Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 197 Update 2

"Why is it hatching so soon?"

Wei Xun didn't expect the mutated worm to hatch so quickly. He almost planted it in the soil in the morning, and it was about to hatch in the afternoon!

This made him temporarily withdraw his thoughts on the eggs of mutated evil spirits - he had already planted the first batch of a thousand eggs into the soil. Not to be outdone, Xiaocui gave birth to the second one. Second batch of one thousand eggs. After all, the devil bug is her own species, and compared with other devil bugs, it is convenient to be born.

What's more, Xiaocui also brought her own rations of black-haired human skin, and she was always supplemented by magic honey and white jade scorpion jelly. The previous accumulation has ushered in the current explosion. Xiaocui wants to give birth to a swarm of insects under her control in one fell swoop!

Here's a question - how to bring so many evil ghost insects back when the journey is over?

But this is a problem for later. Right now, Wei Xun is paying more attention to the mutant worms that are about to hatch.

"It should have been simpler in terms of hatching."

Xiao Cui carefully sensed the status of the worm egg and answered uncertainly: "As long as the temperature and humidity are sufficient and in a suitable environment, it will hatch quickly."

It hatches quickly, but grows slowly.

"so small."

Wei Xun frowned. When Jin Huan was teaching Feng Taoist, Wei Xun had seen two kinds of abyss worms and macrophage worms. They were both terrifying giants that were hundreds or thousands of meters long!

But the mutant worm that just emerged from the egg looks like a noodle. It is very thin, soft, and golden, more like corn noodles. On both sides of its 'cheeks' are golden capsule-shaped 'cheek pouches', which contain unabsorbed nutrients brought out from the egg. .

There are some white bone spots on the back third of the body, and degenerated joints and limbs can be vaguely seen, but this does not affect its movement.

It looks very harmless and stupid. After Wei Xun felt it for a moment, he could not detect any emotional fluctuations in this worm. Its emotional response was even slower than that of the three Mantis brothers.

"The Abyss Worm is a primitive species of ancient demonic insect. It is indeed emotionally indifferent."

Xiaocui still has a certain understanding of the cubs she gave birth to, and communication is a little smoother. She now has abyss worms in her 'seed' gene pool, and Xiaocui has been working hard to analyze them from the very beginning until now.

The primitive demonic insects are all living fossils of the abyss. They are stronger, more indifferent, emotionally rough, and savage. It is common for people with the same surname to eat each other, children to kill their parents, and brothers to kill each other.

They throw away emotions for the sake of great strength. Ancient demonic insects almost all have this virtue, just like the Poisonous Scorpion King, who actually has a trace of the blood of the ancient demonic insects.

Emotional Demonic Insects are a variant of the ancient Demonic Insects. They feed on emotions and use their emotions to infect their prey and enemies. They are much more emotionally delicate.

Demonic insects that can communicate smoothly, such as Demonic Mosquito Xiaojin, Queen Bee Demonic Bee, and Evil Demonic Insect, can be considered as 'modern species' of demonic insects.

"How to control it?"

Wei Xun watched as he crawled back into the soil as soon as he hatched. After a while, he secretly rubbed his head and poked his head out again. There was a handful of soil on his head, and his upper body tilted toward him. It looked like a small worm with a yellow enoki mushroom. , leaning back calmly.

Even though he added so many adjectives to it in his mind, the slippery mucus on the surface of the worm's body still made Wei Xun unable to look straight at it for a while.

"Master, you control me and the Golden Circle at the same time. As long as we don't appear at the same time, you are like a parent in its eyes."

Xiaocui sensed Wei Xun's dislike of the worm, and then thought about the worm's habits, her voice became smaller and smaller: "It will not leave you until it fully grows up, obey your orders, and grow rapidly."

"Grow and eat me?"

Wei Xun did not forget the original demonic insect's ability to bite back its parents. Each worm has a very large territory and is very independent. When it grows up, it will either turn against its parents and become the new king of the territory, or it will be killed or expelled.

Xiaocui laughed dryly, but Wei Xun didn't seem to be very angry. Instead, he teased the worm with the tour guide's flagpole. He boldly suggested: "Be a parent now, and be a master when you grow up. Master, you can definitely do it!"

"When it grows to twenty-five meters long, it will be able to carry its owner! You can guide the shape of its bone growth, and then it will be a natural bone chair!"

"Let's talk about it then."

Wei Xun was not interested in riding the worm, so he casually named the worm "corn shoots". Wei Xun used the tour guide's flagpole to poke the corn shoots into the clay pot, added a lot of soil on top, and firmly sealed it. Buried. Then he gave it the order to stay here and not go out.

Wei Xun then dried his whole body, returned to normal state, and prepared to meet Yuntianhe.

Now that Yun Tianhe came over on his own initiative, he also wanted to know what this person wanted to do.

"Director Cui."

Yun Tianhe sat upright in front of Wei Xun, nodding to Yu Hehui beside Wei Xun. Bai Lu and Jiao Weixun were raised next door, and he would not let something he could not fully trust stay in his resting place.

"Talk about it."

The moment Yun Tianhe sat down, Wei Xun noticed something was wrong with his posture. Yun Tianhe's limbs were slightly stiff. If he looked carefully, he could see silver light flashing through his wrists and ankles as the light changed, like transparent threads.

Silk puppet.

After encountering Pinocchio, Wei Xun became very keen on puppet strings.

"Don't worry, Director Cui, I won't hurt you, and I'm not completely controlled."

Yuntianhe didn't hide it, and even stretched his limbs to let Wei Xun see the puppet threads on his body. Wei Xun's eyes and attention fell on him, and this realization made Yuntianhe's eyes sparkle and his cheeks flush.

But the next moment, he groaned and his face instantly turned pale.

"It hurts?"

Wei Xun saw that the thin threads on his wrists were drilling deeper, and he didn't know whether they were drilling into muscles or bones.

His tone was not earnest and worried, and he did not ask where the puppet silk on Yun Tianhe's body came from. He was even a little cold and playful, but this fascinated Yun Tianhe even more. He shook his head gently and said calmly: "It's not pain, it's just a training and test of my faith."

"Tell me what's going on."

"I hope to join your organization, fight for you, and devote the rest of my life!"

Yun Tianhe said firmly. Seeing that Bing250 was noncommittal, he solemnly said: "This is my fourth year joining the hotel. I can still fight for you for another ten years."


Only then did Wei Xun become interested. He blocked the live broadcast when he was hatching worms, and now he directly asked: "Tell me about it."

"The Puppet Master infiltrated the journey and she found me."

Yun Tianhe dropped a bomb when he opened his mouth: "Not killing, just controlling. Because she doesn't want to damage the relationship with you."

Yun Tianhe licks Bing250 so much, who knows if Bing250 has already taken him as his confidant. The puppet master actually let this rebellious crazy sheep go because he valued Bing250!

"An Xuefeng, The Life-seeking Man, The Puppet Master, The Dream Chaser, The Lizard Duke, The Black Widow, The Crying Medium, etc., they are all strong men from the past ten years."

Yuntian Hedao: "After this year's end-of-year celebrations, it will be a new decade. The old people will leave to make way for the new ones."

"Why did you leave? Where to go?"

"Not sure."

Yun Tianhe shook his head: "This is not information we can know."

"Isn't the Devourer a ten-year-old strong man?"

Wei Xun had a keen sense of smell and discovered that there was no S1 Devourer in the list of names that Yun Tianhe just mentioned.

"Yes, he is a powerful guide who has risen to the top in recent years."

Wei Xun was thoughtful, if it was true as Yun Tianhe said. After the year-end celebrations, the old people will leave, and all the Class A tour guides in the East District will leave, but the S1 in the West District will still be there. By then, the power of the East and West Districts may no longer be balanced.

The desperate people will leave, and the first passenger An Xuefeng will also leave.

Wei Xun ordered: "Tell me everything you know."

"The Puppet Master once intended to train me to be the vice-president of the Shepherd Alliance in the new decade, to assist the new tour guide and help him become a Class A tour guide, but I refused."

Yuntianhe said calmly: "Because I discovered that the Shepherd Alliance is not really shepherding sheep."

The puppet master chose Yun Tianhe because he must have seen his extraordinary devout faith. But this kind of fanatical believer-like character will backfire once he is not mastered well, just like now.

"She's attracted to you now."

Yun Tianhe smiled: "Not only her, but also the Butcher Alliance, Dream Chasers, and even Homecoming are all very interested in you."

With the old man gone and the East District leaderless, a new leader must emerge.

Who would be the best choice?

"This is indeed a shortcut to soaring into the sky, but I hope you will not be blinded by temporary benefits."

Yun Tianhe said sincerely: "Those old alliances and organizations have been maintained for countless years, but they still have not broken the shackles of the ten-year cycle. This shows that the path they are taking is wrong!"

Yun Tianhe is very extreme and bold. After he said these words, Wei Xun became more interested in him and asked with interest:

"So you think my path will be right?"

"That's right."

Yuntianhe said piously and saluted Wei Xun: "A new era is about to begin."

"Please become our leader."

* *

"Director Cui..."

Yun Tianhe left, and Yu Hehui, who had been silent, opened his mouth for a while, but hesitated, not knowing where to start.

"Will you leave?"

Wei Xun asked.

"No." Yu Hehui shook his head: "I am a resurrector, and my life will start counting from the moment I am rescued by you."

"In other words, An Xuefeng and the others will really leave? After the year-end celebration?"



Dream Chaser Xiaolong appeared, Yu Hehui died too early, and he did not know this information as comprehensively as Dream Chaser.

"We will all give it a try this time, the situation is still unclear."

Dream Chaser comforted Bing250: "So there is no need to be too stressed."

Knowing too much about some things is actually not a good thing. Because you have no ability to change, you can only add endless pressure.

"I'm not stressed."

Wei Xun smiled and said: "And what Yun Tianhe said is right, breaking the shackles is indeed fun."

But Wei Xun had different thoughts from Yun Tianhe.

Why wait until these old people leave and then hibernate and develop for another ten years before breaking the shackles?

It's too long, too conservative, and too boring.

If there was a way to keep the old people here and prevent them from leaving - wouldn't it be more interesting to break the shackles?

Wei Xun felt that he was already excited when he thought about it. What changes would happen to the hotel by then? He was really looking forward to it.

But if you want to break the shackles, you must have absolutely strong strength, and it may become the key to finally reversing the situation. Wei Xun immediately became more enthusiastic and prepared. The specific manifestation was that Wei Xun began to improve himself more actively.

"Watching a shadow puppet show at eight o'clock in the evening?"


It's three o'clock in the afternoon, five hours to go.

"Hold the door for me."

After receiving a positive reply, Wei Xun ordered Yu Hehui: "I will spend the next five hours with Team An."

After five hours of spiritual communication, Wei Xun was ready to take down the Samadhi True Fire in the blood bead on his forehead in one fell swoop!

At that time, there were insects in the mountains, thunder in the sky, and the white deer was of the nature of a deer. He also had the Wood Spirit Ginseng and the Samadhi True Fire that the old monsters were most afraid of, so he was not afraid of not being able to capture the ginseng spirit!

Everything is ready, just set up the team.

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