Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 372 Death Sahara (48)

‘Is it really okay to let Bingyi go and talk to Chen Cheng alone? ’

Zhang Xingzang and others were cleaning up the chaotic battlefield. Zhang Xingzang seemed to be absent-minded and looked over there from time to time - where Bingyi and Chen Cheng were having a secret conversation.

'worried? ’

Dreamcatcher bit the dreamcatcher, and after being fully prepared, he carefully fished out some black sand. After the giant disappeared, the clumps of dark pollution left on the ground, like snake eggs, oblong spheres, from this thing It can definitely reveal some clues to the final core attraction of the ancient oasis.

‘I’m really worried’

Zhang Xingzang sighed, who knows what this Chen Cheng is, whether he is real or fake. The one he wanted to talk to was Bai Xiaosheng. Zhang Xingzang didn't need to worry too much because Bai Xiaosheng had a sense of proportion.

But Bingyi is a person who has no sense of proportion. Zhang Xingzang is in a strange mood now. He is worried about something happening to Bingyi and Chen Cheng.

‘But if there hadn’t been the scuffle just now, I would be even more worried’

Zhang Xingzang added that a sudden melee can make people see many things clearly, and it also leaves people with no time to hide. Whether they are loyal or traitorous, whether they can be used, and what their intentions are, it is all clear at a glance. For example, the infected finally sided with them, the Astrologer and others did not move when the phantom cat appeared, the golden gecko was confirmed to be the Lizard Duke, Chen Cheng really had a grudge against the life-seeking people and could still maintain a certain degree of sanity, etc., Everyone has a number in mind.

‘It’s just too dangerous, he didn’t leave himself any escape route’

Zhang Xingzang was talking about Bingyi. He felt that Bingyi was very sensible, to put it mildly, and had calculated all the consequences. To put it harshly, this man is a lunatic, a fanatic. Since he has thought of everything, he should also have thought of what if the giants went crazy and started chasing them, what if the ancient oasis scene repeated itself and could not withstand the burst of power and collapsed. manage.

He just felt that it was a risk and the benefits far outweighed the risks, so he did it. Moreover, he directly took everyone on the adventure without giving anyone any vaccinations. Even Dream Chaser didn't know any information.

From transferring the butterfly fragments, to the appearance of the phantom cat, to stimulating Chen Cheng, to attracting the Black Sand Giant and Silver Moon Killer, and finally to the Yin Yang Butterfly taking action to end everything.

'Although the results are all good and nothing went wrong, but...'

‘If nothing goes wrong, then there is nothing wrong’

Dream Chaser said indifferently, carefully transferring the unbroken contaminated black eggs from the dream catcher to the dream bubble without breaking its fragile skin: "An Xuefeng will inoculate him."

If anyone knows the full details of this plan, it must be An Xuefeng. The Dream Chaser flapped its wings and twisted its wing tips to the east. Over there, the phoenix bird was landing on the astrologer's shoulder, lowering its head and chattering with the occultists.

Bingyi's vigorous and resolute autocratic style may cause dissatisfaction among others, but An Xuefeng put an end to him as soon as the matter was over.

‘At this point in time, everyone actually feels angry’

Dream Chaser said calmly: "It's good to vent it out early."

From the day the scene was reenacted in the ancient oasis, the pollution in the ancient oasis has been subtly affecting everyone. Under normal circumstances, everyone would be more rational and not so angry. Whenever there is a problem, they use fists and feet to communicate. Whoever has the bigger fists has the right. This is a method only used by primitive giants in the wild, and it is an assimilation of them.

'you're right'

Zhang Xingzang thought about it for a while and felt that the dream chaser was right. If Bingyi were to tell them all his plans openly and honestly, he would probably doubt whether Bingyi had any other plans behind his plan, which would have the best effect.

‘My old ways are outdated’

Zhang Xingzang said regretfully that when he formed the Hope Brigade, he would discuss any plans with the team members. The feeling of everyone working together to make plans and work together in the same direction is really fascinating. There is a group of brothers who are willing to fight and die for their ideals. It's such a wonderful feeling.

At that time, Zhang Xingzang believed that strength could defeat all conspiracies and that only sincerity can win the sincerity. He also hoped that he could still maintain a trace of purity in treating others in a place like a hotel. However, reality proved that he was wrong. Back then, the Hope Brigade and the Hope Brigade There are many strange things in the destruction, as if someone knew his plan in advance and was plotting behind his back.

The deaths of his brothers are inseparable from him. Sometimes Zhang Xingzang would think that if he was lucky enough to come back alive from the battlefield, he might become a gloomy and extremely suspicious person who only has revenge in his heart and no longer trusts anyone, like Huan Xingzang. But during the years of imprisonment, Zhang Xingzang thought a lot and reflected a lot, and finally calmed down under the temper of pollution, like a piece of jade that had been thoroughly polished.

‘Bingyi, you don’t have to worry about anyone leaking the secret’

Zhang Xingzang laughed at himself and said, because others have no idea what Bingyi will do in a frenzied manner! Who would have thought that he would be able to summon all the phantom cats that were suspected of being sliced ​​by the life-seeking people? No one would have thought of it!

‘So you admire him? ’

Zhang Xingzang was curious. Whether he was complimenting Bingyi or judging him, he could hear the dream chaser's appreciation for Bingyi and approval of some of his practices.

‘I admire him, but not because of this’

Dream Chaser Fei landed on Zhang Xingzang's shoulder, took his hair in his mouth in a comforting manner, and pondered for a moment: 'At first I thought he was a good tour guide who can lead a group.'

Later I discovered that he just didn't care. He had no negative emotions, didn't want to vent, and didn't have many other positive emotions, let alone team awareness.

'Then I thought he was measured'

Dream Chaser's sense of propriety does not mean that he does not cause trouble. Even if Bingyi causes a huge disaster, as long as the final result is good and everyone survives, Dream Chaser will think that he is measured and at least not as desperate as before. People are so extreme. Even if he pursues the ultimate and completes the main line of the journey, it is too abnormal for the man to lead the group to destruction almost every time. He can indeed be called the butcher.

‘Later I thought he was very kind to his own people’

Whether they were the bugs raised by Bingyi, or the people resurrected by Bingyi, or even those who were not completely his own, the passengers in the brigade he led had all become stronger and better off. In a place like a hotel, talking about ideals and hopes is too vain. Adults outside have to talk about salary and money when they go to work. In a hotel, they must talk about strength and room for improvement.

Without seeing huge room for development and opportunities, the insect masters like Bee Daoist, Ghost Xiaohong, etc. will not follow him wholeheartedly. Even infected people are attracted to him. Silverfish even lamented to Dream Chaser in private. The talent of C-1 many times.


Dream Chaser pondered, but for such a person, he chose to release the phantom cat here, but Dream Chaser was not sure. Although it was true that the final contamination was caused by Bingyi, he did not expect that the cat's curiosity could exceed the rationality of the live person - perhaps Wei Xun deeply believed that the live person was an absolutely rational person, so he was unprepared.

But after the phantom cat was contaminated, he did not immediately sprinkle glitter on it to prevent the pollution from spreading. This was not right. Dream Chaser vaguely felt that he was waiting for something.

‘What are you waiting for, waiting for someone to beat him? ’

Zhang Xingzang joked: "If this is my brother, I have to slap his ass!" ’

As he thought about the scene of a man teaching a child to spank someone, Zhang Xingzang felt that it was extremely inconsistent, and he felt happy unconsciously. After having fun, he was surprised to find that the dreamer was really lost in thought!

‘I’m just talking nonsense for fun! What's more, the phantom cat is not a life-seeking person. I don't think it should be a slice. It's not that good. It's even less interesting than the little gecko of the Lizard Duke...'

'No. ’

Dream Chaser thoughtfully interrupted Zhang Xingzang's words, a little hesitant, but also a little sure: 'I think Bingyi might be waiting for the phantom cat to beat him, or at least have some other reaction.'

'you mean……'

Zhang Xingzang also reacted, frowning, and slowed down the movement of collecting flash insect meat in his hands.

‘Have you ever felt that Bingyi seems to be acting adventurously and recklessly, but there is always a bottom line? ’

The dream chaser said slowly, not too sure: 'It's not just a lesson...Bingyi may be hoping that the phantom cat can draw a line for him.'

What can and cannot be done, where is the bottom line? Even with a perfect plan, accidents will happen. Just like this time, once an accident occurs, family members and friends will be injured. This time the problem is not serious, but what about next time?

Maybe the life-loving person taught him in reality in the past. After making a mistake, Bingyi's first reaction was not to make amends, but to subconsciously look at the phantom cat, as if he was waiting for something, waiting for the phantom cat's reaction, whether it be punishment or preaching. , this may be some kind of tacit understanding between their brothers.

But he didn't get any feedback.

‘People change’

Zhang Xingzang didn't care: 'Bingyi is already so old, and he's already in love, so he can't still be the elder brother. Moreover, after so many years in the hotel, everyone is changing, and the life-seeking person may have changed a long time ago. Family love, hey, if you ask me, Bingyi hasn’t recognized the reality yet, he hasn’t seen it at all. The life-loving people who lived through that time'

Zhang Xingzang hit the nail on the head: "He has never seen a life-seeking person until he entered the hotel. The brother in his impression is still the brother in the past. It is a good thing to recognize the changes now."

The dreamer didn't speak, he was still thinking. What Zhang Xingzang said made sense, but Dream Chaser still felt that something was wrong. From the attitude of the Butcher Alliance, the butterfly fragments, the Yin-Yang Butterfly, the vampire knife and the suit, etc., it can be seen that the Mingxi people have been paying attention to Bingyi and have been planning for him.

But he has indeed been avoiding direct contact with Bingyi, and there are obviously many ways. With his fate-loving personality, he is not the kind of person who is afraid of his image collapsing in the hearts of his relatives. That kind of self-confidence and pride that comes from strong power has always allowed him to convince anyone he wanted to.

This kind of avoidance is very thought-provoking. Coupled with what happened this time, Bing's subconscious waiting made Dream Chaser think there was something wrong.

The bottom line drawn by the Mingren for Bingyi does not include himself, as if no matter what Bingyi does to him, he will not have any hindrance.

When this thought crossed his mind, the dreamer was suddenly stunned. He seemed to have figured it out, but he didn't see it through completely. He just felt that he smelled some kind of dangerous indulgence, or that it contained some contradictory emotions. What exactly it was, he still had to think about it carefully.

* *

"You should put glitter on it.'

The serious conversation between Wei Xun and Chen Cheng over there has ended. Wei Xun did not ask about the battlefield or what happened after they disappeared. How many people are still alive? He didn't even mention the butterfly fragments. He just briefly mentioned Chen Cheng, Cheng Tianbao and Tang Shuang - if anyone wants to come over, at least say something in advance so that they can be prepared.

Their out-of-control title and a lot of tainted energy also works for him, so it's a mutually beneficial thing.

Wei Xun did not use a condescending attitude of benevolence, but took over this extremely important matter for Chen Cheng and others with a simple word of mutual benefit. This actually made Chen Cheng look at him a few more times, and his brows relaxed a lot.

"If you want to search for more supplies in the ancient oasis, then continue to follow the giants and participate in the melee."

Chen Cheng took the initiative and said: "If you really want to help Cen Qin, then you are going astray."


Wei Xun listened attentively, and Chen Cheng said that what they wanted to do was to follow the old path of reenacting the scene, and treat it as a serious super-dangerous journey.

"Only you are enough, plus Cen Qin."

Xiaocui's level is suitable for being a tour guide for super-dangerous journeys. The other people are too strong for both tour guides and tourists. Chen Cheng casually mentioned a few people in his brigade, such as Zhu Yuande's brother and sister. Although they have been dead for many years, Chen Cheng talked about their character traits as if they were still fresh in his memory.

"None of them got into it."

Chen Cheng said, "entering the play" means truly entering into the process of reenacting the scene. Wei Xun was thoughtful, and he indeed discovered that everyone in Chen Cheng's brigade basically didn't speak and never expressed any thoughts. The only three people who are more active are the three people who are still alive, as well as the Yu family brothers and sisters and Zhu Yuande involved in the nightmare.

It seems that this scene replay is not that 'intelligent'. If it seriously deviates from the scene replay line, the 'NPC' will not extend additional actions.

"I see."

Wei Xun nodded, and Chen Cheng stopped: "This journey is a super dangerous journey to open up an ancient oasis. The focus is not on the ancient oasis."

The red sand giant tribe, the war between tribes, the hunting season and the death season, and the black sand giant with butterfly fragments are all pretexts used to confuse people who are eager to journey to the 30th north latitude. Even An Xuefeng and others were 'The journey to 30 degrees north latitude in the last ten years', 'Chen Cheng who is suspected of not being dead' and the Silver Moon Killer who came to compete have confused their thinking.

"According to the rules of scene reenactment, people who are too strong should always be dealt with by stronger people, and it will not affect the scene reenactment itself."

They had been worried that the people from the Western District would take action against Chen Cheng's brigade, so they had been protecting them. But what Chen Cheng meant was that since An Xuefeng and the strong men were gone, the strong men in the Western District would not be able to take action against Chen Cheng's brigade. This was the rule for reenacting the scene.

As for the nightmares at night, the confrontations caused by those who deserved but did not die, there is no need to worry. The people in the West Side will fall into nightmares, and so will the people on their side. Generally speaking, An Xuefeng and his side have more people than the people in the West Side.

The real most valuable thing can only be obtained by following the original route of reenacting this scene.

Is there anything more valuable than unsolvable materials, props, monsters, and glitter that can resolve the pollution of the ancient oasis?

But Wei Xun thought Chen Cheng was right.

After talking about the serious things, the two of them started chatting. Wei Xun talked about his current half-life and the fate between the two of them. Chen Cheng talked about Cen Qin back then and the metaphysics at that time.

Somehow it was mentioned about destiny.

"You are different from us, you are special."

Chen Chengdao said, without any terminology of Bagua metaphysical algorithm, he just used plain and simple vernacular: "You should be alone, without parents, relatives, brothers or sisters."

Wei Xun was slightly stunned, but without hesitation, he said, "I have a brother."

Chen Cheng looked at him deeply, said nothing, and just shook his head gently.

Wei Xun also curled up his lips, but still said: "I have."

The impression of my parents was too vague, but my brother was real.

"Since you said there is, then there is."

Unexpectedly, Chen Cheng nodded this time and just said, "Then you should sprinkle glitter on it this time."

After saying this, Chen Cheng suddenly fell down. It was obviously time, and old Chen Cheng left. Wei Xun helped Chen Cheng back, and he was deep in thought all the way. When An Xuefeng saw him come back and put his hand on Wei Xun's shoulder, he realized that he was distracted. He didn't ask, just gently combed Wei Xun's hair with his beak. The hot and hard beak was moderately strong, as if he was massaging his scalp with a hot compress.

After a while, Wei Xun spoke slowly and asked seriously: "Is it true that no one can do everything?"

His question is a bit silly. Who in this world can do everything? An Xuefeng felt that Wei Xun was feeling guilty and blaming himself. He was still thinking about the phantom cat being contaminated. No matter how thorough the calculation was, accidents would eventually happen. No one expected that a cat would suddenly appear in the sandstorm. head.

An Xuefeng knew that maybe he should advise Wei Xun to be calmer and think twice before acting, and not to take risks with everyone like a gambler, but to choose a safer approach.

But energy, risk-taking, all-or-nothing, risking one's life, and risking one's life are all things they often do on their way home. Wei Xun is good at everything, the only difference is time. He has not developed a group of trustworthy companions, and he does not have the sophistication and viciousness of a long journey. If he wants to participate in this ten years, he will definitely experience more growth and pain. His way of thinking has not changed for a while, and he is in the wrong position. In An Xuefeng's view, it is normal.

He has only been in the hotel for less than two months.

So An Xuefeng just grabbed Wei Xun's shoulder and said, "As long as we are united, we are capable of anything."

It must have been his mistake not to notice the life-hungry cat's head, and not to sprinkle glitter on the cat's head as quickly as possible. Wei Xun could do things that his reaction speed couldn't do because he was in a bad mental state and relaxed. But if Bai Xiaosheng had been around at that time, he would definitely have been able to check for the mistakes and fill in the gaps. Or if Mao Xiaole had been there, he would have definitely been able to poke the cat's head away with a sword as quickly as possible.

Or if, one day, at the end of the day, the life-seeking people are on their side, then they know the plan in advance, and there will be no accidental injury to one of their own people.

Wei Xun glanced at An Xuefeng, with surprise and smile in his eyes. He seemed not to have expected An Xuefeng to say this, but also seemed to have known for a long time that he was such a person. At this moment, a yellow tentacle poked out from the desert and hooked Gou Weixun's sleeve.

The corn shoots emerged from the desert, proudly filled their bulging mouths, and then vomited out a mountain of flashworm meat to Wei Xun. This is just one of the eighteen bamboo shoots, there are more bamboo shoots still searching for prey in the desert. Wei Xun didn't say anything else. He asked An Xuefeng to burn all the pieces of meat into glitter. Then he took out the golden nanmu urn and poured a full box of glitter into it.

Then he took out the vampire knife that had been fused with the fragments of the ancient oasis butterfly, inserted it into the urn and stirred it. What the vampire knife is best at is absorbing pollution from the human body. It almost drained the pollution from the body of the Red Sand Giant Chief. It would consume too much power, not to mention that in order to consolidate the effect of transferring the butterfly fragments, Wei Xun cannot absorb the energy transformed from the pollution of the ancient oasis, so that the butterfly fragments in his heart will become chaotic again.

Only going out but not entering consumes a lot of power and is not cost-effective.

"Oh, brother, there's no need to do it. It doesn't affect me at all."

Nezha Ling, a shiny red ball covered in glitter, poked his head out from the side of the urn first and said with a careless smile: "I'm not a physical person."

They are just the incarnations of Wei Xun's consciousness that established a contact contract through the title of tomb keeper and the urn. They are not counted as the real body. Even if they are seriously contaminated and destroyed, they will not affect themselves. The person who is most affected is the owner of the tomb who should clean it up. The gravekeeper Wei Xun.

Moreover, they were only contaminated with about 50% of the pollution in the first place. If they were divided equally among three, each of them would only have about 10%. Look at the level of deformity. Nezha Ling was so happy that he wanted to show his handsome new look to his younger brother, but the pollution was sucked directly.

"I'm too strong now."

Wei Xun joked that the tour guide who took the ancient oasis this time was B125, but Wei Xun is now Bingyi. If the scene is really repeated, the difference in strength between the two is more than a hundred people, and it is normal for him to reduce his strength.

After absorbing the pollution from his two brothers, Wei Xun's blood-sucking knife finally stabbed the shadow cat squatting in the deepest part of the urn. It slapped the blade away as if it was disgusting, as if it didn't want to be decontaminated.

In the past, Wei Xun would definitely think that his brother must have his own reasons for doing this. Just like he thought that this time the phantom cat poked its head out of the sandstorm and was contaminated. After the contamination, Wei Xun clearly had glitter in his hand but did not come to roll it, but returned directly to the urn. This action had its own intentions. For example, it could paralyze Chen Cheng and others by showing weakness, or there was something special about the black sand giant's pollution, or it wanted to take the opportunity to pollute Nezha Ling and Taizong, etc.

But Chen Cheng's words made Wei Xun think for a long time, and reminded him of many things. But aside from those currently unfounded associations, Wei Xun found that because of his inertial thinking, he believed that his brother was absolutely fine and had his own calculations, which had almost become a fixed mindset. If there was any oversight and something important happened, and he still thought it was a deliberate plan, that would be ridiculous.

No one is omnipotent, and everyone will grow old if they calculate everything.

Even if he really had a plan, as long as he didn't say it, Wei Xun would do what he wanted. Thinking of this, Wei Xun suddenly understood. He no longer hesitated this time and directly pressed the blood-sucking knife on the breathing kitten. The storm sucked away all the pollution on it.

"elder brother……"

Don't worry, when I grow up, I will provide for you in your old age.

Wei Xun's lips moved slightly, and only An Xuefeng could hear the words in his heart. After pulling out the vampire knife, Wei Xun's face was obviously paler and his breathing was a little heavier, but his spirits were much better. Together with An Xuefeng, they called everyone together and talked about their future plans.

The troops were divided into two groups, and he, Ban Ming and Chen Cheng's brigade went to the scene reenactment line. They could put on a play to make Yin Yang Butterfly become the new red sand giant female chief, and it would be okay. An Xuefeng and the others made arrangements on their own, whether it was collecting unsolvable materials, going to several other giant tribes, or tracking the black sand giants, it was no problem.

The captured blood wolf Rex was beaten unconscious by Chen Cheng and is still awake. Everyone has contact tools, and if they get any news from him, they will pass it on to each other at that time.

"After tonight, we will set off to the Petrified Forest."

According to the original route of Chen Cheng's brigade, they also set off to the Petrified Forest tomorrow, just in time to solve tonight's nightmare first. Wei Xun was going to go with Ban Ming to meet with everyone in Chen Cheng's brigade and have a good chat with them, but at the same time Wei Xun found that An Xuefeng had been a little silent since just now.

Are you worried about him? Still have something to say?

Wei Xun and An Xuefeng went to the side and looked at him doubtfully. Fengniao hesitated for a long time before he hesitated and said reluctantly as if he had eaten a fly: "People who are interested in life can be considered young talents..."

If Wei Xun is going to provide for the life-seeking man in his old age, then who does he think he is? ? He is about the same age as Ximingren!

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