Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 189 Beijing Suburban Funeral Palace (27)

"Meow sneeze!"

Mekel, the self-proclaimed six-tailed raccoon spirit, sneezed and felt something strange, as if someone was talking about him.

"about there."

Mei Keer muttered, looking at the beaten half-dead bamboo leaf green snake spirit, and some lynx spirit and bird spirit in front of him, he raised his eyes and meowed fiercely:

"Neither Xiao Hu San nor Hei Da Gui Er were found?"

As soon as he spoke, the goblins talking below all trembled, and no one dared to speak. Mekel pointed at someone casually: "Qing Qi, tell me."

Seeing Mekel's eyes falling on him, the Bamboo Leaf Green Snake Spirit shuddered and hissed feebly: "Sir, the two of them, Black and Big Ghost, have a strong premonition. I'm afraid they are afraid of your majesty and ran away first when they sensed something was wrong. ”

This civet cat spirit is really too yin! Thinking about his still throbbing seven inches and half of his tail that had been chewed off, the snake spirit felt that there was no hope for life.

This cat demon was so cunning that when he entered the B\u0026B, he only had three tails. This was a big loss for Qing Qi!

When they were at the door of Deqingban B\u0026B, Qing Qi had already wanted to retreat. After all, he was unprepared and his eyes were burned by the Samadhi True Fire, which reduced his strength. When he saw the Sky Fox coming, Qing Qi didn't take any chances. Knowing that he might die if he got involved in this spiritual ginseng matter.

After living in the deep mountains and forests for so many years, Qing Qi didn't come out looking for death.

But just before he was about to leave, Qing Qi noticed that a three-tailed civet cat had entered the B\u0026B, which immediately made him think something else.

Since ancient times, there has been a folk saying of "dragon and tiger fighting". The "little dragon" is a green snake, and the "little tiger" is a tabby cat in the forest. It is said that when a green snake and a cat meet in the wild, they will fight. Later, someone made a dish based on this folklore, added black-bone chicken to it, and changed it into the special dish of "dragon, tiger and phoenix stew".

But 'dragon and tiger fighting' is actually not uncommon among forest spirits. The cat spirit's favorite food is snake gall. Especially after eating the bile of a centuries-old snake spirit, it can 'open its eyes' and develop a pair of golden cat eyes to intimidate everyone. . It is also said that the green dragon belongs to wood, the white tiger belongs to metal, and metal overcomes wood, so the cat kills the snake.

Similarly, every time the snake spirit meets the cat spirit, it will definitely kill it if it can kill it. This is called "saving the white dragon" in the snake circle.

Every snake spirit has a dream of turning into a dragon, but in this era, it may be okay for old snakes to follow the old path of snakes turning into hui, and snakes turning into dragons, but it is no longer feasible for young snakes in the new era. . Therefore, some snakes plan to take the path of "saving the white dragon" and letting the dragon send grace.

There is a record in "Shuo Yuan" that in the past, the white dragon turned into a fish in the cold abyss, was shot in the eye by a fisherman, and was almost eaten by the fisherman's cat. After narrowly escaping, Bailong reported the matter to the Emperor of Heaven, but the Emperor said that it was right for people to kill fish.

Bailong felt unwilling and asked about the cat again, saying that if a cat should eat fish, would it also be appropriate if a snake swallowed the cat? The Emperor of Heaven nodded and said that all things in nature have their own rules.

As a dragon, Bailong certainly couldn't deal with the cat by himself, so he told all the snakes in the world about it. If there is a snake-killer and cat-killer who kills well, he may be able to gain approval from the white dragon and transform into a dragon.

The snake spirits in the mountains and swamps were overjoyed to hear this, but they soon discovered that this was really too tricky.

What Bailong wants to kill is not the cat spirit in the mountains. What he hates is the cats that are raised by people who use their power to poison him! But over the years, cats and dogs of all races have had the foresight to enter the pet industry, and even occasionally they can become spirits depending on people's luck.

This made the wild snake spirits who had lofty ideals and tried to "save the white dragon" a headache.

Also break into the pet circle? Snakes that can give birth to intelligence are either highly venomous or huge in size, and there is always something extraordinary about them. What's deplorable is that there is no organization to "rescue stray snakes" in this world. If a snake spirit turns into a prototype and goes to the city by accident, most of them will be caught and sent to the zoo, and they are unlikely to have close contact with people's cats. Opportunity.

But now, Qing Qi feels that his luck has come!

He can defeat a three-tailed civet cat, not to mention that this cat has a strong human scent, and you will know that it is a human-raised cat as soon as you smell it!

This time from the deep mountains and forests to Deqingban B\u0026B, Qing Qi was unwilling to return empty-handed - the ginseng spirit could not be touched, but he could always touch the three-tailed civet cats.

His whole body hurt when he touched it, and the whole snake was almost gone.

But this also shows how powerful the cat demon is. The cat demon can not only hide its tail, but also perfectly imitate the three-tailed aura! Anyway, Qing Qi has never seen it.

If this cat spirit plans to seize spiritual ginseng... maybe he can succeed...

"Heida is the spirit transformed from black water on the old grave, and Gui Er is the spirit transformed from ghost fire."

Thinking of this, Qing Qi became more reverent and said everything: "The two came from the same tomb, so they became sworn brothers and traveled around. But their bad luck was too strong and they couldn't make the trip. They have been killing spirits and monsters and devouring the flesh and blood elixir. Maintaining the form is despised by us.”

At this point, Qing Qi showed a bit of disgust.

Black water flowing from the ancestral graves is the most unlucky thing. In ancient times, it was said that the children of this family must have done bad things that are immoral and forgetful of their nature, so black water would flow out of the ancestral graves. This black water is also called Yin water, but it is actually some kind of evil spirit. . Hei Da is equivalent to a coincidence of fate, and the evil spirit turned into a spirit. The evil spirit activates the Yin Fire, and Gui Er transforms into a spirit.

The two black ghosts appear to be siblings, but in reality they are mother and son.

Mekel was smart, and he understood it with a twist of his mind, and asked: "You mean, the two big black ghosts have gone up the mountain?"

There is a funeral palace on Xiaotang Mountain, which is just suitable for evil things. No wonder Black Ghost 2 is not afraid of being washed away by the anger of the spiritual ginseng, because there is a funeral palace to nail it.

"Your Excellency is wise."

Qing Qi first complimented, and then said modestly: "This is just my guess."

If we go to Xiaotang Mountain, it will take at least until tomorrow. Mei Keer temporarily put Black Ghost 2 aside and asked Xiao Hu San again.

"Where did Xiao Hu San go?"

Ah, shouldn't the cat spirit be most interested in this kind of bad luck?

This made Qing Qi confused.

Just like their ultimate goal of snake spirits is to become a dragon, the ultimate goal of cat spirits is to become a white tiger. This white tiger is one of the four sacred beasts, and it is warlike, so most cat spirits are warlike and like to kill. But at the same time, the white tiger is a beast of good fortune. After killing, the cat spirit has achieved the nine tails, and then what it needs to do is to wash away the murderous blood and achieve benevolence.

The evil ghost fire of the earth becomes a spirit, and the dark and gloomy will not dissipate. If it can be eliminated, it will be a great benevolence!

Qing Qi first told the raccoon flower spirit about the matter of Black Big Ghost Two, and he was not sure if he would not be tempted. He also secretly wanted to use the raccoon flower spirit to get rid of the two rubbish things first.

But who would have thought that Mei Keer had no interest at all!

"Little Hu San is one of the candidates for Hu San Taiye of this generation of the Red Fox Clan. He is closest to humans and will eventually become Hu San Taiye."

Qing Qi's smile was a little forced, and the whole snake crawled on the ground, hesitating: "He... I'm afraid that Lord Tianhu has some interest in him."

Qing Qi has been guarding the door and saw that Little Hu San did not run out. He stayed in the B\u0026B but was not caught by the raccoon flower spirit. It must be related to Lord Tianhu!

That's the Tianhu... Even if it is seriously injured and its strength is damaged, it is definitely not something they can dream of--


Mei Keer was furious, and slapped the table with his tail, cracking the tabletop directly.

"I don't care about whether it's a celestial fox or not. If this little Hu San doesn't come to pay respect to my cattail flower spirit, he will be disrespectful to me!"


Qing Qi and other wild monsters looked confused.

What are you talking about?

You are just a six-tailed cattail flower spirit!

The celestial fox can burn you to death with a mouthful of fox fire. Everyone knows that. What are you pretending to be here?

"My lord is right, little Hu San... so bold!"

A lynx spirit with golden ring eyes flattered weakly, but did not expect that the cattail flower spirit actually nodded seriously and said angrily: "That's right, I want to argue with the celestial fox. Who is willing to go with me!"


? ? ?

Qing Qi was about to vomit bile. You, a cat spirit, haven't turned into a tiger yet, how can you be so fierce! But they, who had just been beaten, did not dare to disobey openly. In the end, all the monsters followed him, but they could not enter the door. They called it keeping watch for the lord.

In fact, one is that he dared not face the Sky Fox directly, and the other is that he was thinking -

If this six-tailed raccoon flower spirit angered the Sky Fox and was killed, the Sky Fox should not be willing to eat it. They waited outside and might even eat a few bites.

"Guide Cui, I'm here."

Mekel didn't care what the monsters outside thought about eating him. After entering the tour guide's room, he changed into a different person. He sat on the chair, breathed a sigh of relief, and complained:

"The wild monsters smell too strong, it's stinking me to death."

Before on the road, Meikel couldn't get forward, after all, the half-life Taoist in the team was very likely to have accepted the task of "killing him", and if Meikel rashly went forward, it would not end well.

But now it's easy for the tour guides and tourists to rest separately. Although the tourists are divided into groups, they are all tourists after all, and the tour guides need to take care of them. After all, while fighting, the tourists still have to do the scenic spot tasks.

If Grandpa Zhi is regarded as a guide, the funeral is equivalent to escorting the guide, and the divided tourists are more like escorting and robbing, which does not conflict with the serious scenic spot tasks.

Meikel was an experienced traveler and knew that this tour group had two tour guides, and it was very likely that one tour guide would be in charge of one side.

And Bing 250, who brought the Sky Fox Yu and Hui, was the most likely to be in charge of their "fairy" camp. As he expected, Bing 250 contacted him secretly as soon as he arrived at the B\u0026B.

As soon as he entered the house and found that there was no devil merchant, Meikel knew that this matter was settled.

For a two-tour guide trip, the tour guides usually live together. Bing 250 and the devil merchant's room were very close, but they did live in separate rooms. This means that the tour guide began to have a preference.

Meikel was a little happy when he thought of this.

Zhou Xiyang must be jealous of him. After all, if he was not biased towards the tour guide, he would definitely have fewer opportunities to get along with Bing 250.

But the next moment, Meikel's face fell.


"Yes, the illusion of the devil merchant may be weak after sleeping."

Wei Xun was playing with a dice. The blue-purple dice was decorated with gold patterns, as gorgeous as a blue-purple gem, but Meikel was in no mood to look at it. All his attention was on Bing 250's words.

"Will non-tour members be affected by illusions?"

"Yes, the materialized illusion can be regarded as a spiritual monster. This is not limited to the tour group. All creatures within its influence range will be affected."

Mekel understood what Bing 250 meant as soon as he heard what Bing 250 said.

"How much those monsters will be affected, I will see. But the devil merchant is only a silver-level tour guide after all, so it shouldn't be affected too much."

If it was Bing 250, Meikel couldn't say for sure, after all, he could always do something amazing. But the devil merchant...

It's not that Meikel looked down on him, this guy is just a genius who is in the right way.

Unlike Bing 250.

"That's good."

Bing250 chuckled in relief and said slowly, "It's good that you don't fall asleep, otherwise..."

Otherwise there would be no ‘audience’ tonight.

Wei Xun's slender fingers wearing black gloves relaxed slightly, and a twenty-sided dice rolled onto the table.

It's the gambler's dice!

When the emotional bomb was detonated before, the gamble between many people advanced the Gambler's Dice, and now it is an intermediate Gambler's Dice. Not only do the numbers seven to ten light up, but new features are added too! .

[Name: Gambler’s Dice (Intermediate)]

[Quality: Special]

[Master: Wei Xun]

[Feature 1: Gambling]

[Feature 2: Doomsday Carnival (Unblocked 1/3)]

[Gamblers will eventually come to an end, even the king of gamblers and the god of gamblers will fall one day. Before the end, a grand carnival is your last glory and madness! 】

[Unlocked condition: audience]

[Carnival needs an audience, and a doomsday gamble requires the cheers and applause of the audience! Similarly, the death of a gambler can bring more vigilance to the audience, making them understand that gambling is a dead end! 】

[The more viewers there are, the stronger your gambling luck will be, the more wealth you will gain from gambling, and the more severe the end will be for you! 】

[The more viewers you make feel fearful and disgusted with ‘gambling’ and make them think ‘never gamble’, the doomsday punishment you will face will be lessened! 】

Can the viewers in the live broadcast room be regarded as ‘audiences’? Wei Xun is not sure, he still has to try. The vast majority of people in the B\u0026B are not affected by lethargy and can watch his "early morning" performance, which is safer for Wei Xun.

"What does the end of the world represent?"

After imagining the majestic scene when the thunder struck, Wei Xun became excited and murmured:

"I want to know...compared to the end of the world or the punishment from heaven, which one is stronger?"

Mekel:? ?

ah? end? Curse? !

"Have you conquered all the fairies in Deqingban B\u0026B?"

Before Mekel could ask in shock, Bing 250's next question came first.

"That's about right. In addition to Hei Gui Er and Xiao Hu San, there are three powerful old guys."

Mekel answered absentmindedly: "I can feel their aura, which is quite strong, but they didn't come out, so they must have been waiting for the ginseng essence."

Meikel thought Bing250 was caring about Yu Hehui. After all, the big monsters coveted Yu and Hui Neidan. What he said was also An Bing250's intention.

With the ginseng essence hanging around, those big demons shouldn’t take action against Yu Hehui tonight——

"You think of a way to let them take action against Yu Hehui tonight."

Wei Xun left no room for doubt: "Whether the Tianhu is weak or the spiritual ginseng is born, we must lure them out."

After saying that, Wei Xun shook his head, flexed his index finger and thumb a little, and sighed: "Fortunately, there is a big demon, otherwise who will help me share the punishment of heaven."

Is it relying on those little monsters that even Mekel can't defeat?

Sorry, they're too weak.

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