Thriller Tour Group

349. Death Sahara (28)

Yin-Yang Butterfly talked about what happened in the nightmare. Although the old crippled giant's vitals were the giant eye in the center of its face, injuries to the eyes would only make it furious and crazy, and there was no way to kill it. Attacking the eyes, cutting off the head, and digging out the abdomen, the Yin-Yang Butterfly has tried them all, and the injuries on his body came from the same way.

The most terrifying thing was that he finally decapitated the old crippled giant and divided it into several pieces, thinking that it would take at least some time to recover, and they would also have some breathing space to think about how to break the situation. However, during the subsequent recovery of the old crippled giant whose head had been cut in half, half of his head was connected to the flesh of his body, and an additional giant was formed.

Two unkillable giants!

"Killing the giant is not a solution to the situation at all. Killing it will not wake you up from the nightmare."

The Yin-Yang Butterfly's statement made everyone nervous. They could not break the situation by killing the giant because it was already dead in reality. So they can all think of ways to break out of the nightmare - either the Yu family brothers and sisters are killed by giants and history repeats itself, or the Yin Yang Butterfly and the others kill the Yu family brothers and sisters and gain freedom.

Or maybe they were all killed by the giants. According to this pattern of giant splitting, if they don't make a choice, sooner or later they will be forced to make a decision.

"In the nightmare, the Yu brothers and sisters woke up first, and you woke up later, right?"

"That's right."

While listening to Yin Yang Die's story, Wei Xun asked for some details. The strength of Zhu Yuande, Yu's siblings and the three newcomers were not at the same level at all. If they met and woke up from a nightmare at the same time, it would be almost impossible. There will be no way to survive. If the Yu brothers and sisters wake up first, they will have the opportunity to escape first or set a trap first.

At the same time, Yin Yang Butterfly also said that the scene in the nightmare was basically the same as reality. Except for the three of them, no one else was seen there.

"Have you ever tried leaving the bunker and going outside?"

"No, time is too tight and I don't have the chance."

To be wary of giants and to protect the Yu family brothers and sisters, the Yin-Yang butterfly really has no ability to separate itself. In the past, he would definitely not have cared about the life and death of the Yu family brothers and sisters, but now that the adults want to protect them, he will definitely try his best to protect them.

"It's not easy. The giant's blood is very corrosive."

Yin Yang Butterfly rolled up his sleeves. His arms were full of large and small dents and corrosion spots. However, he was in good health and had no suppuration. Yu Hexuan, who had bitten a giant himself, almost couldn't take it anymore.

"Chen Cheng, yes, it's you."

While he was talking, Yin Yang Die suddenly came up to Chen Cheng, grabbed his clothes and looked at him. Tang Shuang and Cheng Tianbao went there to take care of the injured Yu brothers and sisters. Chen Cheng was also very worried, but as the captain, he needed to know what exactly happened in the nightmare so that he could be more careful in the future. , so he also listened to Yin Yang Butterfly's story by the campfire.

"What's wrong?"

Chen Cheng stood obediently in front of Yin Yang Butterfly and asked doubtfully.

"I saw you in my nightmare."

However, what Yin Yang Butterfly said next was not only unexpected by others, but also within the expectations of Wei Xun and others: "You have ice on your body, which protects that woman."

Incredibly, after Wei Xun inquired carefully, he discovered that what Yin Yang Butterfly said happened before he elicited Chen Cheng's power through the astrologer. In other words, it had nothing to do with Team Chen on the battlefield. Team Chen in the reenactment of this scene was with him. He protected his own team members without knowing it.


Chen Cheng was stunned for a moment by Yin Yang Die's statement, and he subconsciously took out his sword. Wei Xun took a look and found that Chen Cheng's current sword was very different from the half-finished Hanshan Sword in the hands of Taoist Ban Ming, both in appearance and momentum. There should be recasting and forging in the next ten years.

It's no wonder that Taoist Ban Ming never hid the Cold Mountain Sword in front of him, but Chen Cheng didn't feel any weird at all.

"Yes, I just didn't resist for long."

Yin Yang Butterfly told the truth: "He didn't move, and he didn't appear in the nightmare. It's just the frost on his body that disgusted the giant and he didn't want to get close."

The red sand giant tribe possesses the power of fire, and it is reasonable for the old and disabled giant to hate frost. It was precisely because of Chen Cheng's unknowing protection that the Yin Yang Butterfly had the opportunity to cut the old and crippled giant into pieces.

It's a pity that in this way, there is an extra giant and a new enemy.

"Then we saw the light of a fire, very small and faint, closer to candlelight."

On the other side, Yu Hexuan glanced nervously at his sister who was being treated from time to time, while telling what happened in the nightmare. The Yin-Yang Butterfly has been fighting the giant in front, while they are helping to avoid it, trying not to hold back the Yin-Yang Butterfly. So when it comes to some of the things in nightmares, Yu Hexuan knows better than Yin Yang Die.

"The frost on the captain's body was quickly melted by the new giants. He could no longer stop them. I was almost captured."

Speaking of this, Yu Hexuan was still frightened: "Just then I saw the candlelight, which was lit on the head of a black crow. It was strange. I didn't want to get close to it, but I saw the dragon next to the candlelight. ”

He took a careful look at the dream chasing dragon nestled in Zhang Xingzang's arms. It was this dragon that Yu Hexuan saw in the candlelight, but its color was different from reality. It was very illusory, more like a ray of light. And it is that kind of dim warm orange light, which is brighter than the black crow's candlelight, just like the small bedside lamp at night, quiet and beautiful, making people think of a warm quilt and sweet dreams at a glance.

Coupled with the fact that there was no way to retreat at that time, Yu Hexuan immediately rushed into the light with his sister in his arms.

Zhang Xingzang knew clearly that the black crow candlelight and warm orange dragon light they saw were the protection of the psychic Lily and Dream Chaser. It's just that Lily's ability in 'dreaming' is really average, and she is better at backtracking. However, Dream Chaser's power is limited and he can only build a small safe area in the nightmare, but cannot directly solve the nightmare.

The time in the nightmare seemed to be longer than reality. Yu Hexuan said that he took the time to draw the talisman on the spot and used a large number of frost talismans to temporarily force the giant back and replaced the Yin-Yang butterfly to come and rest. At this moment Taoist Ban Ming frowned and held Yu Hexuan's hand, only to find that his body was cold and he was trembling all the time. Moreover, his palms were wet and covered in cold sweat.

Yu Hexuan's specialty is drawing the Sky Fire Talisman, but the fire and water did not allow him to forcefully draw a large number of Frost Fall Talisman, which caused serious backlash on himself. This kind of backlash was very painful, but Yu Hexuan didn't say a word of pain, he kept saying to save his sister quickly.

Taoist Ban Ming immediately interrupted Yu Hexuan forcefully. With limited materials, he used special techniques to massage several acupoints on Yu Hexuan's body. Then he took out a peach wood sword and applied blood from his fingertips, and pressed it on the acupoints on Yu Hexuan's lower abdomen. . After a cup of tea, Yu Hexuan finally had some color on his face. Taoist Bansheng asked him to hold it down while he continued to talk about what happened during the nightmare.

Although the dragon light and candlelight formed a small safe zone, there was no Yin-Yang Butterfly in front of the two old and disabled giants pressing here at the same time. The candlelight was almost extinguished, so the Yin-Yang Butterfly only rested for a while before continuing. Going out to fight, Yu Hexuan racked his brains to think about how to leave.

"You know, we metaphysics people all know a little bit about metaphysics, so I just want to try burning some paper. Flame is generally a bridge between the underworld and the underworld."

Moreover, the too thick darkness in the nightmare also made Yu Hexuan feel that the light would definitely bring some changes.

Yu Hexuan said helplessly: "But I can't light the flame at all, as if it was pressed by something. The bonfire in the nightmare is obviously extinguished, but it is as hot as if it is burning. These few things on my hand It’s caused by being burned.”

Just like what Bai Xiaosheng said, Zhang Xingzang thought. While the bonfire of reality is still burning, the bonfire of their nightmares cannot be lit.

"Then what?"

"Then the captain moved!"

Yu Hexuan's tone suddenly rose, and his mood instantly became high!

"I saw the captain swinging his sword like this! I've never seen him with that kind of momentum. As soon as he swung his sword, the temperature around him dropped sharply. The bonfire became colder. I could light the flame again, and his... The sword chopped the two giants into pieces and cut off the top of the bunker! The sword light seemed to fly into the sky, and I even saw stars!"


Taoist Ban Ming suppressed a laugh, his sword light chasing the stars, Yu Hexuan's description was so appropriate.

What Yu Hexuan said was just as they judged in reality. That sword weakened the nightmare blockade to a certain extent. The dark bunker where Yu Hexuan and the others were located was like the embodiment of the nightmare. The roof of the local bunker was cut off, and flames ignited in the darkness. A huge orange dragon's beak and a shadowy crow's beak stretched out from the top of the bunker, grabbing them and throwing them out of the nightmare and back to reality. Come to life.

"But, but..."

However, the next moment, as if he recalled something, Yu Hexuan's face turned pale again: "Lastly, I saw that the giant in the bunker... seemed to have turned into four heads."

Chen Cheng chopped up the giants with his sword, but also made their number increase.

"Six-headed giant."

But beside the bonfire in the bunker, Yin Yang Butterfly said two more numbers than Yu Hexuan said. After all, Yu Hexuan's strength was limited, and Yin Yang Die saw more things.

"The four giants stood up, but behind them, on the ground, there were two giant faces."

"There are six giants in total, and there is a high probability that they correspond to the six of you."

Wei Xun frowned, six versus six was logical, but no one knew whether killing the giants again would increase their number. According to what Yin-Yang Butterfly said, the nightmare will come again, then the next time they fall into a nightmare, there will be six giants. In particular, Wei Xun was more worried about He Yunlai, who among the Banming Taoists was supposed to die in the sandstorm tomorrow.

When his death time passes tomorrow, if He Yunlai is not dead, will there be another sandstorm in danger in the nightmare? They encounter more and more dangers, and they will never go as smoothly as they do today.

"Whether there is a sandstorm tomorrow or not, the Star Diamonder Worm must be killed."

Wei Xun made the final decision and took back the butterfly fragments so that Zhui Meng could regain some of his strength so that he could better deal with the dangers in the nightmare. Furthermore, the other two people in the West District will definitely think of the simplest way to get rid of the nightmare after tonight. Yin Yang Butterfly did not meet them tonight, but they might be able to do so tomorrow night.

I hope David and the others can pick up one or two people, so that things will be simpler at least.

However, a quarter of an hour later, the astrologer came back with David and others, and it could be seen from his gloomy face that the situation was not going well.

"Damn it, that black werewolf is the Silver Moon Killer!"

As soon as David came back, he drank a lot of water. The Charmander on his shoulder flew down, ate a few pieces of charcoal, and then began to take care of his scales. Wei Xun noticed that David and Charmander had many stab wounds on their bodies, and the string of the longbow, the exclusive weapon of Katie the Centaur, was cut. She ignored the wounds on her body and was worried about changing the string of her longbow. .

But seeing that Yin Yang Butterfly and the others had woken up from the nightmare, David and the others were relieved. At the same time, Wei Xun was listening to Corn Shoots' report. When the infected ones went out, Wei Xun sent cut bamboo shoots to hide their aura underground and follow them quietly. After all, the infected ones were sliced ​​by a pest master, so we couldn't let anything happen to him.

‘Father, Father! Bamboo shoots brought back something delicious! Absolutely delicious! ’

But the corn shoots were so excited that they almost twisted into sugar sticks on the ground and couldn't wait to report to Wei Xun. Wei Xun listened to David and the others talking with one ear, and listened to the chattering of corn shoots at the same time.

"So, you didn't bring anything back?"

After learning the cause and effect, Yin Yang Die, who looked behind them and didn't see anyone else for a long time, couldn't help but ask.

"Who said that, we almost brought Silver Moon Killer back!"

David retorted loudly, and then received a cold side glance from the astrologer, and immediately became groveling: "It's just a little accident."

What's the surprise?

Everything went smoothly, and they soon found the unconscious black werewolf outside the tribe. Because he suspected that he had a special status, David planned to tie him up first, but when he was tied up——

"Who would have thought that he would actually carry Gokugong close to him in his arms."

David said angrily: "Well, the reaction of that gadget was too violent. It bit me and I threw it away, and then..."

"Then his tail broke off and Silver Moon Killer went crazy."

The astrologer said coldly, the little golden gecko had its tail cut off, and the Silver Moon Killer immediately woke up from the nightmare. Then he stopped hiding his identity and started fighting with them until the astrologer arrived. Silver Moon Killer left, and the plan to pick up people tonight was completely ruined.

"I suspect it is not the incarnation of the Lizard Duke. The tail is cut off too simply."

David sighed. At the same time, the tentacles of corn shoots sneaked out of the ground and stuffed something into Wei Xun's hand.

The long and thin strip was cold and felt like a living creature, moving back and forth in Wei Xun's hand.

Wei Xun opened his fingers and took a look, then immediately clenched his fists, his face expressionless.

What the corn shoots brought back to him was a broken, golden, little tail.

The severed tail of the little golden gecko that appears to be the Lizard Duke.

The author has something to say: Sorry this chapter is late! bow!

In this chapter, the golden gecko sends out five hundred red envelopes, bam bam!

[The little golden gecko feels very embarrassed]

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