Thriller Tour Group

1204. Tomb of the Tusi King (139)

Looking around, there is a golden color, and there is no other color on the earth. Such aggressive and terrifying pollution makes Yi Ling marvel in his heart. Besides being amazed, he has new doubts. So far, he has not seen any golden monsters. Or utensils, only the golden earth.

What exactly is pollution incarnate in the Land of Gold? What are these flying zombies and immortal bones fighting? It can't just be a golden, spreading land. Pollution will always have monster-like carriers or people like the first generation Linjun who are in charge of pollution.

What could that be? Are you still in the deeper battlefield? Yi Ling tried his best to squeeze out the contamination from the ribs of the mummy, wanting to see more. It was as if he was overlooking the entire battlefield in the tomb area, his sight extending deeper, but in the next moment, a violent aura that shot straight into the sky suddenly attacked him. , crashing into Yi Zero’s spirit! The tenacious and powerful spirit was instantly attacked by terror, but it resisted the pressure. However, this was not the only attack. More terrifying evil spirits came. The chaotic and collapsing pollution was mixed with the terrifying air waves, and it hit the west like destruction and collapse. Looking in all directions, Yi Ling felt like he was on a battlefield at this moment.

I see! Yi Ling suddenly realized that no wonder the resonance of the mummy pollution restricted him from browsing the battlefield, and only allowed him to take a peek after he became stronger. He should have thought that resonance and gaze would bring pollution. When he looked at the battlefield, the battlefield was also watching him. Ordinary flying zombies can hardly resist the invasion of this evil spirit pollution. The resonance limit of the core of mummy pollution is for his safety.

This mummy pollution is so weird! The violent impact just now was considered the limit of Yi Zero. If he looked deeper and endured more, the pollution would probably invade deeper, and his spirit would also slip and change in another direction... But that What does it matter? Yi Ling felt that he was getting stronger.

It is true that some of his human emotions are disappearing, and his body seems to be undergoing subtle changes, but there must be a price to pay for becoming stronger. Yi Ling thought nonchalantly that the most lacking thing now is time. He has no consistent exercise and no experience. You can become stronger after a hundred battles, and there is such a good thing in the world.

But in a sense, the little bit of emotion he disappeared is equivalent to the years of training. Could it be said that these are more important? But it doesn't matter if you give up some, Yi Ling thought coldly and rationally, he must see deeper. When he was watching the battlefield ruins of Fei Zombie and Boneless just now, he had never been invaded by such evil spirits on the battlefield. This means that the battle on the battlefield ahead is most likely not over yet, and is still fiercely fought!

Sure enough, under the erosion of more pollution and the impact of the terrifying murderous pollution, Yi Zero saw a deeper battlefield! It was an open-air cemetery, but the earth was no longer completely golden. The not-so-bright sunlight shines on the giant-sized black skeleton in the cemetery. Their pitch-black bones glowed with light, exuding an extremely evil and terrifying powerful aura. The thick black Yin Qi almost condensed into a sinister wind, soaring straight into the sky!

Indestructible Bones - These skeletons are covered in indestructible bones. They are more powerful and terrifying bone corpses!

This is a corpse!

Four or five giant-like corpses stood in a row, like an indestructible dark city wall, completely blocking the invaders' front line! The bigger the body, the clumsier the movements, and the corpse's movement is not fast, and as long as one corpse moves the interception line, there will be a flaw. But they don't need to take action, they can just be used as city walls, because there is a kind of zombie that is small in stature but as fast as thunder beating on them.

They have different shapes, some are like babies but have red bodies, some are like lambs but are only the size of a palm, and some are hairy but only have one foot.

They are all demons, the one that is as red as a baby is the mud demon, the one that looks like a skeleton lamb is the sheep demon, the one with only one foot like a furry beast is the beast demon, some of them are mummies, some are bone corpses, but they all attack Extremely strong and amazingly powerful! Dozens of demons sometimes rushed towards the battlefield like lightning, and sometimes jumped back to the corpse to avoid attacks, firmly blocking the enemy on this battlefield.

And Yi Zero finally got what he wanted and saw the monster caused by the pollution of the Golden Kingdom! In other words, only part of it is a monster. It is a huge golden feathered snake with brilliant golden wings. It is as big as Fu Zhi. Every time it opens its mouth, it will spit out blazing and terrifying flames. Thousands of golden eagles are flying around it, each holding a snake in its mouth. The snakes spit out golden venom at the zombies. If it is contaminated at all, the demon will transform into gold. In addition, there are many weird golden monsters fighting against the demons on the ground, but among the monsters there are people——

They are not monsters, they are like British adventurers in the early 20th century - or mercenaries. Each of them has a tall and powerful horse, and some of them are riding horses. They are well-trained and advance and retreat together. Human beings are like victims who accidentally entered the battlefield on this terrifying monster battlefield, but there are already several demon corpses lying beside them.

Why are there still people? Foreigner? Are they new to the mountain? No, no. Judging from their clothes, I'm afraid these 'people' themselves are brought about by the pollution of the Golden Kingdom. They are invaders. Yi Ling was convinced, because he clearly saw a person being dragged into the mire by the mud demon and died, and then resurrected on the golden earth. They seemed impervious to death, while the other adventurers shouted loudly and banged their weapons as they faced the mud demons.

The mud demons were most afraid of the sound of metal striking metal, and they hastily retreated to the corpses, but the sheep demons were not afraid of these. They spewed out surging and dirty water, which swept away the adventurers and horses and instantly cleaned the earth. However, before the extremely polluting water could show its power again, the feathered serpent flying in the air made a cry, and countless golden feathers scattered, turning into golden hearts in the air. Those hearts were like sacrifices, calling for extremely dazzling sunlight. Yi Ling subconsciously "looked" at the sky and found that there were five suns in the sky!


The sheep demons were most afraid of the sun. Under the scorching and terrifying sun, they made a shrill wail. The sheep demons who retreated to the shadows of the corpses in time were still alive, but the unlucky sheep demons were burned to ashes in the sun. The flood was also dried up by the five suns. The adventurers and mercenaries came back, and only the beast demons could fight them again. This grand battlefield was like a war depicted in an epic, and Yi Ling was fascinated by it.

Thump, thump.

Was it his heart beating excitedly? The heartbeat was so deafening. He wanted to look deeper. When the golden eagles following Quetzalcoatl tried to fly over the heads of the corpses and fly deeper into the cemetery, there was always a huge hand as white as jade that reached out from thin air and crushed the golden eagle.

Whose hand was this? Was it another more powerful zombie? Yi Ling wanted to look again. He could feel that the pollution was unbalanced. He seemed to be leaving his body and becoming something more powerful to participate in this battle.

Thump, thump.

The heartbeat disturbed Yi Ling's concentration. Heartbeat... After leaving the body, of course there would be no heartbeat. But it didn't matter. The human body bound him. He should have a stronger form and stronger power.

Thump, thump.

Heartbeat... There was nothing to miss about the human body - huh?

No, the image of An Xuefeng suddenly appeared in Yi Ling's mind. The deep connection was like a kite string, tying back his sanity for a moment. This moment was enough for Yi Ling to recall the strongest memory of his time as a human being - those passionate moments. At this moment, many emotions returned. The human body was quite comfortable. He hadn't done it with An Xuefeng, who was now 18 years old. He couldn't leave the human body. It was too bad!

The distracting thoughts only lasted for a moment, but they further awakened Yi Ling's consciousness. Yi Ling shuddered and decisively re-injected the pollution in his body that exceeded his body's tolerance back into his ribs. The epic battlefield scene also darkened and dissipated in an instant. This was really a grand battlefield like the twilight of the gods. Yi Ling's nature was revealed after he regained his sanity. Human greed returned. Before the battlefield scene completely turned black, he suddenly stretched out a force and fished it out!


Moon Fox Yi Ling suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes were blazing, a sun flashed in his deep blue-purple pupils, dazzling, like a beating sun - yes, it was the sun! At the last moment, he retrieved a large ball of solar power from the five extra suns in the sky of the battlefield! Without this part of the solar power, the zombies can last longer.

Any solar power in Yi Ling's mouth is a dish, Yi Ling is already familiar with digesting it. After a little taste, he knew that this was the sun of America -

The Golden Country seems to be an American myth. Indeed, even Quetzalcoatl has appeared. But there are British adventurers and mercenaries in the Golden Country of America - explorers, invaders? It seems that the Golden Country itself should also have contradictions, the monsters of the indigenous people and the outsiders. Then how could the pollution of the Golden Country invade the Tusi King's Tomb? Is this a conspiracy? Black Fox is also a foreigner. If there is a chance, he may be sent to the battlefield as a foreign undercover.

The pollution in his body should have gone out of control just now. Mao Xiaole and Lu Shucheng were smart and should not have been affected.

When digesting the sun, Yi Ling analyzed some miscellaneous things. After initially suppressing the power of the American sun, he opened his eyes and saw a thick and soft fox fur.

An Xuefeng didn't know when he came back, and the Fox King held him tightly in his arms. The part of the fiery red fox fur close to Yi Ling had been eroded by pollution and turned pale and dry, as if it had aged countless years, but the Fox King still held him tightly with the softest chest, and the heart was beating at the place closest to Yi Ling, and the warm tongue continued to lick his cheeks, from the eyes to the tip of the nose.

Plop, plop.

Ah, it's the sound of this heartbeat.

Yi Ling thought, unconsciously smiled, and raised his head to respond to the Fox King's licking.

When he was trapped in the pollution, it turned out that he had always heard An Xuefeng's heartbeat.

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