Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 393 Death Sahara (69)

Since ancient times, pure black birds have mostly symbolized something ominous, just like this dark phoenix. Its pupils are pure black, not as primitive and pure as those of beasts. Instead, they are filled with an evil and twisted meaning, like some kind of evil beast that was born and fallen in ancient times.

It was a kind of evil that made people obsessed and crazy. When it fell, all the firelights and lights were extinguished, as if the whole world was soaked in darkness at this moment. You shouldn't be able to see anything in such pure darkness, but the creepy thing is that everyone can see this big bird, and their eyes are attracted to this big bird.

Its jet-black feathers are as smooth as satin, and there are three tufts of feathers on its head. If you don't look at the luxurious and elegant long tail feathers, just look at its flying and landing postures, which are more like a giant eagle. The feathers all over its body are like flowing black fire, with jet black feathers falling from its body like black flames. But as soon as the flame fell in the air, it went out, and then returned to it, starting over and over again.


This word appeared in everyone's mind, like some mysterious and unknowable knowledge contaminating their nerves. They confirmed it without any doubt. Herodiatus, the Greek historian who first described the Phoenix in detail, said: "I have not seen it with my own eyes, only in paintings. Part of its feathers are Golden yellow, part of it bright red." But this black bird is completely different from the phoenix in people's minds!

Zhu Yuande was trembling all over, his face was pale, and he held his breath for some time. The lack of oxygen and suffocation caused patches of black to appear in front of his eyes, like the black feathers of a big bird. Ominous, ominous, this is an evil bird that only brings death!


He tried his best, but could only make an inaudible sound in his throat. Countless complicated scenes were rushing before his eyes, including the endless dark desert, ancient pyramids that had stood in the desert for countless years and golden coffins buried in them. In the Pharaoh, countless dead people are shrouded in the shadow of a giant black bird.

In reality, the fallen Anka glanced at Zhu Yuande, with surprise in his eyes. Unexpectedly, Zhu Yuande could see through its essence. But when he looked too deeply, he fell into collapse.

This glance made Zhu Yuande pale. He was still immersed in the illusion. He felt that the giant bird seemed to have seen him across countless time and space. His condescending gaze fell on Zhu Yuande. For a moment, Zhu Yuande seemed to see that it was completely black except for its chest. There was a dark red color like dried blood at the heart.

The chest was missing feathers, flesh and bones, and the naked heart could be seen directly. But it’s not the shape of a normal bird’s heart, it’s more like a character!

It was an inverted T with a ring-shaped handle underneath, emitting an ominous black and red blood light, as if it could absorb the life of everyone. Zhu Yuande wanted to close his eyes, but he painfully found that he couldn't control it at all, and his reason was losing control. His desire to look away became increasingly shallow, and would eventually turn into a twisted obsession.

But on the eve of completely losing control, a silver-gray moonlight suddenly lit up in the darkness! Compared with the darkness, the moonlight is so inconspicuous, and it seems that it will be swallowed up by the darkness in the next moment, but this moonlight is like a life-saving straw for people who are almost sinking into the darkness. Zhu Yuande suddenly came back to his senses. He was panting heavily, and there were throbbing pains in his chest due to suffocation.

But the worst thing was his eyes. There was darkness in front of him, as if he was blind. Physiological tears flowed down uncontrollably. His body swayed and almost fell from the petrified tree, but he was imprisoned at the critical moment. Hold on tight.

"Take Yuande down, he can't see anymore."

It was Tang Shuang's voice. The confused Zhu Yuande didn't know where he got the strength to grab Tang Shuang's hand and asked in a trembling voice: "Director B, Director C, sue, tell..."

As he spoke, he tried his best to draw the characters he saw on Tang Shuang's palm. His intuition told Zhu Yuande that this was the key to dealing with the Phoenix! Although Zhu Yuande's fingers were trembling, there was nothing missing in the picture he drew. Tang Shuang immediately knew what Zhu Yuande was drawing.

That was the ankh in Egyptian hieroglyphs, the symbol of life. It's just that Zhu Yuande painted it upside down, implying degradation and death!

But how come the Egyptian Ankh characters appear in Arabic mythology? Even though they have the same name as Ankh, one is the oldest talisman of life and the other is a phoenix. After all, they are different. Thoughts flashed through Tang Shuang's mind, and he grabbed Zhu Yuande's hand.

"I will tell Director C, don't worry... You were too affected up there and lost your ability to fight... We will help him..."

Tang Shuang's words reassured Zhu Yuande, and he nodded randomly. The severe pain in his brain made him want to pass out, but Zhu Yuande held on and groped his way down. He couldn't pass out at this time, and he couldn't hold everyone back. Feeling that someone wanted to help him, he anxiously refused: "Go, go..."

Go and help! Even if Zhu Yuande couldn't see him, he knew that the battle above was absolutely fierce, and Director B was probably in danger!

"Tang Shuang!"

The sound of rapid breathing was heard in an instant. The large group of black snakes fled away from the fossil tree in fear. The crisis of guarding the tree was alleviated. Liu Hongyu replaced Tong Fu, and Yunying replaced Chen Cheng. The two major combat forces were released and rushed forward. They nodded like Tang Shuangluo, without saying a word. Don't hesitate to help out at Fossil Tree Top.

As Zhu Yuande expected, C Dao, who was confronting the blackened Anka, was at a disadvantage, and the situation was not optimistic. The moment he found Zhu Yuande was contaminated, Wei Xun drew his sword. What was incredible was that the silver moonlight was not wrapped around his madman's killing knife. The sword was even more strange and tricky. It was not the way An Xuefeng taught him at all, but more like a secretive and vicious assassin.


If there was a sound of silk and cloth breaking, the tail feathers of the fallen Anka were cut off by him. But soon the black fire ignited and the tail feathers regenerated. It was like it had never been injured at all, it was a real phoenix. And this flash made the fallen Anka directly pass Wei Xun and kill the tourists like an arrow from a string - it had no interest in the tour guide, it only wanted to devour the souls of the tourists!


But it failed. Chen Cheng, Tang Shuang, and Tong Fu joined forces to hold it! Originally, they could not see the shadow-like fallen Anka, but a trace of residual moonlight on its tail feathers exposed its position. Ordinary swords and knives could not hurt Anka at all. As soon as they came into contact, Chen Cheng directly used the sword to make a cold mountain. Tang Shuang ignited the flames in his bones. Tong Fu's Yin-Yang double swords intertwined like a Yin-Yang fish. She decisively cut her fingertips with the knife, and the bloody blade slashed at the Fallen Anka.


The besieged Fallen Anka flapped its wings in anger and disappeared in an instant. All the attacks fell in an instant. But the knife will turn and the fire will turn. Even if the figure disappears, it doesn't matter. Chen Cheng and the others stared at the moonlight and slashed it to Tong Fu's side.

The Fallen Anka is there!


In an instant, the black fire swept in, suppressing the flames and breaking the frost, but the Fallen Anka also appeared. It really attacked Tong Fu, attracted by the blood between her fingers. Tong Fu noticed that the blood on the tip of her knife disappeared instantly as if it was swallowed by something, and immediately reminded her in a stern voice: "It wants to eat people!"

Anka is too fast and can disappear and teleport. If it eats Zhu Yuande and others who currently have no power to resist, it will be a disaster. Thinking of this, Tong Fu did not hesitate to cut her arm again, and blood gushed out, and she actually attracted the fallen Anka!

This trick worked. Tang Shuang and Chen Cheng immediately took the opportunity to draw their knives. The three of them had a very good tacit understanding and barely resisted Anka's attack for a while. At the same time, Wei Xun made a move. He seemed to forcibly suppress the invading soul. The green resentment fire ignited again on the madman's killing knife, but after a few moves, Wei Xun found that it could not hurt the fallen Anka Phoenix at all.

Wei Xun simply put away his knife and changed it into a fist. The fist with the Starlight Ring smashed at the Fallen Anka. But he himself had never practiced close combat and the Starlight Ring was not his prop, so he could not use his full strength. Fallen Anka tried to dodge at first, but later it didn't even need to dodge because Wei Xun couldn't catch up with its speed.

This way, Anka couldn't be hurt at all. It was just another kind of slow death. Anka's offensive became more and more urgent, and the battle situation gradually worsened. While fighting, Chen Cheng and Tong Fu were desperately thinking. If they were not opponents of the powerful and invincible monster, there must be a weakness. Or maybe it didn't need much, and would only eat one person and leave---but no one could be left behind!

"Tang Shuang!"

Chen Cheng shouted, and saw that Tang Shuang actually scratched his arm, and blood gushed out. He replaced Tong Fu and stood at the forefront to attract Anka's attention. Chen Cheng instantly understood what Tang Shuang was going to do. They had to consider whether this was a must-die mission for the scenic spot, the kind that required sacrifice to pass.

"Captain, I'm here."

Cheng Tianbao's hoarse voice sounded, and he actually came to the top of the petrified tree. Tang Shuang and Cheng Tianbao, one can be ossified and the other can be rotten, are also the two with the strongest vitality in the team. If the monster must eat one person, then Tang Shuang will be ossified after being eaten half, and Cheng Tianbao will take over, each contributing half of the body. They are preparing to use themselves to delay time and give their teammates more room to think!

But an unexpected accident happened. As if it didn't intend to delay time here, the Fallen Anka disappeared directly, and the next moment it teleported to the vicinity of Zhu Yuande and others!


Liu Hongyu, who was urgently checking the injuries of the unconscious Zhu Yuande, felt a black shadow like ink shrouding him. He didn't care to think too much and directly blocked Zhu Yuande. The next moment Liu Hongyu felt that he was hit hard, and his body flew into the air and fell off the petrified tree-no! Liu Hongyu actually saw that his body was still lying on Zhu Yuande in a protective posture, but he was grabbed by a pair of claws on his shoulders and was caught and flew away.

He was hit by the Fallen Anka and his soul was out of his body. Anka grabbed his soul!


Liu Hongyu heard Tong Fu's cries like a cuckoo's blood, but she was looking at his body on the petrified tree instead of him being caught in the claws of the Fallen Ankh. Tong Fu didn't have the Yin-Yang eyes, so she couldn't see the soul of her lover in the claws of the Fallen Phoenix. Liu Hongyu tried his best to look at her, but could only see the back of Tong Fu's head.

Is he going to die? He is dead now. People do have souls after death, and souls are conscious and can feel pain. His shoulder was almost crushed by the sharp claws of the bird. Liu Hongyu felt vaguely that this pain seemed familiar, and Tong Fu's cries, he finally looked at Tong Fu but could only see the back of her head, which also felt vaguely familiar.

It was as if he had died once, and his soul was also caught by the Fallen Ankh. His soul was torn into pieces in the dark sky, and the heart-wrenching pain accompanied by the gradually dissipating consciousness returned to the darkness. No, Liu Hongyu suddenly began to struggle desperately. Death is not terrible, he had seen countless deaths when he was rotating in the hospital.

He believed in Tong Fu. She was strong-willed, calm and rational. If he died, even if his body was controlled by the black snake, Tong Fu would not do anything out of control. But what Liu Hongyu is worried about now is that he is ‘not dead’! Will you die if you lose your soul and body? Liu Hongyu didn't know, he was worried that Tong Fu mistakenly thought he was still alive, and she would try her best to save him at all costs!

However, the most unfortunate prediction seemed to come true. From a height, Liu Hongyu saw Tong Fu running down the fossil tree and hugging his body tightly, with an expression of surprise on her face. This made Liu Hongyu instantly feel like she had fallen into an ice cave. Sure enough, Tong Fu Misunderstanding, his body is not 'dead'!

Liu Hongyu, who had no despair when his soul was taken away from his body, now felt that the darkness was spreading up and trying to drown him. He struggled desperately but was unable to do anything. He wanted to scream but couldn't make any sound at all.

The great fear and panic were even more severe than the severe pain of his soul being torn apart, which made Liu Hongyu collapse and despair. The struggle consumed so much soul power that even his thinking became chaotic.

Just like a revolving door before death, for a moment he seemed to see that Zhu Yuande and the Yu family brothers and sisters had died long ago, bitten and devoured alive by the old and crippled giant. He Yunlai had also died long ago, with countless black snakes spewing out from the shriveled corpses. .

He also died, and his soul was devoured by the fallen Ankh. He was bitten and laid eggs by dense spiders. His childhood sweetheart, his lover who depended on life and death, also died. He died beside him. Their blood blended and bloomed into a desert rose. .

At this moment, Liu Hongyu's soul seemed to split into two. One was shouting that everything was fake, everything was fake, and they were all dead! The other one is denying, no, they are all still alive, they are not dead, because——


In the dark, he heard a furious chirp from the fallen Ankh, and a silver moonlight split open in the dark world! All the visual and auditory hallucinations were scattered by the moonlight. Liu Hongyu opened his eyes and saw a bright silver moon.

No, that's not the silver moon, but a knife soaked in moonlight, like a crescent moon falling into the man's hand! His whole body was filled with a faint moonlight, just like an angel he saw when he was about to die. His long silver-white hair spread like a wolf's mane, like a giant wolf in human form. Only the eyes under the mask were cold wolves. Eyes, one of them is a familiar blue-purple color!

It’s Bingyi!

"Don't take away my people."

The moment the voice fell, the silver moon sword light came again, stabbing into the heart of the fallen Anka! As if locked at a vital point, Fallen Anka could not escape, so he had to leave Liu Hongyu's soul behind and suddenly teleport to another direction. The falling Liu Hongyu was held by cold hands and thrown towards his body. Liu Hongyu stared intently at the figure soaked in moonlight high above, his eyes and heart completely occupied by him.

None of them are dead, because Director B is here!

But something is wrong with Director C, he doesn’t look normal!

At this moment, Wei Xun completely let go. He gained stronger strength and a lighter body. Yin Yue did not control his body. Like a cautious and cunning hunter, he wanted Bingyi to take the initiative to take away the power. , and in the end he sank. This feeling of gaining powerful power out of thin air is like the first alienation, which makes people obsessed.

But if things go on like this, the tour guide who is overly obsessed with alienation will be contaminated and distorted, and the Silver Moon Killer's soul will be too deeply infiltrated, causing Wei Xun to lose control of his body and become Silver Moon Killer's puppet!

However, Wei Xun didn't care, his blue and purple eyes were filled with a wanton smile, and his majestic power made him seem to instantly become a top tourist and a first-class tour guide! He used the madman's killing knife soaked in the light of the silver moon to fight against the fallen Anka, just like the fierce battle between him and An Xuefeng in the illusion! They didn't hold anything back. Only real fierce battles could confuse Ifrit, the Black Sand Giant, the Silver Moon Killer and the Lizard Duke.

What's more, deep down in his heart, Wei Xun is also looking forward to challenging the most powerful person, looking forward to fighting against the strong! The moonlight filled the dark sky, just like the silver moon was created out of thin air. Fallen Anka was actually suppressed by his momentum. After all, it was only a newly hatched bird that had not devoured the human soul and was incomplete.

He extracted a large amount of Silver Moon's energy, just like squandering his own power. He didn't care about Silver Moon's pollution to his soul. The more the war got fiercer, the more he fought, the more wanton and crazy he became! His madness was even unimaginable by the Lizard Duke and Silver Moon Killer on the other side. When he felt that Silver Moon's brilliance was no longer unconditionally provided and there were faint signs of restraint, Wei Xun felt a little regretful in his heart.

Too cautious, why not gamble with him? Wouldn't it be better to take the gamble of completely controlling him?

Although he thought so, Wei Xun's sword suddenly became more powerful, as if the sword was about to take the life of Fallen Anka. The Anka Phoenix bird retreated steadily, and finally it whined and fled into the petrified forest with wounds all over its body. Only Wei Xun, who was at his peak momentum, was left alone, looking towards the direction of the cave.

"Ifrit, are you still not healed?"

The evil spirit poured out with the murderous intention that had not yet dissipated. At this moment, Wei Xun was like a demon whose emotions were soaring and had nowhere to vent. He was gearing up to deliberately find trouble and ask others for surgery.

"Vulcan, I caught the rebellious servant of God!"

But when Ifrit's deafening buzzing sound resounded through Wei Xun's mind, Wei Xun threw the long knife out as if impatient, and plunged into the ground in front of the cave with a clanking sound. The ground cracked and dust spread everywhere, scarlet fever The flow spurted out like lava, and a huge red shadow slammed out. The figure was unstable and almost broken. It was Ifrit!

He was heard roaring furiously and anxiously: "Vulcan, what are you doing? The Sun Spider has escaped!"

It sounds like Wei Xun suddenly threw a knife and attacked, causing the captured God's Servant Sun Spider to lose control. However, Wei Xun paid no attention to the cunning and hypocritical Ifrit, who was most likely to let him off on purpose. He could feel that Silver Moon's power, which was about to take control of his soul, was stunned. When a powerful enemy with no solution level appeared again, it was definitely not a good opportunity to snatch the soul!

"Ifrit, come with me!"

Wei Xun shouted, and in an instant like the moonlight, he flew down from the giant fossilized tree to the entrance of the collapsed cave. The next moment, he took off the star ring with one hand and swung it. With the sound of breaking through the air, the star ring was thrown towards Ifrit like a hidden weapon. Beside him, the ring suddenly cracked and exploded with powerful star power, causing Ifrit to scream in rage and pain.

"If you run away, I'll kill you first."

Wei Xun was extremely domineering. Before Ifrit could say anything, he pulled out his long knife and swung it with his backhand, slashing directly at the huge sharp golden-red spider limb that quietly came out of the hole and stabbed at his heart.

The divine servant of the sun, the Sun Spider Queen, who is almost the top female insect, has appeared!

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