Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 1284 Tusi King's Tomb (216)

Chapter 1284 Tomb of the Tusi King (216)



The urgent calls of the people around him echoed in Yi Ling's ears, but they became increasingly blurry. Everything around him seemed to turn into a blank and disappear. When the last contaminated core of the mummy crashed into Yi Ling's heart and the fragments began to merge, he had no time to worry about it. Around him, he was dragged into a whirlpool of bizarre chaos. The core of pollution shattered and then merged in his heart, condensing into a small fragment shining with blue-purple light.

The halo of light flowed on this fragment, attracting all his attention like a magical abyss. The extremely small fragment became infinitely large in his eyes, like a blue-purple sky, and above the deep blue sky was a dream-like purple sunset. It's like falling into a dim deep sea, with the endless deep blue surging like waves. Sometimes large patches of fluff grow in the blue-purple sea, and sometimes giant dark black skeletons and slender fluorescent mushrooms emerge. Like seaweed, it grows in sheets on the seabed. Weird and deformed insects surge like sea fish in the cracks. Large tracts of dry skin like jellyfish float in the deep blue and deep purple. It is scary and full of dreamlike charm.

Then this large area of ​​blue-purple shrank rapidly, and finally turned into a shining blue-purple fragment.

Just like the world above the tiny dust, Yi Ling had no reason to know that this dark blue-purple fragment was the most basic pollution base. Floating on it was the zombie pollution derived from it, and the aura lingering on this pollution was not only connected to the fragments. , and more connected to this land. The butterfly fragments and the pollution core at 30 degrees north latitude jointly derived the Wuluoshan pollution in the tomb of the Tusi King in western Hunan.

But now, this butterfly fragment has been firmly rooted in Yi Ling's heart, and it has penetrated into Yi Ling's heart along with the aura of power connected to the core of pollution at 30 degrees north latitude.

"Cough, cough, cough -?"

Obsessed with the inner butterfly fragment, Yi Ling realized later that he was coughing violently, and a needle-like sting spread from the deepest part of his heart. When he was not aware of it, this pain had no sense of existence at all, but when he discovered it, it was painful. Suddenly it became violent. Yi Ling felt that his heartbeat was unbalanced and his heart contracted suddenly. His violent coughing and wheezing seemed to affect the muscles in his whole body, and a strong smell of blood came from his throat.

Blood dripped from the corner of Yi Ling's mouth, hanging on the raised corner of his mouth. He was smiling in surprise, clutching his heart tightly, deliberately coughing more violently, stirring up the small butterfly fragment, and pulling in more The pollution at 30 degrees north latitude arouses more severe pain.

Is this pain? It's so spicy. It turns out that he has experienced it before, but it's not as obvious as this time. What will happen if it hurts more? How does it compare to the hot peppers from hell?


Yi Ling laughed out loud. The fingers that were clutching his heart grew sharp nails and pierced into the flesh. The sharp nails passed through the ribs and buckled on the soft and tough heart, pressing down on the small depression.

"Thump, thump, thump."


His heart was as cold as ice-cold blood. What, it turned out that he was really not human. The intense pain made Yi Ling tremble all over, his nerves trembled, but his eyes became brighter and brighter. The sound of tearing skin could be heard. He couldn't help but stroke his heart. His sharp nails inserted into the gap between his heart and lungs, trying to lift it up. The cold heart, tearing open the tough myocardium, burying your fingers in the blood vessels, feeling the flow of blood, and enjoying the more intense pain.

However, in the next moment, the severe pain suddenly weakened, as if it was shared by someone.

In this way, those sharp pains disappeared, leaving only a little unpleasant dull pain.

?Want to read Chapter 1284 Tomb of the Tusi King (216) in "Infinite Tour Group" written by Yan Guhong? Please remember the domain name of .[(.)]???_?_??



Yi Ling clicked his tongue in frustration. He was in high spirits but was poured cold water on him. He used his nails to tear his heart muscle violently, but the pain was always like a world away. No matter how much trouble he made, he would only feel it a little bit. Even so, if his heart was torn, he would definitely feel the pain again, but Yi Ling pulled out his fingers without interest, the excitement on his face disappeared, his emotions were gone, and his expression was extremely cold. ?

He knew who was sharing his pain, and more than that, they would share death. An Xuefeng is probably fighting that Leighton Stuart right now, and the severe pain in his heart may affect his fighting ability. Such thoughts flashed through Yi Ling's heart, passing by as lightly as a piece of paper. He is extremely emotionless at the moment, as if he has overdrawn too many emotions, or maybe he is like this to begin with, and all emotions similar to humans are just learning and mimicry. ?

However, when he thought of the clean and fluffy white tiger, some warmth finally appeared in Yi Ling's eyes. His blood-soaked fingers were so dissatisfied that he grasped them a few times, but he was not reminiscing about the pain of tearing his heart, but regurgitating the cud. The joy of playing with the fur of a white tiger. The interest in pain gradually disappeared, and the pain caused by the heartbeat no longer concerned Yi Ling.

Want to play tiger.

Yi Zero thought casually that he would no longer waste time. The thirty-degree pollution aura that was raging in his heart due to his indulgence was immediately tightly wrapped by the butterfly pollution. Wrapped by the pure abyss pollution, it could no longer struggle and was coerced and penetrated into Yi Zero. heart. His heart was torn out with several small tears, and the edges glowed with light blue. The light of the butterfly fragments bloomed through the scars. The small fragments beat like a heart. Those extremely fine fragments in Yi Ling's heart Surrounding it like stardust, streamers of light flashed from the fragments. In a daze, Yi Ling seemed to see some continuous shadows flashing across the butterfly fragments. When he realized this, those shadows suddenly became extremely real. .

The deep dense forest, the green leaves, the hazy southern mountains, and the black and red resentment rising like a storm. Hate, resentment, revenge, pain, the ghost king in the sky is screaming in pain, the thick black-red resentment is as huge as a meteor, crashing towards Wuluo Mountain, knocking the mountain open from top to bottom, creating an unfathomable miasma. The shrouded mountain cracks!

Deep in the mountain cleft is the tomb passage leading to the tomb of the Tusi King. The ghost king Pingping, full of resentment, knocked open the Wuluo Mountain and knocked out the Tusi King's tomb, hoping to uncover the truth! More pictures emerged, such as pressing the time to rewind and restoring to Yi Ling all the past that happened in the tomb of the Tusi King in Wuluoshan Mountain. A human skin map unfolded, and the pictures that emerged were imprinted on the dark yellow human skin. The originally incomplete lines on the human skin map are rapidly growing and winding, and the most complete map of Wuluoshan Tusi King's Cemetery is being automatically drawn on the human skin. With each additional frame, Yi Ling's aura of power becomes stronger on the human skin map. .

Yi Ling watched these pictures pass by indifferently. He instinctively understood that this was the official opening of the Tusi King's Tomb. This human skin map was the token of the Tusi King's Tomb. When his power aura was completely imprinted on it, he would truly Become the master of the journey of the Tusi King's Tomb. When it is completely opened, Wuluoshan Tusi King's Tomb will undergo drastic changes, and everyone will be excluded——


Yi Ling suddenly grasped the human skin map, which was constantly showing new lines! The journey to 30 degrees north latitude was started like a rule. Once it started, it was difficult for anyone to stop. However, Yi-Zero grabbed the human skin map tightly and suddenly shook hard, and then shook again.


A long and sharp roar came from the human skin map, completely different

The cold pollution rose up, and the rapidly increasing patterns on the human skin map were stunned. The incompatible pollution briefly interrupted the pollution and erosion process of the Tusi King's Tomb, and several large clumps of pollution were shaken out by Yi Zero like cat hair. , it was the pollution coming from Gannan that he stuffed into the human skin map before! ?


?Yan Guhong reminds you that "Unlimited Tour Group" will be updated as soon as possible, remember [(.)]???♦?♦??


A heavy and heart-stopping gasp came from the human skin map. Huge amounts of pollution flowed out of the small map. Countless terrifying pollution monsters rushed to rush out of the human skin map. However, the ferocious roars came out in an instant. It turned into a cry of fear. The pollution in the Tomb of the Tusi King was far worse than the pollution in Gannan. Before these huge monsters could get out of the human skin map, they were corroded and devoured by the zombie pollution. The devouring of each other by the pollution was cruel and indescribable. The truth is, the zombie pollution was completely crushed, and the pollution monster in Gannan was devoured in a few breaths, but its own consumption was minimal! ?

It was too fast. Yi Ling frowned slightly. He took advantage of the pause in development and briefly contacted Wu Laoliu. He contacted Wu Laoliu in time. The entire Wuluo Mountain has now been completely turned into a mess! As a pioneer, Yi Ling will be the last one to leave Wuluo Mountain even if he is rejected. Other outsiders will be thrown out before him. Wang Yushu, Orchid Mantis and the Suns of the Kingdom of Gold almost got out! ?

God knows how excited Wu Laoliu was when he received the contact from Yi Ling. Seeing Wang Yushu and others in blurry shapes, they seemed to be disappearing, but he showed no sign of being rejected. The worst situation turned out to be true. Wu Laoliu was also an outsider, but he was not excluded from Wuluo Mountain. This was obviously the conspiracy of the person behind it, and the death of You Zhi was also the work of that person.

As long as Yi Ling and the others leave, Wu Laoliu and others who are stranded in Wuluoshan will have to become meat on the chopping board and be slaughtered by others!

The terrifying energy storm separated them from Yi Ling. They could not see Yi Ling at all and could not contact him. Wu Laoliu would not sit still and wait for death. If he could no longer contact Yi Ling, he would take action on his own! Yi Ling gave him Li Jun's human skin, which hinted that there might be something else that he hadn't had time to give him.

However, they finally managed to contact Yi Ling, but before Wu Laoliu could be happy, the connection with Yi Ling was cut off again. The contact was too short, and they had no time to communicate at all! What should I do? Couldn't Yi Zero also suspend the development? That's right. After all, this is a journey of 30 degrees north latitude. Wu Laoliu was so anxious that he saw Wang Yushu and the others' figures blurring again. The next moment, his eyes widened suddenly. The broken connection between him and Yi Ling was restored!

...? This is?

The indifference on Yi Ling's face disappeared, revealing a little surprise. He looked at the human skin map. The pollution monsters in Gannan were quickly swallowed up by the zombie pollution. The just-interrupted development was about to start again. Yi Ling grabbed the hands of the human skin map. After exerting force, the sun shone brightly, and he was about to burn the human skin and attack it with the pollution of the Golden Kingdom, forcing him to suspend the development. However, when he grabbed the map with both hands, he felt that there seemed to be something inside the human skin map.

No, he shouldn't have stuffed anything else? Although he thought so, Yi Ling shook the map again out of nowhere.


Amid the sound of bone vibration, several pus-covered bone hands poked out from the human skin map. The deformed bone hands were as huge as bony wings, covered with rotten thick pulp, but surprisingly had a holy feeling. Yi Ling even heard the girl's innocent laughter.

"Father, angel~"

"Emily will also become an angel——"

The author has something to say

There will be another update later, dears! Wait for me!

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