Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 397 Death Sahara (73)


As the scarlet-blooded mummies crawled out of the ground, the faint sound of drums echoed in everyone's ears. The sound of the drum seems to be there or not, but the sound is as majestic and majestic as a war drum, which makes people feel brave and tragic. They just want to leave everything and fight happily, and keep fighting until death!

"It's so unpleasant. Who among you is playing the drum? It's so unpleasant!"

‘It’s broken, this is a kind of sacrificial drum sound! ’

On the surface, Ban Ming maintains the character of an annoying and irritable young man, but secretly talks to Wei Xun through Qiansi: "Don't listen to this drum sound, find a way to block your ears!" Once you are seduced by the sound of drums, you will become a madman who only thinks about fighting! ’

"Quick, plug your ears."

Chen Cheng beside Wei Xun also urged him urgently, obviously noticing something was wrong with the drum sound: "Yun Ying!"

Of course, they have a better understanding of various rituals and sacrifices in metaphysics. Many drums and music are auxiliary tools for sacrifices. Some music can make people calm and communicate with gods, some can make people fanatical and pious, and some can be like now The sound of drums can make the sacrifices fight brutally to death.

This is a blood sacrifice! And those mummies crawling out from the ground are the sacrifices of the past. They will fight against all living creatures until everything is involved in a crazy battle!

"Dong dong——dong——"

But at this moment, a lively drum beat came in, like notes coming from the sky, making everyone present feel clear. Yunying was seen holding a small and exquisite red lacquer rattle in her hand. It was like a child's toy, simple and childlike. The two red beads beating on the rattle exuded a faint medicinal fragrance, and the drum head was not made of ordinary leather.

The sound of the drums is cheerful and childlike, just like children playing, but it is incompatible with the frenzied and frenzied sound of war drums, and it immediately disrupts its rhythm! Chen Cheng and others took the opportunity to block their ears, but it was better than nothing compared to Ifrit's pervasive drumbeat. Yunying spent a lot of energy using that prop. Her face turned red and her teeth chattered. However, she could only barely protect their small area from the sound of war drums, but it did not affect the gradual progress of the war drums. The mummies they were approaching.

Looking around, there were densely packed mummies in all directions. Their faces were dry and sunken and soaked in blood, surrounding them like zombies. However, Ifrit's huge flame shadow floated above the group of mummies and did not approach them.

Wei Xun understood that Ifrit was cautious and cunning, but he was still worried. With this group of mummies around, Chen Cheng and others were like hostages held in his hands. But Wei Xun didn't blame Chen Cheng and the others for coming to help. The scenic spot mission was not over, and it was impossible for them to leave the Petrified Forest. Compared to being caught secretly by Ifrit, this situation was the best, and Wei Xun was still in control of the situation. Inside.

The Sun Spider is dead, but the Silver Moon Killer's soul is still imbued, which means they have strong helpers to help them, and the rules will re-measure their strength. An Xuefeng couldn't take action, and it was best not to take half a life, otherwise Wei Xun suspected that the rules were to balance the strength of both sides, and might make the black sand giant aware of what was happening here and induce it to appear early.

With only him and Chen Cheng's brigade, how should they deal with Ifrit and his blood sacrifice? To be honest, Wei Xun had already thought of several plans, but now he was just making a brief decision.

Whether Li doesn't care about the passengers at all, he will use their personalities without any scruples after breaking up with each other, or he will just use them to his advantage——

"Ifrit, you have gone too far!"

The fusion flame ignited and quickly enveloped all passengers, like a protective shield made of flames. In Flame Resonance, Wei Xun yelled angrily: "You and I are just competing. What kind of sacrifice are you doing? Who do you want to sacrifice?!"

"When a servant of the gods dies, of course a grand sacrifice must be held to appease the sun's anger. God of Fire, as a messenger of the sun, you don't even know this."

Ifrit mocked, deliberately emphasizing the word 'Vulcan' in a sarcastic tone. But most of His attention fell on Bai Laoer.

Is this person really at odds with Bingyi, or is he playing a double act with him to deceive Ifrit?

He, Ifrit, is not that easy to deceive!

"I'm so annoyed. This drum sound is really annoying! Hey, you can handle your own affairs. I won't take care of you anymore."

Bai Laoer became more and more annoyed and turned against him. He casually picked up the sun pendant and threw it away, then hit Bingyi on the head without any warning. The ferret on Wei Xun's shoulder screamed in fright, and rushed directly to his head to block the blow. The half-life throw was originally high, so it should have flown close to Wei Xun's scalp.

But at this moment, Tang Shuang, who was next to him, suddenly pulled Wei Xun away, and he was the one who took the hit for Bingyi! The sharp edge of the sun pendant directly cut through the skin and flesh of his collarbone, cut into Bai Sensen's bones, and almost severed his body. Fortunately, Tang Shuang was so tall, otherwise his throat would have been cut directly!

"You two have a deep love for each other as travel guides, but don't die, our boss hasn't paid off his debt yet!"

Bai Laoer (who was so frightened that he broke into a cold sweat) burst out laughing in the chaos. With a sweep of his sword, he cut dozens of blood-stained mummies into pieces in an instant, clearing a path for him to leave with his hands behind his back. Seeing that Bai Lao Er was really gone, Ifrit's eyes moved slightly and he breathed a sigh of relief.

Wei Xun's eyes were gloomy with an angry expression. He directly grabbed Tang Shuang, who hissed and gasped, and pulled out the sun pendant. Something flashed in his hand. He crushed the red pill with his finger and the fragrance came. Wei Xun directly sprinkled the powder on it. It hit Tang Shuang's chest, and the wound healed in an instant.

"Director Bing, you should take this Dragon and Tiger Pill by yourself!"

Chen Cheng knew what Bingyi had used for Tang Shuang as soon as he heard about it. In order to repay Bingyi for rescuing He Yunlai and Liu Hongyu, they gave him a Dragon and Tiger Pill, but they didn't expect that Director Bing never took it. Here it will be given to Tang Shuang! Chen Cheng took out his Dragon and Tiger Pill without hesitation, crushed it into powder with his hand and sprinkled it on half of Bingyi's charred face.

The pill needs to be taken internally, and applying it externally is really a waste, but the pill is indeed a treasure. At first glance, Wei Xun's charred face remained unchanged, but he could feel that the powder of the pill was dispelling the distortion that had eroded his skin. anger.

"Director B, you don't need to worry about us. We will find a way to deal with these mummies, so you don't need to be distracted."

Cheng Tianbao said hoarsely, knowing that Ifrit could not understand their words, he spoke quickly and clearly: "He is the core of solving everything, kill him, defeat him, eat him... No matter what you do, We will all support you."

But Director B didn't appreciate it. He pushed Chen Cheng and the others in the direction Bai Lao Er left. Bai Lao Er had just cleaned up the mummies in this direction. The frost has slowed down the other mummies. The mummies on this road have not gathered yet. If they want to rush out, they can still rush out.

Chen Cheng knew that Director Bing wanted them to leave. Whether it was out of good intentions or because he thought they were in the way, Chen Cheng understood this good intention. but……

"Director B, you don't have to worry about our life or death."

Chen Cheng said seriously. Too many things happened tonight, including black snake attacks, sun spiders, and Director B saved them many times. The entire brigade owed Director B so much. How could it be possible to leave Director C, who was seriously injured and on the verge of death, here alone now? Whether it was a real serious injury or a hidden strength, Chen Cheng could tell.

In this state, even if Director C wants to return to zero, it is extremely dangerous. If he is not careful, he will go completely crazy and never come back. It helps to have the brigade captain and the travelers by his side, even if they are not connected. At least they are in the same brigade now and can influence each other.

Chen Cheng trembled. He didn't know why his back suddenly felt cold when he thought like this. Is this an ominous sign? But Chen Cheng deliberately smiled optimistically and cheerfully: "Even if we die, Director B, you can get more points in exchange for your life."

Wei Xun glared at him and simply turned away and ignored him. He knew that their actions were all seen by Ifrit, which showed the deep emotions between their brigade. The blood sacrifice mummies are still approaching, the encirclement is getting smaller and smaller, and everyone in the metaphysics brigade is ready to fight.

They united around Wei Xun to form a formation, with Yunying holding the drum and doctor Liu Hongyu in the center, He Yunlai and the Yu brothers and sisters on the left, Tong Fu, Zhu Yuande and Cheng Tianbao on the right, Chen Cheng and Tang Shuang separated Wei Xun To the left and right are the sharpest arrows. In an instant, the flames burned blazingly, and the fire filled the sky like sunset, reflecting the blood-red sky.

Wei Xun couldn't fly without wings, and his flames whipped towards Ifrit like a long whip. Tang Shuang and Chen Cheng took action at the same time, but they attacked the mummies blocking Bingyi, trying to clear a bloody path for him.

This is a duel between Ifrit and Byeichi, and I'm afraid there are some agreed rules involved. Chen Cheng and Tang Shuang were smart enough not to directly participate in their battle. Instead, they attacked the mummies in the blood sacrifice. The battle was about to break out!

"Vulcan, let Ifrit see your true strength!"

Ifrit no longer avoided the fight, the flames condensed into thick black and red chains in his hands, and the fire whip of the God of Vulcan was scattered with one touch! The black and red chains attacked Wei Xun like a vicious snake. Ifrit used all his strength, this move was about to pierce his head. But suddenly there were shrill chirping of birds and the maniacal laughter of a demon crying in the air, and the fire whip that was defeated by one blow actually split into three flames! It is not a collapse, but a fusion flame itself.

The true fire of samadhi is extremely strong and pure, the three-color magic flame is sinister and mysterious, and coupled with the phoenix fire of immortality, the three flames are actually comparable to Ifrit's black and red flame chain fight! They are both flames in myths and legends, and their status is equally noble. If Wei Xun's own strength was not weak, they might be able to defeat the chain directly.

And at the moment when the three kinds of flames entangled the black and red chains, Wei Xun turned into a moonlight, leaped ten meters high in an instant, and slashed towards Ifrit with his blood-sucking knife like a curved silver moon, also directly showing his killing move. !

"Ifrit really didn't feel wrong."

There was a sharp clang, and the vampire knife cut through the fiery red shadow like a thick fog, but behind the shadow was a pale and hard stone tree trunk, which was the fossil tree where Ifrit's core object was located! It was held in Ifrit's hand like Zeus's thunder spear, blocking the blade. Ifrit turned into a fire that filled the sky, and the blazing flames instantly overwhelmed the moonlight. The scorching wind of fire swept over, accompanied by Ifrit's thundering and angry roar.

"You guys are in the same group!"

The werewolf who killed him once was indeed on the same side as the Vulcan! When the Sun Spider was still there, the sun blocked the light of the silver moon, but Ifrit noticed the Vulcan's ears. Now it seems that the God of Fire really wants to trick him. If those two beasts can enter the petrified forest tomorrow, I am afraid that Ifrit will completely fall into the trap.

Although I don’t know what secret method Vulcan used and the moonlight appeared all over his body, Ifrit can clearly feel that Vulcan’s strength is not as good as that beast, so he must kill Vulcan now!


The huge and hard fossilized tree trunk swept across like a battering ram, hitting Wei Xun's waist hard and knocking him away. Wei Xun's face suddenly changed and blood spurted out. Even though he was imbued with the soul of Silver Moon Killer, the wolf still had a copper head, iron legs, and a numb waist. The waist was their common shield, but Ifrit discovered it.


The phoenix fire, which was fighting with the black and red chains, screamed sadly. The flames representing resurrection were first thrown into Wei Xun's body when the master was dying and seriously injured. One of the missing masters of the three fires was seriously injured, and the three-color magic flame and the Samadhi True Fire were also defeated by the black and red chains. Seeing the terrifying chains condensed by the flames suddenly extending outward, they were about to tie Wei Xun's waist and catch him.

But at this moment, Ifrit suddenly retracted the chain and took a defensive posture.

"This is--"

Looking around, I didn't see the giant I expected. Ifrit's blazing eyes immediately looked at the source of the aura that made him wary, and he was shocked to find that it was a human being that he and he had never paid attention to! It was the flames with the breath of giants in human beings that misled Him!

At the critical moment, the red sand giant bone fire suddenly ignited, and it was Tang Shuang who attracted Ifrit's attention! Seeing that Director B was in crisis but unable to help, he thought in desperation that Ifrit was afraid of the Sun Spider, and that his bone fire came from the cave. Tang Shuang desperately lit the flames to try to divert Ifrit's attention.

He succeeded and bought valuable time for Director C. But the price was heavy. The furious Ifrit decided to crush these little bugs that he had not paid attention to before!



The black and red chains suddenly drew towards the earth, tearing the earth into a terrifying gap like the fury of thunder. Even if everyone in Chen Cheng's brigade evaded in time, their original formation was separated by the ravine, and they had to fight on their own. The heat wave that could burn people dry and roast them to death surged over, and the bloody war drums became more violent and violent. Yunying turned pale and spat out a mouthful of blood. The rattles shattered, and the mummies swarmed towards everyone like a tide.

Even if their heads are cut off, they will continue to fight unless they are completely crushed like Bai Lao Er did before. Everyone is immediately in danger!

"Ifrit, let them go!"

Wei Xun stood up again and took action angrily, using the moonlight to kill several mummies with a vampire knife. Serious mutations had already appeared on his body, and the flames with heavy mental pollution screamed that the god of fire was burning in his hair and face, but only half of his limbs were mutated. Silver Moon Killer's soul infection has a higher priority than Wei Xun's own mutation. Possession by Silver Moon Killer has both advantages and disadvantages. Passengers will not have zero distortion, and Wei Xun cannot completely zero the mutation with him on his body.

"This is a competition between you and me!"

The fused flame turned into a long whip again and scattered the mummies. Wei Xun turned into moonlight and attacked Ifrit. He appeared and disappeared in the moonlight like an assassin. His swords were full of killing moves. Ifrit wielded the fossilized tree spear and fought with him in a bloody battle, but the black and red chain whip still whipped towards the earth, and the Chen Cheng brigade who had finally gathered together to fight back fell apart again!

"Hahaha, Vulcan, he was the first to break the rules and participate in the competition between you and me."

Ifrit laughed and said: "Does he deserve to be punished, or are you willing to suffer for him?"

Wei Xun didn't make a sound, but the sword force became more and more fierce and cunning. This was a desperate fighting style. The vampire knife slashed at Ifrit's flaming body again and again, but was always blocked by the fossil tree. The weak Wei Xun could no longer activate the Maria butterfly fragment. Ifrit was not a physical creature with blood, the advantage of the vampire knife could not be used at all. Not coming out.

Without replenishment, it will only suck Wei Xun's blood back, making him weaker and crazier.


At this moment, an anxious cry suddenly erupted from the battlefield on the ground. It turned out that it was Tong Fu who was protecting Yunying who was being attacked by the mummies, but Ifrit's black and red chain suddenly fell from high altitude. Tong Fu and Yunying were surrounded by corpses and had no way to escape. The life and death crisis was so extreme that Tong Fu clenched her teeth, picked up Yunying and threw her out with all her strength. However, she resisted the corpses' attack with too much force and fell down. land.

The densely packed mummies, as hard as iron, pressed her down like a stack of Arhats, and in an instant, Tongfu would turn into a puddle of flesh.

But a bright silver light fell from the sky, like the falling moonlight, violently breaking open the black and red chains and cutting Tong Fu's mummy in half! At the critical moment, Director B, who had a fierce battle with Ifrit, dropped his vampire knife and saved Tong Fu's life! Chen Cheng, who came slowly, pulled Tong Fu out of the mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood, and pulled out Bingyi's knife. However, Tong Fu, who had just escaped from death, could not care about herself. She looked up at the sky in embarrassment and her pupils suddenly shrank.

"Director C, be careful!!!"

The moment Director Bing threw the knife, Ifrit turned into a blazing fireball and engulfed Director Bing directly. He had already seen that Vulcan was a soft-hearted person, and just as Ifrit expected, Vulcan was so stupid that he threw away his knife in desperation!

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Ifrit used all his strength to devour Vulcan's core fire in one fell swoop. However, as soon as he surrounded the God of Fire Ifrit, he felt something bad. There was a layer of flames coming from nowhere between him and the God of Fire! This flame was unremarkable, without intelligence or anything special. It was just an ordinary flame that burned brighter, but it separated Him from the God of Fire.

A golden talisman released flames and quickly burned into ashes. It was the golden sky fire talisman that Yu Hexuan gave to Wei Xun! Wei Xun's previous performances in protecting passengers were very successful. He immediately put himself in the role of An Xuefeng and knew how to act. Before he deliberately threw the knife, he expected that Ifrit would take this opportunity to attack, so he directly used the Skyfire Golden Talisman. At the same time, another knife quietly appeared in his hand.

The fanatic's knife!

Taking advantage of the short time gained by the Sky Fire Talisman, Wei Xun stabbed the petrified tree in front of him with the fanatic's knife. The fanatic's knife, dyed with the light of the silver moon, felt weaker than the previous vampire knife, but it made Ifrit's soul feel horrified. feel. He suddenly stopped his hand but was a step too late. He heard a sharp pop, and the petrified tree that even the vampire knife could not break was actually pierced by the fanatic's knife!

The brilliance of the silver moon is the best disguise. Wei Xun had already stacked the fanatic's knife when he killed the little spiders. It is aimed at the 'god slaves' and can kill them with one strike!

Ifrit is at a lower level than the Sun Spider, and is trapped here guarding the altar. Theoretically, he and the God Slave should be at the same level, but unfortunately, he is not a complete God Slave after all. One blow of the Madman's Blade will kill him. To be able to fully display it, I only poked the petrified tree through the gap, but it was worth it. A bright red flame danced in the hollow of the fossil tree, like a heart.

That is the core of Ifrit’s flame! In an instant, Wei Xun released the Vulcan pollution to corrode the core, but Ifrit reacted faster. His body fell suddenly from the air to the ground, but the core of the fossil tree was contaminated with some pollution, and the pollution was still eroding, making Ifrit furious.

The earth buzzed and the sky shook due to His rage. His roar caused a tornado that spread across the sky and the earth, and the mummies who were not easily involved in it were directly turned into ashes. Ifrit, like the fire giant who came from ancient times, roared to the sky: "Damn Vulcan, you pissed me off!"

He furiously waved the black and red chains, as if he was going to fight to the death with the God of Fire, but the next moment the black and red chains landed on Yunying, the weakest member of Chen Cheng's brigade! Cheng Tianbao threw Yunying away, but the black and red chains rolled towards them like a vicious python. Tong Fu rushed forward and gritted her teeth to block Yunying with a long knife, but the knife was directly knocked into two halves.

The black and red chains were finally resisted by the cold sword edge. Chen Cheng's jaw cracked and bleeded, and he gritted his teeth to hold on. Suddenly, his face turned pale and he vomited blood, and he was heavily swept away by the black and red chains.

The almost unsolvable Ifrit is simply not something they can handle with their strength! Seeing that the black and red chains were raised again to hammer Chen Cheng into a pulp, a figure flashed past like a moonlight and blocked the incoming chains in front of Chen Cheng.


Vulcan cursed angrily, but Ifrit laughed out loud: "Hahahaha, thank you for the compliment!"

Despicableness is always the best compliment to a cunning demon spirit. Ifrit has never thought of a fair duel with Vulcan. After discovering the weakness of Vulcan in protecting weak humans, he took full advantage of it. He wildly swung the black and red chain towards Chen Cheng. Wei Xun could only be exhausted on defense and had no time to let Ifrit's flame core erode. What's more, at some point in his flames, many flames clamoring for the God of Fire were ignited, which actually blocked Wei Xun's erosion.

"No, no—"

"Get away!"

The black and red chains are drawn again and again like a divine whip, giving people a sense of doomsday despair and collapse. Tang Shuang and others tried to rush forward to even help with the slightest resistance, but Wei Xun scolded them away, and they couldn't get close at all. The terrifying power was suffocating, and the violent shaking of the earth knocked everyone to the ground.

The series of heavy blows finally made Bingyi unable to bear it any longer. He was half-kneeling on the ground, his head hanging down, his body motionless. The scarlet cloak was stuck to his flesh and blood, and the black and red chain in his hand was used to resist it. The long knife was almost broken.

In an instant, Ifrit teleported to the God of Fire. The movement here was much louder than he expected, and it might attract the attention of outsiders. He must end all this as soon as possible. When Ifrit grabbed Vulcan, suddenly a frost sword stabbed out from behind Vulcan, but Ifrit blocked it at will, grabbed it and threw it aside.

The man's hands were so shocked that they were covered in blood, but he picked up a sword like crazy and wanted to protect Vulcan. But in his eyes, this strongest human being is just a slightly bigger ant, not worth mentioning at all. Instead, Ifrit focused all his attention on Vulcan, who deliberately made the move to grab that man's sword again. As expected, Vulcan, who had been motionless before and seemed dead, suddenly slammed into him. He opened a mouth of wolf-like sharp teeth, the canine teeth were soaked in moonlight, and bit into the core of the flame in the fossil tree hole.

However, Ifrit was well prepared this time. He grabbed Vulcan's face directly and looked into his blood-stained eyes with a sneer: "You...ahhhhhh!!"


Just hearing a sharp sound, the weakling who was not even considered by Ifrit, the weak human who just picked up a sword and tried to hurt him, actually used the sword to pierce the fossil tree hole. Deep in the core of the flame! No, that was not a sword, but a knife. It was the blood-sucking knife that Wei Xun threw down before to protect Tong Fu's life!

And the knife is now in Chen Cheng's hand. There are butterfly fragments from the ancient oasis in the vampire knife, which are fragments of Chen Cheng's former butterfly fragments. Chen Cheng's several possessions on the battlefield had already given young Captain Chen in the brigade some extraordinary qualities, but they were not fully displayed. Wei Xun couldn't violate the rules of the ancient oasis and couldn't use most of the power of the butterfly fragment while the black sand giant was still there, but Chen Cheng was born with it!

A sneer flashed in Wei Xun's eyes, and the Vulcan pollution came out in full force. The pollution at the core of the flame in the fossil tree hole also instantly switched sides, attacking Ifrit's core of flame together!

Weakness can be exploited, it just depends on who is truly weak.

"Ah ah ah ah ah--!!"

I just heard Ifrit scream out in agony. The black and red chain in his hand tried to turn Chen Cheng into a pulp, but he couldn't control it at all. The flames ignited on his body all screamed the word "fire". This is the deepest state of the Vulcan. The most insidious layout!

"Vulcan, Vulcan——"

Ifrit screamed in despair: "Don't try to devour Ifrit, you will die too!!"

He suddenly turned into a blazing fireball and crashed towards Wei Xun with the force of destroying the heaven and earth. The scorching flames could completely burn people to ashes, but Wei Xun was unmoved by Ifrit's desperate attack. The huge fireball crashed onto them, but there was only scalding heat and no flame at all. ! This was actually an illusion. After the flames and smoke dispersed, a red mist could be seen drifting away rapidly.

Ifrit ran away! He felt that a great danger was about to come, and he did not intend to compete with the insidious and cunning Vulcan anymore. All greed is the original sin leading to death. He clearly just wants to be free. Now he can leave everything behind and escape to be free again!

Ifrit just threw away the fossil tree with the flame core hidden in it, and he also didn’t want the flame core that was contaminated and corroded by the God of Vulcan, because it was not his real flame core at all! Wei Xun also roughly thought that David once said that Ifrit was killed once and the flame core was unstable, and it was very likely that he would split into a fake one to set a trap.

There was a rumbling sound from the thrown fossil tree, and dazzling red light burst out from the cracked tree body. The terrifying power was faintly revealed, like a terrifying nuclear bomb about to explode. The power of the flame core explosion can destroy this place. It will be razed to the ground and everyone will die!

Exhausted, Chen Cheng gritted his teeth and wanted to carry Bingyi away from the fossil tree. He wanted everyone to run quickly, but his dry throat was hoarse and unable to make a sound. However, Bingyi took his hand and shook it slightly.

Facing the escaping Ifrit and the fake flame core that was about to explode, Wei Xun remained calm and even smiled. The thread moved slightly, and calm words came out.

‘Now you can take action’

Ifrit has repeatedly attacked tourists, but the meaning of attacking tourists is completely different from that of attacking tour guides! The hotel gives power to tour guides and tests to tourists. However, if the tour guide is greedy and seeks greater interests, the hotel will not provide more protection. When the tourists encounter unexpected and impossible enemies, the hotel rules will provide exceptional protection.

Liansi is not talking about Half Life, and it is impossible to win Ifrit's Half Life, which is almost unsolvable.

He wasn't telling An Xuefeng that the fierce battle just now had made the reenactment extremely fragile. He had the journey to the 30th North Latitude and the butterfly fragments, so taking full action would make the reenactment collapse.

Wei Xun was quietly talking to the third person he was connected to with a string!

There was silence for a long time, and at the moment when the core of the false flame was about to explode, the man sighed.

'To be honest, I want to know...'

In an instant, there was only a loud roar, and the core of the false flame exploded. For a moment, the sky shook and the earth shook. Everyone's eyes went dark and they thought they were dead, but soon they found out in disbelief that they were still alive. ! The roar of the explosion was still there, but the flames and terrifying power were blocked. They were protected by something, but Wei Xun knew it was a huge bone hand.

His eyes followed the thread, and he seemed to be able to see a distant place outside. Ifrit, who was running away quickly, was also tightly held by a huge bone hand, like a flaming bird trapped in a prison of bones, unable to break free.

There was only one person standing there on the charred earth. He was covered in wounds, his abdomen and chest were open, exposing his bloody ribs. But he didn't care, he put his hands in his pockets and looked carefree. Although his face looks young, his eyes are very vicissitudes of life.

‘Did you already know that I was here? ’

'you guess? ’

Wei Xun coughed and gasped and laughed: ‘Tang Shuang’

The last person to take action was Tang Shuang!

It wasn't young Tang Shuang, it was the man who disappeared on the battlefield. Various clues have already confirmed to Wei Xun that he has been here since he contacted us!

‘You have stayed longer than your captain and teammates’

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