Thriller Tour Group

1218. Chieftain King (152) Recognize your brother? !

Recognize your brother? Ghost Butterfly's heart trembled. Is it coming? Yi Ling recognizes his brother? !

Yi Ling is quite magical in this regard. He has watched various live broadcasts of Yi Ling. Except for a few people, those who are recognized as brothers by Yi Ling basically do not end well. The most impressive one is the warm-up match. Zero became Loki and faced Odin, recognized his brother, and in the end Odin was killed by him. They have a small group of tour guides in private, and they can't help but have wild thoughts.

There is a famous magic novel in which the Defense Against the Dark Arts class is cursed, and all kinds of accidents will happen to anyone who teaches this class. Yi Ling's elder brother position also seems to be cursed. Except for those who care about life, misfortunes will happen to others who regard him as his older brother.

Of course, they were all talking nonsense and just chatting in private. Ghost Butterfly never dreamed that he would experience Yi Ling's brother recognition scene in person! He looked around suspiciously, fearing that the phantom cat was watching in some dark corner. Neither Yi Ling nor Wei Xun understood his anxiety, and the two foxes were still discussing whether this matter was feasible.

‘You can’t use the artifact from the Kingdom of Gold to kill the brother of the Tusi King’s Tomb’

Wei Xun is justified. Different mythological systems have different rules. As you can see from the battlefield just now, if the smoke mirror wants to affect the fate of the zombie incarnation, it must first fill the battlefield with the divine power of the Kingdom of Gold and become their The kingdom of God is easy to display.

‘Brother’s identity will not be limited by the scene’

Yi Ling played with Quetzalcoatl's hammer with great interest. It was made of pure gold and engraved with Quetzalcoatl's patterns and sun patterns. If Wei Xun hadn't said it was a hammer, Ghost Butterfly would have thought it was more like a short sword. Scepter. It itself is actually very big. After all, Quetzalcoatl is huge, and the hammer it can use must be at least ten meters long.

But the huge Quetzalcoatl was forced into an iron cabinet. Its size shrank, and the hammer naturally shrank. Now it is even smaller in Yi Ling's hands. This is a good thing that can be changed in size at will. Baby, Yi Ling likes it very much. But it still belongs to Quetzalcoatl, not entirely to him.

‘To kill Quetzalcoatl’

Ghost Butterfly's eyes showed a fierce look: "You can't completely replace His identity without killing Him."

Most of Quetzalcoatl's power has been devoured by Yi Ling and Wei Xun. However, he is a god, and even if he is devoured, his power will not fail and die. Just like the Salt God, unless there is a description of his death in myths and legends, and it is reenacted according to legend, it is difficult to kill the god directly.

Does Aztec mythology have a legend describing the death of Quetzalcoatl? seems not.

‘Perhaps we can kill Quetzalcoatl by shooting the sun’

Wei Xun said calmly: "He is not only Quetzalcoatl, he is also the sun."

The myth of shooting the sun is well known to women and children in their area. The Tujia people also have their own legend of shooting the sun. Wei Xun absorbed a lot of the sun's energy. Even if all this energy was stored in this 'body' and did not infiltrate his soul, he could still resonate with the sun's inheritance with his keen perception. Unlike the real sun, the mythical sun is not unique; it dies.

Deep in the tomb of the Tusi King, the solar resonance of the Tujia people has the upper hand. It has primitive emotions, and the fear of bows and arrows is imprinted in its soul. It is one of the survivors among the twelve suns. It is frightened by humans and obeys them. dispatch. As the power of the American sun merged in, the cold and contemptuous feelings of some American sun gods toward humans merged in, but did not prevail.

The power that can kill the sun of the Tujia people can also kill the sun of America, not to mention that Quetzalcoatl is so weak now.


As if sensing the murderous intention, Quetzalcoatl struggled violently again in the iron cabinet. The roar of a wild beast came from the iron cabinet, like some kind of big cat. The bright sunshine was like a sharp arrow, suddenly coming from the iron cabinet door. It burst out from the crack. If the underworld creatures were really exposed to such hot sunlight, they would be seriously injured. However, among Yi Ling and the other three, only Ghost Butterfly is considered a pure underworld creature. Before he gasped in pain, Yi Ling and Wei Xun had a tacit understanding. Absorbed all the sunlight bursting out from Quetzalcoatl.

Sunlight is also the power of the sun. After several times, I found that my only counterattack was to give them extra meals. Quetzalcoatl finally stopped fussing and calmed down. When the temperature of the iron cabinet dropped to about the same level, Yi Ling summoned an army of wax corpses and stretched the climbing rope on the iron cabinet. The three of them loaded up their belongings and jumped onto the iron cabinet. The wax corpses pulled the iron cabinet towards An Xuefeng and the others.

Walking deeper into the Tomb of the Tusi King, the tomb passage becomes more disgusting. The tomb bricks are wrapped with gray-white corpses. The iron cabinets make a hair-raising sticky sound when they are rolled over. The air humidity is very high, it is extremely cold, and there is a sticky stench above the head from time to time. The liquid falls down, and when you look up, you can see that the top of the dark tomb passage is covered with layers of human skin. The human hand hangs down, and corpse water drips from the fingertips.

Yi Ling couldn't stand it anymore, so he melted several wax corpses into corpse wax vaults and solidified them on the iron cabinet. But I couldn't stop the stench that was everywhere, so I could only distract myself by talking.

‘Replacing a god must either gain universal recognition from the corresponding mythical creature, or else completely devour him and replace him’

On the iron cabinet, Ghost Butterfly told the relevant methods to replace the gods. It was obvious that it was an almost impossible task to obtain the approval of the Aztec gods.

‘Even if you can kill Him with a sun-shooting bow, it will be difficult to replace Him’

Yi Ling said that their goal is to place "undercover" Wei Xun in the Kingdom of Gold to disrupt the war situation. Replacing Quetzalcoatl as the Second Sun is just a means. The ultimate goal is to lurk close to the Kingdom of Gold and take advantage of the opportunity.

If killing Quetzalcoatl would make his god brothers aware of it and immediately trigger a riot among the gods of the Kingdom of Gold, it would defeat their purpose. Even if Wei Xun could successfully devour Quetzalcoatl, directly inherit his identity and divine status, and then kill him after replacing Quetzalcoatl so that his god brothers would not feel death, he would not be able to appear openly in Ah. In front of the god Ztek.

Who can fail to recognize his brother? Even if they have the same divine power, the same authority, and the same second sun, they are different.

Both Ghost Butterfly and Wei Xun knew this, and frowned solemnly for a moment. Quetzalcoatl had already obtained it, but it was not easy to kill him, but it made things difficult for others.

‘What’s so embarrassing about this’

But Yi Ling smiled; ‘Then don’t kill’

‘The living Quetzalcoatl is the only constraint to the Kingdom of Gold’

Yi Ling said and looked at Wei Xun: 'Do you feel it? ’

'How do you feel? ’

Wei Xun, who was still digesting the power of the sun, looked at Yi Ling in confusion.

There's none? Yi Ling smiled and said nothing more. He could feel the power of the sun being continuously transmitted into his body. It was the power of the sun in Central America, but it was not the sun of Quetzalcoatl, but two other suns, very similar and gentle in power. Are other Aztec suns sensing that Quetzalcoatl was seriously injured and replenishing his strength?

No, they have not replaced Quetzalcoatl's identity. If the other party takes the initiative to replenish Quetzalcoatl's power, it will be directly passed on to Quetzalcoatl.

Unless someone establishes contact with them first, uses the power of the sun of Quetzalcoatl to blind them, and lets God transmit the power of the sun through the connection, so that it will not reach Quetzalcoatl - it is the white cat, The white cat has established a connection with the other suns, swallowed up the power they continuously transferred to him, and then transferred it to him. This is the only way, because Yi Zero cannot trace the source based on this power transfer-the connection between him and the big white cat. Blocked by my brother.

My brother was involved in this matter, otherwise the big white cat would not have established contact with the sun here. Could it be that after they took away Quetzalcoatl and left, my brother came to the battlefield?

Yi Ling glanced at Wei Xun. The mental pollution in him was well suppressed by the power of the surging sun. His brother has not come to him, and the phantom cat is still sleeping soundly. But even without using a medium, can my brother come here?

‘I really want to see the outside world’

'Um? ’

Ghost Butterfly and Wei Xun were discussing how to contain the battlefield when they heard Yi Ling sigh.

outside world?

'You want to attack other Aztec gods? ’

Ghost Butterfly immediately asked nervously.

No, the world he wanted to see was only outside the tomb of the Tusi King. My brother has been able to influence them across the journey, so he should go to Gannan to have a look so that he doesn't fall behind.

‘To kill them’

Yi Ling followed Ghost Butterfly's words and said: 'Don't limit yourself too much'

"You don't need the Aztec god's recognition. If Wei Xun can become the sun, so can I."

As long as he also obtains the identity of the Aztec Sun, he and Wei Xun can completely recognize each other!

‘The most important thing is not God’s recognition, but the contaminated core of the Golden Kingdom’

Yi Ling distinguished the power of the two suns that were continuously passed into his body, and guessed that such a gentle power should belong to the Rain God and another sun that they had never seen but was closely related to the Rain God. They are not stingy with their divine power, and the big white cat also transfers the power of the sun without reservation, nourishing Yi Ling's body.

He can no longer be called a moon fox. His snow-white body is being stained with the red light of the sun. The moon is turning towards the sun, and the temperature of the entire fox is also rising. The warm power of the sun is radiating outward like pollution, and the coldness in the tomb is... The wind was infected with the hot temperature, and the air became distorted, like countless line-like insects floating in the air, squirming and twisting into a symbol that was difficult to understand.

Ghost Butterfly couldn't stand it anymore, so he jumped off the iron cabinet and followed him from a distance. The unbalanced heartbeat and the anxiety and palpitations that made his brain almost burst gradually faded away. Now Yi Ling is like a living large-scale pollution. Even if you have a father-son connection with him, you can't stay by his side for a long time. It's terrible that people can do this. It's terrible! But Yi Ling is not a human being, which makes it understandable.

‘…The core pollution calculation of Tusi King’s Tomb, I call it corpse transformation. The polluted cores are scattered among the cores of various zombies, and only when they are collected will they be complete’

Ghost Butterfly, who woke up from a state of chaos and fear, couldn't help but pricked up his ears when he heard Yi Zero talking about core pollution - that is, butterfly fragments.

‘The most important core of Aztec mythology is the sun, so will the contaminated core of the Golden Kingdom also be scattered among the five suns? Every sun god is part of the pollution core? ’

Ghost Butterfly's spirit is trembling, Yi Ling's guess is very reasonable! The butterfly fragments are basically in the hands of the strongest creatures on the journey to the 30th North Latitude. The development of the journey to 30 degrees north latitude is a slow process. No one can achieve 100% development of the journey to 30 degrees north latitude for the first time. Usually the goal of the first exploration is to select the opening direction of 30 degrees north latitude, and then further confirm the location of the butterfly fragments.

If you capture the butterfly fragment, you will have complete control over the development of this journey to the 30th degree north latitude, and your merits will be complete. There are only a few people like Dream Chaser who have opened up the Sahara but have not been able to get the butterfly fragments for a long time. With An Xuefeng's strength, all he had to do was confirm the location of the butterfly fragment and kill it directly.

Like now.

Moon Fox, who was lying lazily on the iron cabinet, suddenly straightened up and looked forward with burning eyes. Even the wax corpse cover melted away from the front part, just in time to see the tomb passage in front. I saw a huge fox faintly appearing in the dark tomb passage at the front. It seemed to be holding a corpse in its mouth. It was the fox king returning home from hunting. It first looked this way, and then ran over without hesitation. Like a gust of wind, it swept over in an instant. It put its front paws on the iron cabinet and put its head in front of Yi Ling!

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