Thriller Tour Group

326. Death Sahara (13)

Normally, good brothers support each other, most of them by their shoulders and arms, and rarely by their waists.

An Xuefeng not only hugged Zhang Xingzang's waist directly, but also gave him a virtual support. He hugged Zhang Xingzang's abdomen. Dream Chaser, who was being held by Zhang Xingzang, lowered his head and could see An Xuefeng. Sharp hands.

For a moment, the dream chaser instinctively thought that Zhang Xingzang was injured. After all, he was a very respectable person. If he wasn't really unsteady, how could he be hugged by An Xuefeng like this? Zhang Xingzang, like An Xuefeng, is the kind of tough guy who only talks about the kind of tough guy who has serious injuries that are not life-threatening, and other minor injuries. He will carry them by himself, never let the tour guide worry, and will only tell the fellow travelers——

its not right!

However, Dream Chaser reacted in the next second. He did not feel that Zhang Xingzang was seriously injured!

No, it’s not just a question of whether he can be hurt or not, Dream Chaser doesn’t even feel the connection between him and Zhang Xingzang! What the hell is going on? But now the dream chaser cannot think carefully. The mental pollution and the abyss power absorbed in the alienated state are rampant in his body. The dream chaser cannot return to human form, but there seems to be a deep rejection of the alienated state here.

The dream chaser can no longer transform into the alienated state of the adult dream dragon, and can only temporarily maintain the form of a young dragon! The existence of the Star Diamond Worm and the intrusion of the power of 30 degrees north latitude made it impossible for him to stay awake for a long time, and the memories of the previous separation were temporarily unable to be recalled - perhaps because of this, He couldn't communicate with Zhang Xingzang?

Although Dream Chaser still feels a little strange, he can confirm that there is a connection between himself and Zhang Xingzang, and he can also have a secret chat with Zhang Xingzang.

Dream Chaser Xiaolong grabbed Zhang Xingzang's hand with his claws.

"You're awake."

The sudden sharp pain in his hand made Wei Xun almost gasp, and he immediately noticed the changes in the dragon egg in his arms. The original dragon egg had been completely broken into several pieces, and one was completely white, and the scales seemed to be covered with... A young dragon hatched with a layer of shining crystal, and was nestling in Wei Xun's arms, twisting its head, and staring at him with those beautiful eyes.

Staring at him - staring at An Xuefeng.

This look is not like the little silly dragon from before.

Wei Xun instantly realized that the dream chaser was most likely in an alienated state and returned to himself - he is now complete and has a brain!

【I can't stay awake for long】

Dream Chaser's voice sounded in Wei Xun's mind - Dream Chaser could turn into a little dragon, how could he still hear his voice in his head? Wei Xun suspected that it was a problem with the pure power of the abyss, and that Dream Chasing might have overdone it.

[Go to the Eye of the Sahara, take me to its sea eye]

The dream chaser had a hunch that that would be the place where the winner would finally be decided. In addition, he finally left a message to Zhang Xingzang. Most of Dream Chasing's rationality was used to suppress mental pollution and resist repulsion, but Xiaolong could still be used as a fighting force.

Without rational control, relying only on instinct to suppress various sources of pollution, the young dragon will be regarded as a mutated monster rather than an alienated tour guide. It can exert 70% of the strength of dream chasing.

And once he encounters real danger, Zhang Xingzang can immediately wake up Meng Zhui completely - although with An Xuefeng around, this possibility is not high, but Meng Zhui always feels that he has been dealing with An Xuefeng recently. With a little bit of new knowledge. Zhang Xingzang is also a carefree and familiar person who only recognizes his brothers.

[An Xuefeng has a lover, please keep your distance from him]

Leaving behind the last words that hinted at worry, Zhui Meng's voice disappeared. Xiaolong closed his eyes tiredly, and when he opened them again, the human wisdom disappeared, but he was still very agile.


The agile dragon cub directly bit An Xuefeng's hand holding Wei Xun's, but An Xuefeng's skin was rough and thick, so he was not afraid of biting at all, and his hand around his waist was still very steady. They only communicated for a few seconds. In these few seconds, An Xuefeng went crazy.

Although the Star-Drilling Worm escaped, his return knife was stuck in the Star-Drilling Worm under the sand, and he could locate the worm at any time. Other monsters that were attracted to the blood of the butterfly tattoo and mutated surrounded them. An Xuefeng pulled out a spare knife and killed everyone. Carrying Wei Xun with one hand did not affect his performance at all. An Xuefeng was still as strong and agile as a snow leopard.

He leaped onto the head of the monitor lizard in a few steps. His military boots stepped on the rough and sharp scales of the desert monitor lizard. He moved the knife in and out, and jumped to the ground. The corners of his windbreaker were lifted up by the night wind. Behind him, the lizard's eyeballs exploded, and the His mind was shattered by the sword energy. The behemoth fell down like a mountain, and An Xuefeng locked his next prey.

The violent, blood-splattered scenery completely attracted Wei Xun's attention.

"When using a knife, you need to be steady, quick, and ruthless."

An Xuefeng was as skillful as a butcher, running rampant among many giant monsters, the light of his sword flashing and blood splattering. The first few monsters were killed by him using different methods - the sword was flowing freely, smashing the brain, this is the knife Qi; slashing horizontally with the knife, severing the monster's spinal cord, this is huge strength; thrusting with the tip of the knife, piercing the heart through the gaps in the scales, this is eyesight and steady hand.

It was hunting, and it also had the meaning of teaching, just like a snow leopard hunting with its cubs. Wei Xun looked at it with fascination, remembering in his heart that Nezha Ling in the funeral palace in the suburbs of Beijing was not very good at teaching people. His strength relies more on instinct, and the only things that Wei Xun can give to Wei Xun are instinct and intuition.

But what An Xuefeng taught was closer to killing skills, and the use of the knife was really exquisite. The blood dyed the desert at night red, splashing like a thick and colorful oil painting. Yellow sand, red blood, black windbreaker, pure white robe. An Xuefeng, who had carved out a small clearing, put Wei Xun down. He knew that Wei Xun was already ready to make a move.

"Go ahead, you killed too few."

Blood spattered on An Xuefeng's cheek. When he was serious, his voice sounded without any warmth, almost cold.

"I won't take action unless you die."

Don't you feel bad?

Of course it hurts.

The instinct to protect tour guides is almost engraved in the bones of connecting tourists, and it is really difficult to fight against this instinct. He didn't know whether Wei Xun had used the half-life Taoist's white sand to relieve the doomsday punishment - if not, then Wei Xun would definitely be in pain after being injured.

But An Xuefeng knew what Wei Xun really needed.

"You don't need to take action, even if I die."

Wei Xun smiled and said, with uncontrollable excitement in his eyes. He handed the dream chasing dragon to An Xuefeng, pulled out the fanatic's sword and entered the battlefield. For example, An Xuefeng killed a lot of desert giant lizards, giant snakes, giant spiders and even giant mosquitoes. Wei Xun could kill them all to his heart's content.

But the ideal is very full, the reality is very skinny, and it has not become an alienated state. With only the relatively weak power of humans, Wei Xun can deal with these at least mid-level demonic insects, and there are many monsters that have reached the heaven level. Wei Xun fights them extremely difficult. The position of the knife and the timing of the knife need to be controlled, and many key points must be considered.

If there was still no pain, he could take action without risking his life, but the severe pain made Wei Xun learn to avoid unnecessary harm.

An Xuefeng knew right from his eyes that Wei Xun didn't ask for Ban Ming Dao to ask for Baisha... did he believe that he would definitely arrive before midnight? Thinking of this, An Xuefeng couldn't take his eyes away from Wei Xun who was fighting, and he unconsciously felt a touch of tenderness. Then he got serious. This might be an opportunity. Avoiding harm has always been what An Xuefeng wanted to teach Wei Xun, but this was more like a concept.

Being painless for many years has made Wei Xun very indifferent to the concept of "injury". This was also the case on his previous journeys. Blood for blood, tooth for tooth, especially as a tour guide, returning to zero means becoming stronger. An Xuefeng knew that Wei Xun had always wanted to try returning to zero, but the butterfly tattoo on his heart always made An Xuefeng slightly worried.

"You can feel it too."

Seeing Wei Xun struggling to kill a giant black and red spider, and then trying to fight a giant snake with almost heaven-level strength, An Xuefeng twitched the tip of his nose and smelled the smell of blood in the air. A light fragrance.

It makes people feel comfortable and safe, and their eyes are unconsciously focused on Wei Xun, wanting to be close to him, wanting to sleep on his lap - Dream Chaser is a tour guide, so he should know better.


Dream Chaser Xiaolong had stopped biting An Xuefeng's hand a long time ago, but now An Xuefeng was holding it down. If not for this, Xiaolong would have gone up to help.

"Hey! Wei Laosan, how is the situation?!"

There was no movement on their side for too long, which caused some lone monsters to be killed outside. At the same time, the half-life Taoist who was looking forward to it couldn't help but say hello, Chen Cheng is still around, 'Team An' is the directional person. The title is too obvious, so just use it by seniority.

Wei Laosan? An Xuefeng raised his eyebrows: "Come here."

When the Half-Life Taoist arrived, An Xuefeng showed a little tiredness: "This is a reenactment of the ancient oasis scene. My presence here will cause instability in the scene."

The knowledge between the journey of 30 degrees north latitude is very deep, and some will support each other. For example, An Xuefeng’s pyramid and Dream Chaser’s Death Sahara belong to the same natural category and are both in the desert. A pyramid standing on the desert can have Help dream chasers control sandstorms.

But there is mutual support, and naturally there is also mutual exclusion. Although the ancient oases are all in the Sahara, the ancient oases are more inclined to Arabian mythology - it is a mythical civilization, an ancient civilization-type journey to the 30th north latitude. However, An Xuefeng's The Fall of Daxi Continent both belongs to the civilization category, and the civilization and mythology categories of Journey to Thirty Degrees North Latitude are most likely to exclude each other.

It stands to reason that this is just a reenactment of the scene, and it is not a real ancient oasis. It shouldn't be like this, but An Xuefeng understood it as soon as he saw the young version of the Half-Life Taoist.

"You brought the token of the ancient oasis and caused some changes here."

An Xuefeng coughed, and some scale-like lines gradually appeared on his cheeks, and his dark pupils gradually elongated, like olives.

"This is more than just a reenactment of the scene. Chen Cheng... protect them."

"Not just a reenactment of the scene?"

The half-life Taoist's breath was stagnant, and the authorities were confused. He had never thought about it in other directions, but An Xuefeng's words moved his heart.

Could it be, could it be said...

But An Xuefeng ignored him and went to kill Wei Xun on the battlefield. Wei Xun was covered in bruises and pain, and his expression was a little distorted, but he successfully killed an ancient giant spider at a higher level! The tip of the fanatic's knife passed through the gap in the bristles on the giant spider's forehead, directly destroying its vitals. This move was exactly the same as what An Xuefeng demonstrated just now!

The next moment, the remaining monsters around them seemed to finally wake up and fled as if they felt the threat. But Wei Xun did not pursue him. Instead, he frowned and turned back. He felt the change in An Xuefeng.

An Xuefeng, who walked up to Wei Xun, put a small bottle with body temperature into his hand. At this moment, the changes in An Xuefeng's head were very obvious, and his words were hissing.

"This is White Sand, the ancient oasis is repulsive to me."

Of course, An Xuefeng could maintain his human form, but the place where this scene was repeated could not withstand his power.

"I will turn into a snake... Of course, I am different from Dream Chaser."

A giant black and white snake appeared and wrapped around Wei Xun. Compared with those huge black giant snakes, it looked particularly delicate, but those dark giant snakes all prostrated and lowered their heads, their tail tips close to the ground, and they were not very obedient. Their original leader was killed by a worm, and this powerful snake helped them drive away the worm that destroyed the ruins. It is the strongest snake.


The long snake clinging to Wei Xun spat out a message and put its head on Wei Xun's shoulder, feeling its breath. The long snake's eyes were cold and his hiss was cold, and he gave orders to the remaining snakes, asking them to obey Boss Wei.

Unlike the silly dream-chasing dragon, Anxue Snake is still intelligent even if she turns into a snake.

The giant snake proudly cuddled up to Wei Xun, hissing and spitting out letters like a coquettish girl.

It hurts so much to poke my heart.

The author has something to say: Sorry, I’m stuck today and there are fewer posts! There will be a make-up update at noon tomorrow, and there will be a day in the evening!

The strongest snake decided to give out 600 red envelopes! Say, smart snake!

Comparison of tough guy travelers:

Zhang Xingzang [Proud]: Even if my hand is broken, I won’t tell Zhui Meng

Silver Moon Killer [English]: I won’t even tell the Duke about the werewolf’s bloody rebellion on a full moon night

George [smiles]: I won’t even tell the Black Widow if I’m tortured to the point of going crazy by pollution.

Team Wu [It doesn’t matter]: I won’t tell the insect master even if the brigade falls to fourth place.

An Xueshe [hisses like a baby]: Wife, it hurts when I poke my heart!

Zhang Xingzang/Silver Moon Killer/George/Wu Dui:? ? ?

An Xuefeng was kicked out of the [Tough Guy Travelers Club]

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution between 2021-10-26 23:07:22~2021-10-27 23:39:40~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: L-L-L 1;

Thanks to the little angels who threw the landmines: 53646938, Su Bao 2; Jin, Xiao Ximi, Tiantian Sui Liuwangzai, Lan Ye Chunwei Rui, Tears, 53535749, Kiss, a cabbage 007, 55878089, Ah Meow Baby, Xun He has one sister-in-law;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigates the nutrient solution: 230 bottles of Happy Pigeon Essence; 168 bottles of Black Room if it is not updated; 167 bottles of Yishui Yao; 132 bottles of Ansu; 130 bottles of A Xianyu; 120 bottles of Qingmo; pineapple cake, 110 bottles for a tree rhinoceros; 103 bottles for ℡Yunhuang is just like the first sight℡; 100 bottles for joycelvyi; 93 bottles for Hansu; 81 bottles for early riser Jiu; 80 bottles for I slept today; 77 bottles for omnivorous Xiaomumu; 71 bottles for men; 70 bottles of Duxueluanhanchuan and Nymphoides; 66 bottles of sleepy Mi; 60 bottles of Fusong, Lan and Daisy; 58 bottles of Angelica dahurica; ### 56 bottles; 55 bottles of Qiqi; Chen Yan^^3, what is this? Lang cp, Qi Luo Luo Luo Luo, Xuwu, yokiyann, Boring, Tea as Wine, Daybreak 50 bottles; log99 44 bottles; Flowers fall into the dust, Qingfeng, It’s Xixi, Qin Xiaoxian’s Mom Fan, Maomao, Zhang Mosquitojun , 40 bottles of rice dumplings; 39 bottles of Tanhuan; 30 bottles of Dingsi, Qinggui, Susuyi, Xiaoling, Hualiang, Xiaolizi, Qiuyuwutong, Shuishui, Jinxi; don’t worry about today’s affairs. 29 bottles; hee hee hee hee 28 bottles; you are so beautiful 27 bottles; Fansuichen, ~ Ice and Snow Love ~, Yubai, liyueshier 25 bottles; I will drop a turtle, 27661547 24 bottles; shikkity 23 bottles; 28513559 , Ning Chenxing, Yinxue Yunxi, Yuexizhui, 43054087, Tuantuanzi, Jingling, Xiaodai, 17149260, Don’t lean on the railing alone, Moon Boat, The circus cannot live without monkeys, Happy paddling, Lisa baby is the cutest, loves reading Mushrooms, Mountains Are Green_, Rats Stealing Oil, Imperial Night Banquet, Qi Yao, Sleeping with No Future, No Taboo, Sure 20 bottles; Wanxin 116 bottles; Qin Qingtuan, I’m Not Afraid of Dog Food 15 bottles; Jun Jue , Chen Xi 14 bottles; None, Wu Gou Shuofang, Capnochi Manor, Tang Fei, Man Mo, Orchid Leaf Chunwei Rui, Xiao Qi, Running around, the smell of the knife is so strong, 47136681, September, Ah Xiu, Perilla Xia Xue, Ruo Na Hing Ying, Ye Ye Shan Tui Ren, glass ball ball,. , Guan Hua Gang Ban, Sweet Almond, Ah Ah Ah, What, Social Security Science, Ah Tang Loves Candy, Shi Chen Keai, Leng Qian Jue, Xuan Yi Xian, Augustine, Little Orange, Shui Wu Yue Jing Tian, ​​Alas, Ink Painting Qing Hua, Tian Ge, Yao Xiao, Xiao Xiao Miao, Mushroom?, Beichen Yu'an, ariote, Ling, Mouse and Cat Are a Family, Shen Yan, 19400932, Ka~Ye, 12345, Green Porridge, Cotton Wood, Huo Mei, Xie Dao , Mo Sheng, Fruit Vitamin C, Dancing with the Wind, Jiajia 10 bottles; Qingqin, Mangxing 9 bottles; Miaoyu, Tianbao Jiuru Su Muchuqiu, Bandage Mackerel (●︿●) 8 bottles; Su Nahuakai 7 Bottles; 1111+11, LLLLLL, Bai Yunsheng, Liubo Bottles; Your Doudou Meow, The Deer in March, Huandongfeng, Aoxilia, Jiang Yushan, deo, Lei, Hua Yu, Mr. Tu Nansheng 5 bottles; 4 bottles of Star Paper, Bu Xian Jiang Zhongxian; 3 bottles of Night Owl, Lazy Cat Master; King Power, Lushu, Never Enough Sleeping, 52776702 2 bottles; Floating in the Clouds, Anxious Spores, Alluring Little Lion , Chuan Chuan, Liao Lan Lan Lan, Ning Yu, Tide, Beibei, ###, Nidhogg, Chen Jianrenchi Yue, Go Lai, Yan Xiaoning, Chu Yue, exiio~chyx, Qin Wanyang, dream, space visitor, Feng Lv Zhuan, Jun Yue, Ye Lingxue, and gradually 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support. I will continue to work hard.

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