Thriller Tour Group

1161. Tomb of the Tusi King (104) Sea of ​​Blood!

The longer Yi Ling stays in the 'heaven', the more he can feel the hot power gradually reviving in his body. As the heart pumps the blood to the limbs, it flows to every bone and flesh, covering the surface of the body. Faintly, he seemed to sense that there was a very vague, homologous sun power in the very distant outside, which made Yi Ling's mind flash back to the night when he suddenly woke up.

But that feeling was too far away and too weak, so there was no need to pay attention to it for the time being. Yi Ling gathered his mind and concentrated on resisting the suddenly colder and thinner air around him. He has long had the identity of the leader of the Mountain Worship Sect and belongs to this mountain. When An Xuefeng and others were rejected by the mountainous land, Yi Ling had already been accepted by the land. However, now the rejection and hostility of the world towards outsiders has descended on him.

The violent storm was about to tear him apart like a hail of bullets, the cold air became thin, invisible pressure came from all directions, pushing and squeezing him, and the hostile auditory buzzing sound filled his mind, making Yi Ling's eyesight turn black. The organs and soul were trembling, and the blood surged and surged through the blood vessels.

A trace of purple blood spilled from the corner of his mouth, and was licked by Yi Ling himself. There was no trace of strangeness on his face. He had expected the rejection of this world. After all, he was not the local sun. The arrival of any foreign existence would arouse the rejection of the local pollution forces. This was tantamount to a war without gunpowder smoke. War, life and death. When the power reaches a certain level, it becomes pollution. On the site of the Tusi King's Tomb in Wuluoshan Mountain, the power of the sun awakens unprepared, and will only be repelled and engulfed by local pollution!

But Yi Ling was already prepared. He pulled An Xuefeng's jacket in front of him and got in directly. Yi Ling's face was pressed against An Xuefeng's warm back, and his breath was all his. A warm scent. An Xuefeng's assault jacket covered the back of his head and upper body, like the safest fortress. Almost instantly, Yi Ling felt that the rejection from the outside world was lessening, and he seemed to be hesitant and confused.

They have a deep connection and soul connection, and with such a close distance, the two of them can almost be regarded as one person - Yi Ling's shooting of the Salt God can be regarded as An Xuefeng's shooting of the Salt God, there is no reason Now that Yi Zero has awakened the power of the sun, it cannot be regarded as An Xuefeng awakening the power! A worshiping mountain leader becomes the sun outside, and Lin Jun, who has been recognized by many parties, becomes the sun, and the rejection he receives is completely different!

After this brief confusion, even if it was discovered that Yi Ling and An Xuefeng were not the same person, the situation was completely different. The Tujia people worship the sun, flames and ancestors. White Tiger belief reflects their worship of ancestors, respect for fire ponds is their worship of flames, and sun worship is reflected in the forty-eight hooks of Tujia's tapestry, which is their worship of the birth and reproduction of life*

In many myths, the sun is either a divine bird or a male, but the sun of the Tujia people is maternal, the 'sister of the sun'. Now Lin Jun's half body, his spouse will awaken to become the sun. How sacred and reasonable is that! At this time, there is no need to care whether the spouse is a man or a woman. Just saying that this matter has legitimacy in this polluted world, allowing the pollution in the world to hesitantly stop swallowing and rejecting directly, but begins to assimilate.

Only then did Yi Ling finally relax and loosen his grip on the human skin map. He originally had a backup plan. Last night, the big cat in Gannan should have devoured a lot of pollution monsters and sent them all to him. Yi Ling then turned the most active ones into animals and stuffed them with the big pollution monsters. Enter the human skin map for later use.

If this world really wants to reject him, then he will throw out these large groups of foreign pollution monsters to attract the attention of Wuluoshan pollution, and complete the localization of the sun as soon as possible in the chaos. Now there is no need to take such risks. He took a deep breath and turned his face. At some point, An Xuefeng's big hand came back and covered his face. His fingers were pressed between Yi Ling's eyebrows, and his palm closed his mouth and nose, covering it with one hand. His entire face was covered tightly, the eyebrows that were said to reveal the aura of the soul and the mouth and nose that could reveal the aura of a living being were covered tightly, allowing the power emanating from Yi Ling to be more deeply tainted with his scent, to blind him. world.

Even though Yi Ling didn't tell him his plan in detail, An Xuefeng still instinctively cooperated with him. This made Yi Ling feel very good, and he laughed softly. The hot breath also sprayed on An Xuefeng's palm, so hot that he squeezed his fingers together and pressed the flesh on Yi Ling's face. Yi Ling's skin has always been cold and smooth as jade, without any warmth. Sometimes unknown thoughts would flash in An Xuefeng's mind, wondering whether the mountain spirit's blood was cold.

But Yi Ling also told him that he had the blood of a sun bird. It seemed that he was not a local sun. He and his brother were both foreign suns. He didn't know if this was considered a mixed blood. Now Yi Ling must be mobilizing the power of awakening his bloodline. His face is cold, but his breath is hot, like hot little snakes wrapped around An Xuefeng's fingers. When he withdraws his hand and comes back, it is cold. The air was stirred, and a layer of fine water mist appeared on the fingers.

An Xuefeng felt Yi Ling's mood, and after confirming that there was nothing wrong with him, he turned his attention to the front. An Xuefeng's sharp eyes could even clearly see the swarms of ghost-headed swordfish and insects under the turbid and dark water. Compared with the original, the number of insects and fish that attacked now was significantly less, almost only one-tenth of the original ones. one. Sure enough, neither the insect swarm nor the ghost-headed sword is infinite. According to their previous expectations, the fish swarm can feed a dragon python. These things are finite and cannot appear infinitely.

However, An Xuefeng still did not relax, but became even more alert. The suspicious floating corpse he found last night has not yet appeared, but the boat is sinking slightly. It is difficult for ordinary people to feel this difference, especially since the wooden boat is being thrown up and down by the waves at extremely high speeds. It is basically not normal. The situation passed over the water. But even so, when the wooden boat briefly fell into the water, An Xuefeng could keenly feel that the boat fell deeper and deeper every time, and the height of being thrown up by the waves also decreased.

Is it that the wooden boat has reached its limit under this kind of overload driving? Or……

Rough floods gone wrong?

An Xuefeng looked at the water. Compared with the first time, the color of the flood had changed.

* *

The color of the water is wrong.

Wan Xiangchun thought solemnly that just now a big fish with a ghost head knife was suddenly rolled up by an anaconda, and the splashing waves were several meters high. You can't see the problem when the water is deep, but you can clearly see the clues when the waves are splashing. The accumulated water used to be a black color, but now this black color is dyed red. It's not the faint red color of blood that dissolves in water, or the diluted blood color of a ghost-headed swordfish that is torn and eaten by an anaconda and then falls into the water.

This kind of blood red is like red paint falling into water, showing a strange texture that is insoluble in water. Wan Xiangchun has seen red tides, but this red color is different from red tides.


Yes, the red color in the water gives people a very unnatural and distorted feeling, as if it is something abnormal and should not be here, which makes people shiver down their spines.


Wang's surging shouts were carried by the strong wind and faintly came from the other side: "The fight is up!"

You don't have to look back to feel the majestic water waves behind you. The number of newly stunned ghost-head swords that surfaced has dropped sharply. Apparently, most of the ghost-head swords have been stunned in the past twenty minutes! The anacondas attracted by the fish behind them devoured them very happily, and their bodies grew abnormally and rapidly. When Wan Xiangchun turned around, he suspected that dozens of small corn shoots were chasing them.

But now the sharply reduced fish supply is obviously no longer able to supply so many anacondas, and they spontaneously start fighting for food! The largest pythons had eaten so many ghost-headed knives that their bodies had turned a glossy dark green color, with claw-like tumors growing on their chests and abdomens. They could stir up whirlpools when fighting in the water. It stirs up wind and waves, and even the dense fog with a radius of ten miles is dragged in by it. It moves with the python's body, which is extremely spectacular. It really gives a sense of seeing the clouds and the fog!

If the wooden boat hadn't moved fast enough, it would have been involved in the melee of pythons! The giant pythons fought and fought without mercy. The shorter anaconda was bitten to pieces by the giant python. The giant pythons rolled and strangled each other. During the bite, the bloody skin and snake scales flew away. In the blink of an eye, a wave of smoke filled the air. A thick, greasy smell of blood! The terrifying momentum that stirred up the heaven and earth made people's hearts beat wildly, causing panic. Wan Xiangchun held his breath. The sense of crisis and the current situation of being always on the water stimulated a strange and familiar force to surge in his body. It became more and more intense. He could clearly see He felt a ball of fire condensing on his back, holding up the fabric on his back and then tearing it apart. The soreness and pain of deformed skin, flesh and bones came over him in waves, twitching his bone marrow and spreading throughout his body.

The severe pain caused Wan Xiangchun to clench his teeth, and blood dripped from the corners of his mouth, turning into a small ball of fire as it dripped. No one noticed this scene. Even Wan Xiangchun was focusing all his attention on his back, which was the most numb, itchy and painful. He seemed to be really about to grow a pair of wings! Although Wan Xiangchun still doesn't know the source of this talent, it can't be said that his ancestors were mixed with the blood of Lei Zhenzi! But as his power awakened, waves of heart palpitations also hit him. The awakening of his natural power gave him a keener perception. What extremely terrifying and dangerous changes were taking place? It was obvious that they were far away from the python group, and the anaconda was entangled in it. Dou Shou Sha's attacks could not reach here at all. Even if they caused strange phenomena in the world, they would not be as powerful as yesterday's battle with Lei Gong.

So what is the cause of this palpitation and panic? Why was he feeling frightened? Is it related to the inexplicable abnormal color of blood in the water? Wan Xiangchun subconsciously glanced at the surrounding water again, but this glance made his pupils shrink suddenly!

"Holy crap, what is this?!"

Wang Yushu's shocked curses came from the side, and almost all the passengers immediately realized something was wrong, because the change was so obvious - the endless water turned into a blood-red color without any variegation!

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