old kid takes over the world【bhi】

Xun Xun's wonderful journey was almost postponed before the good brother entered the hotel. The good brother was so angry that in his heart the wanderer was even more stupid than An Xuefeng. An Xuefeng was definitely not the stupidest one!

The good brother hates him so much that he absolutely cannot let Xiao Xun and You Ziming enter the hotel together, even if the beautiful Xiao Xun has to encounter An Xuefeng!

An Xuefeng:?

Ans someone, what a blessing!

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution between 2023-11-2523:41:51~2023-11-2602:57:59~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mines: Xin Yao Xi Cat Head, Yi Ren Shuang Shang 1;

Thanks to the little angels who irrigated the nutrient solution: of_Yu Tuan, our wife is so handsome 165 bottles; End of the Road 61 bottles; Zhongyi 50 bottles; Crane 45 bottles; , 44 bottles; Dongfang Cangyun 30 bottles; August 18, Er Yao Wood, ten yuan, 20 bottles; Yunxi, bamboo and gentle breeze, Suli, 10 bottles; Mumuxi, 8 bottles;. , 2 bottles of Xihua, Xiyan Years; 1 bottle of Yu Nanxue, Huayu in the Small Town, Banmengfusheng, Manya, Yilin, Wandering Clouds Without Knowing Return, Liqingqingqing, Ye Lingxue, Miracle Stops Without Hair;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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