Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 25 The Drunken Beauty of Xiangxi (25)

After realizing that there were many people in the brigade, Wei Xun looked at the passenger list and found that there were also nine people on it.

He believed that his memory would not forget the original eight people now, but looking at the names of these nine people, Wei Xun did not feel the slightest sense of disobedience.

When Miao Fangfei came to buy a bamboo basket, Wei Xun was observing her while bargaining. Miao Fangfei had no problem. She didn't notice that there was an extra 'person' in the team, and she still bought eight backpacks.

But she noticed the ninth bamboo-backed basket specially placed by Wei Xun, and her expression was slightly solemn when she left.

"Is the extra person a human or a ghost? Or is it another aboriginal?"

Wei Xun was talking to himself, but then he thought about when he killed the corpse-turned-flying fox commander in Xiaolongyizhuang and got Pingping's blood-resentful dagger. The note on the dagger hinted that a resentful spirit might have been born in it, but Wei Xun was not there. No resentment was detected on the dagger.

It seems that since then, there has been one more 'person' in the brigade.

It seems that the extra 'person' is probably one of the items in the second attraction, or some special existence, a test for tourists.

"Resentful soul?"

Wei Xun chuckled and said with great interest: "I haven't seen a real resentful soul... I really want to see it."

It's just that the tour guide definitely can't intervene in this kind of thing to remind him. Although it's a pity, Wei Xun can only wait and watch the show.

"With so many points, what should I do?"

Wei Xun's attention shifted after a while. He looked at the hotel's product list happily and was gearing up to make a big purchase. His eyes lingered on the three items of [Experience a normal birth], [Experience a caesarean section], and [Experience a difficult birth].

Although the price is high, the sensation is real and the duration is real. In this way, it is much more cost-effective than the 10-minute experience of menstrual cramps. But unfortunately, as if to make people realize the hard work of pregnant women, even a natural birth takes six to eight hours. Wei Xun is the 'first child', and the time is even longer. It is impossible for him to spend such a long time on the journey. .

"What a shame."

Wei Xun smacked his lips and said regretfully, but he was not as regretful as he had imagined. Because so far, this journey has brought him mental stimulation that has surpassed the physical pursuit of pain.

‘Giggle, giggle…”


The baby's pure laughter echoed in the room, ethereal and terrifying. There were only two buzzing sounds of electricity, and the bright overhead light flickered and suddenly dimmed. It was already gloomy outside, but the room suddenly became dim, as if there was an ominous thin layer of gray mist hanging over it.

The baby's laughter was vague and faint, and finally sounded from under Wei Xun's bed. The originally soft and warm big bed became cold and damp, as if it had been soaked in cold stream water. Wei Xun shivered from the cold and could no longer concentrate on reading the shopping list.

"Hey, honey, you are a bit annoying."

Wei Xun complained: "Okay, come out, I heard you laughing."

While negotiating the price with Miao Fangfei, Wei Xun heard the faint laughter of a baby. At first he thought it was an auditory hallucination caused by the decrease in SAN value, but now the laughter still exists, and it is getting louder and louder. .

Tsk, isn’t it an auditory hallucination?

Wei Xun sat up, and his bare ankle instantly felt cold, as if there was a lump of ice tied to it. He looked down and saw a green-gray, squirming mass of flesh hugging his ankle.

'Hehe, hee hee, hee hee, hee hee -'

The bluish-gray mass of flesh raised its head, revealing a deformed, twisted, and underdeveloped face. It was like five holes had been poked in the plane. It has no eyebrows, no eyelids, no nose and no lips. The skin all over the body is so thin that you can almost see the capillaries hidden underneath.

The ghost baby's protruding belly was connected to an umbilical cord. This gray rope-like thing was extremely long and extended behind Wei Xun. Wei Xun wanted to turn his head and look behind him, but his neck was strangled, and he felt suffocated.

The ghost baby's umbilical cord was wrapped around his neck at some point.

'Come play with us...'

'Come and play...'

'Hehe, hee hee, hee hee, hee hee -'

The umbilical cord around his neck was getting tighter and tighter, making it almost impossible to breathe, but Wei Xun didn't have any strange emotions and even touched the ghost baby's head.

There is no unknown sticky liquid, no maggots, no rot, mold and smell.

Like a baby soaked in formalin for a long time, the skin was smooth and tender, but a little brittle and lost its toughness. Wei Xun accidentally pressed a little harder and cracked the skin.

"Sorry, honey."

Wei Xun didn't apologize sincerely, but he was quite satisfied. This ghost baby was much easier to accept than the previous illusion of corpses.

"Call your friends out. If you want to play, of course you have to make it fun for everyone."

There were so many little ghost children laughing under the bed, but Wei Xun couldn't believe that there was only one ghost baby on his feet. Although he had no experience in raising children, he thought that Wei Xun was considered the king of children in their compound back then, and he was good at playing with children.

Hearing that he agreed to play with him so straightforwardly, the umbilical cord wrapped around Wei Xun's neck was loosened by the ghost baby, and his dark eyes stared at Wei Xun. In addition to malicious resentment, there was also a bit of confusion. Wei Xun ignored it, took the opportunity to get up from the bed, squatted beside the bed, and suddenly lifted up the hanging sheets.

"Ula, surprise!"

Under the bed, there are ghost babies crowded together like a ball of giant rat cubs:?

"I have long wanted to raise a little brother to play with."

Thinking of the limited time he spent with his brother during his childhood, Wei Xun felt nostalgic and said with a smile, "I know you want to find a mom and dad. It's a pity that you can't have a good dad like me, but you can be my younger brother."

"Brother is here to play with you."

"How about playing with the ball? My brother used to do this with me back then."

Wei Xun pulled the ghost babies out from under the bed one by one, like catching cats, and piled them next to the bed according to their size. I got out of bed and walked around, but didn't find anything suitable, so I simply opened the hotel shopping list, picked a ball and bought it.

[Name: Zihe Che Yiqiu]

[Quality: Unique]

[Price: 1000 points]

[Function: Ghost babies’ favorite ball can make them feel as warm as returning to the womb. 】

[Note: This is the placenta from a pregnant woman who gave birth to a ghost baby. Be careful, the pregnant woman’s resentful spirit is entangled in it. If you don’t use this ball properly, she will be angry]

For Wei Xun, who suddenly got rich, it was just a thousand points. He quickly clicked OK, and then a purple-red ball, slightly larger than a table tennis ball, appeared in Wei Xun's hand.

It looks soft and light, but is actually as heavy as an iron ball, with a chilly feel. If you look carefully, you can vaguely see that there seems to be a sad and pale grimace on the ball.

The moment Wei Xun took out the ball, all the ghost babies looked over. Wei Xun was not afraid of being stared at by so many pairs of dark eyes. He tossed the ball and watched the ghost babies' eyes move up and down.

"It's very simple. I throw the ball out and you pick it up."

Wei Xun was so excited that he drew a circle in the air with the hand holding the ball. He watched the ghost babies' eyes turn in another circle, laughed, and threw the ball away.


* *

"The grave you said you saw must be the fetal flesh grave."

On the passenger's side, after listening to Zhao Hongtu's description, Miao Fangfei frowned slightly, rubbed her temples, and said slowly: "I seem to have heard that in the mountains of western Hunan, some villages are very closed and follow various rules. An ancient tradition.”

"In their view, babies only have souls after they are born. Babies before birth are just 'fetal flesh', a mass of unknown good and evil. It's better to say that it is not formed. If the pregnant woman is older than 1 month, the fetus that flows out will have a soul. If the shape is not handled well, it will be very easy for the wild ghosts in the mountains to get in and cause trouble. "

"So they eat this type of fetal meat."

While speaking, Miao Fangfei calmly looked at the expressions of her teammates around her. Director Bing never did anything meaningless. When she found out that he had set out nine bamboo baskets, Miao Fangfei vaguely sensed that something was wrong. But at that time, her calves felt cold, as if a cold wind was blowing, which disturbed Miao Fangfei's thoughts.

Now that she came back and counted the number of her teammates, she felt a chill in her heart.

It was obviously a brigade of eight people, but when did an extra person appear? The most terrifying thing is that Miao Fangfei didn't feel any sense of violation!

Taking advantage of the discussion opportunity, Miao Fangfei observed everyone, her expression still calm. No one knew what kind of turmoil was in her heart. But at the same time, Miao Fangfei always felt in a daze - as if she hadn't slept for three days and three nights, her body was extremely exhausted, and her originally clear thoughts turned into a mess.


She felt a warning sign, but was unable to warn her companions. Her vision went dark.

"Eat, eat?"

Zhao Hongtu couldn't bear it, and showed a shocked and disgusted expression, in disbelief: "These are children, can they really eat it??"

"They think it's just 'fetal meat' from a big supplement."

Miao Fangfei said calmly: "A fetus without a soul cannot be considered a human being. This kind of 'fetal meat' is considered to be a great tonic to them. It contains the purest vitality of the newborn. After eating it, it can prolong life. Therefore, once there is Fetal meat, those villages even hold celebration banquets to share the fetal meat. The clan leaders in the village, Lao Si, get the most, and the parents of the fetal meat can get a small piece of meat, and the others can only drink a bowl of soup. "

"Captain Miao, how do you know so clearly?"

Yu Hean shuddered and said nonchalantly: "This, does this kind of thing really exist in reality?"

"My grandma told me about it. She said that this kind of thing happened in my great-aunt's village."

Miao Fangfei: "That was a long time ago, and it should be gone now."

"Hongtu, do you think that wild tomb is 133 meters away from the stream and is made of black soil? There are no offerings in front of the tomb, and there is a red stone slab on the tomb?"

"I didn't measure the distance specifically, but it's definitely a hundred meters away from the stream."

Zhao Hongtu nodded. Miao Fangfei spoke in too much detail. He looked at her a little suspiciously. He secretly retreated and joined Hou Feihu in an offensive and defensive posture.

"That's the 'fetal flesh' tomb."

Miao Fangfei ignored the tense atmosphere floating in the room and spoke quickly:

"My grandma told me this. It was a long, long time ago, when the Tusi Emperor was still here. There was a village in the mountains where people died inexplicably overnight. No one knew what the reason was. Later it was rumored It just came out gradually.”

"It was said that this village got a good piece of fetal meat, and a grand banquet was going to be held. It was said that people from other surrounding villages were also invited. There are many dangerous roads in the mountains of western Hunan, and it was summer again. One of the mountain roads collapsed, and one of the villagers People going to the banquet had to take a detour and arrived a day late.”

"But when we arrived at the village gate, there was no one to greet us. The people attending the banquet felt strange, so they went in carefully and took a look. As a result, they walked all the way to the village and didn't see anyone. The man was afraid and hesitated, but By this time, he had already reached the largest square in the village, the fire pit where the banquet was held. "

Miao Fangfei's tone was gloomy. At this moment, a cold wind seemed to come from nowhere, startling the others with goosebumps.

"There are dead people all around the fire pit, piled up close together. Everyone in the village and those who came to the banquet are dead. Only one or two babies in the village are still alive - you know why they died. ."

"They all drank the 'fetal meat' soup."

Miao Fangfei sneered:

"But that's not fetal meat, it's a baby that has been born, but is less than a month old. The patriarch of the village was seriously ill and urgently needed to eat fetal meat, which is said to be able to prolong life. He insisted on eating the newborn fetus of his own daughter. Killing, lying about fetal flesh, having done such evil deeds and still feeling guilty, throwing a banquet and inviting guests from all villages to try to suppress the resentment of the fetus with yang energy - what a pity. "

Miao Fangfei looked indifferent and said to herself: "Everyone is dead. Everyone who has eaten fetal meat and drank soup is dead."

"From then on, when other villages ate fetal meat again, they would set up fetal meat graves by the stream."

Miao Fangfei said lightly, with a bit of disgust in her expression: "The mother's placenta was buried in the tomb with fetal flesh. Mix animal excrement with soil to pile up the grave, and press it with cinnabar stone slabs. In this case, even if the fetal flesh has spirit, it will also Being imprisoned in the tomb of fetal flesh, he could only follow the water flow to the underworld and be reincarnated, unable to take revenge on his vengeance and cause harm to the world."

Miao Fangfei's indifferent gaze swept over everyone. At this time, all the other passengers realized that something was wrong, and they all stood up and took out their weapons on guard, aiming at Miao Fangfei.

Miao Fangfei was not annoyed, she seemed to be looking at other things through the passengers, her red lips raised, revealing a charming, sinister, ghostly smile.

Then she closed her eyes and passed out.

* *

A splitting headache.

Abdominal pain is unbearable.

When Miao Fangfei woke up, she was almost stunned by the pain again. She was so confused that she didn't know where she was. The lights were on in the room, and the old light bulbs were dim and dim, making the room dim, making it difficult to tell whether it was day or night.

Where is she?

Secretly calling out Banban, holding the dagger at her waist tightly, Miao Fangfei calmed down, endured the pain, and her memory came back quickly.

She went to Bingjiu's room to buy props and haggle over prices, and found that Bingjiu had put out nine bamboo-backed baskets. She felt weird, and then, and then...

Then there seemed to be a gust of cold wind blowing across her ankles, and when she came back to discuss it, she fainted——

Miao Fangfei's face turned ugly for a moment. She turned over and rolled up her trouser legs to see that on her left ankle, on her fair skin, there was a dark blue handprint as big as a baby's palm.

It was as if a baby had held her ankle!

"Sister Miao, you finally woke up!"

A surprised male voice came from the door. Miao Fangfei looked up and saw Shi Tao walking in with two bags of bread and a carton of milk. The originally frowning brows relaxed after seeing her wake up.

"It's almost dark."

Seeing Miao Fangfei struggling to stand up, Shi Tao hurriedly came over to help her.

"I'm being targeted."

Miao Fangfei whispered, her voice hoarse. Her left leg was cold and weak, and she had a headache and abdominal pain. It took amazing perseverance to stand up.

While she was calming down, Shi Tao briefly told Miao Fangfei the key points about the news about 'fetal meat' that Miao Fangfei had said at that time.

"My hometown is full of mature seedlings, but I don't have any relatives in the mountains."

Miao Fangfei sneered and directed Shi Tao to take out a box of ibuprofen from the side pocket of her travel bag. Miao Fangfei swallowed one pill and closed her eyes to relax, so that her pale face looked better.

"What time is it and where is everyone else?"

With Shi Tao's support, Miao Fangfei walked outside with a serious expression: "I know what this project is related to."

"Captain Miao, you're awake!"

When they arrived at the restaurant where they met in the morning, all the passengers were waiting there. Seeing Shi Tao helping Miao Fangfei come over, Wang Pengpai and Zhao Hongtu greeted him.

"Are you OK."

Zhao Hongtu glanced at Miao Fangfei's pale face, frowned, and hesitated to speak. Wang Pengpai put the thermos cup into Miao Fangfei's hand and warned: "Captain Miao, drink more hot water, you are too yin-y now."


Miao Fangfei thanked her dumbly, sat down at the table with a thermos cup in hand, and drank a few sips of hot water, which really made her feel better.

"When I come back today, it's time to get fucked."

Miao Fangfei spoke, and the others didn't show any surprise. They were all experienced travelers, and they could tell something was wrong just by looking at Miao Fangfei's behavior at that time.

On journeys with supernatural elements, it is also common to be possessed by ghosts. Especially when there are women, children, and the elderly in the brigade, they are most likely to become targets.

Some veteran travelers have summed up their experience and roughly divided supernatural travel projects into three categories from easy to difficult. It was relatively simple, just like the project on their first trip. The tour guide handed out materials and explained the mission objectives. Apart from the dangers encountered during the project, there were not many other surprises.

But ghost possession is more troublesome.

"Ghost baby, wild grave, bamboo basket."

Miao Fangfei showed the blue bruises on her ankles to others: "It's a project to bring ghost babies back to life, or to help ghost babies realize their wishes."

Miao Fangfei was 'selected', and a ghost possessed her. All the legends about 'fetal flesh' and the stories about the village were all information related to this project.

"Is the second attraction project going to be possessed by a ghost?"

Xu Chen smiled bitterly: "It's worthy of the difficulty of being drunk in the beauty of Xiangxi."

"It's not easy to get rid of the ghost upper body. When I was traveling in Changbai Mountain, there was a tourist attraction called 'Huang Daxian Temple'. I was a ghost."

Wang Pengpai cursed: "Fuck":

"That was also a task for ghosts. A male ghost took possession of my friend. He cried miserably. He said that he and his wife got married at Wong Tai Sin Temple, but the elders in the family did not agree to the marriage. After that, his wife was snatched away by her family. He committed suicide. He wanted to meet someone in the past, but when he heard that his wife committed suicide, he committed suicide himself. Now he hopes to meet his wife secretly in a secret marriage. "

"Good guy, at that time everyone thought it was a ghost marriage project, but guess what?"

"This male ghost is actually controlled by a weasel spirit! Back then, the weasel abducted a yellow-flowered girl who was born under the yin moon, and forced her to become pregnant with evil offspring. He planned to eat both of them to increase their power. Fortunately, the girl's family invited a white horse. The monk from the temple rescued the girl. Unfortunately, the girl couldn't bear the humiliation and hanged herself. The weasel still wanted to dig up the body and eat it, but the monk caught him and killed him. "

"The damn beast's soul is still alive, and he's still thinking about doing bad things. Damn it, if we really listen to him and summon the girl's soul again, the weasel's power will be greatly enhanced after eating the ghost, and he will kill us all."

"His grandma's work almost capsized in the sewer back then. The real project is not about a ghost marriage, it's about killing the weasel spirit."

"Yes, this is the difficulty of ghost-based projects."

Hou Feihu said coldly: "What the ghost says is always beneficial to you. You can't believe it all. Sometimes the tasks are even opposite."

"The ghost that possessed Captain Miao said that the baby was eaten and died tragically, and turned into a ghost baby to take revenge on the village, but there is only one definite clue."

"Everyone who eats fetal flesh dies."

"As for whether it was Gui Ying, Gui Ying's mother, or other righteous people who massacred the village, we can't be sure now."


Miao Fangfei rubbed her forehead tiredly, tore up the bread and swallowed it with hot water, and managed to cheer up: "There are two possibilities."

"First, destroy the seal of the ghost infants' tomb, release the ghost infants, resolve the resentment of the ghost infants, and send them to reincarnation."

"Second, the ghost infants are evil spirits, and the slaughtered villages are good people. Kill the ghost infants."

"At present, the first scenario is more likely."

Xu Chen pondered: "Do you still remember the introduction of our trip? We want to experience the life of 'Pingping the corpse chaser'. She is the only female corpse chaser. What do you think..."

Xu Chen paused and suddenly felt his scalp numb, as if something was staring at him coldly. But when he noticed it, the sight disappeared again.

Keeping this in mind, Xu Chen continued, speaking more tactfully: "Do you think the 'fetal meat' being eaten has something to do with Pingping?"

"It is indeed possible, but I think this time it should be a selective project."

Wang Pengpeng interjected: "The Miao team fainted at the time and didn't know that our team also found a grave, which was a 'baby grave', and it happened to be heading downstream."

The fetal flesh tomb goes upstream, and the infant tomb goes downstream. It is obvious that this project must involve selection.

"For example, if the story told by the ghost is true, the child who was eaten was not a miscarriage, but was actually born alive. Logically speaking, it should not be in the fetus grave, but in the baby grave."

Yu and An reluctantly joined the discussion. Unaccustomed to being watched by everyone, he rubbed his hands and smiled honestly.

"But since it was eaten as fetal meat, it is possible to choose the direction of the fetal meat grave."

"Yes, it all makes sense, but we still have to wait and see what Director C has to say."

Miao Fangfei said thoughtfully: "It's almost eight o''s almost roll call time."

At eight o'clock in the evening, all the passengers stood in front of the stilted building, waiting for Bingjiu's roll call. Although the project was only supposed to start tomorrow, for the sake of safety, they all brought their bamboo baskets with them.


After Bingjiu arrived, a faint and cold singing sound came from nowhere and surrounded every passenger's ears.

‘Small backpack, swinging around’

‘My mother carried me down the stilted building while laughing’

‘It’s my first time to taste wild fruits in the deep mountains’

‘Wash your hands by the clear stream for the first time’

‘I will never forget my mother’s little backpack in my childhood, so much joy and love’

‘I miss you so much, but my mother’s smiling face when she looks back is still sweet in my heart’

It was obviously a childish and happy song, but it felt inexplicably eerie and chilly in the deep mountains. Hou Feihu solemnly muttered "I have an ominous sign", Zhao Hongtu cautiously held the long bow in his hand, and Xu Chen opened his eyes after a while. He closed his eyes for a while and rubbed his eyes in discomfort. Lin Xi looked ugly and covered her ears, but the song still rang in the hearts of every passenger.

Under the very underworld singing, Wei Xun calmly finished taking the roll call, and then he clapped his hands, attracting the attention of all passengers:

"Everyone should have had a good rest. Yes, you are very energetic."

"Now we start the hotel gift project - I believe everyone has heard that Yingzhu Miao Village has three unique features: natural beauty, Miao village beauty, and the most beautiful thing is the fireflies by Xiaolong Creek. This is a welfare project given by the journey, and next we will Take an off-road vehicle around Xiaolong River and watch the elves living by the stream."

Wei Xun smiled, and his smile looked a bit eerie under the dim light: "It is said that the pure souls of babies who die young will turn into fireflies, shining brightly. It is really beautiful."

"I believe everyone will see many fireflies soon."

After he said these words, the singing that surrounded everyone's ears suddenly stopped. In the suddenly quiet environment, the laughter of countless babies suddenly sounded.

‘Hee hee hee, cluck cluck’


It seemed that countless ghost babies had surrounded them where the tourists could not see them, making everyone's hair stand on end and cold sweat dripping down their backs.

"Let's go."

Wei Xun glanced at the passengers casually, and saw a ghost baby that looked like a ball of green and gray flesh lying on the shoulder of one of them. It held a purple-red ball in its thin monster-like hands and grinned at him. And on the afterbirth ball, the sad and pale ghost's face also had a smile, and actually revealed a motherly kindness.

The ghost baby was having fun, the ghost of the mother who had lost her child in the afterbirth ball was having fun with the children, and Wei Xun was in a good mood.

It's a win-win-win.

Wei Xun also smiled at them, and when faced with the blank and fearful gaze of the passenger looking back, he looked away.

"By the way, I'm very sorry. Something happened to our driver and he can't accompany us on this journey."

Wei Xun directly asked the passenger:

"Who can drive?"

As soon as Bingjiu's question came out, the passengers fell silent. Most modern people are interested in getting a driver's license to drive, especially travelers like them who often encounter "self-driving tours", so their driving skills are naturally good.

But driving on a normal road is definitely different from driving on a supernatural journey. No one is absolutely sure that driving on Huangquan Road will cause harm to all his companions.

And the tour guide also needs to get on the bus. An important position like the driver will naturally be reserved for the person he trusts the most. It's just that something similar happened in the past. A tourist who hated a certain tour guide kept his hatred deep in his heart. During the trip, he flattered the tour guide in every possible way to please the tour guide. He was designated as the driver. He became aggressive while driving and led the tour guide down the ice crevice. Died in the freezing water.

Therefore, even drivers trusted by the tour guide will be controlled by the tour guide in various ways. The Butcher style is even more suspicious and crazy, and its methods of controlling tourists are extremely cruel.

This is not an easy life.

Normally, no one would take the initiative for this kind of thing, but——

"Let me do it."

"I can."

"I'm good at."

"I come."

After a moment, four people stood up almost at the same time and spoke in unison.

When the voice fell, several people looked at each other in surprise.

For a moment, the scene fell into an eerie silence.

As everyone knows, when Bingjiu asked "Who can drive," he didn't really let them decide who could drive. The final choice still rested with Bingjiu.

Although being a driver is not an easy job, if the tour guide is Bingjiu——

Bingjiu is still different.

Miao Fangfei thought, and Xu Chen, Hou Feihu, and Lin Xi who stood up also thought the same.

But they didn't expect that so many people would come forward this time for something they had avoided in the past!

The four people's eyes met, and their eyes were a little subtle, and there was also an indescribable feeling of similar discomfort.

"I have been possessed by a ghost. Before starting a real project, the possibility of the ghost harming people is not high. After all, the ghost's wish has not been realized yet."

Miao Fangfei was the first to speak. After all, as the captain, it would not be good to see everyone freeze: "Even ghosts may give us some convenient and friendly illusions first. If I drive, I have a high chance of choosing a safe route, and even get An unexpected opportunity.”

In addition, the mountain roads in western Hunan are rugged. Miao Fangfei, who was born in the mountains, is more familiar with the road conditions and can drive very steadily.

This was exactly what Miao Fangfei had originally thought, but when faced with the looks of her teammates, Miao Fangfei, who was originally confident, felt a little unspeakable embarrassment, as if the most secret thoughts in her heart were exposed, and her thoughts couldn't help but go astray.

The person who can be selected as the driver... must be the person Director C trusts the most... Hehe.

Miao Fangfei's wheat-colored cheeks were slightly red, and she was a little embarrassed. Fortunately, it didn't show up in the dim night.

Bingjiu told her that he trusted her when they were on the Fierce Bone Plank Road. It felt really good. She wants to continue to be trusted by Bingjiu and become a better captain.

Furthermore, as a captain, it is natural to take the initiative to stand up when encountering difficulties.

Thinking of this, Miao Fangfei became calm again.

"That being said, it's still too risky."

Hou Feihu frowned and said in disapproval: "We must be prepared for the worst. If the resentful spirit attached to you, Captain Miao, is the kind of irrational, ferocious and cruel type, everyone will be in danger."

He has always been a calm and reliable character, and is accustomed to thinking more about everything: "The difficulty of the beautiful Xiangxi project is extraordinary, and the second major project has not yet been determined. At this time, the risk may not be worth the gain."

Although this was indeed the case, Hou Feihu always felt that the atmosphere was a bit subtle for some reason. There was a slight confusion in Hou Feihu's always determined eyes, but Hou Feihu still said seriously:

"I have five years of driving experience in the army, and I have the title of 'I have an ominous premonition.' I will be the safest as a driver."


Hou Feihu paused and said politely: "I'm in good condition."

Miao Fangfei, who suffered from abdominal pain and headache, was hit by an arrow in her heart and had no choice but to retreat.

Why is it that there is a bit of competition for jobs now?

Xu Chen, a career elite, couldn't laugh or cry. He had ridiculous thoughts and even felt that they were a bit actively involved.

But if you can really build a good relationship with Bingjiu and join his group in the future, it will definitely be beneficial and harmless. The opportunity to express yourself in front of Bingjiu must not be missed.

"Everyone has death energy in them now."

Xu Chen pushed up his glasses: "Although it's not very heavy, it also shows that there will definitely be danger on the way."

Seeing that his words attracted everyone's attention, Xu Chen continued:

"Brother Hou has the strongest physical fitness, and it makes sense. There can be no absolutely safe path on a dangerous journey, but it's just about surviving in a dangerous situation. Although the title of Brother Hou is very useful, it will be very difficult when the time comes. There may be problems like this - every road will give you a sense of foreboding. "

Hou Feihu nodded solemnly and agreed with Xu Chen's statement. What he said could indeed happen.

"My strength is not as good as that of Team Miao, and my physical fitness is not as good as that of Brother Hou, but the title is still useful."

Xu Chen began to promote himself: "The title of Resentment Sensing allows me to see whether there is specific resentment on the road, and whether there is a ghost breaking the wall. Which road has more resentment, and which road has less resentment."

"Xu Chen, your eyes..."

Hou Feihu pondered worriedly. After all, it was just yesterday that Xu Chen overexerted his eyes in the last project and collapsed.

"Already rested."

Xu Chen smiled.

"Your title is indeed more suitable than mine."

Hou Feihu admitted, the smile on Xu Chen's face became more sincere, and his eyes subconsciously looked at Bingjiu. No matter how hard they try to sell themselves, it is the tour guide Bingjiu who makes the final decision.

And the person Bingjiu is looking at right now is——

The smile on Xu Chen's face faded.

Bingjiu is looking at Lin Xi.

Lin Xi, who had been being watched by Bingjiu, blushed and felt a little happy and uneasy in her heart.

Although Bingjiu used to let him drive every trip, Bingjiu has changed now. Lin Xi felt really uneasy when she saw Hou Feihu and the others stepping forward.

It wasn't until he discovered that Bingjiu had been watching him that his uneasy mood eased slightly.

Sure enough, Bingjiu still likes him. Compared with the past when Bingjiu forced him to take controlled pills with fear and a forced smile, and reluctantly acted as a driver, Lin Xi actually felt a little better this time. Excitement and urgency.

It was almost as exciting as the first time he got the chance to be on stage.

He no longer wants to be a good-for-nothing beauty, he wants to work hard to become useful and get more eyes from Bingjiu.

"Brother Ninth, should I drive this time?"

Lin Xi smiled softly and took a step closer to Bingjiu. Xu Chen and others immediately understood what he said.

Got it, it turns out that Lin Xi is Bingjiu’s official driver.

Xu Chen pushed up his glasses, took a step back and gave up. He is very knowledgeable about current affairs, and for a suspicious tour guide, it is always better to use a raw guide than a familiar one. He would not fight with Lin Xi, and it would be more than worth the loss if he caused Bingjiu's dissatisfaction.

Hou Feihu and others didn't say anything anymore, apparently acquiescing that Bingjiu would choose Lin Xi. But in fact, the smile on Lin Xi's face became stiffer and stiffer.

Because he found that Bingjiu's eyes did not move with him. When Lin Xi walked towards Bingjiu, the tour guide's eyes still fell on the place where he was originally standing - he was not looking at Lin Xi, but the person behind Lin Xi. people.

"Wang Pengpai, I remember you have the title of 'driver'."

As expected, Bingjiu ignored Lin Xi who was walking towards him, and looked at the fat man behind him, as if curious: "Why didn't you stand up?"

"Could it be that--"

Wei Xun's voice sounded like a joke, but there was a hint of elusive danger in his tone: "You don't want to drive?"

"Oh, Director Bing, Ninth Brother, what are you talking about? I've been thinking about it too, but I can't think anymore. You don't know how long I've been waiting for this opportunity. I've wanted to show you my skills for a long time!"

Facing everyone's puzzled looks, Wang Pengpai made a grimace and pointed at the sky and the earth. His fat face was full of regret and annoyance: "Oh, it's a pity that I, old fat man, don't have this luck! No, when I'm cooking at noon, I'm going to chop my hands. Finger."

The fat man opened his hand. The thumb and index finger of his right hand were thickly wrapped with gauze, and there were faint traces of blood.

"Yes, I remembered it, it was at noon."

Zhao Hongtu suddenly realized and took the initiative: "The food provided by Yingzhu Miao Village was all moldy and rancid. Brother Wang and I went to the back kitchen to find some ingredients to cook our own meals. But the kitchen knife was too dull and rusted. Brother Wang went to the stream After sharpening the knife, my hand was injured when I came back.”

"So careless!"

Miao Fangfei had just learned about this and was furious: "Why did you get hurt in such a trivial matter!"

Supernatural beings must be careful at all times during their journey. Blood, clothing and even hair may become the medium for the curse of evil spirits or even the upper body. This gloomy Miao village kitchen knife had cut something, and when she heard that Wang Pengpai had been cut by the kitchen knife, Miao Fangfei's scalp went cold.

"It's okay, it's okay. I, Old Wang, am still a virgin. I have a lot of yang energy in my blood, so I'm not afraid of this."

Wang Pengpeng made a joke and patted his chest to assure him. In a blink of an eye, he nodded and bowed to Wei Xun, and said worriedly and helplessly: "Director B, look..."

"Take good care of it."

Wei Xun glanced at him with interest and couldn't find any flaws in that sincere, fat face.

From the beginning of the journey till now, Wei Xun has almost figured out the personalities of the passengers in his team, except for Wang Pengpai, who Wei Xun cannot see through.

This person knows too much.

Wang Pengpai has the title of "little driver", Wei Xun wanted to test him, but who would have thought that Wang Pengpai happened to have an injured hand... Is it really a coincidence?

"Lin Xi, go drive."


The nervous Lin Xi immediately agreed, her face was full of smiles, and without Wei Xun saying more, she happily took the initiative to swallow the pill - Bingjiu used this to control him in the past journey, and seeing that Lin Xi was obedient, he simply gave him a bottle and let him swallow it himself.

Although the real Bingjiu was not in the journey, the pill actually had no binding force, but the psychological self-restraint was exactly what Wei Xun wanted.

"Let's go."

They stayed here for ten minutes, and the rain outside stopped. The mountain breeze brought the cool breath of rain, without the stench of corpses in Xiaolong Yizhuang, and it was pure as if it could cleanse the soul, as if it was really a homestay in the mountains, a serious trip, without those dangerous tasks.

But looking back, Wu Laoliu appeared at the door silently like a dead man, with half of his wrinkled face hidden in the darkness, and his dark eyes made people feel cold behind him.

"Eleven o'clock, the homestay will be locked."

Wu Laoliu's voice was hoarse and dry, like two pieces of dead bark rubbing against each other, and people couldn't help frowning when they heard it.

Wei Xun looked at him more, and always felt that this person seemed to have changed a little from when they met at noon. But Wu Laoliu's eyes were numb and indifferent, as if he was just here to tell the rules: "You must come back before this."

Everyone kept Wu Laoliu's words in mind.

It was eight o'clock now, and they still had three hours until eleven o'clock, and they had to count the round trip.

A half-old military green off-road vehicle was parked outside Yingzhu Miao Village. The two rows of seats plus the driver and co-driver could barely accommodate an entire brigade. Wei Xun sat in the co-pilot seat at ease, and the rest of the people had to squeeze in.

Miao Fangfei, Shi Tao, Wang Pengpai, Xu Chen sat in the front row, Hou Feihu, Zhao Hongtu, Yu Hean, and Yu Hehui sat in the back row.

Miao Fangfei made this arrangement on purpose. There was still a ghost in the team that had not been caught, and she was possessed by the ghost again, and she was in low spirits. Miao Fangfei had to confirm that there was a ghost in the team, and only then could she tell the most trusted team member, but now the time was too short. She fainted for half a day, and she had to go to Xiaolongxi scenic spot so soon, and many attempts could not be completed.

In order not to alert the enemy, Miao Fangfei could only arrange it this way, to ensure that each row had the ability to fight against the ghost as much as possible, and to get through this small scenic spot first.

Through the rearview mirror, Wei Xun saw Miao Fangfei talking to Shi Tao, and Wang Pengpai chatting with Xu Chen. Hou Feihu and Zhao Hongtu naturally gathered together, and Yu Hean and Yu Hehui brothers talked in a low voice.

Everything looked so normal. The ghost baby that he had seen on someone's shoulder before could no longer be seen.

Lin Xi started the car and started the engine. He was tense all over. He didn't know why. He had driven Bingjiu many times before, but he was particularly nervous this time. He caught a glimpse of Bingjiu's pale porcelain chin from the corner of his eye. Lin Xi quickly retracted his gaze as if he was burned. His heartbeat was surprisingly fast.

Was Bingjiu's skin so white before?

Lin Xi didn't remember. The image of Bingjiu in his mind had completely become the person next to him. He leaned against the car window carelessly, as if he was a little tired. His snow-white, slightly curly hair cast a shadow on his cheek. The light of the car lights was reflected on his porcelain-white jaw and neck, and the graceful lines were blocked by the collar.

Elegant, mysterious, noble, and beautiful, not like a human.

Lin Xi's ears moved, and after noticing Bingjiu's shallow and regular breathing, he subconsciously drove the car more steadily.

He wanted Bingjiu to rest better.

Wei Xun closed his eyes listlessly, thinking about the scene he had just seen. Miao Fangfei looked a little pale, as if she had the sequelae of abdominal pain and headache, but Wei Xun found that she remained expressionless during the conversation and observed the people around her.

Miao Fangfei must have noticed something was wrong. A ninth person joined the eight-person journey. One of the people squeezed in the off-road vehicle was a ghost.

What judgment would Miao Fangfei make?

In the past, Wei Xun might have been interested in participating in the reasoning, but he was different now.

The reduced SAN value affected him. The destructive desire and mania aroused during the battle with the corpse-transformed flying fox leader were just suppressed in Wei Xun's heart, never disappeared, and were still expanding.

Wei Xun urgently needed some new stimulation, anything was good. Deliberately angering Wu Laoliu, making a tightrope-like deal with him without telling the hotel, and actively playing with the ghost babies.

Long-term illness makes a doctor. Wei Xun has a very thorough understanding of his own situation. After finding that he was not sensitive to reasoning and analysis, he realized that something was wrong - Wei Xun did not reject dangerous stimulation, but he did not like to lose control.

With his eyes closed, no one could see the blood in Wei Xun's eyes again. The black nails were placed on the pale hands, beating the rhythm from time to time.

Let's have some new stimulation.

Wei Xun thought.

Come on, this pent-up emotion... must be released.

"There is no road ahead!"

A quarter of an hour later, the car that was originally driving smoothly was suddenly stopped by Lin Xi in a hurry. His panicked and tense voice came from the driver's seat: "Grave, grave! There is a grave ahead!"

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