Thriller Tour Group

1145. Tomb of the Tusi King (89) Where did the big cat come from!

The Demon Kingdom on the iceberg was completely silent, with only the harsh and polluted wind blowing by. The howling wind was just like the messy mood of the peak travelers at this moment.

Even under the cold gaze of the life-seeking man, they all held their breath. Everyone noticed the strange thing that happened just now. The big cat didn't appear out of thin air, it 'dropped' from between his fingers!

So what is this? ?

Could it be the spiritual hallucination of a life-haunting person? ?

But this fur, these eyes, this image—

It really looks very similar to a cat with zero transformation!

Especially looking at the way it was sitting on the feet of the Taoist Master, and the way it just took the initiative to meow at the Taoist Half-Life Taoist, it looked very much like Guide Zero!

It can't be done intentionally by those who want to kill people. They want to further kill people and play with them.

It's not impossible... Ask yourself, if Zero Guide is around, they will indeed relax a little unconsciously...

So is this zero-derivative? Or is it a spiritual hallucination of a life-seeking person?

No, no, even if it is an illusion, there may be Zero Guidance's own consciousness. Doesn’t the phantom cat with zero guidance often run around by itself?

Why is it that at this juncture... the Mingxi man is in a bad mental state? Or is there something going on at the Tomb of King Lingdao Tusi?

Countless doubts raced in their minds, but none of the Peak Passengers made a sound. The Mingxing man was obviously not a good teacher who could answer their questions, and no one dared to believe what he said casually. The peak travelers only looked at it with their own eyes, believing in themselves more than others. I saw this big cat squatting majestically on the man's shoes, its white fur blown by the strong wind like a ball of tattered newspapers. It leaned back, its back pressed against the man's calf, its two front paws grabbed the hem of the flying scarlet cloak, and plunged directly inside.

It is zero derivative, it should be zero derivative!

Taoist Ban Ming took a deep breath, his heart beating wildly. The excitement for the arrival of the Zero-Guide Cat and the instinctive warning of being stared directly into the death gaze of the Life-seeker made his emotions fluctuate like a psychosis, which was simply a different world of ice and fire. The half-life Taoist tenaciously withstood the life-seeking gaze, comforting himself that his feet hurt from being stepped on by the big zero-guided cat, which was why his eyes were so fierce. He coughed lightly and boldly asked:

"Director Xi, is this...?"

The life-seeking man did not speak. The bloody evil aura around him was as fierce and terrifying as ever, hard to comprehend. He looked down at the big snow-white cat that was burrowing deeper into the cloak, and raised his toes as a sign. But the big cat refused to touch the dirty blood on the ground, so it moved its claws and stepped harder. Not only that, it even hugged Ming Xingren’s calf. Every piece of snow-white fur was tightly packed and covered with Ming Ming Ren’s cat hair, which made the top passengers stare.

It wasn't until the orderer picked up the big snow-white cat with an expressionless expression on his face, and the posture of holding the cat was very standard, that the top passengers regretfully looked away from the cat, looked at the cat with their eyes, nose, nose, and heart, and remained silent as if they were listening to the order issued by the orderer. The same, but the surrounding atmosphere is indeed different.

"Tomorrow last year Bao Yuze."

The man just said these words lightly, then dug the big white cat out of his arms and tried to throw it to the ground.


Unexpectedly, the big white cat let out a miserable cry, and wrapped its four claws tightly around the man's arm. Its snow-white tail was sandwiched between its legs, and the whole cat hung stubbornly like a torn plastic bag. The visual effect of the big cat is so amazing that onlookers can't help but worry whether the life-threatening man's arm will be broken - even if he can hold on, the cat's claws are not vegetarian, and passengers can't help but worry. I just feel a little pain in my arm.

Xi Mingren and Da Mao froze. They seemed to stare at each other for a while, and then Xi Mingren glanced over coldly and gave Ban Ming Taoist a look.

Ah this?

In an instant, the half-life Taoist felt blessed and reached out his hand. But Xi Mingren threw it away casually, and this time the big cat didn't hold on to him tightly, but flew into the arms of Taoist Half Life like a swallow in the forest.


Taoist Bansheng's eyes went dark, and he felt as if he had been hit by a shot put. His chest felt a sharp pain. All the injuries he had sustained during the day's battle seemed to be resurrected at this moment. The pain made his body sway, but fortunately he was behind him. With Yu Xiangyang's timely support, he was about to stand firm. When Bansheng Taoist finally managed to breathe and suppress the pain, he looked up and saw that Xi Mingren had disappeared, covered in cat hair.

The Peak passengers had already surrounded him. Captains Wan Anqian and Wu Yun stood at the front, looking at him and the big white cat in his arms with glaring eyes, which was very oppressive.

However, the big white cat did not speak directly like they imagined, saying hello everyone, I am Zero Guide, etc. Instead, like a real cat, it started to hold its tail when it was in the arms of Taoist Half Life. He licked his fur very seriously and hard, and even snored a little. The problem is that the evil wind here is too strong. Even if the peak passengers are surrounded and tightly blocked, the wind is still blowing directly on people. The fur that the big cat has just licked is immediately ruffled by the wind, and it is almost like a cat. The big dandelion is messy in the wind. It takes a long time to lick its hair in vain. It really makes people love it.

"Let's find a place to stay out of the wind first."

It was Wan Anpong who spoke first, his voice hoarse, but his tone as gentle as ever: "We should spend the night here tonight."

Before leaving, the man abandoned the cat and left, and did not let them leave the Demon Kingdom. There was a high probability that he had to act alone for something.

If it were before, the peak travelers would not be so obedient. They fought in the Demon Kingdom for a day, destroyed the tents of the three kings of black, white and yellow and flattened the Hall Kingdom. There was an evil fire in their hearts. Peak passengers are more polluted than anyone else. Even if there are silverfish in Feng and Xuanxue has its own way of dealing with pollution, no one can remove all the pollution.

Now after a day of killing in the Demon Country, everyone is holding fire in their hearts. Not only are they confronting the life-seeking person on the surface, they also have to find out what he is doing behind his back. Otherwise, if we fight like this with high intensity every day and beware of life-seeking people, if we are not careful during the ten-day journey, we may be dead!

But now that the big cat suspected of being zero-guided is here, this has become the most important thing. The Peak travelers quickly moved their positions and found a higher-lying Buddhist scripture cave to stay temporarily at the ruins of Bai Zhang King. The whole Hall Demon Kingdom was killed by them, and the blood was flowing everywhere with corpses. The blood was rising, and there were little raindrops falling from just now, carrying a fishy smell of blood, and the rainwater was also glowing with an ominous red color.

By the time they all arrived at the Scripture Cave, the patter of rain outside had completely connected into a line, and the rain was pouring down, but it was not transparent rain, more like dirty blood. Red-brown blood rain fell from the sky and fell heavily to the ground. The air was filled with a strong smell of blood. The mist seemed to be glowing with scarlet and filled with tiny blood-red mist droplets. When breathing, the blood mist soaked into the lungs, making it difficult to Bear.

But the peak travelers have long been accustomed to blood rain and blood mist. Every time they slaughter a royal tent, blood rain will fall from the sky, which seems to be the last vicious curse of the demon king and generals. The thick and sticky pollution eroded the body and spirit of the peak passengers along with the blood rain and blood mist, and was pressed deep into the depths by the pollution as thick as the abyss and sea on their bodies, leaving no trace - at least at first glance, everyone They all looked normal.

However, judging from their actions of surrounding the big white cat again, everyone's spirit is more or less distorted.


But the big white cat didn't care about this. It was not used to the dirty and smelly blood rain and mist. It wrinkled its nose in disgust and retched again and again. Its hind paws were shrunk, and its big snow-white tail was sandwiched between the tips of its two paws. It was pressed up against its belly and the tip of its tail was covered. It hugged itself and crawled into the half-life Taoist's arms. It looked really aggrieved.

It wasn't until a faint scent of sandalwood hit, dispelling the stench of blood, that it tilted its head and looked outside. He saw Wan Anpo holding a simple bronze incense burner in his hand and smiling at him. It's just that this smile looks a bit weird and horrifying against the blood stains and blood erosion marks all over his face.

"Can you speak?"

Wan Anpian placed the incense burner in the scripture cave and let it burn quietly. He asked the big cat with a pleasant look: "Do you feel okay?"


The big white cat also looked at him and meowed a few times in response. Its azure cat eyes were completely clear and clean - it didn't look like a human, more like a silly cat.

"Over there...I mean over there at Wuluo Mountain, is everything okay?"

Wuyun couldn't help it anymore and asked in a low voice, but hesitated to speak.

But the big white cat just glanced at him, and then leaned forward to play with the long hair hanging down from Taoist Taoist Half Life's temples. Its white claws were hooked, like playing with a cat stick.

"Is it a real cat?"

Li Hongxue frowned.

Wan Anpong shook his head: "Either it is the spiritual illusion of a life-seeking person, or it is a zero-conductor - or it may be controlled by a zero-conductor, a spiritual illusion of a life-seeking person."

There are only two possibilities for the people to abandon it, either to keep it to monitor them, or to end it in the demon country. Either it was an unstable factor that might interfere with his plans, so he left the cat here to contain the top travelers.

To be fair... they hope that the zero-guided consciousness is really controlling this big cat.

However, the behavior it showed made the passengers feel uncertain and confused for a while.

"Cen Qin, how do you feel?"

In the end, Wan Anpong simply asked Cen Qin. The big cat greeted him as soon as he arrived, and even jumped into his arms. Maybe it was because he had made some agreement with Director Ling before, or at least there was some feeling between the two. !

"Cen Qin? Cen Qin?"

However, Cen Qin did not respond and buried her head in the big white cat's neck like a cat sucking. Wan An was confused and walked around to take a look, but was shocked to find that Cen Qin was holding up his mobile phone to take a photo of him and the big white cat!

No, no, not for a group photo.

The screen on the mobile phone was shaking, Taoist Half Life had obviously started the live broadcast secretly!

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