Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 1142 Tomb of the Tusi King (86)

"That's right."

Wang Yushu spoke vaguely, but Bai Feibai definitely nodded. He looked at the slowly dissipating pieces of burnt skin on the ground and said lightly: "The bugs on Lei Gong's body are like parasites, and they are hostile to him all the time. Eroding Thunder God’s power.”

"Let's assume that these bugs are the same force as the 'skin' that pretended to be a thunder god last night. We can obtain the identity of the eight brothers by reenacting the myth, and it can also become the thunder god corresponding to us based on our approval."

Last night they all thought it was Thunder Lord who came to cut down the door. Today they have become the new eight Tujia brothers. Then the ‘Thunder Lord’ they recognized is qualified to become ‘Thunder Lord’! Just like a weasel asking for a title, that thing is bold, smart and arrogant, and it actually tries to replace Thunder Lord and occupy the divine position! The bug grabs the divine power, and the human skin is 'recognized'. If they are really a group, then it is really possible for its plan to succeed!


After Wang Pengpai and the others figured it out, they all cursed. The fact that they were stepping on them to achieve their goals was disgusting, but what made the passengers instantly hostile was their current state - they couldn't do it again. Thunder God, they really have no energy left. If another thunder attack comes, they will all be beaten into pieces!

"What should I do? What should I do?"

Wang Pengpai said anxiously, suddenly reacting, staring at the iron cabinet fiercely, holding back his words, and winked at Bai Feibai.

Although they had checked the iron cabinet before and found nothing hidden in it, they couldn't tell what it was. Is the thing that attempts to replace Lei Gong's identity hidden in the iron cabinet now?

Especially Lei Gong's abnormal fear of the iron cabinet. Could this kind of theft and replacement of power have happened before?


Bai Feibai stared at the dissipated black crust on the ground, and saw that they suddenly no longer dissipated, but remained stalemate, and finally showed a slight smile. Then he ordered: "Open the iron cabinet and let us see the true face of this thing."

Mao Xiaole's seal can suppress gods. When that thing replaces Lei Gong's identity and power to a certain extent, the seal will change from suppressing Lei Gong to suppressing him! The human skin fragments of the Tujia brothers stopped shattering, which meant that their corresponding Thunder God in the iron cabinet was no longer sliding towards death, and the stealing of power had ceased. It was most likely that the seal had taken effect on it.


Bai Feibai gave an order and Wang Pengpai immediately stepped forward and opened the big ox-tail lock. He moved quickly, but in just a few seconds, the iron cabinet door that had just been closed was slowly opened again. All the passengers worked hard to squeeze out the last bit of strength, ready to fight at any time, but the scene inside the iron cabinet took their breath away.

The iron cabinet was filled with a pungent rancid smell. There was a pool of unknown reddish-brown liquid at the bottom of the iron cabinet, and some pupa shells seemed to be stuck on it. The Thunder God, who could have occupied the entire iron cabinet, was huddled in the corner of the iron cabinet, looking skinny. Like a rickety skeleton. His crimson thunder-fire wings barely wrapped around his body like shriveled bark. His head was disproportionately large to his body. His bulging eyes were deeply sunken, his bones protruded through his flesh, and his spine was so thin that it almost pierced the skin. It didn't look like a god at all, more like a deformed mummy with a bird's head and a human body.

If His body hadn't been twitching from time to time, everyone would have thought that He was dead.

But the focus of the tourists' attention was not on the nearly exhausted Thunder God himself, because the creature standing on his head was too conspicuous.

It was a red butterfly. It stopped quietly behind Lei Gong's head. When the passengers opened the iron cabinet, it was moving slowly. By now, it had completely climbed to the top of Lei Gong's head. When its body shape was fully revealed, people realized that the butterfly was very big, even bigger than the head of Thunder God, just like a red flower. Its wings are not spread flat or erect like a butterfly, but are more like a cicada and lie along the sides of the body. Passengers who have just been hit by a thunderstorm and are still mentally traumatized think of thunder's wings.


Could this butterfly be what Bai Feibai said, the enemy who wanted to replace Lei Gong?

Even though they instinctively felt that there was definitely something wrong with the butterfly, the passengers still subconsciously glanced at other corners of the iron cabinet. In fact, this crimson butterfly is so different from the ‘twisted human skin’, ‘deformed new thunder god’ and ‘insect-shaped thunder god’ that they expected! Faced with everyone's gaze, this butterfly was even cleaning its own limbs unhurriedly. It looked very clean and looked completely different from those maggots and pupae.

Wait, I love cleanliness...

The expressions of Miao Fangfei and others were a little subtle.

"There seems to be a butterfly coming from Zero Guide."

Mao Xiaole was unsure, his words silenced everyone.

Ah, this... seems... indeed... isn't it impossible?

...If it is Ling Dao's plan that secretly replaces Lei Gong's identity, it sounds very reasonable.

Moreover, they became the eight Tujia brothers, and Ling Dao became the corresponding Thunder Lord. This is normal!

Could it be that this butterfly really has zero care?

The passengers had different thoughts. They watched the crimson butterfly slowly rub its limbs, then flutter its wings and start to slowly walk down the Thunder God's head. When it moves, travelers will see a seal stuck to the butterfly's wings, unable to fly.

Mao Xiaole's magic seal is on it, which shows that it has really replaced most of Thunder God's identity.

What should I do, should I catch it?

Is it a zero-guidance butterfly? Will it ruin the zero-guide thing?

The passengers hesitated, looked at each other, and couldn't make up their minds. Only Bai Feibai and Wei Xun frowned, staring closely at the 'butterfly' that slowly slid down the Thunder God's head.

"Miao Fangfei, catch it!"

Bai Feibai said harshly, without any time to think about it, Miao Fangfei's body was faster than her brain, and she threw the golden silkworm Gu directly into the iron cabinet! The King of All Gus, the Golden Silkworm Gu, specializes in defeating all Gu insects. Its six wings spread out to cover the crimson butterfly. The butterfly's body paused for a moment, but the next second only crackling thunder was heard. The Golden Silkworm Gu only pounced on two pieces of the crimson butterfly. The colorful butterfly wings, and the insect that dropped the butterfly wings successfully escaped like a maggot, and immediately rolled down without hesitation at a speed that was not suitable for the slow pace just now——


A figure that was too fast to be seen suddenly jumped up, plunged down, and quickly pressed against the flesh insect with both claws. It was Yu Hehui who turned into a fox again. The fox's reaction was faster than that of a human being. Like a hunting snow fox, it plunged into the gap between the thunderous body and the bottom of the iron cabinet. Its upward-facing hind paws were flapping with no strength, and its big tail swung around. Wan Xiangchun hurriedly grabbed it. The fox pulled out the fat fox with its hind paws, only to find that its front paws were empty and it was snarling at the bottom of the iron cabinet with a wrinkled face.

Lei Gong's crouched body was pushed to the side by the fox's pounce and Wan Xiangchun's pull, revealing the iron cabinet covered by the body - there was a hole as big as a fist! A faint and gloomy wind emerged from the smooth hole, and the insect that had shed its wings had disappeared.

"Xiaochun, get out of the way!"

Wang's roar came from behind. Wan Xiangchun subconsciously turned his body to the side, and saw several centipedes crawling past him. Their jointed limbs scratched across the iron cabinet and made a squeaking sound. Then they fell on Miao Fangfei's side. They all got into the hole under control.

"Iron cabinet

Miao Fangfei controlled the centipede to chase deeper, looking anxiously at the golden silkworm Gu that had fallen on Thunder Lord. It grabbed the pair of red butterfly wings and lay motionless on the Thunder God's face, like a hair tie. It wasn't that the Golden Silkworm Gu didn't want to move. The pair of crimson butterfly wings seemed to contain most of Thunder God's power. When they fell off, they took Mao Xiaole's seal with them. Now the golden silkworm Gu that grabbed the butterfly wing was suppressed by the seal and could not move, and could not catch the escaping insect.

"It's not a butterfly."

Bai Feibai said, everything happened so fast just now, the passengers were a little confused and looked at him subconsciously.

"It's a fly."


Mao Xiaole said in disbelief: "Why, how come you look like this——"

"Just by looking at it, it definitely looks more like a butterfly."

Bai Feibai admitted: "Even my eyes told me it was a butterfly."

However, even with a pair of special eyes, Bai Feibai would not completely believe what he saw: "There is a hoverfly that looks very similar to a bee."

"Fei, Fei Bai, is your hand bleeding?"

Wang Pengpeng stuttered and saw a blood hole in the palm of Bai Feibai's hand. The skin and flesh were violently opened and bleeding continued.

"We were all affected by pollution just now."

There was no sign of pain on Bai Feibai's face, but a slight frown. Hoverflies rely on mimicry, and this 'fly' probably relies on pollution. The way the butterfly was cleaning its limbs just now was very much like a fly rubbing its hands, and the way it opened its wings was not like a butterfly at all, more like a fly. But there was a power that blurred his perception and vision, and even almost distorted his cognition, making him Think this is a butterfly.

But Bai Feibai always felt that something was wrong subconsciously, so he dug into the flesh of his palms with all his heart, and it was only through the severe pain that he gained some sense.

"Didn't you mean to catch it?"

By now Wang Yushu had also noticed that the insect had escaped, but Bai Feibai didn't look like he was in any hurry to chase him. Instead, he stood here and explained, making it clear that he would not chase him.

"It's very dangerous. You can think of it as a pollutant equivalent to thunderclaps."

Bai Feibai said: "What we need most now is to rest and heal our wounds. We don't have time to fight again."

Letting Miao Fangfei release the golden silkworm Gu was his only attempt. It was best to catch the fly, but if he couldn't, he had to force it away. Now it throws down its wings full of Thunder God's power and flies away, which is the best situation for them.

"This hole was clearly not there when we inspected it just now. If it could drill through at any time..."


Hearing the worried words of their companions, Yu and Hui screamed a few times.

"Don't worry, Yu Hehui just threw the tentacles of the corn shoots onto it."

Bai Feibai translated.

Yu Hehui's fierce fox pounced not to hold down the insect, but to throw one of the tentacles left by Ling Dao onto the insect. The chubby fox was really favored by Zero Guide, and he even left a tentacle for protection before leaving.

Neither of them was able to chase the bug now, but the tentacles of the corn shoots clung to it. Bai Feibai believed that Ling Dao and Team An would definitely take action to catch this dangerous bug.


"Buzz-buzz-(so annoying, so unlucky)"

Dozens of meters deep underground, a six-foot-long human-skin fly was entangled with a bright yellow tentacle, and it was quickly burrowing in one direction. He didn't resist anymore, he was still feeling sorry for the lost thunder god power, but he was even more grateful that he escaped quickly enough.

He felt from those travelers the contaminating power of the person in charge who had visited the Tomb of the Tusi King a few months ago! It's really shady. It has something to do with the person in charge. These passengers must all be top travelers. If he gathered his strength and deceived him, Wu Laoliu, if he hadn't reacted quickly enough, he might have been hacked and completely lost his avatar. !

However, thinking of the chaotic and terrifying tomb of the Tusi King in Wuluo Mountain, the blood-clothed ghost king who had lost information, and most of his lost territory, Wu Laoliu suppressed the anger in his heart and followed the tentacles to see the person in charge - of course, the person in charge. There is a high probability that people will not be able to enter the current Tomb of the Tusi King. The ones who came are probably his human slices, or the tour guides they connected with. Now they must cooperate, otherwise everyone in Wuluo Mountain will die.


The tentacles of the corn shoots came out of the ground, and Wu Laoliu spat out the dirt on his face. When he opened his eyes, he saw a white-haired tour guide and a tall tourist with the same power as the principal standing in front of it like giants. .

“Buzz——” (You are finally here)

Wu Laoliu hummed, pretending to say hello, but the next second he saw the tour guide taking a step back in disgust, covering his mouth and muttering, looking like he was not familiar with him.

"What disgusting maggots, why do you eat such dirty corn shoots?"

Wu Laoliu:?

The author has something to say

Happy New Year, babies! Thank you for your support this year. I will work harder in the future. I wish you all peace and prosperity and all your wishes will come true!

Let’s ask all the tourist guides in the tour group to send 500 red envelopes to everyone today, bam bam!

I have to take a day off tomorrow (the first day of the Lunar New Year). My babies, we are too busy at home. See you on the second day of the new year! My entire lottery~


Yi Ling [shaking his head desperately]: I’m not familiar with flies!

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