Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 1077: Tomb of Tusi King (29)

"What is this? When did it start?"

Wang Pengpeng was dumbfounded when he saw the rash on the back of Bai Feibai's hand, and almost suppressed his voice. It is actually quite normal for people to have rashes. Some people will get rashes on the backs of their hands when they are exposed to the sun while traveling.

But this was different for Bai Feibai. The dense rash on the back of his hand was glowing blue under the gauze he had pulled aside, as if he had been bruised somewhere, but it was even more unnatural. This blue color is not just one patch, but every small rash is filled with green color. The skin on the top of the head is transparent and shiny, as if the skin is in bad condition.

"Is it a corpse? Have you touched that old zombie?"

Wang Pengpai and Wang Yushu had been delaying the villagers outside just now. They didn't know what happened in the hall, and they suddenly thought of the old zombie with extremely terrible poison. He immediately went to Tong Hege to get his bottle of mixed blood back, but was held back by Bai Feibai.

"I just dealt with the human skins of the Li family."

Bai Feibai said calmly: "It's most likely related to contact with human skin, and it's not serious. It's just a little itchy at the moment."

Instead of perfunctory Wang Pengpai, Bai Feibai completely untied the gauze on his hand and spread his hand. The glutinous rice originally pressed in his palm gave off a fishy smell and turned completely black as if it was rotten. Under the glutinous rice, there was a layer of black light on his palm, as if he had grown a layer of fine hair.

"The pain in my palms has lessened, and the color of the corpse poison has also become lighter."


Wang Pengpeng frowned and untied the gauze on his hands. The glutinous rice pressed tightly by gauze in the palm of his hand looked worse than Bai Fei's white one, and there was a dark blood color in the black. If you peel away the poisonous glutinous rice, you can see that the palm of his hand was black and red, like being covered with blood. It was as if sulfuric acid had been thrown at him, and the black hair and soft flesh were mixed together, which was shocking.

Lao Zhan's poison was so powerful. Although the corpse movers did not contract the disease at the time, the corpse poison was equally deadly. They drained the blood and made four horizontal and five vertical cuts in the palm, almost to the point of showing the bone. Then they applied glutinous rice on the palm and wrapped it tightly with gauze. Even so, if you want to pull out all the corpse poison, it will take at least nine times to be effective. In comparison, Bai Feibai has almost finished pulling out the poison, and even the scars on his palms are gone. It is really very difficult. Strange.

"We have speculated before that evil and corpse poison are opposite pollutions."

Bai Feibai helped Wang Pengpai change the gauze and wrap it in new glutinous rice. Carefully put away the dirty glutinous rice and gauze. Don't throw these things away. You will have to take them to the fire pit and burn them later.

"Now it seems that it may be able to drive away tigers and devour wolves."

Bai Feibai turned over the back of his hand again: "The rashes on the back of my hands just make me itchy. According to my observation, the green color of the rashes is much lighter than at the beginning. It may not take long for them to cancel each other out."

"Come on, why are you using your body to pollute the battlefield?"

Wang Pengpai disagreed very much and became a little anxious: "This is called seeking death. Why do you think the toxins can be neutralized and will not cause harm to the body? Then why does no one drink strong acid and strong alkali at the same time?"

"It's just some speculation based on the changes that have happened to me, and what you said is indeed correct."

Bai Feibai was not angry and continued: "Although we all have some unique abilities, in terms of physical fitness, except for Team An, we are not much better than ordinary people."

He is still afraid of strong acids, strong alkalis, and various toxins. Captain An will also be hurt by these, but his recovery power is so incredible that many of the injuries can be ignored.

"Do you feel that since we came here, we seem to have become stronger."

Bai Feibai said in a deep voice: "Physical quality, neurological response, resistance to toxins and tolerance to pollution."

"The evil that entered the body before was spit out with just a handful of herbs. The terrible thunder and lightning caused by Mao Xiaole only shocked us to ashes."

"There are also corpse poisons. We just used glutinous rice, and we were actually able to pull out the corpse poisons... No, I'm not questioning the glutinous rice's ability to pull out the poisons. It's just that no matter what kind of toxins, they will spread in the body. But the corpse poisons are only It’s in the palm of your hand and it doesn’t spread, don’t you think it’s strange?”

"And the cuts on my palms didn't even leave any scars. Even if the evil and corpse poison cancel each other out, it's impossible for them to heal my injuries. I believe this is because my own resilience has become stronger."

And it's not an ordinary enhancement, it's too obvious. Currently, Bai Feibai doesn't feel any changes in his body during exercise. His speed and strength may not have increased much, but overall, his body's recovery power is still resistant to toxins. Sexually, there has been a significant improvement. Moreover, he always felt that he could see ghostly shadows in his eyes from time to time, which was probably not floaters.

Why is this?

Reality or hallucination?

"Bai...Bai Feibai, what do you mean?"

Bai Feibai's words made Yewang Pengpai nervous. His Adam's apple moved, but his mouth felt dry. His tongue, which was originally very good at speaking, seemed to be frozen, and he stumbled: "What do you want to say?"

"It's just some speculation on my part. I haven't reached a conclusion yet. These are not important."

Bai Feibai came back to his senses and whispered to Wang Pengpai: "The most important problem at the moment is that too many villagers are coming."

"They are probably all evil people, and the density of evil in the main room and even the entire courtyard will skyrocket. Now other people will probably be parasitized by evil again, and they have all been in contact with the skin of the Li family, and the situation will be worse than before. Tong Hege Herbal medicine may no longer work.”

"Did you notice that he has been staying in the coffin, behind Lu Shucheng, since just now? Moreover, Tong Hege said that he is more likely to attract evil spirits because of his strength. I'm afraid he can't protect himself now."

"So we can't stay here for too long. It's best to get rid of all these bad guys."

Wang Pengpai calmed down now, and a sharp light flashed in his eyes: "Now that they have all gathered around the Li family, this is an opportunity."

He and Bai Feibai looked at each other, and Wang Pengpai patted his waist suggestively: "I carry all the good things with me, and I can do it at any time with just a word from Captain An -"

Bong, Wang Pengpai made a lip sync.

"Well, you should go to Tong Hege's place first."

Bai Feibai nodded: "He and Lu Shucheng are very vigilant and find it difficult to trust outsiders when things happen. You think of ways to convince them."

Lu Shucheng's combat prowess and Tong Hege's ability to prepare herbal medicines have been demonstrated, and they are both very good. This time the Li family is both a danger and an opportunity. It would be best if they can dispel their wariness and let them integrate into the team.

Wang Pengpai gestured OK, his strong body as flexible as oil, and he squeezed through the crowd of condolences villagers. Bai Feibai first went to Yu Hehui and Wan Xiangchun to have a look. Professor Yu's eyes were closed tightly and there was some cold sweat on his forehead. Manipulating three 'antique' corpses at the same time was very physically demanding for him. Wan Xiangchun was vigilant and guarded him. around him. The two of them stood in the corner where the wooden bed was originally placed, farthest from the villagers.

Bai Feibai whispered a few words, helped Wan Xiangchun change the gauze and glutinous rice (m, taking the opportunity to see the condition of the corpse poison in his palm), and helped Wan Xiangchun wrap up the gauze with a calm expression. Then Bai Feibai went to the door of the hall. Not many villagers had entered the house now. An Xuefeng was still standing at the door of the hall, monitoring the villagers 'lining up' outside the patio. Miao Fangfei stood not far from him, watching. He looked a little nervous and muttered words, which must have been driving the poisonous insects to eat him. Yi Ling, Mao Xiaole and Wang Yushu were standing on the left side of the gate, the three of them gathered together as if they were talking.

Bai Feibai walked towards Yi Ling without any hesitation. An Xuefeng looked over alertly first. Bai Feibai gestured to him. An Xuefeng frowned and nodded slightly after thinking for a moment. After getting his acquiescence, Bai Feibai walked towards Yi Ling. As he got closer, he heard Wang Yushu whispering:

"... Director Ling, good Director Ling, please tell me something. Did this person really just die yesterday?"

"Of course."

Yi Ling smiled and said: "A loyal follower of the Baishan Sect passed away, and Shan was sad for him, so the family members came to help with the funeral."

"But why does he look like a zombie that has been dead for hundreds of years? And the corpse poison... is this a corpse transformation that can happen in one day?"

"You're right, but he is a believer in our Baishan Cult. Whether he is alive or dead, he has unlimited possibilities."

Yi Ling smiled comfortingly and said: "When everyone passes the test and truly becomes a family, then we will transcend the world and no longer have to worry about death."

"Ah this..."

Wang Yushu was stuck at this point. Fortunately, the more professional Mao Xiaole was beside him. Hearing the words, he said keenly: "Ling Dao, you mean that zombies can also be regarded as believers for the Mountain Worship Cult?"

"Why not? Zombies are all things in nature. We, the Mountain Worshipers, are the most tolerant and united and will never engage in any discrimination."

"Since zombies can also be considered believers, it doesn't mean he is dead."

Mao Xiaole was not led astray by Yi Ling and continued to ask: "So this funeral... is the zombie going to 'die'?"


Bai Feibai listened carefully. Zombies transformed from human corpses will also die again? Indeed, Mao Xiaole is a Taoist priest. Judging from his hand grenade seal, he should have killed zombies.

Therefore, it is possible that the old man died a long time ago and his body turned into a zombie. Then he was defeated by the ruffians led by Li Jun yesterday, and now he will be 'buried' by Li Jun. It's also possible that he really died yesterday, and then for some reason overnight he transformed to such an extent that he had to be sent away by the evil man.

But you can't believe Yi Ling's words at all. There might be some traps, so they can only be used as a reference. Bai Feibai heard that Mao Xiaole was still asking, but Yi Ling stopped answering. He just smiled and looked at Bai Feibai directly. He must have known that he was coming and greeted Bai Feibai cordially.

"Have you memorized all the tricks Mao Xiaole taught you? It's so amazing. Will you be able to trigger thunder in the future?"

"Even if it attracts thunder and lightning, it will be difficult to clean this place."

Bai Feibai glanced at the naughty man, then looked at Mao Xiaole. Mao Xiaole was stunned for a moment, understanding his eyes, and then shook his head slightly with an ugly look on his face.

The Five Thunder Jue, enhanced with the magic seal as a medium, could not break Li Jun's skin, nor could it kill so many evil people. Unless he is allowed to complete the complete ritual and truly activate the power of the seal itself. But Mao Xiaole has never used it in the past) and is not sure.

"Can't? What a shame."

Yi Ling said regretfully, holding the sleeves of his robe in front of his nose: "It's really dirty here."

"We think so too, so we're here to ask for your opinion."

Bai Feibai calmly asked a very scary question: "If the entire Li family and the visiting villagers are destroyed, what impact will it have on our Mountain Worship Sect?"

"Wow, that will definitely make our live broadcast a hot search! This is such a big hit."

Yi Ling was surprised. He looked at Bai Feibai carefully for the first time, examining him from head to toe. He lowered his voice with interest: "So what are the family going to do?"

Are you here to ask him for help? Not like that. Is Mao Xiaole going to use his little seal? possible. Or is it that An Xuefeng is getting serious and the big white tiger is going to make a majestic appearance? It must have been An Xuefeng's decision to take action. He remembered that Bai Feibai was An Xuefeng's subordinate.

What should be done to destroy the Li family and kill all the evil villagers? Yi Ling was so interested that he couldn't help but lean forward and meet Bai Feibai's eyes. The two seemed to have some eye contact, Bai Fei Bai nodded, and Yi Ling's eyes brightened even more. An Xuefeng really planned to take action. Could the white tiger become as big as corn shoots and crush it directly?

"That's right."

Just as he was excited, Yi Ling saw Bai Fei Bai nod seriously and said in a breathy voice: "That's right, we brought detonators and high explosives, enough to blow up the entire Li family."

"It would be great if it has no impact on our Mount Worship Cult."

Yi Ling: Huh?

The author has something to say

Update early!

Thank you for your blessings, dear ones, but Jinjiang’s birthday blessings are for a week directly. I only celebrated my birthday on December 9th, and it’s not my birthday yet!

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution between 2023-12-0606:09:23~2023-12-0623:04:01~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the rocket launcher: Maomao wants to go to the sky 1;

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: Baili 1;

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mines: 3 Xin Yao and Xin Xi cat heads; 2 wine scent and tea cards; 1 57183754 and Ruoxi;

Thanks to the little angels who irrigated the nutrient solution: 340 bottles of bracken seeds and briquettes QwQ; 180 bottles of Pisces; 128 bottles of Ziyingluo; 114 bottles of Manchuan Qingmeng Galaxy; 95 bottles of Xiaocuihua at the edge of the village; 80 bottles of Molan; Yangmei 70 bottles of Baayo; 60 bottles of Poisonous Crane, Really Want to Be Quiet; 56 bottles of Dugu; 40 bottles of please update; 34 bottles of Xuanxi; I can’t sleep after watching the updates, Yunmeng Xitian, Yi Nian Shanhe, Hongyin , Ming, 6212324730 bottles; Qi 27 ​​bottles; di22 bottles; Chunya, Mengyue Xingxue, Qiushui Yiren, Gaga, Little Fairy Ya 20 bottles; Paranoid Jun Fujiko, Han Xiaotong, Terminalia lobata, Yan Wuqing, Parallel Line, 10 bottles of Yu Xi, Jian Wei, Fei Yue Li; 9 bottles of Hengwu; 6 bottles of Moonlight; 5 bottles of Xunchenguichen, Sada Hegla, Wandering Clouds Not Knowing Return, Hejiye 5 bottles; 4 bottles of Jun Quan; Lage 3 bottles of Langri; 2 bottles of Ban Meng Fu Sheng, Miracle Stopped Without Hair, Yan Yan, Nan Nan, and Ruan Ling Gao; Qian Liu Shang, Wu Shi Wu Shi, Xiao, Qing Xiao, 52095666, Yi Lin, Ye Ling Xue, Kan The only ones that arrived were Meuzhao QAQ, Yan Chenchen, Jiangshan Laozi, Tingyun, GPCR, 50545239, Yinyi Yuyu, Poria Cake, Mufeng, Xiaotou_jj, Shuoye, Yunanxue, Lovers of sweet articles, 3927 Summer Garden, Soul Cabbage, Gu Xingmian, Chattering, Carbohydrates that are always on the road to losing weight, Oncidium·Xuebu,. , 1 bottle of Jiujiu is hard to describe;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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