Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 356 Death Sahara (33)

The reason why the trip to Thirty Degrees North Latitude is called an unsolvable journey by the hotel is not only because it has no specific tasks and no end indicators. The only requirement given by the hotel is to 'explore'. Most of them are lost monuments or there are Countless mysterious and dangerous death zones.

The harsh climate, harsh environment, mutated and polluted monsters originating from historical mythology, and those unknown terrifying existences have no support or hotel assistance, and the props are extremely weakened. They all rely on the tourists' own strength and title. These are standard features for journeys to the 30th North Latitude.

But what is truly called unsolvable is the pollution unique to each journey to the 30th degree north latitude.

In fact, the previous pollution at 30 degrees north latitude didn't leave much of an impression on Wei Xun. It wasn't even as profound as the 'can't see, can't hear, can't see' pollution when he first encountered ***. Because whether it was the crazy sun pollution, the dead silence pollution of the Black Desert, or the assimilation pollution of the ancient oasis, they were not too terrifying and did not make Wei Xun feel dangerous.

Even after mastering the vampire knife, the pollution could be converted into a large amount of energy and fed back to him, so Wei Xun was just curious, but never too vigilant. Seeing Taoist Ban Ming, Zhang Xingzang and the others, and even An Xuefeng and Dream Chaser talking about the unsolved pollution, Wei Xun only felt that he was special, or that they didn't hold enough butterfly fragments.

But now Wei Xun knows that those he encountered before were never really horrific pollution attacks.

In fact, just as An Xuefeng was worried, Wei Xun's condition was very bad at the time. He didn't know how he called the butterfly fragments from the Star Diamond worm. At that moment, he seemed to have lost all control over his body. Control, standing in a strange third-party perspective, watching how 'I' called for the butterfly fragments, and how I cut off the piece of worm meat containing the butterfly fragments.

He wants to eat it.

Wei Xun knew exactly what 'he' was going to do next. It was an almost pathological strong emotion and desire, originating from the butterfly fragment in his heart. The piece of worm meat that had been cut out also looked like the shape of a heart. Wanting to eat it, wanting more and more - if he had been unconscious for a second longer, 'himself' might really have swallowed this piece of worm meat.

But although he was unconscious, Wei Xun's consciousness was still strangely awake. He was still watching everything that happened next from a third-party perspective, as if using the remains of corn shoots.

There's a monster living inside me, and it's taking over my body.

Such a strange thing happened, but Wei Xun remained calm, even a little curious and interested.

The butterfly fragment was 'awakening', Wei Xun thought, and it was gradually taking over and controlling his body. It was like a certain sub-personality, or like the plot of 'seizing the body' written in some novels, and he, the original owner, was excluded as if he had been squeezed out. , and it's 'smart'.

The purpose of taking the dying corn shoots back to the Devil's Insect Ball was not to protect it, but to prevent Wei Xun from doing more with the help of the corn shoots. With only the remains of the corn shoots constantly corroded by worm blood, Wei Xun could only 'observe' ', but could not communicate with An Xuefeng or speak.

No one could hear him speak, and no one could see him move. This state can easily give people a sense of helplessness, but Wei Xun knew that someone could spot something wrong with him immediately.

Wei Xun looked at An Xuefeng. The little golden gecko was lying on the return knife. The orange light emitted from the return knife, protecting him from being corroded by the worm blood that had penetrated. However, this was only the most superficial effect. One of the true characteristics of the Return Knife is retrospection.

Even if An Xuefeng cannot use his full strength, things shrouded in the light of the sword will slowly go back, just like Wei Xun's body, just like his abnormal state at the moment - go back, back to the time when he was not injured, back to the time when everything was normal .

'I' suddenly fell into coma after cutting off the butterfly fragments. I am afraid that it was not only because I consumed too much energy, but also because I was using the Return Knife. Teach him the sword skills, share the control of the Return Sword, and give him the Return Sword to use. An Xuefeng has already been fully prepared.

He is not facing all this by himself, so even if he has not yet 'returned' to his body, Wei Xun is not nervous. He can even better observe 'himself' calmly from a third-party perspective, observing the piece containing the butterfly fragment. , in the slightly squirming worm meat.

No more butterfly fragments can be fused for the time being.

Wei Xun thought.

A quarter of the butterfly fragments may be a certain limit point. The multiple fused butterfly fragments of the Puppet Master may have caused the butterfly fragments in his body to reach the critical point. And the scene of getting the butterfly mouth-parts vampire knife and entering the ancient oasis is repeated. The butterfly fragments belonging to the ancient oasis are becoming more and more active, and these quantitative changes add up to the final qualitative change.

But it is at least better to expose the problem early than to lurk and grow until it becomes irreversible in the end.

Did your brother expect this situation?

Wei Xun even had the time to think about this, but after thinking about it, he felt that this question didn't make much sense. All unknowns stem from lack of strength. After leaving the Sahara this time, Wei Xun thought that he would have enough strength to go to the Sun Gate and meet his brother in person with An Xuefeng.

The remains of the corn shoots were quickly corroded, and Wei Xun lost his 'eyes' and could no longer see it all, but he could feel the arrival of Zhang Xingzang and Taoist Half-Life, taking them out of the Star Diamonder worm's body and floating upward. go. But just when it was about to leave the worm's tainted blood, the butterfly fragments left the body and the Star Diamonder worm finally broke out.

The pollution of death surged in and overwhelmed them. This pollution was so terrifying and powerful that even the butterfly power that had been vaguely preventing Wei Xun from returning to consciousness was swallowed up and crushed, unwilling to be suppressed back to the depths of his heart. For an instant, Wei Xun's body sank and he returned to himself, but then he was also invaded by the pollution of death and fell into a true coma.

* *

The burning sensation ignited the skin, burning from the skin to the internal organs, causing unbearable pain.

The sound of prayers was endless, and the crazy pious emotion made people feel sick. The severe nausea made Zhang Xingzang's Adam's apple twitch slightly, and he suppressed the desire to feel sick, but his breathing suddenly became a little heavier.

This is when he was imprisoned in the Sun Clock, surrounded by crazy devout prayers and unbearable heat. Once contaminated by the pollution of the crazy sun, the ungodly people will be burned in pain, executing the sun again and again. Torture until the person's soul collapses and he converts to the Crazy Sun.

This was completely unbearable for ordinary people, but Zhang Xingzang calmed down as quickly as possible. He knew exactly what was happening now - they were being invaded by a heavy pollution of deathly silence.


Zhang Xingzang thought about it, and he suppressed his anxiety as soon as it arose. In the invasion of deathly silence pollution, all your perceptions and emotions will be infinitely amplified, becoming a kind of terrifying torture. It will torture you until you completely collapse, actively wishing to abandon all your perceptions, all emotions, and actively wishing to return to death.

By this time, you will also be completely invaded by the pollution of death. This is the real torrent of death. Compared to it, the dead pollution in Black Desert is child’s play.

The clay sculptures of the Four Sacred Beasts collapsed one by one, and frantic prayers could be heard endlessly, but Zhang Xingzang was able to put it all behind him. Zhang Xingzang knows that what he is seeing and perceiving now are all illusions and auditory hallucinations. Even though all this is extremely real, what it presents is the most profound and most affecting people and pictures in your memory or fantasy.

The only way to resist it is not to listen, not to see, not to think, not to have any emotional upheaval, but this is really hard.

The butterfly fragments separated from the body, and the torrent of death caused by the star driller worm's madness could affect him for up to a quarter of an hour.

Zhang Xingzang thought that when he and Zhui Meng explored the Sahara of Death, he had encountered a more powerful torrent of pollution, so he could withstand it this time.

Suddenly, an idea came to mind.

It’s been a long time since I’ve been chasing my dream.

he thought.

For a moment, Zhang Xingzang's heart felt like it was squeezed hard, and he was a little out of breath. Even though he knew to suppress his emotions and knew that this was an illusion, Zhang Xingzang couldn't hold it back at this moment, with an unspeakable fear, as if he was really coming back. In the past, those ten difficult years.

Sometimes Zhang Xingzang doesn't want Zhui Meng to come to save him because it's too dangerous. Sometimes Zhang Xingzang wants Zhui Meng to come. Regardless of success or not, he can at least look at his little dragon and confirm that Zhui Meng is still alive.

What is Dreamer's real name?

have no idea.

What does Dream Chaser really look like?

Not sure.

What disease does the dreamer get in real life?

Zhang Xingzang had all made speculations about these things, and the illusion dug them up and revealed them bloodyly in front of him. Zhang Xingzang guessed that what Chai Meng suffered from was "Sleeping Beauty Syndrome". This disease is extremely rare, and most of the patients are women. There are only about a thousand people in the world suffering from the disease, of which about 70 are men.

He wanted to pursue a dream. Such a good person should not be so unlucky.

Zhang Xingzang thought that if he could really get out alive, or if he finally went to the battlefield, he would know the real appearance and real name of Zhui Meng. I heard from the seniors that by then, the constraints of the hotel would be weakened to the extreme. If the tour guide could still stay awake, , almost never hide their own passengers or their own brigade.

But will he survive to go to war?

Even though he knew clearly that he was out now and chasing his dream was not far away, Zhang Xingzang still couldn't suppress the amplified fear. This was his deepest nightmare when he was imprisoned in the Sun Clock.

In an instant, the surrounding scene changed.

The surroundings were quiet, and the cold wind blew with the smell of wet earth, the smell of rain. When Zhang Xingzang realized this, the fishy smell suddenly became a thousand times heavier, drilling into his lungs like a drill and going straight to his brain.

"Are you feeling uncomfortable? Are you okay?"

Worrying words came from the side, but the gentle voice in his memory sounded extremely sharp and harsh to Zhang Xingzang at this moment, making his mind buzzing. His five senses seemed to be amplified dozens or hundreds of times, and any small sound , the friction of the folds of clothes, the sound of breathing, all sounded like deafening thunder to him at this moment.

"I'm okay."

Zhang Xingzang took a breath and said softly, he knew that beside him was his mother who had passed away long ago and whom he had always missed, but Zhang Xingzang watched his nose and heart without any emotional fluctuations.

"How pitiful, what a good young man, so young..."

"A rare disease, never heard of..."

The voices of others murmuring to themselves resounded in Zhang Xingzang's mind. Someone opened the door. The nauseating smell of incense ash was replaced by the smell of rain. The cold wind carrying raindrops contained unburned paper money.

This is a funeral.

Zhang Xingzang lowered his eyes and saw the front of his black suit and a white paper flower pinned to his chest.

He was attending a funeral.

"I heard that this disease is mainly caused by women. I don't know why he is so unlucky. Hey..."

"Yes, it seems that there are only seventy men in the world who have suffered from this disease. What is it called? -"

The words of others made him quickly push past these illusory figures and walk to the coffin.

The wetness in front of his face was raindrops blown by the wind, or mixed with other liquids. Zhang Xingzang looked at the person lying in the coffin, with soft black hair and a bouquet in his arms. He was lying quietly and peacefully. There, it was as if he was just asleep. Even though his face was blurry, Zhang Xingzang knew who was in the coffin.

It’s chasing a dream.

Tears fell silently. Only a trace of sadness was revealed before it was caught by the pollution attack and magnified countless times. Zhang Xingzang couldn't help but choked. He closed his eyes and the hands holding the coffin were trembling. After all, he could no longer remain calm. .

* *

At the same time, Wei Xun also smelled the strong smell of rain, and the sound of the plane taking off was deafening, as if it was about to crush his eardrums. It's raining outside, and there's damp rain everywhere.

Wei Xun knew this was an illusion because he remembered that when he took a plane to go to college, Wei Xuechen didn't come to see him off.

But now, he was holding that man's hand.

"You have to study hard when you go there."

The deep male voice sounded, familiar yet unfamiliar, and the touch in his palm was also too unfamiliar. Wei Xun rarely had physical contact with others. Even with his brother, they had never had real contact with each other a few times, and they had never heard of this kind of advice.

Is this the effect of a torrent of deathly pollution? What happens next?

Wei Xun couldn't help but think that he should have strong negative emotions, but his illness itself would make Wei Xun lack negative emotions, so he was still calm until Wei Xun noticed Wei Xuechen's hand trying to pull away .

This made Wei Xun instantly sensitive! This kind of thing has happened countless times since entering the hotel. The feeling of powerlessness that he couldn't hold on to was simply aroused Wei Xun's PTSD. He didn't try a reverse grip because every time he tried to hold on, he failed, but Wei Xun subconsciously thought that when he couldn't hold his brother's cloak, someone should come out at this time——

"Hands up, you're under arrest."

When An Xuefeng's cold and serious voice sounded, and when he saw the black barrel of the gun pressed against the back of his brother's head, Wei Xun suddenly felt relieved.

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