Thriller Tour Group

337. Death Sahara (21)

"too hot."

Yin Yang Butterfly muttered and took a deep breath. It was hot and humid. Not long after he arrived, he was already steaming and was covered in sweat. High humidity will cause mold and rot. The Yin Yang Butterfly has seen a lot of smelly, juicy and moldy food in this primitive tribe. Certain fruits in particular are like balls filled with smelly water, so swollen that they seem to burst when touched.

If they can even be called food.

As for why the Yin Yang Butterfly saw it - haha.

When he thought of those tall and ferocious giants throwing rotten fruits at him, Yin Yang Butterfly couldn't help showing a look of disgust.

Although some butterflies can suck the juice of rotten fruits or even dead animals and plants, the Yin-Yang butterfly is not - well, he cannot change into the alienated state now, and is not affected much by the mutated Yin-Yang butterfly. Of course, it is normal human aesthetics. Of course, throwing rotten fruit seems more like some kind of peaceful means. Apart from throwing rotten fruit, these deformed and ugly giants did not 'attack' him.

But Yin Yang Butterfly decided to leave immediately.

"It's too dangerous here."

The Yin-Yang Butterfly, who could not change into the alienated state, felt as if he had no clothes on and felt uncomfortable all over, especially when he was alone and the only one who came here was from the East District. The giants even chased him frantically and threw rotten fruits, so the Yin-Yang Butterflies could only tolerate it for the time being——

This made Yin Yang Butterfly, who had just started killing and letting himself fly, extremely uncomfortable. He decided on the spot to leave this giant tribe first. There was another factor that contributed to his decision.

"The butterfly... seems to be in the east?"

After escaping from those giants throwing rotten fruits, the Yin-Yang Butterfly, which had settled down a little, was vaguely aware of its own little butterfly! Although this perception is very vague because it cannot change into an alienated state, the Yin-Yang Butterfly still decided to take a look.

He had given Wei Xun a Yin-Yang butterfly before, which was a male butterfly. But soon the butterfly stopped responding, and the Yin-Yang Die suspected that An Xuefeng did it. After all, this man was suspicious, and with his background in the Yin-Yang Die, An Xuefeng might not be at ease with what he gave. Hey, who told him to come from the Butcher Alliance and be in the Shura field of Wei Xun and Bingyi?

The Yin-Yang butterfly didn't care either, but now, here, he felt the butterfly. This is not normal.

"Wei Xun is here?"

It is also possible, after all, people are going to the Sahara of Death on their way back, and this place may be a dangerous place, an illusion, or a certain layer of desert in the Sahara of Death.

"An Xuefeng is looking for me? Or..."

Or is An Xuefeng not with Wei Xun? Wei Xun stays here alone?

No matter what the situation is, Yin Yang Die has to go and take a look out of emotion and reason. After all, Bingyi asked him to take care of Wei Xun. As for how to leave this weird place——

As long as we find Wei Xun, we will definitely find him soon even if An Xuefeng is not there. When An Xuefeng comes, isn't it just that we can go out however we want? Furthermore, the people from the Occult School are here, and based on their relationship with Homecoming, as long as he is with Wei Xun, he will be taken out sooner or later.

The Yin-Yang Butterfly was too lazy to use its brain, and was very mobile, so she immediately left the tribe to find the butterfly.

But he was stopped at the edge of the tribe!

"Kacha kacha——"

A sound like metal collision sounded, and in the harsh sound of countless pairs of metal scissors rubbing against each other, a huge black shadow shrouded, and long, sharp and sharp joints pierced the gravel ground, black and red, like a carapace. The back panel shimmered like metal under the scorching sun. The serrated jaws exuded a foul odor and dripped venom downwards.

It was a giant mutated centipede that was five meters long, with a dark rope tied around its jaws like a horse's bit. Yin-Yang Butterfly felt that he was completely locked by it. Yin-Yang Butterfly held the vampire knife tightly, but at this moment, his attention was not on this giant centipede.


The hot, smelly wind blows in, with the power to stir up a sandstorm and blow people away. But it wasn't the wind, it was just the giant's breath. On top of the giant centipede is a huge, gray-red one-eye. It is larger than the turntable and almost covers the sky above the Yin-Yang Butterfly. The giant eyes were gloomy, like inorganic frosted glass plates, and there was no emotion in them.

There was a giant bending down to look at him.

It was condescending and stared at him. The Yin-Yang Butterfly could even see some black insects crawling on the giant eye, but the giant eye did not blink. This scene was weird and disgusting, and it could easily arouse people's thoughts. fear.

The next moment, the giant stretched out his hand to grab the Yin-Yang Butterfly.

* *

"The stone tower where the giant chief lives is in the middle of the tribe. It is difficult for us to sneak in without attracting the attention of other giants."

The half-life Taoist racked his brains and told everything he knew.

"It's easy not to attract the giant's attention. In comparison, it will be more difficult to deal with the new people here."

Zhang Xingzang said carelessly: "Infected person, can you determine the specific location of the Vampire Baron?"

"I really can't do it...well, it's too far here. If it's within a thousand meters, maybe I can try."

The infected person said helplessly, but out of the corner of his eye, he couldn't help but glance at the man who was combing the spider silk on his wrist. It's so strange. The infected people were originally sure that this person was definitely not Zhang Xingzang, and even basically confirmed his true identity.

But now that the real Zhang Xingzang is here, he calls this person Bai Xiaosheng, which confuses even the infected.

Do you want to play like this? Why bother? He is just a small A4 tour guide. Even if it is to deceive him, he will not act until now. What virtues and abilities are there among those infected by him, ah?

Unless this person is really Bai Xiaosheng, or Zhang Xingzang has been deceived, or - hey, who cares!

It no longer matters who this person is, the infected person is now worried about his own life. When he sensed that someone from the West Side Butcher Alliance had entered here, the infected person already felt that something was wrong. He glanced at Chen Cheng and his group, feeling worried that could not dissipate. Zhang Xingzang and others avoided him no matter what. The infected people had roughly guessed what the half-life Taoist Wei Xun and others had guessed before.

So... should he be asked to lure out the vampire baron and kill him?

The infected person thought deeply.

It's all just speculation now, but if one of the newcomers dies, and then look at the changes in Chen Cheng's team, we can basically determine something. Sure enough, calling him over without hiding anything was just a hint to him, and the infected people knew this. There is not much time left for him. If he doesn't take the initiative, when Zhang Xingzang and the others issue orders... there will be no more room for him.

Join forces with the vampire baron to escape and fight back?

Stop making trouble, repeating this scene is too restrained for them. Tour guide, the fact that they cannot be alienated and returned to zero has extinguished many ambitions of the infected, and they just want to leave as soon as possible.

"I'm going to the Petrified Forest the day after tomorrow, but today..."

"I can try to lure the Vampire Baron out, but he may not believe me."

Here Wei Xunzheng and Chen Cheng finally determined the time. According to their journey and their itinerary plan, Chen Cheng and the others will go to the Petrified Forest attraction the day after tomorrow.

There was not much time, and when reenacting the scene, Wei Xun did not forget the dream chaser's struggle for power.

It's almost six o'clock in the afternoon, and Wei Xun plans to kill the giant chief today and ascend the throne as the new chief. If everything goes well, tomorrow I will lead the Red Sand Giant Tribe hunting team to kill the great worm and retrieve the butterfly fragments. With An Xuefeng's Return Knife positioned, it's not difficult to find. Set off to the Petrified Forest the day after tomorrow.

Neither An Xuefeng nor Dream Chaser could exert their normal strength. Wei Xun didn't know the situation of Astrologer, but he couldn't trust the West Ender who he had never met. The great worm cannot be killed by the power of him, Zhang Xingzang, Half Life Taoist and Yin Yang Butterfly alone.

Therefore, it is very important to master the red sand giant tribe, and Wei Xun must use the power of the giants.

By bringing the infected person with him, Wei Xun wanted to have a backup plan. After obtaining the Little Rose gene, Xiaocui became more confident. She infected Toxoplasma gondii obtained from the infected person into some mutated black worms (the ones that coexisted in the quasi-chief's hair). This is also a problem. A backhand. If the chief is not weak enough and cannot be defeated, Wei Xun can contaminate her with Toxoplasma gondii.

Of course, this is the last resort, because Toxoplasma is not yet completely under control, so the infected person is brought over and An Xuefeng and Zhang Xingzang keep an eye on him to prevent him from making any small moves.

But the infected person said this on his own initiative, something Wei Xun never expected. He only heard the infected person murmuring: "I broke the Butcher Alliance badge. If I am discovered, the Duke will send someone to hunt me down..." The Blood Baron is the only one among the elite guides of the Butcher Alliance who is better than me, so it can be said that he and I have a hostile relationship."

"But the Baron doesn't know about this now. He will probably believe me, but I have to make sure that the Duke has not come in."

"He can see everything through the Baron's eyes. If it is in a reenactment of the scene, he will be able to notice that my badge is broken. By then..."

The infected person didn't say it, but everyone present could understand what he meant.

The infected person can sense the vampire baron because he put some "gadgets" on the baron, but with the Lizard Duke, the infected person would not dare to do this.

Will the Lizard Duke come?

Wei Xun glanced at the little dragon Chasing Dreams. The dragon cub was patiently cleaning its scales (licking). It pushed Zhang Xingzang and Wei Xun together with its own strength, and then happily squeezed in with them. Between the two of them, the dragon's tail would entangle Zhang Xingzang at one moment and Wei Xun at the other. The whole dragon was extremely happy.

I heard that there are subtle reactions among the top-level tour guides. There are no strange phenomena in Dream Chaser, but Wei Xun cannot guarantee that the Lizard Duke really did not come.

Fortunately, the tour guides here cannot use the alienated state.

"I have recorded what you promised."

Wei Xun nodded to the infected person and said everything he said with anger, and he immediately took it as his consent. Then Wei Xun gave a few brief instructions.

Taoist Ban Ming sneaked in secretly with him to determine the chief's situation. An Xuefeng patrolled at high altitude to pay attention to the overall movements of the Red Sand Giant tribe. Zhang Xingzang, Dream Chaser and the infected stayed behind to protect Chen Cheng's brigade and be ready to respond at any time (also Keep an eye on infected people).

Before taking over the Red Sand Giant Tribe, Wei Xun would not let anyone from Chen Cheng's brigade have any contact with the newcomers.

* *

At six o'clock in the afternoon, the hunting team returned, and the entire Red Sand Giant tribe cheered. The male giants and little giants in the tribe came out to greet them enthusiastically. Even if the hunting team did not bring back enough prey this time, their performance was enthusiastic enough. , the breeding season has passed, but there are still many male giants holding the fruit shyly and eagerly, wanting to throw the fruit to the would-be chief.

The potential chief's partner has not yet been finalized, and they all still have a chance before she becomes the real chief!

But the would-be chief never showed up.

Although Wei Xun had made various bad assumptions and even the worst plans, the operation actually went much smoother than he imagined. Following the slightly trembling butterfly, they discovered the Yin-Yang butterfly outside the red sand giant tribe!

It's just that the Yin-Yang Butterfly's situation is a bit weird. He is covered in blood and is waving a blood-stained sword. There is clearly no enemy in front of him. He seems to be fighting the invisible air!

The most important thing is that even if he got close, Wei Xun didn't hear a single sound!

‘Deadly silence, black desert pollution’

Wei Xun immediately thought of the pollution in the Black Desert! It stands to reason that this is a reenactment of the ancient oasis scene, and the pollution belonging to the Black Desert should not appear. But they entered here from the Black Desert, and theoretically they are still in the Dead Sahara!

Two kinds of pollution will appear at the same time, indicating that this red sand giant tribe is definitely the key!

‘It’s bad, I think this chief seems to be quite strong, Yin Yang Butterfly is no match for him’

Taoist Ban Ming's voice reached Wei Xun's ears from Liansi, but Wei Xun frowned.

Can a half-life Taoist see the chief? Why can't he see it.

‘Lend me the token’

Wei Xun quickly thought of something. After getting the ancient oasis token, he looked forward and saw the huge figure nearly twenty-five meters tall.

‘Can you still see it now? ’

‘Of course you can! ’

He can only see it if he gets the token, but Taoist Half Life can't see it directly. Why is this? Wei Xun narrowed his eyes slightly and quickly revised his original plan. The stacks of the Madman's Killing Knife were exhausted after killing the would-be chief. He could no longer rely on the same skill of the Madman's Knife, let alone...

‘Half life, you will be the main attack later’

Wei Xun handed the token back to Taoist Ban Ming and spoke very quickly: 'Without the token, I can't see her. The Giant Chief is in a special situation, so I might not be able to attack her.'

Wei Xun couldn't see the chief? !

Taoist Ban Ming was stunned for a moment, and then simply said: "Leave it to me."

'I will help you'

Wei Xun looked at the sky above him. There was no shadow of the phoenix bird in the flaming clouds, but Wei Xun knew that An Xuefeng was there.

He was really curious about why the chief was so special. Wei Xun allowed himself to be curious. He could feel that the more curious he became, the more he felt the power given to him by the orange title Explorer. This is what An Xuefeng taught him. Although there is no hotel prompt and he cannot see the complete function of the title, An Xuefeng, who also holds the title of Explorer, naturally knows the key.

Exploration itself stems from human curiosity about the unknown. The more curiosity you have, the more the explorer title will respond to you and help you! Wei Xun took out the dying butterfly, closed his eyes slightly, calmed down and let his curiosity dissipate, and he felt it carefully. Not only was it the title of explorer, Wei Xun could feel the butterfly fragments in his heart trembling slightly, as if conveying some message to him.

The combination of the two made Wei Xun's speed ten times faster. Finally, when the Yin Yang Butterfly could hardly hold on, Wei Xun suddenly opened his eyes, and a flash of orange light flashed in his eyes!

'Attack the chief's eyes'

Wei Xun briefly told Taoist Ban Ming.

Why does the Chief have two types of pollution from Thirty Degrees North? The title of Explorer tells him that the key lies in the eyes.

But what the butterfly fragment told him was——

Wei Xun looked at the extremely narrow and long knife with a strange arc in the hand of Yin Yang Butterfly, his eyes dimmed, as if he was thinking about something. Until he saw the Yin Yang Butterfly being caught by the chief, he no longer hesitated.

‘Do it! ’

* *

Outside the red sand giant tribe, the Yin Yang Butterfly was covered in blood, fighting and retreating. One of his eyes was covered in blood, and his whole body felt like it had been cut open by a sharp knife, with wounds everywhere.

The good news is that the centipede exudes a strange smell, which perfectly covers the smell of blood. Otherwise, with the giant's sensitivity to blood, countless giants should have been attracted by the blood.

The bad news is -


There was no sound, not even the air fluctuated, but there was a giant palm reaching from the sky to the Yin-Yang Butterfly, like the palm of the Tathagata Buddha, and there was a knife edge on the giant palm, which was the Yin-Yang Butterfly. Stabbed with a vampire knife. But the wound was too small, and the giant's skin was so hard that not even a vampire knife could completely penetrate its flesh.

The thin mouthful of blood from the vampire knife made Yin-Yang Die regret it even more. Yin-Yang Die's face was pale and he was panting hard, but he didn't make any gasping sound.

‘Silence’ is like some kind of pollution, passed on to the Yin-Yang Butterfly. Fortunately, he cannot alienate now and is almost the same as a tourist, otherwise the consequences will definitely be more serious.

But this pollution caused the Yin-Yang Butterfly to lose the opportunity to escape, and the inability to suck blood made it unable to survive. Even if the giant didn't use any destructive means and just caught it with his hands, the centipede was just "curious" and crawled by him, and it had already scarred the Yin-Yang Butterfly.

It also made the chief irritable. She no longer held back, and wanted to kill and crush this deformity completely - the deformed bloodline must not be passed on. She lifted up the deformed descendant, threw him/her to death and buried him/her. , for thousands of years, this is what instinct has told the desert giant.

When the big palm like a mountain made no sound, it covered it again. The Yin-Yang Butterfly obviously hid - he really hid, but for some reason, when he came back to his senses, he was still there and was caught by the giant!

The Yin-Yang Butterfly, panting violently and covered in blood, was like a monkey in the heart of Tathagata Buddha's hand, with absolutely no room to dodge. Gray-white, hard fingers picked him up like stone pillars and lifted him high, with his feet dangling in the air. What was the concept of being lifted to a height of twenty-five meters?

The blazing wind blows around the Yin-Yang butterfly, and as night approaches, the sky is filled with flaming clouds. The hot wind rolled up the gravel, causing the upright, huge reddish-brown eyes in front of me to be covered with sand, like rubies covered with dust, and like **** judging fate.

Her chest was so compressed that she couldn't breathe, and Yin Yang Butterfly's chest and back were pinched by the giant's fingers, like a hamster being lifted up. He was lifted as high as the giant's eyeball, and would soon fall from this height. He did not struggle, and meekly calmed down the chief's irritability.

But in the next second, the Yin-Yang butterfly suddenly disappeared from the giant's palm and turned into a group of colorful butterflies!

Dark blue title, turning into a butterfly!

Yin-Yang Butterfly has too many titles associated with his alienated state. Many of those titles cannot be used and cannot display his strongest strength. However, some lower-level titles can still be used reluctantly, such as Butterfly, which allows the body to turn into a butterfly. It was originally a title used for escape.

But the Yin-Yang Butterfly did not escape! He can't maintain his butterfly form for too long now, and he will definitely be caught up by the giant before he can escape very far. In this case, he might as well fight to the death! A flash of knife light flashed among the soft and fragile butterflies, and the vampire knife thrown by the Yin-Yang butterfly pierced the giant's eyeball!

Just as he thought, the 'eyeball' is more fragile than the skin, but after the vampire knife pierced the giant's eyeball, the Yin-Yang Butterfly's brain buzzed, and there was no trace of blood on his face in an instant! The pollution flowed from the giant's body into Yin-Yang Butterfly's body along the vampire knife, causing his body to convulse. Unable to maintain the butterfly transformation, the butterflies belonging to him fell and disappeared one after another, and the Yin-Yang butterfly appeared in the sky again.

However, this time he fell straight down.

The giant whose eye was pierced by the vampire knife let out an angry silent roar for the first time, waving his fist in pain, and his eyeballs shattered into countless cracks like falling glass, but the Yin-Yang Butterfly could not see it.

Pollution poured into his body like poison. Even if he could not see the SAN value now, Yin Yang Butterfly knew that his SAN value was definitely declining rapidly. He would fight to the death with the vampire knife, even if he knew it would attract pollution. Yin Yang Butterfly has no other choice. He only has this knife that is the sharpest and most aggressive.

His eyes were as colorful as a kaleidoscope, and those weird and gorgeous lights and shadows occupied his entire field of vision. The burning pain and suffering made the Yin-Yang Butterfly wish he could die. He let out a painful, silent gasp, and clenched his fingers convulsively. He wanted to be alienated, to become a butterfly, but it was completely impossible to achieve it in this damn damn place!

The word death flashed through his mind, but Yin Yang Butterfly waved it directly to the back of his mind. No, he can't die here! Just like the last gasp before death, the Yin Yang Butterfly concentrated to the extreme and tried its best to get rid of the influence of pollution! At this moment, the Yin-Yang Butterfly saw a red, weak butterfly.

The butterfly should have disappeared, why do butterflies appear again?

Yin Yang Butterfly's brain full of noise couldn't think of so many things. He exhausted his last bit of strength and wanted to reach out and catch the butterfly. He didn't seem to do it. The butterfly disappeared in front of his eyes, but the hand of Yin Yang Butterfly was held by someone!

He stopped falling, and something held him up. The hand holding him was cold but powerful, firm and steady. The familiar breath and feeling even waved away part of the pollution, making the Yin-Yang Butterfly With a jolt, I barely regained a glimmer of clarity!


Before the adult could say something subconsciously, Yin Yang Butterfly was delighted, confused, excited, and tried to look up!

As a result, he saw a face that he would never forget! The person holding him, the person holding his hand——

It’s Zhang Xingzang who can’t tell the difference between male and female!


The author has something to say: I'm sorry for being a little late, and I bow.

There will be additional updates tomorrow at noon or afternoon, okay!

Yin Yang Butterfly: What is this, what is this, ah? ? ?

Yin Yang Butterfly: I'm afraid of ghosts, but they haven't hurt me at all. I am not afraid of people, but people have hurt me all over. I am a wounded butterfly. My world is in despair. Adults and butterflies, please give me a little strength——

Zhang Xingzang:? ? Although I can’t quite accept it, is it really that ugly? !

Zhang Xingzang: I obviously like Chasing Dreams very much!

Wei Xun:.

dream Catcher:.

Today is the 500 red envelopes given to Zhang Xingzangfa by Mo Mo, bam bam!

Thank you to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution between 2021-11-03 17:24:12~2021-11-03 23:17:00~

Thanks to the little angels who irrigated the nutrient solution: please pay attention to 140 bottles of Hanhan Haunting; 100 bottles of Lan Yueting Xue; 74 bottles of Tangtang; 60 bottles of Yiyin Lantaijin; 53 bottles of Tipsy Kong Goose; De, the ice moon is not cute Girl, ………… 50 bottles; 40 bottles of Jiujiu and NO.1, a natural pair, the two jio gold-eating beasts; =.= 38 bottles; 30 bottles of little fat ax, dried salted fish, garlic sprouts, and Capnochi Manor; cow 27 bottles of eye flesh; 20 bottles of happy fruit, sweet rice balls, tongue lotus; 19 bottles of Xueyao Demon King; 14 bottles of sightseeing attachment; Tianbao Jiu such as Su Muqiu, Xiaojiu Lili, ah ah ah ah, relative forgetfulness, hate Just, Lemonade, Reverse Crescent Moon, Chujiu, Ziyan, Crazy Blue Butterfly, Luo Wei, Mo, Caprice 10 bottles; Mo Xinyou 9 bottles; Luo Yu, jennyful0 5 bottles; Xihua 3 bottles; Zhu 2 bottles of Yinglinyin; 1 bottle of Beibei, Lita, Putao, 54815395, Ye Lingxue, 42436327;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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