Thriller Tour Group

1135. Tomb of the Tusi King (79) Put on human skin

"No wonder there are no traces of Tujia brothers living in the B\u0026B, but Ling Dao said it is very safe."

After a brief silence, Bai Feibai calmly said: "If nothing else happens, if Thunder Lord really attacks, the 'Eight Brothers' will come to fight."

A living person cannot live for thousands of years, but corpses and skins can reenact myths over and over again. The pollution must have soaked them all. It's hard to say what they are now and whether they have self-awareness, but for Bai Feibai, the last piece of the puzzle for their passengers to play the role of eight brothers finally appeared.

"Can those skins and corpses be taken out of the well? Is there a formation?"

"The well, the iron ropes at the wellhead, the body, and the skin should be integrated with the formation. The iron ropes covering the well are independent from the other iron ropes blocking the door of the house. So the iron ropes at the wellhead should not be untied. It will destroy the formation."

"The body cannot be transported out. All that can be transported up through the gaps in the iron cables is human skin."

When the passengers barely recovered, they heard a quick question-and-answer exchange between Bai Feibai and Miao Fangfei. Bai Fei always asked questions, while Miao Fangfei only nodded or shook her head. Soon Wei Xun also participated in the discussion and asked in detail about the arrangement of skins, corpses and chains in the well, and then Wang Yushu was also brought into the discussion. Unfortunately, it was dark and dark underground, and even if Miao Fangfei's big spider could carry her phone down, she wouldn't be able to take any pictures. Wei Xun, on the other hand, was able to reconstruct the situation underground based only on Miao Fangfei's inaccurate description. He was even making calculations - it was said that he learned some divination skills from Mao Xiaole, but he was smart and could draw inferences from one instance and was now almost better than his master.

Their discussion was serious, but the passengers who listened to their conversation quickly tasted a sense of uneasiness and creepiness from the conversation between Bai Feibai and Wei Xun, and this premonition soon came true——

"Based on the available information, we can guess that if we want to completely obtain the identities of the eight Tujia brothers, the key lies in those eight human skins."

Bai Feibai said calmly: "We have stayed here for one night. When everyone was guarding the door just now, I noticed that for a while, we basically completely integrated into the environment, like the owners of this Moriliri B\u0026B instead of outsiders. By."

"So it should be feasible for us to replace the Eighth Brothers. I will do an experiment."

While talking, Bai Feibai had already walked to the mountaineering bags stacked next to the motorcycle, took out a roll of cloth-like thing from his bag, handed it to Miao Fangfei, and said to her: "This is the skin I shed last night. , you use the Gu worm to take it down the well, and replace it with the skin with the largest holes."

"Damn it, what are you going to do??"

Wang Pengpeng couldn't help it anymore. He grabbed Bai Feibai's wrist and stuttered: "You don't know how. You don't want to wear those, those skins!"

"No, wasn't it clear that the eight brothers were the ones in the well? You just took the bet? Why didn't I know that you, Bai Feibai, are such a lunatic?"

"It's not a bet, it's just that the possibility is high enough."

Bai Feibai said lightly: "I think it's time to take the risk. If nothing else happens, this will be a dangerous but most efficient shortcut."

In Bai Feibai's view, they had three strategies to survive the thunderous arrival: the upper, middle and lower.

Simply staying in the B\u0026B was the safest and least beneficial option. Even if Lei Gong really broke through the door and broke into the B\u0026B, they could still hide in the iron cabinet.

The myth must have been repeated more than once. Lei Gong should be deeply impressed by the iron cabinet that finally closed him every time, and would most likely avoid the iron cabinet. Moreover, there are three iron cabinets in the main room. The largest iron cabinet opposite the main door is probably the cabinet where Thunder Lord was imprisoned. Bai Feibai speculated that as long as they hid in the iron cabinets on both sides, they would not even come into contact with Lei Gong from beginning to end.

If they want to contact the gods and take a little risk, they can hide in the big iron cabinet in the middle. Due to the time difference, they can hide inside before Lei Gong is captured, come out in time after Lei Gong is captured, and finally cooperate to close the cabinet door. And so on, it can be regarded as contributing to the reenactment of the myth.

But if they really do this, Team Zero and Team An will definitely be disappointed. This is basically equivalent to a complete waste of the last opportunity to practice before going up the mountain. They won't get much promotion, they won't gain any status, and there won't be any significant changes like transformation.

"The central strategy is what I said before. Using our own power characteristics as the anchor, assign the roles of the eight brothers, further participate in the reenactment of the myth, and face the Thunder Lord."

Bai Feibai's words were calm and calm from beginning to end, and his tone was steady. Miao Fangfei couldn't help but think of the water class taught by her university professor. Even in this dangerous environment, it gave her a sense of intimacy and familiarity. But Bai Feibai's simple plan must not be distracted. As he told it in an orderly manner, the psychological shadow left by the shocking plan he just proposed was dispelled.

The most important thing is that passengers can clearly perceive that Bai Feibai is not a lunatic who makes fun of human life, which allows them to think about Bai Feibai's suggestions more rationally and calmly.

"The problem with Zhongce is that we are not the only 'eight brothers'."

Bai Feibai said that out of trust in Ling Dao and on-site investigation, even if there was no sign of the eight brothers living in the B\u0026B, Bai Feibai would prefer that their ghosts, powers, tokens and other things exist in the B\u0026B, otherwise Lei Gong would not Maybe it's coming here. When Thunder Lord comes and the situation reaches an irreversible point, the eight brothers will show up to repeat the myth.

Whether Xiao He succeeds or defeats Xiao He, there are eight brothers who support him. Even if they face Lei Gong, everything will turn around in the end. But because of the support of the Eight Brothers, Lei Gong would not recognize their 'identities'. Therefore, Bai Feibai asked the passengers to find items related to the Eight Brothers, taking a step back and letting the passengers obtain the 'Eight Brothers' as much as possible. Brothers, descendants, descendants, imitators' and other identities. If we can't just blow it up with a radium tube, we can use the same tactics we used against the Li family to increase the level of participation to some extent.

But now, since it was discovered that there was a corpse in the well and the skin was peeled off, the last resort and the best strategy were abandoned in Bai Feibai's heart. The most dangerous but also the most profitable strategy is of course for them to put on the skins of the Eight Brothers and become the Eight Brothers to truly reenact the myth! In the process, they will most likely gain the corresponding powers of the eight brothers, gain local status recognized by Lei Gong, achieve the achievement of 'defeating' Lei Gong, and even obtain some more subtle conveniences - this is a reenactment of part of the creation myth of the Tujia people. !

Of course, this plan is also the most dangerous, and they will have to take care of everything themselves.

"After we settled in Meriri, we shed our skins this morning."

Bai Feibai said lightly: "Using this skin to replace the human skin in the well, the probability of success is not too low."

When they woke up from the Moriliri B\u0026B this morning, each of them shed a piece of skin as usual, but it was far less effective than the previous effect of shedding a skin that would set back ten years. The changes in their faces are not obvious, and Mao Xiaole is the one who has shrunk most obviously. Bai Feibai estimated that they were only one year older. As Ling Dao said, the mountain god's gaze urged them to enter the mountain as soon as possible. Once they reached the foot of Wuluo Mountain, the impact of the pollution caused by the gaze was so low that it could be ignored.

And the human skin they shed this time can be put to good use in Bai Feibai's opinion.

"Voluntarily take risks, and the final choice is everyone's."

Bai Feibai saw the hesitation and confusion on some people's faces and said calmly. If An Xuefeng was here, he wouldn't even need to elaborate on these analyses. He is not interested in convincing everyone that everyone has their own destiny. They are all adults and can weigh the pros and cons by themselves. He will not waste his words, but just put the choice in front of everyone.

Bai Feibai then called Miao Fangfei and warned her in detail. But soon someone stood in front of him - it was Wang Pengpai. He looked very troubled, his face was flushed, his forehead was covered with sweat, his brows were so wrinkled that they could kill a fly, and there was a sense of anxiety in his whole body. Uneasy, but when Miao Fangfei looked over, Wang Pengpai opened his mouth, as if he had finally made up his mind, and took out a human skin folded into a square shape from his arms.

"It was agreed before that I, Lao Wang, will be the eldest brother of the eight Tujia brothers."

Wang Pengpeng said in a rough voice: "Even if it's an experiment, I should start first. Fei Bai, you don't understand. Even if you replace these things, formations and the like, you have to pay attention to the order... You, the fourth child, can't get in front of me." Come."

"We should come first."

Lu Shucheng came over at some point and looked at Bai Feibai: "And whether the skin change will be successful or not, we can't be sure at the moment."

She took out a rolled piece of thin leather from her bag. The side facing outward was covered with rich wolf fur. The first thing Lu Shucheng shed was a wolf skin, and when he came to Morili, he shed the same wolf skin in the future.

Can wolf skin replace human skin in the well? Can she gain the identity of the second brother of the Tujia people by wearing human skin?

This must be experimented, because among them, Yu Hehui sheds fox skin, and Tong Hege sheds ginseng shell. After the thunder splitting, he finally turned into a baby-like ginseng with a nose and eyes. This time he shed his skin. Then there are the pure ginseng slices, just like the shells of bamboo shoots, shedding off an entire empty ginseng doll-shaped shell.

Do you recognize the formations in these skin wells? If they don't admit it, Lu Shucheng, Yu Hehui and Tong Hege will not be able to take this path even if they are willing.

So after the discussion, the travelers returned to the well in the rain. Everyone watched with their own thoughts as Wang Pengpai and Lu Shucheng handed the skin to Miao Fangfei's Golden Silkworm Gu - for the sake of safety, Wei Xun suggested that Miao Fangfei use Golden Silkworm Gu to complete the key step of replacing the skin bag. The mountain god of Wuluo Mountain attaches great importance to the golden silkworm Gu. This is also a trick, borrowing the power of the mountain god.

Seeing that his skin was soaked in the cold rain and then taken down the well, Wang Pengpeng swallowed, and he was so nervous that he almost suffocated. When it came to the end, he did not feel any regret or fear. He just stared at the mouth of the well, as if to pull the iron rope above. Staring, others were anxiously waiting for the results.

Until a moment, Wang Pengpai's heart skipped a beat. It was a subtle feeling, as if he was bound to this well and the land where Meririri B\u0026B was located. The earth under his feet became solid and powerful, supporting his body. The wind around him became no longer cold and the rain became soft. He was accepted by this earth and became a member of the mountain forest that was being polluted and mutated. One member.

This feeling is good, but it is subtly different from the feeling of being a human being. Wang Pengpai quickly recalled the feeling of Director Ling tapping his shoulder several times, forcing himself to shake off the strange feeling. When Miao Fangfei's golden silkworm Gu brought up a piece of loosely stacked human skin with purple flesh, Wang Pengpai's face was sullen, and without hesitation, he lifted up the human skin and shook it, then put the skin on it that was not known how old it was. Human skin that still smelled of cold meat was draped on the body.

This piece of human skin was obviously taller and bigger than him. The strange thing was that it fit perfectly after being draped on Wang Pengpai. It's not that his skin has shrunk, but that Wang Pengpai has grown taller. He has become a 'giant' nearly two and a half meters tall - the eldest brother among the eight brothers, this is how tall he should be!

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