Thriller Tour Group

334. Death Sahara (19)

Wei Xun's situation is a bit wrong now.

When polluting the giant, the strange feeling of heart butterfly fragments is not fake, and it is getting worse. This is not painful. Wei Xun has escaped from the doomsday punishment and his keen sense of pain has disappeared. If it is painful, he should not feel it.

It was another weird feeling, as if there was a piece of live coal stuffed in the heart, it was frighteningly hot, and a surging, powerful force overflowed from the butterfly fragment. To be precise, it was like It was a piece of jelly that was originally sealed, but Wei Xun contaminated the desert monster and the quasi-chief, causing the film outside the jelly to become thinner and thinner, and finally it was faintly punctured.

But strong strength is not entirely a good thing. At this moment, Wei Xun's whole body felt hot, as if he had a high fever. The heartbeat was so fast that An Xuefeng noticed it as soon as it fell. His heart sank, and he immediately communicated mentally with Wei Xun. What later made An Xuefeng a little relieved was that Wei Xun was in good mental condition - very active, as if he had just advanced to the title.

"I'm fine."

It was exactly as An Xuefeng sensed. After three seconds, Wei Xun opened his eyes. Although his face was still burning red and his voice was a little weak, there was no problem in speaking. At this moment, the burning feeling in his heart has not disappeared, and Wei Xun is still troubled by the problem of "burning heart", but at the same time, another force makes him calm down and regain his reason.

Half Life Taoist is right, the Giant Bride is indeed the most precious treasure of the Red Sand Giant Tribe.

Kill the 'Giant Bride', become the new 'Giant Bride', and become the treasure of the red sand giant tribe. Wei Xun plunders the treasure like a civet cat for a prince, and is recognized by the title of the series! Even though the hotel is not there now and there is no loud reminder, Wei Xun is already a treasure hunter.

And he, who had already embarked on a journey to the 30th North Latitude, was awarded the orange title "Explorer"!

An Xuefeng once said that the title of Explorer is extremely suitable for travelers and is suitable for use in various extremely harsh and dangerous environments. Precisely because of its presence, Wei Xun was able to regain his sanity as quickly as possible at this moment.

"Rest where you are."

He ordered the corn shoots to walk into the tribal ruins - now real ruins, and other giants in the red sand giant tribe's hunting team also entered one after another. They originally planned to rest here, and it didn't take long for the would-be chiefs to duel.

They began to rest, and Zhang Xingzang also discovered that ‘Bai Xiaosheng’ seemed to be in something wrong. He grabbed the struggling Dream Chaser baby dragon and left space for An Xuefeng and Bai Xiaosheng, and the change on Wei Xun's body after he left was even more obvious - the kind of white filaments that An Xuefeng had seen before. , and grew on Wei Xun's body, like the cocoon silk of some insect.

They were soft and thin and covered Wei Xun's arms. An Xuefeng tried to tear them off, but his heart sank. These cocoon threads were unexpectedly tough - tougher than the white threads produced by pollution the day Wei Xun swallowed the butterfly fragments.

"I feel fine."

But Wei Xun was more awake than that day. The explorer's power was fully aroused when he was severely injured and fell into danger. What exactly is the power of a title? Wei Xun originally thought it was the power given by the hotel to tour guides and tourists, but now it seems that is not the case.

In fact, it shows that the title can still be used in places where such hotels cannot be involved. The power of the 'title' seems to come from the various potentials of the person himself, with many variations, just like Wei Xun's 'Explorer'.

"It's time for me to have the title of explorer."

Wei Xun comforted the anxious phoenix bird that frequently touched his cheek with its beak. An Xuefeng wanted to change back into human form to confirm his condition. Wei Xun could feel his ups and downs of emotions. Even after killing the quasi-chief, the replay of this scene was surprisingly fragile. He didn't care that An Xuefeng's transformation was very likely to directly destroy the place. It was not as important as Wei Xun, and there was no danger of the butterfly fragment mutating.

But Wei Xun still wants to stay here - he hopes to find out more secrets related to the butterfly fragments. This time is a danger, but also an opportunity. Qi Wei Xun recovered quickly. In the ten seconds or so they were alone together, the restless butterfly fragments gradually calmed down, and the crazy overflowing energy also calmed down, as if it was covered by another invisible layer. The membrane seals it.

Wei Xun then tore at the long white mycelium-like hair on his arm, and was able to tear it off easily. After the body was taken care of, the guard Xun collected all these long white hairs and waited for further research. An Xuefeng did not stop him. The phoenix bird's gilded eyes stared at Wei Xun without blinking for a moment. Wei Xun got better, but it did not relax.

"You know, my parents left me some butterfly fragments."

After thinking about it, Wei Xun briefly told An Xuefeng about the abnormal movement of the butterfly fragment in his heart. The strange movements of the butterfly fragments were sudden and fierce. If it weren't for the explorer's power, Wei Xun might have been almost out of control. And if you want to stay in a world where this scene repeats itself, this incident may happen again at any time.

Wei Xun must provide himself with a safety valve, and his safety valve is An Xuefeng. Once something goes wrong, you can immediately stop and stop the scene from happening again. Wei Xun didn't say that some of his butterfly fragments might be related to the ancient oasis. After all, Wei Xun was just guessing. But with this verbal description, An Xuefeng could guess what he meant.

"I want to stay here, you know..."

Fengniao gently and carefully touched Wei Xun's chest with its beak, as if silently feeling his heartbeat. When Wei Xun wanted to say something else, the phoenix bird's hard and warm beak tapped his lips, which was obviously a helpless compromise.

It's dangerous to stay here, but An Xuefeng respects Wei Xun's choice. Wei Xun laughed and blinked a little tiredly. After all, killing the would-be chief with a full layer of fanatic killing knives almost sucked all the strength out of his body. The powerful influx of butterfly fragments and the depth of the explorer's power made his already empty body feel even more inconsistent, causing discomfort.

With An Fengniao by his side, Wei Xun took a nap. When he woke up, the sun was still shining brightly, especially at two or three o'clock in the afternoon.

It's time for the desert giant hunting team to continue setting off, but instead of going to the hunting ground, they return to the Red Sand Giant Tribe - a new quasi-chief has appeared, and they must return to the tribe to report to the current chief.


As soon as Wei Xun appeared, a dark shadow bumped into his arms, clinging to him. It was none other than the young dream chasing dragon. A few hours with the real Zhang Xingzang did not completely restore his heart - An Xuefeng also played a large role in this. 'The Firebird must never be left alone with the people he cares about! ’ The thought was so strong that even when Zhang Xingzang and it were mentally relieved, it was still lingering in the heart of the young dragon.

Hence the scene of it swooping in front of someone.

"Bai Xiaosheng, what kind of ecstasy have you given to Zhui Meng!"

Zhang Xingzang, who was chasing behind, said sadly and indignantly, but it was just a deliberate act. After a while, Zhang Xingzang broke into laughter. Everything is going well in pursuit of their dreams, which is the greatest comfort to them. As for some other issues...

Hey, anyway, when Chai Meng returns to normal and regains his sanity and memory, he will definitely die in society, and he will definitely be autistic for a period of time. In this case, why not follow him now and make him happy?

Even though he said this, Zhang Xingzang still felt a little sour and thoughtful when he saw the dream-chasing dragon jumping into the arms of Bai Xiaosheng, who had a "female face".

Does it turn out that Zhui Meng prefers this kind of thing? It seems that he lacks maternal love?

After a few simple greetings, Taoist Ban Ming also arrived, and the four of them continued to talk about business.

"Yes, I landed in the red sand giant tribe."

Zhang Xingzang said: "The scene reenactment changes... Yes, this place does not look like a serious scene reenactment, and I feel that it is getting weaker here, and other people may come in."

"You came from the Eye of Sahara and landed in the Red Sand Giant Tribe. If people from outside came, they would probably be there too."

Most of the people from the Werewolf Alliance and the West Area Butcher Alliance are still near the Eye of Sahara. If anyone really finds any cracks there and enters the reenactment of this scene, they may appear like Zhang Xingzang. Red sand giant tribe.

There's nothing to say. The reenactment of this scene must be under their control. What's more, people from the Half-life Dao said, "Among the nine giant tribes, the Red Sand Giant Tribe has a very special status. Because of the symbiotic black insects raised by the chief, Hong Sand is related by marriage to several giant tribes and is related to several giant tribes." It’s a mortal enemy.”

It can be said that the black insect specializes in killing giants, so there must be a solution. The chief will distribute the symbiotic black insects to his daughters. The current chiefs of several tribes who are married to each other have the blood of Hongsha, and they all raise black insects. Several other sworn enemy tribes have found a special herb that can kill black insects.

When the symbiote dies, the giant that lives with it will also be greatly reduced in strength, so the two sides are almost incompatible. It is said to be hunting season, but the prey in the desert is limited after all. The real theme of the hunting season is to cooperate with allies to rob other people's tribes of prey and rob other people's hunting grounds.

Looting is much faster than hunting.

Before a new quasi-chief was born, the cheers and roars of the red sand giants spread far down the wind, and giants from hostile tribes might come to surround and kill them. So the sooner you go back, the better.

After resting, the Red Sand Giant Hunting Team began to run towards the tribe. The Dream Chasers were still behind to support them, taking Chen Cheng's brigade along with them. Taoist Ban Ming, Zhang Xingzang and Chen Cheng were riding on the 'Worm Express'.

Zhang Xingzang actually wanted to break up with Zhui Meng, but as the 'trophy' of the new quasi-chief, he had to stay with Bai Xiaosheng, otherwise if he ran away again, Bai Xiaosheng would be among these giants. The prestige will be greatly reduced - it was also said by the Half Life Taoist, and Zhang Xingzang knew that he was actually regarded as a precious short male giant, but in the eyes of others, he still belonged to the female giant, and his heart suddenly had mixed feelings. . There is an indescribable feeling of being fucked.

But look at Bai Xiaosheng who even dares to pretend to be a female giant. What's the problem with him being a male giant? At least the gender is correct.

Zhang Xingzang silently enlarged the situation and guided the way forward. After all, there was no one leading the team in front of them, so the Worm Express ran at the front of the hunting team.

The would-be chief should run at the front, which is also testing her physical strength, sense of direction, speed, and endurance. After all, she was not born and raised in the red sand giant tribe, she was considered half an outsider. Killing the original quasi-chief made some members of the hunting team impressed by her, but some giants were still swaying, wanting to see more.

But Wei Xun didn't care, he was paying attention to Chen Cheng.

Killing the giant bride, replacing her, and becoming the new quasi-chief himself can be said to have changed history. Of course this is just a reenactment of the scene and what really happened does not change. But the changes here will subtly affect Chen Cheng.

Wei Xun found that Chen Cheng seemed to have been in a daze. He was sitting cross-legged holding his long sword, meditating quietly. Even Zhang Xingzang couldn't attract his attention. Only a half-life Taoist could get him. He paid a little attention, but it was limited to staring at the half-life Taoist, which made his heart tremble.

Wei Xun wanted to elicit more reactions from Chen Cheng, hoping to discover something from them. But all the corpses of the giant bride were eaten by the hunting team before, and they were completely gone. The only thing left related to her was——

Wei Xun took out a black unicorn beetle the size of a cantaloupe and stuffed it into Chen Cheng's arms. It is one of the few remaining symbiotic black insects!

Chen Cheng:? !

Even Zhang Xingzang was stunned for a moment and clicked his tongue in his heart. Bai Xiaosheng is really capable of doing anything to obtain information, including stuffing bugs into people's arms. This is really damaging. Zhang Xingzang glanced at the Banming Dao person out of the corner of his eye and discovered that the Banming Dao person The man was actually looking at me happily, with an expression of complete dismay, so Zhang Xingzang and others simply looked at him happily.

"Boss Bai, is this...?"

Chen Cheng paused for a moment, then finally came back to his senses and looked at Boss Wei. Speaking of which, this Wei Lao Er is also very strange. When they first met, they were supposed to be called Wei Lao Er and Wei Lao Er, but after the lizard dragon appeared, Wei Lao Er secretly told him, From now on, we will call them Zhang Laoda and Zhang Laoer.

It's even more strange now. After the fierce battle just now, they changed their names and called them the first and second. Calling him a name was like Meng's mother moving three times, and Chen Cheng couldn't understand it.

"It's okay, I think you are quite suitable for raising insects."

Wei Xun said lightly: "You two are very suitable for me. I'll give this insect to you. I'll go there later. The red sand giant tribe is dangerous. You'd better keep it in my arms."

In fact, he just wanted to see if Chen Cheng would do anything special after getting the symbiotic black worm in advance. After all, the Half-Life Taoist said that he would massacre the chief of the Jiu Ge tribe in the future. He would be mutated and have more powerful abilities. The highly toxic black insect is Chen Cheng's trump card.

But Chen Cheng's expression became increasingly weird.

The black bug in his hand reminded him inexplicably of Tang Shuang's Green Lady. The three keywords of appreciation, fate, and bugs were superimposed. In the case of Boss Wei, Chen Cheng always felt that there would be some strange effect.


So although he agreed on the surface, he kept a close eye on the black insect all the way, without any communication with the black insect, and did not make any other movements except holding it. This actually disappointed Wei Xun, who had been observing him. After running in the desert for more than two hours, when the buildings of the Red Sand Giant Tribe loomed in front of him, Wei Xun calmed down and thought about his next plan.

However, there are already several men as short as Zhang Xingzang in the red sand giant tribe at this moment. It's just that their current situation is even worse than Zhang Xingzang's - the female giants who can show mercy and cherish their love are no longer there, and they are being bullied by a group of male giants more than ten meters tall.

The author has something to say: It’s finished, tweet, tweet, tweet!

Thank you to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution between 2021-11-01 03:13:20~2021-11-01 05:33:59~

Thank you to the little angels who irrigated the nutrient solution: 10 bottles of Atractylodes macrocephala; 7 bottles of Lingmu; 5 bottles of Knife Under the Skirt; 3 bottles of Grape Climbing the Wall Every Day; 2 bottles of Your Doudou Meow; 1 bottle of Floating in the Clouds;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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