Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 1089 Tomb of the Tusi King (39)


The licking sound was heard, and the white tiger seemed to have not heard Yi Ling's scolding. It licked Yi Ling's hand that pushed its face without paying attention to anyone. The hot tiger tongue rolled over the cold and slender fingers, wrapped around his wrist and licked it carefully. The flesh thorns on the tongue pricked Yi Ling's wrist and a circle of red appeared. The unfamiliar numbness and itchiness made Yi Ling shiver, and a small snake-like electric current ran through his spinal cord.

He immediately retracted his wrist, and with a stern face, he wiped the wet saliva on the white tiger with his backhand. Unexpectedly, his hand sank into its soft and thick hair as soon as he exerted force. The light of faith that the villagers of Zhima Tower finally gathered made the white tiger's hair clean and smooth, especially the hair on its back, which was like satin. The smooth muscles under the tiger's hair were warm and powerful, and felt great.

Yi Ling couldn't resist the touch, and he touched it again and again with great interest, spreading his fingers and stroking the white tiger's back hair in the opposite direction. The flexible tiger hair passed through his fingers, and the clusters of snow-white hair were so beautiful. The white tiger didn't stop him from playing with the tiger's hair in the opposite direction, but just sneezed. The tiger's eyes were narrowed comfortably, and the big head rubbed against Yi Ling again, lazily rubbing Yi Ling's jaw and neck with his cheek repeatedly.

Each tiger has its own unique smell, and rubbing the cheek against the object will leave its smell on it. If there were other tigers at this moment, they would definitely be able to smell the white tiger's highly aggressive marking smell on this human, but Yi Ling was unaware and felt itchy, and smiled and pulled the thick and fluffy white hair on the white tiger's cheek.

This is much better than the white tiger he imagined. There is no sense of weirdness of a man turning into a beast. It has the wild charm of a real top hunter, and it knows how to be patient and indulgent. It is so good that Yi Ling has long forgotten the battle of the white tiger biting human skin, and began to play with this huge "plush toy" with great interest. The white tiger has fluffy and beautiful hair on its cheeks and jaws, which is longer and more comfortable to touch than the hair on other parts, but the most beautiful thing is the black and white pattern on its face. The pattern on the white tiger is much lighter than that of a normal tiger. The back is basically all white, and there are some stripes on both sides of the body, but they are not very obvious. The most obvious pattern is on the face, which is unique and magnificent. Yi Ling touched the pattern from the white tiger's fluffy ears all the way down, and was excited and amazed. He couldn't help but press its pink inverted triangle nose tip, and his finger was licked again. The tip of the tiger's nose was too sensitive. The white tiger lowered its head and pushed Yi Ling's hand away again. It was really strong, and it made Yi Ling stagger, but the flexible tiger tail was tightly wrapped around his waist, so he felt relieved and leaned back, leaning against the white tiger.

It was great, such a big tiger.

Yi Ling loved it so much. He could clearly "see" the light of faith of the villagers slowly merging into the white tiger's body. There seemed to be flames burning in its amber eyes, and its body was slowly growing. Yi Ling couldn't completely hug the white tiger's body even if he hugged it with both hands. The body of this beast was full of strength. Yi Ling was still stepping on the white tiger's front paw. The left front paw was so big that he could stand on it with both feet. Although Yi Ling was very light, he was also a normal man. The abnormal one was the white tiger.

It was transforming into a "god" under faith.

"How big will you eventually become?" Yi Ling asked curiously, looking up, and asked with a hint of meaning: "It's too big to move around in the mountains and forests." He wanted to ride the white tiger as soon as he saw it. It's better than riding a worm! The white tiger is so big that it must be able to carry people, but I don't know if it is convenient to move around in the mountains and forests. If it is not convenient, can it fly? Yi Ling thinks that people have to be full of imagination. Although the white tiger has no wings, the old saying goes that clouds come from dragons and wind comes from tigers. If it can control the power of the wind, it will definitely be able to "fly". How cool it is! "Gurgle gurgle--" But the white tiger did not reply, but just gurgled a few times perfunctorily, put its chin on Yi Ling's head, and began to rub his hair with its chin again. Unconsciously, he was completely encircled by the white tiger. The white tiger purred comfortably in its throat, and its hot breath sprayed on Yi Ling's ears, making him turn his head to avoid it. The white tiger's head fell down a little, rubbing his neck covered with white hair. The long tail circled Yi Ling's waist, and the tip of the tail hung behind him, patting him from time to time, just like a real tiger.

"Tsk, you are not a real tiger."

Yi Ling keenly grasped the tip of the tiger's tail that hit his butt several times, and directly circled it around his finger, warning with a smile, but didn't take it seriously. He remembered that An Xuefeng said that he would lose his rationality after he became a white tiger. Although he must have reserved what he said, it seems to be similar now. Otherwise, how could he, such a stable person, stick to him so much in public and offer the spoils to 'him'.

Could it be influenced by the belief of the Mountain Worshiping Sect?

The villagers of Zhima Tower believe in the white tiger devoutly, and integrating into their belief will naturally be affected. God originates from human consciousness and cognition, and integrating into the belief will naturally be reshaped by the belief.

The old Linjun is a devout believer of the Mountain Worship Sect, and the villagers of Zhimata also believe in Wuluo Mountain.

The meaning of the mountain god and the tiger god are different. It is said that after the death of the first Linjun, his soul turned into a white tiger and ascended to heaven. Since then, the Tujia people have regarded the white tiger as their ancestor god, worshipped the white tiger devoutly, and called themselves the white tiger, and called the white tiger the tiger ancestor. Therefore, their belief in the tiger god is more like believing in "the blessing of ancestors". The white tiger is not an external god, but their ancestor god, and will naturally protect them and guard them. Therefore, the belief in the white tiger has been passed down from generation to generation, becoming more and more pious and beloved.

The mountain god of Wuluo Mountain is not their ancestral god. The villagers of Zhimata live in the mountains and forests. They have to worship the mountain god before hunting, and they have more respect and fear for the mountain god. The white tiger also lives in the mountains. It also needs to respect the mountain gods and offer prey to them.

So White Tiger sensed that he was carrying Wuluoshan’s token, and was driven by instinct to give him a gift?

This guess seems logical, but Yirei feels that if this is the case, Baihu cannot be so affectionate. An Xuefeng should have been wary of him. Bai Hu respected Dashan more than he loved him. Under the dual influence of animal nature taking over, Bai Hu did not show any probing aggressive behavior towards him. Instead, he pestered him like this. Yi Ling was very surprised. He tried to pull out the white tiger's beard, rubbed its beard flesh, and even went as far as to pry its mouth, and forcefully inserted his fingers into the tiger's fangs, but it did not arouse its ferocity. He just bit his fingertips as a warning, and the sharp teeth that could easily crush the prey's skull only left an inconspicuous tooth mark on his flesh.

This made Yi Ling have an uncertain guess in his mind.

Could it be that An Xuefeng actually wanted to get close to him?

This is too funny, how is it possible? It's more like the hidden cunning side of human nature. After turning into a white tiger, you can show your true nature. You can use him to show his love for the white tiger to get close to him and gain his favor. This will be more conducive to the next journey - smart man It can be seen from the difficulty of Zimata Village that the subsequent itinerary will only be more difficult.

This is indeed a wise choice.

But with Bai Hu in her arms, Yi Ling was too lazy to think so much. No matter what An Xuefeng thinks, judging from his tenacious will, it won't be long before it can restore human rationality. Then it will definitely not be as liberal as it is now - how could such a good opportunity be passed up? ! Yi Ling loosened some of the tiger tails and took out his cell phone from his cassock. After Hu Tai was released from his waist, Bai Hu lay down, bit Yi Ling's collar and pulled him to him, and relaxed Yi Ling in his arms, with Hu Tail loosely wrapped around Yi Ling's calves.

Yi Ling smiled and raised his phone with one hand and Biye with the other. He framed himself and Bai Hu in the camera, snapping and snapping photos. The white tiger was obsessed with licking his back. The tip of its prickly tongue rubbed across the cassock, making a rustling sound that made people feel itchy. It licked very hard. Although there was a gap between the cassock and the inner clothes, Yi Ling felt like he was being licked. He licked it all the way down his spine and shivered. He had never noticed before that his back, especially the butterfly bone, was particularly sensitive. His lower back was a little sore after being licked twice by the white tiger.


Yi Ling took a small breath of air, struggled to change his position, pulled the white tiger's big head over by its cheek hair, and clicked several more group photos.

The tiger's tail wrapped around his calf, the white tiger's eyes squinting in intoxication when it licked his wrist, and its purring sound of pleasure when his chin was scratched, were all captured by Yi Ling's camera and video! The corn shoots also joined in the fun. After being taught a lesson by Yi Ling, they happily wrapped their tentacles around the phone and held it high. I took a family photo of the white tiger encircling Yi Ling, and the bright yellow worm encircling the white tiger. The ruins of the Li family nearby also appeared in the background. In the distance, there were several little people like Wang Pengpai looking at them worriedly and nervously.

The coffin that sealed Lao Linjun seemed uneasy. Mao Xiaole and Wang Pengpai were sitting on the coffin board, holding them down with their strength and weight. Bai Feibai was exploring the ruins with Lu Shucheng and Wan Xiangchun. Miao Fang Fei was on alert at all times, and everyone was photographed looking disgraced and embarrassed by the explosion.

This can definitely be regarded as a family photo of today’s Li family tour!

Yi Ling was very satisfied. After getting the phone back, he patted the remaining rotten skin of Li Jun in front of him in a good mood. After all, it was given to him by Bai Hu. Yi Ling patted the white tiger's teeth mark on the corner of it. Thinking of An Xuefeng's expression after he regained his consciousness and knew that he had bitten this thing himself, he couldn't help laughing and fell into the white tiger's arms. The white tiger turned his head and licked it. Licking his cheek.

"Ah——" [It's not Tiger Ancestor, right?]

Finally, someone couldn't stand it any longer. The piece of Li Jun's human skin that was dissipating and was only as big as a palm had a crack in the middle, and he screamed faintly.

"Are you finally willing to talk?"

Yi Ling, who was pushing Bai Hu's big head away, finally gave him a look. Without giving Li Jun any room to speak, he said directly: "The danger that your Li family has been talking about must have something to do with this. There are also those inexplicable and strange things about you. human skin.”

He took out the human skin map that was the so-called token of Wuluo Mountain. Sure enough, he saw Li Jun's human skin twisting and shaking, and his voice became hoarse: "Ah..." [The aura on your human skin... no wonder... …]

"Answer my words."

When dealing with Li Jun, Yi Ling's tone was cold and impatient, and he pressed forward with his questions. This is not a very clever interrogation technique. Yi Ling actually doesn't know much about it, but he just behaves very unfathomably. But it was enough to deal with Li Jun, who was about to lose his consciousness and didn't have much scheming left. Human Skin was silent for a moment and whispered: "Ahhh..." [Years ago, when my father succeeded Lin Jun, he dreamed of the future]

[The most terrifying and powerful chieftain king deep in Wuluo Mountain will wake up from his grave in the winter moon, reassemble his tribe and his army, and sweep the world]

[And our Li family, as Linjun, will be the first to be recruited. No one, no matter the elderly or children, can survive.]

[This is the ultimate danger of genocide]

The author has something to say

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution between 2023-12-1622:59:59~2023-12-1722:49:14~

Thanks to the little angels who threw the rocket launchers: koki-, the brainless Zhouzhou, and Yun Qi;

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: koki-, the brainless Zhouzhou, and my giant panda thione;

Thanks to the little angels who threw the landmines: koki-11; , Wuqiao, Qianyu, Rimu Xunguitu, 1 heat in three minutes;

Thanks to the little angels who irrigated the nutrient solution: 186 bottles of Duo Duo Keai; 140 bottles of Origami Da Da; 100 bottles of Xiyan Sui Sui; 99 bottles of Xuan Ye Wuya; 4927993080 bottles; 76 bottles of Mingyue; 74 bottles of Xiaoyou; 66 bottles of Chunhua Qiushi; Wu Qiao, 60 bottles of the most beautiful cub in kindergarten; 50 bottles of Lianluolue, Jiang Zhiqiu, Xiangliu, Huiyue, and Hongyi; 47 bottles of 3287227, 273y; 34 bottles of Qingqiu; Penguin Less Sugar Less Ice, Sangwo Upper 30 bottles of Wangcrow; 26 bottles of Wili Giant Panda Thiene; 25 bottles of Wow Wow Wow; 23 bottles in the north of Xiangjiang River; 20 bottles of Changqi, Mingxiao, Yiwei Salted Fish; 17 bottles of Xixipu; 15 bottles of YJ; Yibei 11 bottles; Ximing Husband, Crerivi, 54700310, Little Plum, Luo., Invincible Single Dog, Mumu, Yun Miaoyin, Juxu, Sun Gate, Yanwuqing, Shishang, Zhuqiu, Meow Aoao, Qing, Mo Ajiu, Wu Jiu, it’s Tanjiang, Wan, it’s snowing in New York, Jie, it’s a little cutie (●˙?˙●, Ra Yuan wants to be my brother’s dog, Yan Chi, Zhu Ye Qing Ye, Nan Xing, Yue Meng Xi , Xianyujuan, Yi Lanlan, and Bri Pangpang 10 bottles; Blue Totoro, Left Hug Ximi and Right Hug Xunzai 8 bottles; Chu Xia Yue 7 bottles; Mu Mu Xi 6 bottles; Cat Ear, Mo Mo Wu 5 bottles of Salt and Leaving; 4 bottles of Qianyu; 3 bottles of Jiangshan Old Lady and Ji; 2 bottles of Magnolia and Mengbao; Jutu, Banmengfusheng, 52095666, Yu Nanxue, Ye Lingxue, ?(???ω ???)?, Yilin, Ayi, Talliu's marriage certificate (Xiao Ximi, Juluo, Du Lulu, 68054485, The Crying Medium Doesn't Cry, Tang Muran, Go Lai, Xianyu, 45768961, Poria Cake, Xiao Ximi was played with by Xunxun, Rui Nao Xiao Jin Shou, Hygge_Lib, Xiao Xin, Nao Tao Si, Xiao,. Miracles stop and no hair, exams are the most annoying, stars on the sea, flowers bloom, Qian Liushang, Ye Xuan and the top ten in grade always have to go, 1 bottle of 3927 Summer Garden;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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