Thriller Tour Group

1124. Tomb of the Tusi King (68) Past Visitors

"My beautiful and kind ancestor, the ancestor who is in charge of fireworks!"

"We have set up twelve tables to honor you, and we have set up twelve chairs to welcome you!*"

First there were several low blowing horns, and then the sound of eight-treasure copper bells came from the top of the mountain accompanied by Wei Xun's singing. He spoke slowly and his voice sounded very pleasant, but when he sang, there was an indescribable hazy and distorted feeling that made people's scalp numb. Just like when people see fake people, they always feel that there are some unexplainable problems, which may even cause the uncanny valley effect. In a sense, Wei Xun's songs sound like "fake songs" to them.

Especially when he sang the Divine Song of Tima facing Wuluo Mountain on the altar, the singing seemed to be even more blessed. Just listening to it made people breathless and blood surged up. So before going to the top of the mountain, the tourists skillfully took out a small ball of white tiger fur that had been cut into extremely fine pieces, balled it up and put it in their ears like wearing ear plugs. Team An's shed tiger skin was given to them when they parted at the Tianci Tomb. Now it is the only one that can barely resist the singing of the gods.

Seeing the actions of her companions, Miao Fangfei nervously grasped the Golden Silkworm Gu. She was the only one among them who would not be negatively affected by the singing, so she was responsible for communicating with Wei Xun every time. This kind of 'specialness' really made her panic, but now Miao Fangfei has calmed down - no matter what the future holds, she will do her best now.

After turning the corner again and reaching the top of the mountain, the view suddenly opened up. All the passengers closed their eyes, and the atmosphere became solemn. However, even if they closed their eyes, they could still 'see' the scene in front of them - the huge dark mountain crashed into everyone's eyes, the grass and trees that blocked people's sight disappeared, and there was no obstruction in front of them, pure black. The giant mountain is extremely tall, with gray-purple miasma floating down from the mountainside. It stands silently in front like a monster, bringing a strong sense of oppression. The mountain is so big that it can cause people to have a phobia of giant objects.

When people look at mountains, they either look at them from a distance, or they can only see part of them when they get closer, and they only feel the majesty and majesty of the mountains. However, the pure black giant mountain in front of them makes people's hearts tremble and fear. The moment people look at it, It seems to have left a mark of terror and madness on everyone's mind. Even if you close your eyes, you will still see the endless black mountains in front of you.

It is Wuluoshan.

But before killing all the dummies, this mountain was not like this in everyone's eyes. The cold wind was roaring, and the cold air was filled with a moist earthy smell. Maybe it was about to rain. When we reached the top of the mountain, it was like we had broken through some barrier. The sound of the octagonal bell was suddenly very clear, like a bell that shook people's brains. Wei Xun's singing also became louder, and he naturally changed to another song.

"Ah, Lord Peng*"

"We killed pigs and cows for you. We brought you pork and beef. We paid tribute to you with gold and silver. We sent you a lot of copper coins. We sent you a lot of silver money——"

When he sang this song twice, the dark mountains in the eyes of all the travelers slowly melted into black. Bai Feibai opened his eyes first and saw a rich and green mountain in front of him. Light mist lingers halfway up the mountain. It is obviously winter, but this mountain is still full of vitality and green, as if a thick green has been added to the gray sky. The surrounding undulating mountains are also emerald green. , if you watch it too much, you’ll feel it’s fake.

But it is much better than the pure black mountains before.

This is also the ‘Wuluo Mountain’. According to Miao Fangfei, she has never seen a black mountain before. All she saw were emerald green mountains from beginning to end. When Wang Yushu and Wei Xun climbed up for the first time, they also saw this vibrant mountain.

But after the group eliminated the puppets, Wuluo Mountain turned pure black in the eyes of the passengers (except Miao Fangfei). It's hard to tell whether it's the puppet's resentful thoughts or whether it's because their own spirits have been affected, and their SAN value has dropped dramatically. Even the always calm Bai Feibai saw the Black Mountain. Every second they looked at it, their spirits became heavier, as if there was a real huge mountain pressing down on their mental level.

Fortunately, Tima Wei Xun was here. The "Peng Duke Lord" in the sacred song he sang refers to the ancestor of the Peng family chieftain in western Hunan, which laid the foundation of the Peng family chieftain in western Hunan for more than 800 years. This is a true ancestor-level figure with a strong sense of regionalism. In the past, this land was under the jurisdiction of Chieftain Peng. If you pray to him, you can get some protection.

Wei Xun sang this sacred song, which not only relieved the mental pressure of the passengers, but also helped their next actions - Wang Pengpai and others walked to the altar, and several people knelt down neatly and knelt down on the ground. They raised their heads and put their heads on the ground to listen to Wei Xun singing sacred songs at high and low levels. The sound of ringing bells came and went far away. After about a minute, Wei Xun passed by them and put something down. After he left again, everyone raised their heads and continued to skillfully handle the sacrifices on the silver plate in front of them - a cow head, a pig head, two large plates of pale meat, two bowls of rice and a clay pot of wine.

They are all covered with a thick layer of gray-red salt frost. The salt frost on the cow's head is heavier and dirtier. The other sacrifices have been basically cleaned.

Bai Feibai took out the salt box he brought from Zhimata Village. Several people formed groups in a tacit understanding. Four people dealt with the salt frost on the cow's head, while others checked other sacrifices to prevent mistakes. Bai Feibai got up and walked to the altar. , took paper and ink to rub the inscription. There are several stone tablets standing around the altar, which not only record deeds such as the earthquake that shattered Wuluo Mountain, but also record many taboos for sacrifices.

Many valuable clues can be dug out from here, such as the origin of the bronze coffin in Tianci Tomb and some situations in Wuluo Mountain.

* *

"The stone tablet says that Wuluo Mountain is the third peak in the Lianhua Mountains. Even though it is very close to Wuluo Mountain now, it is a straight-line distance. If you have to climb over the mountain, it is still far away."

At the end of the village, Yi Ling leaned on his motorcycle and rubbed the little white tiger with a smile on his face, listening to Wang Yushu's vivid story telling. He always liked to move his hands when he told stories, which made Yi Ling unable to help but get distracted. If Wang Yushu's hands were tied, would he still be able to speak normally?

"It's really getting colder and colder today. It might rain again tonight."

Wang Yushu shivered for some reason, tightened his collar, exhaled a white breath, and continued: "It is written on the stone tablet that this is the first mountain. There is a bad slope on top. Going further in is Woqi. Ping, the villagers don’t dare to look for the missing bullocks in this mountain, it’s all a snake nest!”

The place names he mentioned are all Tujia transliterations. "E" means snake, "Duo" means being bitten by... (bite), and "Waqi" means big snake. Eduo Slope is a slope where there are many snakes and it is easy to be bitten by snakes, and Woqiping is a big snake flat.

"Really, that's too dangerous."

Yi Ling cooperated: "But the world says that dragons and tigers fight, it's just a few snakes. Xuefeng must be able to amuse them. My family doesn't have to worry."

An Xuefeng was too lazy to look up at him, and just patted Yi Ling's wrist with the tip of his tail. Wang Yushu wiped his sweat secretly, with no trace of anxiety on his face, and looked very confident, and then talked about the second mountain.

"This second mountain is even more amazing. There is a car ditch between the first and second mountains, and there is Reba Lake not far away. It is barely safe to walk to Riamu, but we can't rest assured. If you want to enter Wuluo Mountain, you have to cross Suoxi Lake! "

The series of words he said were almost like a code, but An Xuefeng, as a 'local' white tiger, could understand it. ‘Che’ means swamp, ‘heat’ means rat, and ‘hu’ means valley in Tujia language. "Ri'amu" refers to dragonfly, which means that there is a swamp ditch between the first and second mountains, and not far away there is a valley full of big rats. I can relax a bit by walking to a place full of dragonflies, which is quite safe.

The most dangerous thing is Suoxi Lake. "Suo" means fog, and "Xi" means hanging. Suoxi Lake is a valley with fog. At first glance, it seems to be just a valley full of fog. But in Tujia legends, fog is the breath of God, and the place covered by fog is actually very close to the mouth of God. Some mountain people disappear in the foggy valleys for no apparent reason, which means they have walked into the mouth of God. Occasionally, their bodies would be washed out by the water. Their bodies were still intact and even breathing, but they fell into a deep sleep and could never wake up again.

The human body is filthy, and God will only eat people's pious souls and take them to the paradise.

Looking at it this way, the breath-locking lake casts a layer of terrifying and twisted color. After the inscriptions about the first two mountains were interpreted, the travelers were extremely worried. I thought Wuluo Mountain was right in front of me, but I didn't expect that I still had to climb two mountains. Even if the motorcycle reaches its fastest speed, it is impossible to reach the foot of Wuluo Mountain before dark, let alone deal with the dangers along the way!

But Bai Feibai let Yu Hehu touch the stele, and then listened to the fox's murmurs to confirm that the stele was not a cultural relic, and was only a few decades old at most. You may also know that the Tujia people do not have written characters, and although the characters engraved on the stone tablets are in traditional Chinese, they are simplified versions in modern times.

"There may have been people who entered Wuluoshan in the past and came out."

Bai Feibai's words were astonishing: "He recorded everything in the first two mountains on the stone tablets. There is a high possibility that he has experienced it. Someone has entered Wuluo Mountain so many years ago, and it will definitely bring about some changes. Maybe now When we enter Wuluo Mountain, we no longer need to walk over the mountain. "

Wang Yushu shoulders the important task of deceiving the truth from the zero guide. How on earth do they get into the mountain? Do they need to climb over the mountain? And was it true that someone entered Wuluoshan and came back out in the past? Who is that senior? Did he leave any experience or skills behind?

But it was too difficult to hear Yi Ling tell the truth. He could see Wang Yushu's intentions. He was like a cat teasing its prey with an ambiguous attitude and vague words. He was so concerned that he just didn't tell the truth. Wang Yushu was so anxious that he was sweating on his back. He suppressed his anxiety, and continued to tell Yi Ling vividly how they battled wits and courage with the puppets on the mountain, how to annihilate them all, and how the kind-hearted travelers could not get over this hurdle. Now seeing Zero Guide I finally have a backbone and so on.

It wasn't until Yi Ling had heard enough - mainly because he saw Wang Pengpai and others coming down the mountain in large and small bags from a distance, and they were about to leave, that he showed compassion and said: "My family doesn't need to go over the mountain, we have a tunnel through the mountain. , if you ride a motorcycle you can reach the foot of Wuluo Mountain in less than half an hour.”


Finally getting the truth, Wang Yushu finally relaxed. Just after he breathed a sigh of relief, he heard Yi Ling say with great interest: "There should be a name on the stone monument by the person who carved it. Who left the monument back then?"


Wang Yushu was in a dilemma, he really didn't pay attention to this.

"Only the word 'empty' is left on the stone tablet."

A slightly hoarse voice sounded. Yi Ling lazily raised his eyelids and saw Wei Xun helping Wang Yushu with a smile: "It's the stone tablet left by 'Kong Kong'. It sounds like a Dharma name or a Taoist name - I It feels more like a Taoist number.”

"The robe I am wearing is probably left behind by that 'Kong Kong'."

As he spoke, Wei Xun raised his arms to show it. He seemed to have changed into a robe. This one was more solemn. There were nine suns embroidered on the front of the robe, with the big one in the middle and eight smaller ones surrounding it. Then he turned around gracefully, and on the back of the mainly red Tima robe, there was a very conspicuous black and white Tai Chi embroidered.

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