Thriller Tour Group

1202. Tomb of the Tusi King (138)

Under the cold moonlight, the woman on the tomb brick tilted her head and looked at Yi Ling and Ghost Butterfly. She was extremely small, her head was only as big as a fingernail, but the strange thing was that both Yi Ling and Ghost Butterfly could clearly see the expression on her face. The expressions seemed to be printed directly on their eyes. The originally smiling woman's face changed. Her eyes widened with anger, and her face became deformed and twisted. She looked hideous and terrifying, looking like an evil ghost! But soon the woman's expression would soften again——

However, before her expression could relax, another more ferocious beast's face appeared in front of her! The cold light was faint, reflecting the white sharp teeth and scarlet tongue of the beast. The monster fox quietly approached the tomb brick and opened its bloody mouth that could swallow the entire tomb brick. There was a terrifying golden brain on the scarlet tongue. ! What the hell is this? What a monster this is! In an instant, the situation was reversed, and the shadow of death shrouded the little woman on the tomb brick with ferocious terror!

"嘤嘤?!" 'What's wrong? What's wrong? ! ’

‘Don’t eat it, Director Ling, this is a woman opening the door! ’

The next second, an anxious fox bark sounded from outside, and the ghost-like fox head suddenly disappeared like an undead.

"Hey." 'It's okay, I saw a small mural'

Yi Ling first comforted Lu Shucheng, who looked over anxiously. She must have heard the sound of the tomb bricks falling just now, and she immediately became alert and asked. Then Yi Ling looked at the black caterpillar. They were able to communicate in their hearts. Yi Ling chuckled and said, "Is the woman opening the door?" ’

‘Yes, if the woman opens the door, it will become a polluting mural! ’

Ghost Butterfly said repeatedly: "The presence of her in the tomb means that there are other space doors behind this. Other than that, there are no other problems."

'Yeah? ’

Yi Ling said without comment. The fox raised his paw and patted the woman on the tomb brick. She was almost eaten by the fox and was shocked. Her face was sad. She seemed to be shrinking into the crack of the door again, but she could not avoid the fox's claws. , could only gradually fade under the harsh scratching of the fox claws, and finally was rubbed off by Yi Ling!

‘Picture of a woman opening her door, that’s what it is’

Yi Ling sniffed the pollution and hid it in the fur on his body. Then he stared at the ghost butterfly and said with a smile: "The mural that can change faces is a bit interesting."

Damn, suspected. Ghost Butterfly, who was looking at Yi Ling's occupation of the pollution in shock, felt his heart sink immediately when he heard what he said. He could name this thing because he obviously knew what it was, but he didn't tell Yi Ling immediately. But when the woman looked at them, her expression changed. I have to say that this does look suspicious. Not paying attention to pollution is a life-saving rule that every tour guide and tourist must keep in mind when they are not strong enough. If this thing is really dangerous, then they will have to suffer a little.

Don't let Ling Dao doubt you! Thinking about what happens to people who are not trusted by the life-seeking people, the black caterpillar is already sweating and explains quickly. The so-called woman opening the door is a special tomb pattern with carvings and murals. Its origins can be traced back to the Eastern Han Dynasty*. It is most common in tombs of the Song, Liao and Jin Dynasties. Most of them show women with half of their body exposed by the door, seemingly in front of the door. It looks like there is an opening behind the door.

There are many interpretations of the picture of the woman opening the door. Some say that there is a space door outside the tomb, which infinitely enlarges the small space door of the tomb. But for tourist guides, the picture of a woman opening the door is a mural that often appears in tomb tours. At first, it only appeared in a few tombs, and it was a simple mural. But you must know that in the dark and oppressive tomb passage, the flashlight light will Most people will be startled when they suddenly see a half-naked ancient woman on the wall. The SAN value plummets. Coupled with some ghosts and ghosts caused by pollution, the picture of a woman opening her door is very suitable for middle and low-class tourists. It's a pretty dangerous mural.

But for experienced tour guides and tourists, this mural often represents a special situation. Probably because this mural has become popular in recent years, the general public has become more aware of and talked about it, and the picture of a woman opening her door is also like a folk painting. The door legend has also undergone new changes. It will appear in some tombs that originally did not have such murals. Most of these pictures of women opening doors have obvious pollution. Her appearance shows that there are new ones behind the murals. Space door.

It may be a secret room, or a tomb within a tomb, and the woman's expression will also change, with a kind look and an angry look. The good look indicates that there is not much danger behind, and the angry look indicates that there is great danger in the space door behind. In short, it is like The indicator marks are the same. As long as they are not frightened by her, many tourist guides love to see her in the tomb.

This was the case with Ghost Butterfly. His first reaction was to block the mural with tomb bricks because he only glanced at it in a hurry and only saw the incomplete picture of a big woman with fingernails. He felt that it looked like a curse or something. Later, two tomb bricks fell off, and the true appearance of the mural was revealed. He recognized it as a picture of a woman opening her door, and he did not make any move until he observed the change in the woman's face - the pollution on the picture of a woman opening her door was very weak, and very It is easily contaminated, just like it will oxidize and fade when exposed to the outside world, it will disappear easily.

...So how did Yi Ling rub her off and then take her away? How did he do that! Is it because he is Yi Zero!

At that time, Gui Die wanted to see the change in her expression first. This should be a real picture of a woman opening her door. He believed in his own experience and intuitive judgment, and also believed in Ling Dao's initial words of 'no danger'... Ahem, that's right. I was wondering if Director Ling would be frightened, so he became distracted.

Instead, the woman was threatened and packed up.

‘This is the first time I see a woman crying’

After defending himself until the end, Gui Die couldn't hold it back and added another sentence.

When a good person sees a humanoid mural that looks like a ghost, his first reaction is to open his mouth and eat it. What kind of pollution-eating demon is this? The picture of a woman opening her door would make her cry! In other words, Director Zero can eat pollution like a cookie. If he is suddenly in danger and has no time to fight back, Director Zero can just open his big mouth to defend himself without any blind spots. He can intimidate the opponent and directly rub him away. What kind of pollution can withstand the combo of moves?

Damn it, if Yi Ling is taken away like this, there won't be such a picture of a woman opening her door during the tomb journey!

'haha, really. ’

Yi Ling said with a fake smile: "There are many things about the first time. You haven't eaten tomb bricks before, do you want to try it for the first time?"

Just kidding, he would never really bite it, it was just a threat to the mural, and he didn't take such a small amount of contamination seriously. Even if the pollution-soaked tomb brick was as delicious as a wafer cookie, he wouldn't eat it. It was a tomb brick, so dirty! The black caterpillar seems to be bolder. Is this because of his taste?

‘. ’

The black caterpillar heard the implicit threat and did not dare to say anything more. The black caterpillar tried its best to push down the two tomb bricks that had contaminated the mural and changed the topic.

'The woman's expression was kind at first, but then she turned angry after 'seeing' us, indicating that there is danger in the space door behind the tomb bricks. But in the end she seems to be changing back to her good side, which is a little strange...'

Before she completely changed her face, she was intimidated by Zero. It can only be said that her expression seemed to be softening, but she couldn't be completely sure.

‘Just dig, there’s no danger to us behind the tomb bricks’

Yi Ling did not answer the black caterpillar's question, but once again told Miao Fangfei behind him not to get close to this place, and to stay where he was and not move.

Soon Ghost Butterfly completely removed the two tomb bricks. There was indeed a square space door behind the tomb bricks. It was very narrow, only about a foot tall, a forearm wide, and as deep as two tomb bricks. . The light gray anti-corrosion paint covered the surface of the tomb bricks like crystals in a geode, and there was only one thing in the space door. Yi Ling carefully took it out, and the fox raised its forelimbs and held it in front of him in a strange way.

It was a red cloth bag. The material looked very old, but the color was still bright. The outside of the cloth bag was tied with a black and white door rope, just like a baby's swaddling clothes. The bottom of the cloth bag was wet, soaked in an unknown liquid full of pollution. The door tomb bricks in the small space where it was located were also soaked wet, exuding a strange smell of mixed spices.

This is pure mummy pollution, which drips into the salt lake along the cracks of the tomb bricks. It is the culprit that causes the pollution of corpses by Yi Zero and black caterpillars. Holding his swaddling clothes and coming into contact with these pure mummy-contaminated body fluids, Yi Ling breathed a sigh of relief. The 'same source' pollution power poured into his body, causing the mummy fox hair that had fallen off his body to grow back rapidly, turning him into a new person. It turned into a slightly shriveled but fluffy moon fox, and the black caterpillar next to it was also soaking in the light. Just smelling the smell of pollution, the black hairs it shed suddenly grew out.

The fox and the caterpillar were restored to their mummy's 'best' state.

‘This is an active core of pollution that is actively empowering us’

Yi Ling said with great interest, chewing the wax brain in his mouth. The wax brain is not so active. It is as dead in the Moon Fox's mouth. After chewing it, some sweet and sour pollution will leak out. Although it allows the wax corpse guards to evolve quickly in the battle, it is not too big compared to the mummy pollution. Active, even if he and Ghost Butterfly have returned to their 'best' mummy state, the mummy pollution is still actively transferring energy to them.

It's like injecting strength into the warriors who have been fighting at high intensity.

Yi Ling took a look inside the swaddle and found the culprit of the mummy contamination. It was a dry and bent fish bone, or a small rib. Baby's ribs. What is left in the cloth is a very small part of the mummy pollution core. The vast majority of the mummy pollution core is still far away, and they are all in this particularly active state. Judging from the cloth bag that looks like an infant, the core of the mummy contamination should be in the shape of a baby... is it a complete baby, or is it a baby-sized body that can be spliced ​​together with the wax brain and insect corpse head?

Yi Ling didn't know clearly, but he would soon understand. Moon Fox put his claws into the cloth pocket and fished it out like a bandit. The moment he fished out the small rib, he opened his mouth and swallowed it, holding it in his right cheek.

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