Thriller Tour Group

1110. Tomb of the Tusi King (57) Folk Singer

"Where is the Tianci Tomb?"

When Miao Fangfei asked, Bai Fei said in vain: "The tomb given by heaven is the tomb given by God."

"I don't know much about this in western Hunan, but there is the Emperor's Tomb in Enshi, Hubei, also called Tianci Tomb. Legend has it that the 'Ba Dapeng King' is buried in this tomb, also called Ba Cemetery."

According to folklore, when King Ba Dapeng was buried after his death, the coffin had just stopped at the top of the mountain. Suddenly, the sky was filled with thick clouds and it began to rain heavily. There were lightning and thunder, which frightened the mourners to throw down the coffin and run to take shelter from the rain. Suddenly, at this moment, A thunderbolt fell from the sky, and people saw from a distance that the top of the mountain where the coffin was was was on fire, and the earth and rocks were cracking. After the rain stopped, people went to check and found that the coffin had been buried in red soil. A hill-like tomb was raised high, and a rainbow fell on it. Hilltop*

Therefore, Ba Cemetery is also called the God-given Tomb among the people. This is a tomb "given" by God, which is a power that humans cannot imagine. According to legend, Bagong was a certain king of the Ba Kingdom in ancient times. The person buried in the Tianci Tomb over there is Bagong. The people buried in the Tianci Tomb here may also be the blood of Ba people or chieftain Peng.


Wang Yushu poked Mao Xiaole and asked curiously: "Xiaole, would you really build someone's grave?"

I have been exposed to more supernatural and supernatural things, and I have begun to believe in gods and gods. Even those who only know that thunder from the sky kills ghosts and splits zombies are not afraid of killing the corpse in the coffin when the thunderbolt strikes down from the sky. If there is any remnant soul or something like that in the corpse, there is no need to worry about it being chopped into pieces by lightning.

"Yes, you also know that ghosts and bad luck can cause thunder in the sky."

Mao Xiaole shrank, almost choked after he poked him so carelessly, swallowed the potatoes with a few sips of water, and said angrily: "How do you know that there isn't a zombie in the coffin that is more powerful than Lao Linjun? Or? What kind of dirty thing is so polluted that it can cause strange phenomena in the world?”

Ordinary people cannot see many things and call unexplained phenomena ‘gifts’. But it’s hard to say whether this thing is a gift from God. Corn shoots can raise a small mound even when they turn over. No matter what the God-given tomb they were going to was, Mao Xiaole had already raised his vigilance.

"Too heavy pollution can indeed cause strange phenomena in the sky and earth."

Yi Ling listened to the small meeting held by Bai Feibai and the others with great interest. To be honest, he mostly had instinctive talents when it came to dealing with pollution, and he naturally knew what to do. He also found these historical and cultural allusions interesting, and occasionally added a few words: "You see, the sky is always gray along the way, and this land is affected by the power of the mountain god. The closer you get to Wuluo Mountain, the more obvious this influence becomes. ”

It was a cold day today, with a biting wind, but no rain. It has always been gray from dawn to now, and the sun has not appeared. This grayness does not seem like there are any clouds in the sky, but more like a gray fog covering the heaven and earth. The nearby mountains, forests and vegetation are not bad, and the people are also bright. Looking into the distance, everything is gray, but it doesn't seem like fog will blur the scenery. Passengers can also see the distance clearly, but it has faded into a gray tone. The rolling gray mountains in the distance are like lying monsters. It is okay to only look at the front while walking with your head buried. Occasionally, take a break and look into the distance. , will be disturbed by the cold and inhuman gray.

They seemed to be walking towards a big tomb. During the first half of the journey, Lu Shucheng would occasionally leave the team to hunt a few nests of rabbits and voles, and Mao Xiaole also caused thunder to blow up two pheasants. The situation tonight is unclear, and their food reserves are limited. Everyone has a tacit understanding that everyone will do their best to collect supplies without falling behind and not affecting the schedule.

"If Tong Hege was still normal, he would definitely pick wild vegetables every time he took a break."

Lu Shucheng said, worriedly touching the green ginseng leaf on Tong Heshen's head. The ginseng leaf shook and nimbly tilted to the side. This is the biggest movement Tong Hege can do currently. Yu Hehu can at least run, jump and bark, but Tong Hege can only shake the ginseng leaves and seeds above his head, which is really worrying.

"I don't know how Brother Zhou is doing."

Seeing Tong Hege like this, Lu Shucheng felt even more unsure. After experiencing life and death together, the passengers also discovered that Lu Shucheng was actually a straightforward person. The sense of danger that was difficult to get along with when they first met may have been brought about by her own power to transform into a werewolf. She was not strict with her words and didn't speak much on the first day. Now everyone in the team basically knows that the reason why she and Tong Hege participated in this tour group is that their eldest brother named Zhou disappeared in the mountains, and the eldest brother Zhou stayed behind A letter was sent to them, warning them never to get close to Wuluo Mountain.

"So here we are."

Lu Shucheng confessed: "He must have disappeared in Wuluo Mountain. After Brother Zhou disappeared, Tong Hege kept dreaming about a mountain full of gray-purple mist, which looked like a big Wuluo. He and Brother Zhou had the same strength. Similarly, there is some feeling that Brother Zhou will not leave such a letter without a trace. "

Tong Hege was born close to mountains and wild vegetation, and the same was true for Brother Zhou in Lu Shucheng's words. It's just that most of Tong Hege specializes in herbal medicine, while Brother Zhou has a relationship with trees. It is said that when he was a child, he went out to play with his parents and met a wild Taoist priest on the road. When he saw him, he exclaimed, saying that his yang energy was strong and boiling, like The sun rises in the east, and the word "Yang" is in the name. I am afraid it is related to the sun. In the previous life, it may have been a hibiscus branch under the three-legged golden crow's claws.

Brother Zhou is indeed very close to trees. Even if it rains or snows, he can still pick up dry firewood, and even meet some rare tree species. When he, Tong Hege and Lu Shucheng go into the mountains together, it feels like going home. Firewood There is no shortage of both vegetarian and meat dishes.

"I'm worried now whether Brother Zhou will turn into a tree man."

Lu Shucheng pulled Tong Hege's ginseng beard and said worriedly. What if Brother Zhou has turned into a tree on the roadside and they can't recognize him as they pass by, it would be too tragic to think about it.

"Fuso branches?"

Mao Xiaole was very interested in what Lu Shucheng said about Brother Zhou. After hearing what she said, he said directly: "If that is really a Taoist priest with yin and yang eyes, and what he said is not a lie, then he should go to the Taoist temple with him and learn some mysticism." The mental method of releasing yang and reversing yin and yang.”

"A person must have a balance of yin and yang. Too much yin is not good, and too much yang is not good. If his yang is so heavy that he is like a hibiscus branch in his previous life, and still has yang in his name in this life, then this person may either If you die unexpectedly, the yang will turn from yang to yin, but from sunrise to sunset."

The hibiscus tree grows in Yanggu, which is the place where the sun rises in myths and legends. Opposite it, the sunset place is Yuyuan. "Han Shu" says, "Outside is the Antarctic Sea, the evil world is Yuyuan, the Hongmeng is vast, and the mountains are high." ’, Yuyuan is the coldest, darkest, evil and terrifying twilight place. If Brother Zhou grew up ignorant like ordinary people and had no strange and special experiences, Mao Xiaole would not be optimistic about his future.

Now 'Brother Zhou' is missing in Wuluo Mountain again. It's hard to say whether he was dragged down by his power. But now they all have a bleak future, and the future is gloomy. The eldest brother does not laugh at the second brother. Starting an hour ago, let alone rabbits and pheasants, there were not even a few dead trees on the road. The further we walked toward the God-given Tomb, the wilder the wilderness, and now there is not even a patch of dead grass here, and the black and red soil is exposed. They were soft and soft, as if they had been soaked in some liquid. You could feel the stickiness of the soles when you walked, and there was a strange smell in the air.

The tiger ears on An Xuefeng's head moved. He seemed to hear the sound of water flowing in the distance, and he had a bad premonition in his heart. Sure enough, after walking a few miles, a wild river blocked the way for the travelers. The river is not too wide, about five or six meters. The river is not too fast. Winter is the dry season. This wild river even reveals a ravine-like river bed. Several streams of water gurgling past it. It is not difficult to cross the river.

The difficulty is that along with the sound of water comes a scalp-numbing buzzing sound. A large cloud of black smoke shrouded the river, buzzing continuously. If you look closely, it turns out to be a group of black flying insects. They are as dense as black clouds hanging down. Large tracts are flying on the river. The river bed and the soil on the river bank are all made of water. Black, if you look closely, it looks like tens of millions of black worms falling into the mud!

Where do so many flying insects come from in the middle of winter? ? Seeing the wild river in this state, everyone felt terrified and gave up the idea of ​​crossing the river. Yi Ling even pulled An Xuefeng back by his collar and kicked his legs with his toes. An Xuefeng raised his head and gestured to the back. No one dared to speak, and everyone decided to go around tacitly. After walking like this for a while, Wang Pengpai always felt a little uneasy. He subconsciously looked up, and he broke out in a cold sweat - a group of flying insects like black clouds had gathered above his head, making it a dense mass. , there was no sound when flying, just like a ghost, flying right above his head!


The flying insects had already flown very close. When Wang Pengpai looked up, they seemed to be falling into his eyes. Wang Pengpai was so frightened that he cursed, buried his head and ran away immediately. When he screamed in surprise, all the other passengers he had taken with him started to run, not daring to look. An Xuefeng and Lu Shucheng were the only two talented people who were brave enough to lead the team while still having enough energy to look back. At this sight, their expressions suddenly changed.

It was as if a pot was exploding on the other side of the Yehe River. Black flying insects like crows and crows came like a storm, flying behind their team, so close that they were already above Wang Pengpai and the others! The buzzing sound suddenly became louder. Some of the black mist-like insects were as big as a human head. They were black-bodied and red-flowered flying insects. The patterns on their wings looked like bloody human faces. They flew like human heads. It was so scary that Miao Fangfei immediately took out the golden silkworm Gu and held it in her palm, but the insect swarm just kept a distance from them, but still followed the team closely.

An Xuefeng and the others had to think of countermeasures while running. The wild river was winding continuously, and the surface of the river was full of swarms of black flying insects. The swarms of insects chasing behind them were getting bigger and bigger, making people feel anxious and frightened. The sound resounded throughout the world, like a giant made up of hundreds of millions of flying insects! Their means of dealing with the insect swarm were limited, and in the end they relied on running speed to create some distance - these black flying insects were not flying fast, but when they ran at full strength, they were faster than the flying insects.

Especially when An Xuefeng turned into a huge white tiger on the way, carrying Bai Fei, Bai Miao, Fang Fei, Wang Yushu and others who were running slower. Wang Pengpai, the old driver, directly hugged Mao Xiaole with his left hand and Tong He Shen with his right hand. Wanxiang Chunlu Shucheng chased after him. An Xuefeng ran. After running like this for almost an hour, they almost completely left the insect swarm behind!

But running hard is not an option. Although everyone is still in good physical strength, this wild river is too long. If you want to go to the God's Tomb, you have to cross the river. However, the river is full of black flying insects. Sooner or later, they must get rid of them. It would be great if they were really flying insects. An Xuefeng carried solid compressed fuel with him. Most flying insects are afraid of fire and can use fire to burn a way out. But it would be terrible if they were not ordinary flying insects, but flying insects formed by the condensation of resentment and pollution.

Such a huge insect swarm cannot be wiped out by Mao Xiaole with a thunder or a whip.

But just when An Xuefeng and the others were at their wits' end, a clear ringtone suddenly sounded from far away on the other side of the river, accompanied by a clear, loud and somewhat absurd chant:

"Blow a horn to the emperor and blow out a clear river."

"When the voice is loud, the river rises——"


This chant was accompanied by the rumbling sound of water. The originally calm river suddenly surged, and a big wave swept down, sweeping all the black insects on the riverbed and the shore into the river! The swarm of insects that were originally flying above An Xuefeng and chasing after them suddenly became chaotic, flying towards the wild river one after another, circling densely on the roaring river like black smoke, as if performing some strange sacrificial ceremony. An Xuefeng and his team took the opportunity to run a few steps to pull the swarm of insects further away, and then they had time to look at the other side of the river. At this glance, An Xuefeng, Wang Pengpai and Bai Feibai recognized a familiar face - the one standing on the other side of the river who had just rescued them was their teammate who had sneaked into the Baishan Sect in advance, Wei Xun!

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