Thriller Tour Group

1163. Tomb of the Tusi King (106)

No matter how sharp Bai Feibai's eyes were, he couldn't see through An Xuefeng's coat to see Ling Dao covered inside. But even if many things cannot be seen directly, clues can be detected just by looking at clues.

Just because of the change in the landscape, the water suddenly turned blood red. Ling Dao, who was always very curious, was still buried behind Captain An, without even peeking out to take a look. Bai Feibai knew that there must be something wrong with him and he was being held back. And perhaps because his perception is too keen and his observation is too detailed, Bai Feibai has always felt that he can vaguely sense some feelings that are not his own recently.

For example, just a moment ago, he had faintly felt the rejection of the world around him, and even earlier, he had felt inexplicable hunger. He was convinced that these senses were not caused by pollution, nor was it his own problem, but Bai Feibai had an intuition that it must be related to Yi Zero.

If Yi Ling is ostracized, he - or rather, Yi Ling's passengers - will share the ostracism for him. If Yi Ling is extremely hungry, they will share his hunger. This kind of 'sharing' is very rare at present. Bai Feibai is also in a bad situation due to his declining age and has no time to discuss it in detail with Team An. But he believed that Team An must have felt more than him.

And the repulsion shared by heaven and earth in that moment made Bai Feibai convinced that there must be a problem with Ling Dao, and getting into An Xuefeng's clothes was probably serious enough that he needed to borrow Bai Hu Linjun's breath to solve it. At this time, let alone the relief of the Zero Lead group, what they should do is to solve the current problem as soon as possible and help Zero Lead get out of the predicament.

Bai Feibai's brain is spinning faster. Perhaps killing some floating corpses can solve the problem, just like pulling out poisonous flowers that cause hallucinations. However, if too many sacrifices are killed, the dragon python will not be able to obtain enough energy to transform. If they fall asleep, Team An will be missing the key dragon python, and the giant python that is not sleeping may also be their strong enemy.

What's more, normal methods cannot kill the floating corpses, but they can be driven away. They will be instinctively afraid of the roar of wild beasts - the flesh and blood of human sacrifices are thrown into the mountains and forests, not only feeding the tigers, but also the hungry wolves in the mountains and forests. The chaotic and tattered soul only has instincts that are careless and obvious, but it still remembers the fear that penetrates into the bone marrow.


The sound of an octagonal bell rang out from the boat on the other side, and Bai Feibai knew that Wei Xun must have figured it out too. He became smaller and his strength suddenly decreased, and it was difficult to sing the Divine Comedy anymore, but he could still soothe his broken soul with the ringing of the bell, and then there was a deafening roar of a tiger in front of him!

Compared with the howling of wolves, these floating corpses were obviously more afraid of the roar of tigers. For a while, they did not dare to gather near the boat anymore. They hid in a panic, leaving the three wooden boats temporarily safe. But this was a temporary solution rather than a permanent solution. Bai Feibai saw with his own eyes that the floating corpses that had gathered together evaded them for a moment before instinctively staggering towards them and chasing them.

Living people are aliens to broken souls, and assimilation is their chaotic instinct. Once surrounded by floating corpses, the consequences would be disastrous. What to do? The Tujia white tiger is sacrificed by humans. An Xuefeng may be able to directly cross the dragon python and eat the floating corpses by himself. If he can eat all the floating corpses in the water, he may be stronger than living in symbiosis with the dragon python, and his power is completely under his control. . But Bai Feibai rejected this idea without even thinking. These floating corpses were dozens or millions of soul fragments, filled with countless negative emotions such as fear, hatred, terror, and anger.

No matter how powerful An Xuefeng is, he is only one person. How terrible will it become if one person's soul is coerced by thousands of souls? There is no way Bai Feibai would let the captain take such a risk! Bai Feibai frowned, countless thoughts came to his mind but were rejected by him, and he finally decided on a plan that was relatively risky but had a high success rate.

"What can I do? Can I ask Wuluoshan to help us?"

It only took a few breaths to go from thinking to calculating, but Miao Fangfei in front of her found that he had stopped talking. She saw that the floating corpses that had been pushed back quickly swayed and swam in pursuit of the boat, and looked at the water. They were all turned into pale floating corpses! It looks like a mountain of corpses, even the blood is covered up. What's worse is that when countless floating corpses gather together, they vaguely form an aura, filled with fear, hatred, grief, madness and other negative emotions. It spread, making all the passengers anxious. Seeing this, Miao Fangfei became even more anxious. She was so desperate to get out of the current predicament that she even lost her calmness. She glanced at the blood-red water next to her, and all kinds of dangerous thoughts subconsciously emerged in her mind. If she falls into the water and is in danger, will the mountain god of Wuluo Mountain help her for the sake of her aunt and the golden silkworm Gu? she--

"Don't have those dangerous thoughts."

Bai Feibai seemed to have seen through her heart, and his cold voice shocked Miao Fangfei's heart: "You see, Wuluo Mountain is currently severely polluted. Even if you or your elders have an old relationship with the mountain god, he is still the same as in the past. different."

"He urgently wants you to go to Wuluo Mountain. I'm afraid there are many dangers, which may not necessarily be a good thing for you. Now the mountains are black and the water is red. The mountain god of Wuluo Mountain is probably in a bad mental state now. Don't put your hope in God and risk yourself. , not to mention that we are not in a desperate situation now.”

Bai Feibai said calmly and took out a jade order from his clothes. It was the jade order that An Xuefeng obtained from the copper coffin zombie! From the moment they were about to separate the ships, An Xuefeng handed over the jade order to Bai Feibai, and handed over the Salt God's Pearl and one of his tiger bones to Wang Pengpai, so that once their three wooden ships were separated, they could each protect themselves. force.

This jade token was given to the zombies in the copper coffin by the tomb of the Tusi King in the past. It can even suppress the corpse of the Salt God. It is one of the authentic tokens of the Tusi King. When Bai Feibai took out this token, the floating corpses around them with broken souls and irrational instincts showed panic and fear. They no longer moved forward or retreated. Instead, they fell directly into the blood one by one, as if they were kneeling down! In an instant, the heads of the floating corpses were no longer visible in the bloody water, because they all lowered their heads.

Primitive and ignorant, from Zhimata Village to Wuba Village and then here, Bai Feibai clearly understood this. People in the old days couldn't guess with today's thinking. Even if the broken souls of the slaves who were used as human sacrifices in the past had no memory left and were full of negative emotions, when the token representing the Tusi King appeared, they still kneeled down subconsciously, even if Even death cannot extinguish the fear and respect for the king. After all, An Xuefeng has not been 'canonized' yet, and his identity has just been recognized, so he is far from being able to have the effect of a token.


Bai Feibai was not shocked by the scene of countless floating corpses bowing their heads, and directly gave the order decisively. Spreading outward from the wooden boat, pieces of floating corpses sank into the blood-red water. Soon, there were no more corpses on the water, leaving only the empty blood-red water. Anyone who dares to take a look at the bottom of the water will be frightened to death. Strings of pale and swollen floating corpses are piled up and sinking under the water, crowded together, like a Great Wall of pale and rotting flesh, winding and strung across the entire underwater. This scene is simply Comparable to the most terrifying nightmare!

They were just ordered to sink underwater, and of course they would not disappear, nor could they restore the blood-red water to its previous color. But Bai Feibai didn't expect to solve the dilemma so easily.

"Hold me up."

He said to Wan Xiangchun, who was currently the tallest person on the ship, and asked Wan Xiangchun to lift him up with both hands until he stood on his shoulders. The altitude of Baifeibai instantly becomes the highest, and more water can be seen within sight. Without the initial ghost-headed swords and insect swarms, and without the current army of floating corpses, this water surface was finally not covered by anything for the first time, and the shadows reflected on the water could be clearly seen——

Reflections of the mountains overhead.

Just as the floating white clouds are reflected in the river, the shadows of the mountains are also reflected on the water. It is really dark! And unlike normal reality where the shadows reflected in the water are blurry, the reflection of the mountains on the bloody water is extremely clear. Even the thick clouds are gone, completely revealing the shadows of the mountains. The rugged and steep rocks and the dead trees are all charred. It is particularly clear that the huge mountains hanging upside down in the sky and the shadows of the mountains reflected on the water are like the two ends of an hourglass, with the tips facing each other, giving people a strong sense of crisis!

But this was not what Bai Feibai was looking for. His eyes quickly scanned in all directions, and suddenly stopped when he looked towards the north. The mountain shadows reflected on the water over there are extremely blurry and covered by clouds of fog. At first glance, they thought they were pieces of moving clouds reflecting on the water. It was impossible to realize that there were mountain shadows behind these large moving shadows.

But that side is probably the real sky facing Wuluo Mountain!

But they had already deviated from the direction and were driving to the middle of the first and second mountains!


What Bai Feibai could see, An Xuefeng, who was standing at the front, could also see that the leading wooden boat immediately adjusted its direction and sped towards the water facing the shadow of Wuluo Mountain! The huge mountain was so huge that the mountain shadow shrouded the large area of ​​water like a shadow, and it was difficult to see clearly due to the thick fog. It had to be high enough to barely get a full overview. No, the current height is not enough. Bai Feibai stood on Wan Xiangchun's shoulder and stood on tiptoe, but still couldn't see more. Just as he was frowning, he suddenly felt a sway under his body, and then his sight suddenly rose two or three meters higher -

Wan Xiangchun actually flew!

The broad and powerful golden wings flapped, and the powerful air waves stirred the water surface like wrinkled cloth, and the wooden boat that was affected shook violently. He was obviously not yet proficient in flying. He only flew two or three meters and landed back on the boat in less than ten seconds, but this was enough to surprise Bai Feibai! Regardless of how these wings grew, Wan Xiangchun can control how high they fly and take him to see the mountain shadows reflected on the water. The most troublesome and time-consuming problem is solved!

Wan Xiangchun is flying!

Obviously not paying attention to the surroundings, Yi Ling had an inexplicable feeling. He knew that Wan Xiangchun was flying, and there was a big bird flying in the "sky"! Just like a chain reaction, Yi Ling, who had been assimilating and accumulating strength until now, was in a state of excitement, and a kind of enlightenment quickly emerged as his bones cracked and deformed.

He also has an opportunity coming! He will transform into the sun and transform into a sunbird!

"From the shadow of Wuluo Mountain reflected in the 'sky', it should be possible to enter the tomb of the Tusi King."

An Xuefeng stared closely at the cloud-like reflections on the water in front of him, feeling the increasingly hot temperature behind him. His spirit became completely tense, and he fully entered the fighting state with the scimitar in hand. The reflection of the mountains on the bloody water was completely different from the ordinary shadow on the water. An Xuefeng could clearly feel the heavy pollution deep in Wuluo Mountain.

When the pollution reaches a certain level, its existence is the spread of pollution, sound, image and even reflection. This reflection on the water is already an extension of Wuluo Mountain!

"I'm afraid Bai Feibai wants to throw the jade order and the beads representing the death of the Salt God into the water reflected in the center of Wuluo Mountain, so as to attract the chieftain king."

The Salt God was killed and suppressed, which was equivalent to completing the Tusi King's previous mission, and he should have returned to the tomb to resume his life. When the chieftain king moves, the mountain god of Wuluo Mountain must move. Bai Feibai boldly judged that the mountain god of Wuluo Mountain and the chieftain king are not one and the same, and there may even be a big conflict. He is not willing to see them, including Miao Fangfei, go directly to the tomb. And as long as he realizes that there is someone in their team that the mountain god cares about, the chieftain king will not miss the opportunity to take control.

Bai Feibai judged that Wuluo Mountain was out of control in Heishan, and the Chieftain King would stimulate the Wuluo Mountain God to regain his sanity and restore the green mountains and rivers. Or it will make Him go even crazier and lose control, which will completely change the current situation! Miao Fangfei wants to go into the mountain, and Bai Feibai is betting that the mountain god is more likely to show his better side and forcefully regain his sanity.

But there is a fundamental problem with his plan - can the Jade Order and Salt God Beads alone seduce the Chieftain King? Even though the success rate was high, there was still a possibility of failure, so An Xuefeng decided to put in another layer of chips. After completing the mission and returning to the tomb, you should have the jade order, mission voucher (beads) and the person who completed the mission. While the floating corpse was quietly suppressed underwater, An Xuefeng decided to jump into the water at that time too!

Relying on his status as a white tiger and his achievements in killing the Salt God, he was enough to arouse a reaction from the Tusi King's tomb. You don't even have to use the Jade Order and the Salt God Beads, you can keep them as backup - but just when the wooden boat galloped to the middle of the shadow of Wuluo Mountain, An Xuefeng suddenly felt something in his heart and grabbed his back instantly. go.


His speed had almost turned into a blur, but he still missed it and only caught Yi Ling's cassock! At that moment, Yi Ling disappeared from the ship. There was no human figure where he was standing just now, only the ship——

The boat leaked a big hole! Yi Zero disappeared!

An Xuefeng's internal organs were burning, and his heart was on fire. He only had time to gesture to Bai Feibai, who was being lifted up by Wan Xiangchun again. The next second, he jumped into the water without hesitation!

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