Thriller Tour Group

Text 1098.Additional update

"Look for the gate of the Demon Kingdom that represents the White Lord. If nothing else, the tomb of Princess Zhumu will be there."

Although he said this, Cen Qin still sighed and said worriedly: "Of course, if nothing else, there will be surprises."

If the legend of King Gesar is really an inversion of power, the Demonic Kingdom is unprecedentedly powerful, and countries that are hostile to the Ling Kingdom where King Gesar is located are likely to be included in the Demonic Kingdom's sphere of influence. For example, there are three tent kings, white, yellow and black. , plundered the Hor Kingdom of King Gesar and Princess Zhumu. If they are lucky, the Hall Kingdom only has a cooperative relationship with the Demon Kingdom and allows the Demon Kingdom to open three demon kingdom gates on its own land. In this case, the looted tomb of Princess Zhumu may still be outside.

Unfortunately, the Hall Kingdom itself belongs to the demonic kingdom outside the territory. The gate of the three-sided demonic kingdom is the gateway to the three kings' tent. After the white tent king kidnapped Princess Zhumu, he must have brought her to the demonic kingdom. Her tomb may be Also in the Demon Kingdom.

That's true. If you want to find the tomb, you have to go deep into the Demon Kingdom. This will be a difficult branch of the mission that will involve the entire team. Judging from the pollution of the Lianbao Yeze Mountain, the Demon Country is obviously an extremely dangerous place full of pollution. Not only is it comparable to the original abyss, it is also comparable to the Unsolvable Journey.

Cen Qin heard An Xuefeng say that when he was looking for a journey to the 30th degree north latitude in Tibet, he and the dream chasers went into the depths of the Puruogangri Glacier and went to the legendary ghost glacier Laplanang. The legendary demon kingdom of King Gesar is located on the top of the Laplange Glacier. They did not climb to the top that time because An Xuefeng confirmed that there was no aura of power like the journey to the 30th North Latitude.

It is very common to find mistakes in the journey to find 30 degrees north latitude, but Ghost Glacier still left a deep impression on An Xuefeng and the dream chasers. That was a Jedi that even they had to be careful about.

...If the gate of the Demon Kingdom here also leads directly to the Demon Kingdom's base camp on the Ghost Glacier, then Cen Qin feels that half of their team is dead. Even if the Hall Kingdom is only in the outer areas of the Demon Kingdom and does not involve the most core dangerous places, it is still enough for them to drink a pot.

"Let's look at the situation first."

Cen Qin comforted herself and stopped worrying about things that hadn't happened yet. The speed of Jian was very fast, and he was riding on the steep rocks and ice and snow, carrying him towards the gate of the Demon Kingdom with the heaviest and most powerful demonic energy. The White Tent King is the most powerful and ambitious among the three Tent Kings, and the gate corresponding to him should also be the most vast and terrifying. Running at high speed, Hong Jie felt like flying in the snow. The cold wind was as cold as a knife and biting to the bone. Ordinary people would not even talk in this situation. If the scarf was not covered tightly, his face would freeze off.

But Yu Xiangyang's long tail covered with thick hair circled Cen Qin's body, blocking him from the cold wind. Asking Cen Qin to pluck the long hair on his tail, her voice was hoarse and she was still talking enthusiastically: "But it doesn't matter, I don't think the man who lives the life wants us to explore the Demon Kingdom, he just wants to get rid of all of us. ”

He plucked his hair out incomprehensibly, and Yu Xiangyang responded to him like a compliment: "Because of the crow?"

"That's right, in the biography of King Gesar, it was the crow of the White Tent King that found Princess Zhumu. But just now, you saw, the blood shadow of the life-seeking man became so big and a demonized crow flew away. It had never happened before. This change."

If it was Yi Ling who turned into a crow, Cen Qin would think that this was a hint from Yi Ling to them - a clear indication that this place was related to the White Account King, and the White Account King and the others were closely related to the Demon Kingdom. But what turned into a demonic crow in front of them was the blood shadow of the life-seeking man, so the meaning was different. It is very likely that the man who lives has known all the secrets in Lianbao Yeze Mountain for a long time. Even the Demonized Hall Kingdom where the Bai Zhang King is located has fallen into his hands. The Bai Zhang King may have become one of his vest identities. , not to mention the tomb of Princess Zhu Mu.

Everything was under his control, but he still asked the tourists to search for the tomb of Princess Zhumu. Apparently, after using them to kill the demon army, he sent the tourists aside in a very perfunctory way, telling them to stay out of the way. .

He could have prevented the blood shadow from turning into a crow. The change now shows that the life-seeking person did it on purpose. Cen Qin felt the condescending contempt and arrogance unique to the Ming people. He could not imagine it from King Bai Zhang. Slightly slower travelers could not even understand his contempt.

This Lao Deng is really going through a long time, Cen Qin lamented, but there were not many emotional ups and downs. With Zero Guide in front of him, he basically had no negative emotions toward the life-seeking people, which actually made him better able to stay calm at all times.

"Why do the people want to drive us away?"

Cen Qin is thinking.

Was he planning something and didn't want them to get in the way? Or is it that he has set up something in the Hall Kingdom itself, for example, a formation that requires the blood sacrifice of all members of the Demon Kingdom, allowing them to enter and then act as tools to kill? or……

"How do you feel? The pollution here is so dirty, are you okay?"

Cen Qin patted his fur and asked.


Yu Xiangyang jumped onto a steep rock and bypassed the mountain they were climbing. The largest vortex of the Demonic Kingdom's Gate was in front of them. Hu stepped on the white snow on the mountain rocks, leaving behind a string of black and red bloody paw prints: "It's just that the pollution here is too thick, and it's a bit annoying."

The dirty, turbid blood, and the demon corpses piled up like a hill are gradually softening, like an asphalt road under the sun. Especially those huge demon corpses covered with jet-black hair. The fur on their surface seemed to be thick, jet-black oil, and they would become sticky and stringy if you stepped on them. Once these contaminations stick to the human body, they are extremely difficult to remove.

Moreover, this sticky characteristic will also be transferred to the pollution that is already in the human body. Yu Xiangyang himself does not have much pollution, only some fine pollution that does not need to be removed. The body can digest it on its own as time goes by. But now the tiny particles of pollution that were about to dissipate have firmly adhered to his body again, making him want to shake his hair from time to time.

"The pollution here has a characteristic, that is, it is sticky."

Cen Qin thought thoughtfully: "Team An mentioned that there are giant rock-like monsters in the middle of the Ghost Glacier. After dusk, they will riot and turn into oil-like, semi-liquid and semi-solid viscous monsters. They can also blend into the glacier. Assimilate the glacier, turning the entire glacier into a sticky black color.”

The pollution here has a viscous quality, a bit like the core pollution in every thirty degrees north latitude journey. That’s why An Xuefeng and the Dream Chasers originally regarded Ghost Glacier as one of the target attractions that would most likely have a trip to 30 degrees north latitude. The pollution here is indeed special.

All that said, having absorbed so much blood and demonic corpses with the scythe, the Mingxi must have been affected by the contamination.

Such a strong Jia Yi wanted people to be affected by pollution. This sounded so funny that Cen Qin even shuddered. But someone as powerful as An Xuefeng can still be on the verge of losing control mentally under the superposition of pollution day after day. As a tour guide who is more easily affected by pollution, he should not be immune.

Especially since he stayed in the Inca Sun Gate for nearly five years. As soon as he came out, he punched, kicked and kicked An Xuefeng. He was everywhere, grabbing flower petals and grabbing pollution sources. How many people would be exposed to such high-intensity pollution? Something will happen.

Even if Xi Mingren has an exclusive little trick to relieve pollution without contacting tourists, Cen Qin does not believe that he can be 100% unafraid of the impact of pollution. After so many years of accumulation of pollution, there will be some residual residue that cannot be cleaned up. . If it is contaminated by "viscous" properties here, the SAN value will definitely drop significantly.

Revealing alienation?

No, there's nothing to get rid of them. Who doesn't know that life-seeking people are big devils?

Self-pollution power conflict can lead to weakness?

No, if that happens, you don't have to do it specifically, but it will attract attention.


While Cen Qin was thinking about it, Yu Xiangyang had already carried him around the last mountain. What came into view was a dark mountain peak that was as sharp as a saber piercing the sky, as well as the dark vortex above the mountains that reached the sky and the earth.

The vortex rotated like an eyeball, showing a kind of transparent black. All the demon soldiers and big demons coming out of it were killed, and there was no longer the sticky darkness that could not penetrate the light. When she noticed a very familiar large crow flying next to the whirlpool, Cen Qin couldn't help but sigh.

Okay, okay, it seems that the tomb of Princess Zhumu is really in the demonic kingdom behind the whirlpool. The crow turned into a blood shadow of the life-seeking man is flying here unabashedly. He is obviously a supervisor and wants to keep an eye on them all. Enter the Demonic Kingdom and don’t stay outside and get in the way.

"Just leave me here, go and inform Wan Dui and Wu Dui."

Cen Qin said to Yu Xiangyang and glanced at the crow flying next to the whirlpool gate. When the others were called by Yu Xiangyang, and after simple corrections, everyone was ready to go through the vortex to the Demon Kingdom. Cen Qin was still thinking about this problem. When he passed through the gate of the Demon Kingdom, he suddenly felt something in his heart and a light flashed in his mind.

For such a long time, it seems that no one has ever seen the mental state of the Mingxi people.

Tour guides suffer severe SAN loss, usually caused by physical alienation and mental state at the same time. But from the beginning to the end, everyone has seen many demonic alienated states of the life-seeking man, but they have never seen what his mental state is.

It can't be that Zero Guide is coming.

Cen Qin couldn't help but think to herself.

The big cat in Yi Ling's mental state obviously has a playful air. Could the mental state of the playful person also be related to Yi Ling? There is obviously something wrong with these brothers, otherwise the astrologer would never admit his fate. He is not a fool.

So the people who ordered them to drive them away could be because the SAN value dropped too low and their mental state was about to come out, which may be related to the zero conduction? In order to prevent Zero Guide from connecting with them and affecting his layout, all the passengers should be driven away first?

"Infinite Heavenly Lord, I may have guessed it is true."

Cen Qin’s murmured words disappeared into the vortex at the gate of the Demon Kingdom. No matter what the speculation is, it cannot be confirmed at present. They must survive in the Demon Kingdom first!


The demonized crow, as big as a calf, stared at all the travelers as they entered the gate of the Demon Kingdom, and then flew down to a mountain directly opposite the gate. It stared there intently, like the most competent camera, everything it saw would be captured. Feedback to the life-loving people. In fact, the man who lives his life is not far from the gate of the Demon Kingdom. He is standing silently and solemnly on the frozen lake of Zhagartso, raising his hand to cover one eye.

Just as Cen Qin thought, his current SAN value is indeed very low, and all kinds of pollution in his body are also affected by the viscous properties.

However, unlike what Cen Qin thought, even though he had completely transformed into a demon, there was no mental state around him. It's just his eyes - those blue-purple eyeballs. When the hand that pressed the eye sockets was slightly loosened, the eyes rolled from the eye sockets to his hand like a gem ball. The blue-purple eyeballs turned around in his hand, and the smooth surface suddenly undulated, like a curled-up insect about to burst out of its pupa. Fine cracks gradually appeared on the surface of the eyeballs, and some milky white cat hairs grew out. Like soft cocoon silk.

It looked less like an eyeball and more like a little monster that was changing. But the life-seeking man was very calm. He just took out the thermos cup from his cloak, soaked the deformed eyeball in the extremely thick purified magic honey water in the cup, and closed the cup lid.

When he opened it again after a few minutes, the thick honey water in the cup was swept away, and the eyeball temporarily returned to its original state, lying at the bottom of the cup. But when the man took it out, the surface of his eyeballs still seemed to move restlessly.

But the man didn't care about it and just put his eyes back into their sockets.



In the Tujia Amei B\u0026B, Yi Ling smacked his lips and frowned.

As if he suddenly choked on the overly thick honey water, a high concentration of sweet and greasy taste suddenly appeared in his mouth. He couldn't suppress it after drinking several sips of the hot water heated by An Xuefeng, so he simply stood up and looked at the door. Shu Lu went to the room where An Xuefeng, Wang Pengpai and the others lived, and took two packs of the spicy pickled mustard that An Xuefeng had given him when he was cooking instant noodles. The refreshing salty and spicy taste finally suppressed the sweetness.

What happened just now? Could it be that An Xuefeng secretly ate candy? They don't even have to share their taste.

Yi Ling returned to the main room with two bags of pickled mustard. After thinking about it, he thought it was not bad. He could let An Xuefeng taste all kinds of spicy vegetables and spicy strips on his behalf. In a sense, it was very convenient!

"Zero Guide, Zero Guide, come quickly!"

When Yi Ling returned to the main room while thinking about good things, she met Wang Pengpai coming over excitedly. The two glanced at each other and landed on the two packets of mustard held by Yi Ling.

"What's wrong?"

Yi Ling smiled and put Wang Pengpai's mustard into his sleeve with a natural smile.

Wang Pengpai is very thoughtful, and of course he will not ask stupidly, "Hey, Ling Dao, why is this pickled mustard the same as the one I brought?" He thought that this time he could use pickled mustard to offer treasures! On one side, there was still an excited smile on his face, and he said mysteriously: "We found particularly mysterious changes on the jade plate and the human-tiger corpse, and I would like to ask you for advice! Hello, Director Ling, please come and take a look for us!"

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