Thriller Tour Group

1185.Additional update: Visiting the tomb

If you catch something against Brother Yi Ling, can you force him to give up the initiative and let Wei Xun out when he takes control of Wei Xun's body?

An Xuefeng had thought about this problem countless times, and Wei Xun's uncontrolled situation really worried him. But no matter how many hypothetical calculations were made, the ending was not good. He didn't know much about Brother Yi Ling, and he had never really met this person, but from just a handful of meetings, he could tell that this person was a very difficult person to deal with. If he really became an enemy in the future, That's definitely the toughest enemy.

So it is basically certain that there is an intersection with Brother Yi Ling, the manipulator behind the foreigner. What choice will he make when faced with this situation?

"Hey." Is that so? You want to have a chat with him.

The black fox pretended to be surprised, but he nodded happily and said with a slow smile: "Ugh" he is the host and I am the guest. I should not decide this matter. It is really rude.

He was talking about being impolite and talking about host and guest, but he still had the absolute initiative. After speaking, the black fox closed his eyes. When he opened them again, the color of his eyes had changed. They were no longer a strange golden yellow, but a normal fox's eye color. The beast's eyes were full of shock, and he opened his mouth and said, "Hey! "嘤嘤!" A series of low calls came out, which were a series of urgent "Help me" and "Help me" in the ears of the foxes!

It sounds pathetic, Caterpillar Ball commented grimly, twitching his fur. It’s probably thanks to the infected people that they can transform into other animals. There is no difference between Chinese and foreign languages ​​in animal language. They all sound like foxes. If he were still human now, he would probably be shouting "Help——Help——!!". That would be a real bad thing. The Tomb of the Chief Tusi King was not used to foreigners, and it was not like Mother Liu could temporarily spare his life. A reprieve.

Traveling abroad has always been more targeted at tourists from non-resident countries. The power of titles is suppressed, making it difficult to make friends with gods and ghosts. It is even said that local ghosts and gods will be more hostile to outsiders. Therefore, high-level travelers who often travel abroad basically master a lot of foreign languages, especially local dialects. If they can communicate, it is not bad. If an infected person can climb to a high position in the West District, of course he will not be a language idiot. His Mandarin is comparable. He has a good name, but now he has been deprived of his memory, and he doesn't know what the Devourer did. He has completely lost his memory, and even his IQ has dropped a bit.

Even though they were in such danger, they still couldn't see clearly the current situation, so they actually asked for help from these foxes, who were not considered partners at all.

Looking at the infected person, Ghost Butterfly couldn't help but feel sad that the rabbit was dead and the fox was dead. The infected can be regarded as being completely targeted by the Devourer. That is the S1 leader. Ghost Butterfly has worked under the Mingxiren and is clearly aware of the overwhelming power of the strongest guide. The Devourer is targeting the infected. If you mess with the cotton, you won't encounter any decent resistance at all. If you pull out the potatoes and bring out the mud, sooner or later they, a series of people whose souls are related, will also run into trouble.

Maybe he has been targeted for a long time. From the moment he saw the infected person, Gui Butterfly felt uncomfortable all over his body, like a sign of fever. Cold sweat broke out from time to time. His body always felt a little weak, and he also felt sticky when using his mental power—— He would be intermittently suspicious of whether the slime was corroding his soul through spiritual connection!

What are the damn dark clouds doing with so many tour guides, playing basketball! The Eastern District is not enough for him to cast his net, but he has to go fishing in the Western District. This is good, because just because of the infected fish, their Fengdu brigade may be completely destroyed in the future.

Even though he knew that Wu Yun must have his intentions, and that several of their different tour guides could all be connected with Wu Yun, there must be secrets, but when encountering a powerful enemy like S1, Gui Butterfly still criticized him as if he was venting his anxiety, and couldn't help but want to join forces. He has to get closer to Zero Guide...Zero Guide, Zero Guide. Only when he is close to Zero Guide can he feel that the cold, stagnant and ominous pollution disappears. He can think about the layout quickly as if he is back to his best state. This kind of The feeling is really addictive, and it is also the protection of the 'child' by the father of the demonic insects.

But there are two big mountains on the road to Lingdao - not counting Fox King An, he is more or less a member of Lingdao's family. They are all in the soul connection system. Ghost Butterfly occasionally feels that An Xuefeng is kind and approachable. , after all, everyone is considered a house bug. But Master Ximing is different. Although he is Ling Dao's brother, he is not included in their demonic insect system and has not joined their large demonic insect family.

Especially Ghost Butterfly, a tour guide who left the Butcher Alliance, is even more afraid of life-seeking people. It is a mixture of complex emotions such as unwillingness, fear, regret, and anger, even if the person in front of him is not a life-seeking person, but just a phantom cat with squinted eyes. With a click of the black fur ball, the caterpillar ball rolled away automatically. It rolled quietly back behind the burly fox body of Fox King An Xuefeng before he breathed a sigh of relief and whispered to himself.

Life-haunting people can't stay much longer. Director Ling and An Xuefeng have successfully rescued each other. It's obvious that their mental state is good and getting better. The phantom cat looks much more illusory. But Wei Xun showed it more clearly. His fox, which was basically dyed sun red, began to fade. The white fur already occupied two-thirds of the body, and it would not take long for it to change back.

As for who will contain the Devourer after the Life-haunting Man is gone? Ghost Butterfly speculated that he would not appear again in a short period of time - he was so talkative and temporarily gave up control, just because it was not suitable for him to appear next time, so he agreed, and his evil intentions added a obstacle to the life-seeking person, so that An Xuefeng, who has lost his memory, only has a puppet control group to compare with.

Ghost Butterfly's guess was good. Soon the bamboo raft rushed through an undercurrent. After turning a corner, the front suddenly became empty. There are no more snow-white salt layers piled up one after another. There are no longer pure natural stone floors on both sides, but large bluestone strips. The gaps between the stones are sealed with black ointment-like paint, exuding a strange fragrance.

They have passed the Kingdom of the Salt God, and the beads left behind by the Salt God cannot suppress the problem of the bamboo raft. Besides, they have no one now, and they really can no longer support the bamboo raft. A bunch of foxes got off the boat at the entrance of the artificially dug tunnel. Zero, who ate everything, swallowed all the bamboo rafts and derivatives without leaving any traces. Then the foxes huddled together, nervously Yi Ling walked forward vigilantly. At this time, it was necessary for the foxes to cover the figures of the phantom cat and Wei Xun. The 'two brothers' were by his side. Yi Ling was full of excitement, and his hands were itchy and wanted to do something, but when he was pacing, But he looked extremely calm. Even when the foxes were walking through the tunnel, fire suddenly lit up on the rock walls on both sides of the tunnel, instantly lighting up the darkness and frightening the foxes. Yi Ling still looked very calm and directed An Xuefeng to carry the foxes. When it reached the wall, the man stood up and held Yi Ling to a place where he could observe the golden lamp up close.

"嘘嘤" 'The lamp oil inside is like shark wax, it is said that it can burn for thousands of years'

Yi Ling looked at the pitch-black wax oil in the lamp. It was difficult to use the tiger marrow oil lamp here. He couldn't tell the chieftain king clearly, "The white tiger is here!" ’, and this place is not suitable for the moon to shine. The moon appearing in the mausoleum is very strange, and it will definitely attract attention.

The original soup turns into the original food. It is safest to illuminate the tomb with the lamps in the tunnel. Being mentally prepared, Yi Ling tried to take off the golden lamp several times, but was choked by the black corpse oil that had solidified many years ago. In the end, he simply let the black caterpillar come up and roll up the lamp.

Isn't Ghost Butterfly worried that a caterpillar like him will be discovered by the toast king and shamelessly squeeze into the middle of the fox team? The lamp in the tomb is enough to cover up the non-native aura of it, not to mention that the ghost butterfly can also feel that Yi Ling's patience has reached its limit.

It would be uncomfortable for anyone to be surrounded by foxes from front to back, left and right, but if a caterpillar squeezes in through every opening, it would be uncomfortable for anyone!

"Hey." Are we really at the Tomb of the Tusi King now?

"Ugh." Hmm.

Yi Ling rarely used an affirmative statement. With the appearance of tombstones, this place can be regarded as part of the Tusi King's tomb, but it is still far away from the real depths of the Tusi King's tomb.

There are mainly murals carved on the rock walls here. You can see burial pits at intervals on both sides of the tunnel. The burial pits on their side are full of animal bones. An Xuefeng took a few glances and said they belonged to tigers. bone. There is a tiger bone in this burial pit, and there are three connected burial pits. Each of the tiger bones in it is larger than the most ferocious tiger today. Not to mention An Xuefeng, a normal fox with its tail shrunk. Not as big as the skull of a tiger bone.

After the tiger bones are the leopard bones, and then the bear bones. Judging from the animal bones in the burial pit, it can be judged that the tomb is buried in an extremely noble king. The foxes walked against the rock wall and stood close to the rock wall. The foxes naturally saw the strokes carved on the rock wall. They were simple and elegant, and must have been a long way away from today. It's just that from the fox's perspective, it's difficult to see clearly what's painted on the mural. The light from the golden lamp is not very bright, and can only illuminate part of the surrounding area.

On the other hand, Yi Ling felt familiar, as he felt that the patterns at the corners of the mural had been seen somewhere before. Yi Ling looked at it again and again, then simply stepped on An Xuefeng's to observe the mural at close range. Finally, his hard work paid off. Yi Ling suddenly recognized one of the strange Möbius strips, and finally realized and opened his own Human skin map, the corners of this mural are similar patterns on the human skin map, then it is a map!

However, the murals are still different from the human skin maps. According to the description of the murals, the entire Wuluo Mountain should be the tomb of the Tusi King! Just like those emperors outside who use an entire mountain to build their mausoleums, that's enough magnificence. But now...most of the mountains are occupied and plundered by the Wuluo Mountain God.

The pictures of prosperity on the murals are completely outdated, and even the brightly lit patterns on the human skin map are obsolete. The outer, middle, east, west, south, and now the outer, middle, and inner parts of the mountain - southeast, northwest, are all occupied by the mountain gods. The corpses turned into flying foxes have become the most loyal and ferocious lackeys of the mountain gods. Currently, only those who are still within the influence of the Tusi King are left. Such a pitiful core burial area.

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