Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 157 Beijing Suburban Funeral Palace (2)

The scene of the yellow cloth bag hitting someone happened to be captured on the live broadcast that just started!

The moment Wei Xun and the Devil Merchant entered the journey, their joint live broadcast room [Tour Guide B125, Tour Guide B250, Beijing Suburban Funeral Palace Ten Days and Nine Nights Journey Live Broadcast] went directly to the thriller global hotel live broadcast section 'World' District's homepage recommendation shocked countless people's attention!


It was rare for everyone to gather together in the movie hall on the way home. Wang Pengpai had already switched to the channel in the mixed zone. Mao Xiaole was still a little bit excited, saying that there might be posters for this two-guide trip.

After all, the tour guides who can usually handle extremely dangerous journeys are definitely gold level and above tour guides. Tour guides at this level can already choose whether to start live broadcasting.

Every extremely dangerous journey is a battle of life and death, and requires all means to be used to the best of one's ability. It is impossible for people to hold back under such circumstances. If you start a live broadcast and leave the screen recording to be repeatedly analyzed by others, you will inevitably be targeted in the future.

Therefore, extremely dangerous live broadcasts are very rare, and the level of thrills every time is definitely enough to be on the recommendation list on the homepage of each district. As long as it is on this list, the hotel will push out the posters. Just like when Wei Xun and Yi Forty-Nine led the Drunken Beauty Xiangxi Group at the same time, they were both featured on the Asia-region homepage recommendation list, and there was a screen-opening poster.

But the difficulty of ranking in each district is definitely different!

Not counting various thematic channels and special channels. Just look at the live broadcast list on the homepage. If the entire brigade is a single-region tour guide, for example, those in northern Tibet are all from the eastern region. So there are two homepages on the homepage list: the Asian region homepage and the Eastern region homepage. The latter is more difficult to get on than the former. The West End is similar.

But if it is a mixed brigade with members from both east and west regions, then the homepage list will be divided into two parts: the mixed zone homepage and the world zone homepage.

Especially the world area is extremely difficult to get into! There is only one place on the homepage list of the World Zone, and that is the most exciting, most popular, and most recommended live broadcast room by the hotel!

However, Mao Xiaole and others only speculated that the live broadcast of 'Beijing Suburban Funeral Palace' would only be recommended on the mixed zone homepage in the initial stage. After all, the number of people who follow Bing250 and the Devil Merchant does not count in the entire Thriller Hotel. Too many, mostly senior people.

At most, Bing250's awareness is the hottest in the East District, but they are not famous directors after all. The number of viewers when they first started airing was over 10,000, which is incredible.

The funeral palace in the suburbs of Beijing is neither a journey to the 30th degree north latitude nor a fifth-level extremely dangerous journey very close to the 30th degree north latitude. It's just that the first level is extremely dangerous, and the two tour guides are relatively weak and may even be killed when they get on the bus. This kind of journey will be judged by the hotel as "extremely easy to destroy the group at the speed of light". It is impossible to be on the top "World Area" list as soon as it comes out.

It stands to reason that their live broadcast room should be listed on the homepage of the mixed zone first to test the waters. After it is stable and has at least passed the first attraction, it will be promoted to the corner of the world zone to test the waters.

But in fact, they jumped directly to the top of the recommendation list on the homepage, even pushing out the A5 Little Witch with "Mexican Day of the Dead"!

This is no ordinary journey for the little witch. Her journey involves a double confrontation, and there is a competition with another West District brigade. It is said to be related to the year-end celebration, so it is recommended on the 'World District' homepage. Top of the list.

But now, she was suppressed by the group led by Bing250 and the Devil Merchant!

"Fuck, what the fuck!"

While countless new spectators were confused, the big guys from the major brigades in the East and West districts and the major tour guide alliances quickly understood what was going on. The next moment, the information prompt sound pushed by the hotel sounded on the mobile phone of each tourist guide. When you click on it, you will see an eye-catching poster emerging, occupying the entire mobile phone screen!

A delicate dark gold chain divides the poster diagonally into two, with a tall figure wearing an indigo cloak diagonally on the right.

Half of his body was covered by a cloak, but the other half was a pearl-colored translucent soul. The soul was glowing with a pale golden light, and he could vaguely see the dress of a medieval nobleman, like a noble duke in the ghost. A translucent silver-gray veil covered the outside of his cloak, shining brightly like a flowing star river.

Directly above his head were large scarlet characters.

【Western District: B125】

He stretched out his left hand and grasped the old pocket watch on the dark gold chain. The chain was pulled to the right by him, but he could not completely pull the chain to his side.

Because on the left side of the poster, a demonic right hand also grabbed the dark gold chain!

The tall and thin tour guide, wearing a light blue cloak at an angle, did not wear a hood, and his snow-white slightly curly hair fell on his pale and bloodless chin and neck. He was more elegant than the nobles. Looking further up, the upper half of his slightly side face was obscured by a green-gold mask.

This mask is extremely ancient and mysterious, making him look like a traveler slowly walking up the river of time. But the magic patterns exposed under the mask and the flamboyant half of the dark demon wings make it clear that he is not a traveler, but a demon!

At the top of the devil's wings, above his head, were scarlet words like a crown.

[Eastern District: B250]

He stretched out his demonized right hand and grasped the ancient pendant on the dark gold chain. The chain across the middle was stretched to the extreme by them from left to right, and it was teetering, as if it would break in the next moment!

[Is it the resurrection of the ancient king, or the return of the former princess? 】

The large golden characters are directly below the poster, and the characters are printed with strange black and red lines, which look majestic and terrifying.

[Who will win the final victory in this confrontation mission? 】

[Eastern District and West District, who can win the preliminaries for this year’s end-of-year celebrations——]

[Priority, first, choice, side, right! 】

"I'll fuck your mother in the hotel!"

Wang Pengpai cursed directly, and his emotions reached the extreme: "Still resisting the mission? The king and the princess?!"

"Damn it, aren't you afraid that all the kings and princesses will die in there?!"

"The hotel is crazy."

Wang Yushu couldn't believe it. They had anticipated various situations in advance. The worst thing is that the West District is coming fiercely. The tour guide of the Devil Merchant invites the Black Widow to be the guardian. The West District will attack Bing250 at all costs and snatch the token of 30 degrees north latitude.

To be honest, every organization is covetous of the Thirty Degrees North Latitude token, but in fact, since An Xuefeng, Dream Chaser and Puppet Master have all spoken out, most people have calmed down.

You can't rob it. If you rob it, you might get into a feud, which won't do any good. Since it has nothing to do with me, the attack on Bing250 in the Western District has nothing to do with us. The Dream Chaser Shepherd Alliance is powerful on your way back, so you go and protect it, and we can just watch the show.

Even when two Taoist priests were squeezed into the Laoshan Brigade, they acted as if they were watching a good show.

But I didn’t expect to see it on myself while watching the show!

The east-west district confrontation mission, the year-end celebration, this is not comparable to a token of the thirty-degree north latitude journey that has not yet been fully developed!

The token, even if it is snatched, will make a certain person a pioneer.

The outcome of the year-end celebration involves the interests of the entire district in the coming year, and it must be won from the beginning of the warm-up competition. The right to choose sides is even more important. The side that gets it will have an advantage in the warm-up match.

If they had known that Bing250 was actually the Eastern District representative on the confrontation mission, no one would have been interested in watching the fun. Especially when I think about the Devil Merchant who has been arrogantly wandering around the East District for so long, it is rare for both tour guides and tourists to have the same bad mood.

The people from the Shepherd Alliance and the Butcher Alliance who were chasing the Devil Merchant were so remorseful that they wished they could go back in time and stab the Devil Merchant to death on the spot!


Wang Pengpeng looked at Wan Xiangchun, only to see him shaking his head: "The hotel has special and strict protection for both sides of the confrontation mission. When Bai Xiaosheng and I chased the devil merchant, we found nothing strange."

He paused: "I didn't even think in that direction."

"This is a duel between two sides of the confrontation mission, and the hotel will not allow higher levels to be involved."

In the confrontation mission, this year it seems that this competition is about the strength of the rising star guides in the east and west districts. From a certain point of view, the hotel is very strict about rules. How can you win the Eastern District confrontation mission by letting a big guy from the East District beat the little tour guide from the West District to death on the way?

"You don't want higher levels to participate? In this whole damn trip, except for the two of them, everyone is high level!"

Wang Pengpai was a little speechless, simply unbelievable: "Usually confrontation missions are usually solved in a small journey, or in an abyss node. Why is it so outrageous this time?"

"It's reverse thinking. If the hotel does this, no one would have thought that B125 and Bing250 would be the dual district representatives for this confrontation mission."

Wan Xiangchun said, in fact, even if some people guessed it at first, when they saw that Bing 250 actually brought an extremely dangerous group, those people looked away from him.

There are too many variables and dangers in the extremely dangerous group, and it is definitely not a good place for confrontation missions.

Most of their attention was focused on this year's rising star tourist Wei Xun from the East District and this year's rising star passenger Shengzi from the West District. Mao Xiaole frequently invited Wei Xun to be a guest on his way home. In fact, it was An Xuefeng's request because he was worried that someone from the West District might plot against him.

But who would have thought that the situation would develop like this!

"I'm now afraid that Bing250 will die first..."

As long as he dies earlier than the devil merchant, the East District will lose this confrontation mission!

Wang Pengpeng was helpless. To be honest, most of the people on this infiltration journey were thinking about seizing the token of 30 degrees north latitude. Not only people from the west side, but also several tourists from the east side definitely have this plan.

Therefore, when Bing250 is in danger, even if there are returning party members such as Zhou Xiyang, the leader of the Sunset Brigade, in the team, those people from the East District will not really take action, but there is a high possibility that they will just sit back and watch.

And even if Zhou Xiyang wants to protect Bing 250, it will be difficult. After all, he is a tourist and Bing 250 is a tour guide! There are countless times when a tour guide acts alone, and tourists cannot participate in them!

"This is troublesome."

Wang Yushu frowned: "There is no way to pass the news in. The people in the brigade have no idea about this."

It is difficult to convey information to people on the journey, and only Bai Xiaosheng is the best at it on the way home. But now Bai Xiaosheng is in the brigade of the funeral palace in the suburbs of Beijing!

"Two people from the Laoshan brigade came in. Team Wan must have figured something out, right?"

Wang Pengpeng picked up his cell phone and was about to make a call.

"Two people came in, one is from us, and the other is an unlucky half-lived Taoist priest."

Mao Xiaole looked at Wang Pengpai speechlessly: "I wonder how lucky this guy is, Half Life. He actually got into the brigade. It seems like he is still unlucky."

As both Taoist priests, Mao Xiaole has a pretty good relationship with the Metaphysics Brigade and the Laoshan Brigade. He had been unable to squeeze in because his evil spirit was too strong. After hearing this, Bansheng laughed at him happily.

"Look at this, the sights on this trip are definitely not going to be easy."

Wang Yushu clicked his tongue: "The passengers in distress are so distressed that they can't possibly spare the time to kill the tour guide... Tsk, look, it's exactly what I said."

"The first level of extreme danger jumped directly to the third level of extreme danger?"

On the other side, where the metaphysics brigade was stationed, several Taoist priests, zombies, and a few ghosts were sitting together watching the live broadcast. This scene was indescribably weird.

"Xiang Yang, I told you that he is really unlucky if he lives half a life."

Wan Anqian, the captain of Xuanxue, sighed.

"I also told him that he couldn't be so lucky to squeeze in."

The speaker was an extremely tall zombie with blue skin all over his body, a strong physique, exposed fangs, and scarlet eyes. He looked extremely fierce. At this moment, he stood up to watch the live broadcast, like a wall, and his height was definitely more than two meters.

"He is a Maoshan sect who controls zombies. I can't even get in. Who is he controlling? Without zombies, he is very weak. How can he be lucky?"

Yu Xiangyang sneered: "What's the use of hitting someone with a cloth bag? Why didn't he just hit the devil businessman to death?"

"As you said, if there is a confrontation mission, he will definitely not be able to kill the devil merchant."

One of the ghosts sighed: "Half Life is stupid and kind-hearted. He is reminding the tour guide that there is paper stuck in the crack of the car door."

They were the most skilled in metaphysics during a journey like the Beijing Suburban Funeral Palace, and they could see something fishy at a glance.

"Stop talking about half a life."

Another Taoist priest with a sad face sighed: "Even if they have half a life to help, these two tour guides may not be able to get on the bus."

It is an extremely dangerous journey, even the initial minibuses are hidden with fatal dangers, it is definitely not easy to get on!

At this moment, in the entire Eastern District, countless people who were following the live broadcast, whether tour guides or tourists, felt their hearts tightening.

Bing250 will definitely be safe, and he will never die!

* *

Wei Xun and the Devil Merchant were unaware of what happened in the live broadcast room outside the brigade. Even if they find that their points have soared, the number of viewers in the live broadcast room may be beyond imagination, and they have no time to care about it.

"Is this what you call 'ambush on all sides' and 'enemies on all sides'?"

The devil merchant's voice was extremely low, as if it was squeezed out from between his teeth, almost gritting his teeth.

Look what Bing250 told him before starting the journey. Both of them are in a dangerous situation. As tour guides, they must unite. Even tourists in the same area cannot be completely trusted. As long as they are also tour guides, even if they have a competitive relationship, they are absolute allies.

The Devil Merchant also thinks it makes sense, but look at what the passengers in the car are shouting about?

It’s like a large-scale fan meeting!

The Taoist priest who threw the cloth bag at him was not happy anymore. He was beeping and said: "It was thrown by Bing 250. Who asked you to pick up my cloth bag?"

He, the devil businessman, has no status at all!

"You believe whatever they shout?"

Wei Xun chuckled, took the yellow cloth bag from the devil merchant's hand, and looked at it.

He saw a bright red color slowly seeping out from inside the yellow cloth bag, like blood.

At the same time, the tour guide badge in front of Wei Xun's cloak was as dead as a light gray, without any hint at all.

[Tour Guide Brooch (Silver Level 0 Five Stars): Additional Function "Old Beijing\

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