Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 403 Death Sahara (79)

As soon as she finished speaking, Yunying passed out again. She was completely exhausted and her condition was even worse than before. Chen Cheng hugged her immediately, and the next moment he saw Director B leaning down and stuffing something into Yunying's mouth. A light fragrance fills the air, and this fragrance alone makes people feel refreshed and refreshed.

Good ginseng!

Chen Cheng immediately smelled the scent of ginseng, or the extremely precious good ginseng. Taking a small piece of ginseng into her mouth, Yunying's intermittent breathing immediately stabilized, but her face was still pale and her eyes were closed, showing no signs of waking up.

"Her body is gathering strength."

Doctor Liu Hongyu checked her out and said, "Don't force her to wake up. Let her rest."

Yunying is weak, and resonating with the sun consumes too much energy and blood. Her current coma is not only for body self-protection, but also because the resonating sun has given her weak power to transform her body.

"She is preparing for tonight's sacrifice."

Chen Cheng gently lifted Yunying's broken hair from her forehead and saw a light golden circle on her forehead, which was the mark of the sun.

"Hey, what I said before is right, the giant is indeed hostile to the sun."

Tang Shuang, who was worried about being guarded by Yun Ying, immediately stepped back a few meters, frowned and rubbed his arms in discomfort, and said with a sigh: "The aura on Xiao Ying's body makes my bones almost break, but she is really weak."

As he spoke, Tang Shuang lit up a wisp of flame, and in an instant the golden circle in front of Yunying's forehead disappeared, and there was no trace of aura fluctuations.

The will of the sun in the altar is already extremely weak, and the power it gives Yunying is even weaker, but cannot be hidden at all. Although it can frighten creatures related to giants, it is fierce in appearance and soft in heart. Tang Shuang, who only possesses the red sand bone fire, can defeat it. It suppresses the past, and the danger far outweighs the benefit!

"Tang Shuang, you must stay by Yunying's side before the sacrifice begins tonight."

Chen Cheng immediately realized the seriousness of the problem, but crises are also opportunities. He calmly ordered Tang Shuang to light the red sand bone fire to hide the sun-branded aura on Yunying's body.

"How do you feel about Director C?"

After solving Yunying's problem, Chen Cheng looked at Director Bing. He was chosen as an 'angel' by the sun, and the branding aura on his body should be heavier than Yunying's.

"no feeling."

Tang Shuang said simply, he tied Yunying tightly behind his back and made sure that she was always within the scope of the bone fire. It's too dangerous to lie down and rest, so it's better to do this.

"Director C has a mission. He should be fine until he completes the mission."

Cheng Tianbao said hoarsely.

This is Director B's task of opening up a new scenic spot, and the difficulty is completely different from that of the tourists. Yunying has already been marked by the sun. All travelers need to do is protect Yunying, learn prayers, and become 'devout believers' to prepare sacrifices as required.

But Director Bing has to return to the cave to find the angel's wing bones from the magma. Only after completing the preliminary tasks can he obtain the brand of the sun!

"Keep these words in your mind."

Chen Cheng said seriously. When he opened his mouth, a series of ups and downs of notes came out. The rhythm was mysterious and vaguely regular. It was exactly what Yunying was mumbling when she just got the Ankh Feather and the Sun Resonance! When he recited the prayer, Tang Shuang's flame suddenly dimmed as if suppressed, but a golden ring of the sun faintly appeared on Yunying's forehead.

Chen Cheng's guess was correct, this ramble was just a repeated prayer! According to the normal task test process, they should venture into the cave. After going through all kinds of hardships and touching the magma divine blood, this prayer will appear in their minds - this is called a devout believer. But who knew that Chen Cheng forcibly memorized this melody and taught it to everyone to recite.


Wei Xun pondered. He had an excellent memory and naturally remembered Yunying's ravings at that time. The only inconsistency was that this prayer was mixed with a few words that only he could understand, 'God of Fire! Vulcan! ’ The whole holy prayer with perfect rhythm was made into such a mysterious look.

However, seeing how Chen Cheng and the others could really resonate with the sun when they recited this private prayer, Wei Xun raised his eyebrows in surprise. He didn't speak but felt it carefully, and he vaguely felt something strange. It was like Chen Cheng and the others every time. In the power of a prayer that surged toward the Sun Brand, a tiny and tiny force broke away from the crowd and poured into his Token of Death.

Even when Chen Cheng asked everyone to recite it alone, Yu Hexuan, who was good at the Sky Fire Talisman, was clearly stumbling on his back, but he transmitted more power than the others!

Didn't Sun Will discover that he was carrying private goods? Or is it that the sun regards those small spiritual fires that crazily chant the god of fire as activated flames and the prototype of demon spirits?

‘Half life, do you know the prayer that sings the praises of the sun? Recite a paragraph for me’

Wei Xun asked, but half his life did not know the prayer to praise the sun.

‘But all the prayers in this world that praise God are similar’

Ban Ming secretly chatted and said that this was a prayer to worship God. While singing praises to God, he would definitely mention how loyal God’s men and servants were and what treasures they had offered.

There are ankhs, angels, demons, and believers in the prayers to worship the sun. This is normal. Otherwise, how could the sun explicitly require that the sacrifices must have ‘the singing of the immortal phoenix, the prayers of devout believers, the new-born loyal guards and the angels holding up the sun? ’

These things must have been mentioned in the prayer! The sun is extremely weak. When you recite the prayer, you must have all the things that correspond to the prayer exist and resonate, in order to truly summon it and arouse its power!

Wei Xun's expression was a little weird after hearing Ban Ming's explanation. The word "fire god" in the prayer in the eye of the sun probably has the same meaning as the word "demon spirit", but the problem is that "fire god" is not only two words, but one word, it is also an attachment to spiritual pollution. Wear something!

What will happen to the sun that is awakened by such prayers and absorbs the power of such prayers?

Wei Xun's heart moved slightly. Before he went to explore the underground cave, he kept Ifrit's flame core in the feather silk cage. Ifrit's flame core had been polluted into the shape of Vulcan. Wei Xun subtly contributed to the situation, but For Chen Cheng and others, Ifrit's flame core can suppress the abnormal movements when they recite the prayers, allowing them to become familiar with the prayers for a longer period of time and strengthen their connection with the mark of the sun.

Seeing that Director C was about to leave, Chen Cheng also picked out a few people. Chen Cheng took them to take a shortcut, but some problems arose. When they were tried one after another, they had the weakest resonance. There were reasons for their own titles, but there were also other reasons, such as Cheng Tianbao. , the darkness and decay itself are restrained by the scorching sunshine, such as Zhu Yuande, his destined son is not the god of Arabian mythology, such as Tong Fu, she is a staunch atheist.

In the eyes of the sun, they are not considered 'devout' believers, and they have to pass some life and death tests before they can be recognized.

Surviving the many dangers set by the 'blasphemers' (tunnels filled with sewage), killing the blasphemers (black snakes) or bathing in the blood of gods (magma), etc., are equivalent to the tests of the sun. Passing these tests Only in this way can you prove your piety and get the recognition of the sun!

The sewage in the cave has not yet receded, and He Yunlai's little black snake struggled to swallow the sewage and eat the snake bones and skin. Of course, it was impossible for it to eat all the tunnel, but after eating a large amount of these things, the scales on its body fell off, and it got ten scales that were charred and rolled like dead skin, and also had an unpleasant smell. However, with these snake scales, you can walk in sewage without being corroded and polluted!

After hearing what He Yun said about the exact time, such as "up to two hours", Wei Xun knew that the scales should be like desert roses. They could see the "properties" of the props, which was more reliable.

Chen Cheng distributed the scales to the person named, then came over and gave Wei Xun three pieces, and asked him in a low voice if he needed help. Wei Xun pondered for a moment and chose Zhu Yuande and Tong Fu. The next person to die in history was Tong Fu, and she most likely died in a cave. Weixun wouldn't be at ease if we didn't take Tong Fu with us. Zhu Yuande knows the basics, so it is more convenient to take him with him.

Sure enough, something went wrong soon after going down into the underground cave!

* *

"Brother Zhu, how do you feel now?!"

Deep underground, a sealed secret door blocked the black and smelly ichor. There were dirty water stains beside the secret door, and there were piles of snake skin and snake bones that poured in with the pus when the door was opened. The darkroom is not large, and the dirty liquid that pours in can submerge people's calves, but the corridor outside is relatively clean compared to this place, and at least they can breathe.

In the darkroom were Wei Xun, Zhu Yuande and Tong Fu, all of whom were in a state of embarrassment. Tong Fu put down Zhu Yuande on her back and went to check his legs anxiously. Zhu Yuande's right leg was burnt to the point of being charred to the bone, and what was even more serious was that it was soaked in filth and pus. If it cannot be cleaned immediately, his leg will become useless and his life will be in danger!

"Haha, it's no big deal."

Zhu Yuande smiled and comforted Tong Fu.

Tong Fu blamed herself even more. Half an hour ago, several people entered the cave with scales. When the road forked, Wei Xun and Cheng Tianbao and the others parted ways. Based on their intuition, they chose a more filthy and smelly tunnel filled with snake bones, snake skins, and rotting snake carcasses. Only the most severe test and the dirtiest place will produce the most sacred 'sacred blood' and the purest wings. Wei Xun has long been familiar with the logic of this kind of task, and Zhu Yuande and Tong Fu also agree with his decision.

But this road is also extremely dangerous. The filthy pus almost fills the entire tunnel. Although the tunnel is uneven and has numerous cracks, it looks like it has been damaged. After a while, there is a large crack on the roof of the cave that can barely provide breathing. But most of the time they need to hold their breath. Although snake skin and snake scales are not afraid of sewage, they cannot inhale pus filled with bacterial contamination into the lungs.

The filthy pus that has been deprived of oxygen for a long time and cannot open the eyes is driven by the pus and wraps around the person's neck like a living thing, hitting the snake skin and bones of the person's body, which makes people's nerves tense and their physical strength greatly reduced. What's even more terrifying is that when they are in such an environment, they will have many hallucinations in their minds.

There is the despair and fear of teammates being in danger and dying, and there is the joy and tears of returning to the world, both of which shake people's will. Once you are really affected by hallucinations and run around in a tunnel filled with pus, you may never be able to get out.

Zhu Yuande reacted quickly. When the hallucination appeared, he recited a prayer silently in his mind and wrote on Tong Fubing's hand with his fingers, telling them this. Their purpose is to gain the recognition of the Sun Consciousness. The more difficult and difficult the environment is when they recite prayers, the stronger their faith will be in the eyes of the Sun Will, just like many ascetics who sleep in the wind and are burdened with thorns. .

Sure enough, after reciting the prayer silently for half an hour, Zhu Yuande's cold body soaked in pus gradually warmed up. At another fork in the road, Zhu Yuande suddenly pulled Wei Xun and firmly chose another path.

It was this road that led them to find the 'magma', but it also almost cost Tong Fu her life. This is a particularly dirty and dangerous narrow passage that can only accommodate one person. A large amount of rotten and dirty snake skin and bones almost blocked the road, and it was like they were traveling in a mountain of garbage. In this narrow passage, all three of them encountered the most realistic hallucinations.

Zhu Yuande saw the deaths of all his partners. They all died tragically in despair. The illusion was so real that it made people completely immersed in it. The despair and pain of life, separation and death can make even the strongest person cry. But Zhu Yuande knew the truth a long time ago. He burst into tears but gritted his teeth without wavering. He prayed silently and survived the hallucination.

However, Tong Fu could not accept the deaths of her companions. The companions fell one by one. The too-real hallucination made Tong Fu's heart feel like it was being tortured repeatedly. Finally, when Liu Hongyu died tragically, she collapsed in despair and hugged Liu Hongyu's body, in grief. Tong Fu pulled out the knife. Living alone was too lonely and terrifying, and she couldn't accept it. She didn't want to live alone in a dangerous journey with no end in sight.

She would rather die with everyone.

At the critical moment, Bingyuan took away her knife, as if he had expected it. However, the narrow passage they were in was like a place where believers were tested in the Temple of the Sun. The moment Tong Fu's heart was shaken, the stone slab under her feet suddenly cracked and trapped her arm. However, Zhu Yuande discovered the location of the mechanism by intuition.

He tried his best to close the mechanism, but he was also 'punished'. His legs felt like they had been burned by hot lava, and he was completely unable to move.

"Brother Zhu, I will definitely take responsibility for your leg."

Tong Fu said firmly that as long as he could make it back to the hotel, Zhu Yuande's leg would definitely get better. As she spoke, she pulled out a long knife: "Brother Zhu, please endure the pain while I cut off this piece of flesh from you, and then wrap it in Hong Yu's disinfectant bandage."

"Hey, hey, no, no, no!"

As soon as she drew her sword, Zhu Yuande dodged it and said continuously: "I'm serious, the magma is good and very clean. I feel better after burning it. It doesn't feel like punishment."

The burning of magma was more like a 'reward' to him. It was the sun's recognition of his will to desperately save his companions. After the burning of magma, Zhu Yuande felt that his body and mind were clean.

The hot magma can not only 'sacrifice' disqualified believers mercilessly, but also majestically give recognition and encouragement, just like divinity.

I'm afraid they have found a place.

As he spoke, Zhu Yuande looked at Bingyi, who had been silent, and said seriously: "Director Bing, to be honest, the magma makes me feel very 'clean'."

"You mean...the magma is particularly clean?"

A hoarse voice came from the corner, and Zhu Yuande suddenly cheered up. His words finally touched Director B, who was in a weird state of being taciturn! That's right, Zhu Yuande thinks there may be angel wing bones hidden under the magma!

However, when Zhu Yuande looked at Bingyi, his excitement suddenly froze. Bingyi lowered his head and leaned against the wall, his white hair dripping with black pus, and even though his scarlet cloak was not stained by water or fire, it still had a foul smell as if it had been pickled. Director Bing huddled under the large cloak, looking so weak, helpless, and pitiful for the first time, with a sense of decadence and world-weariness in his whole person.

'I'll be there soon'

'Wei Xun, hold on, I know you can do it'

‘Can you talk to me, Wei Xun, Xun’er? ’

An Fengniao's anxious voice echoed in Wei Xun's heart, and they could sense the strong emotions between them. When Wei Xun's mood fluctuated violently, An Xuefeng contacted him immediately. However, Wei Xun's mood continued to be depressed and could not recover at all.

I'm dirty...

This thought echoed in Wei Xun's mind, making An Xuefeng feel extremely distressed. He promised that he would come as soon as possible, but Wei Xun was indifferent. What was the use of An Xuefeng's coming? He was already spoiled. I originally thought that accepting bugs would be a big step for mysophobia, but for Wei Xun, this cave was like an endless hell.

If the cave full of filth, stench and hallucinations was three-star difficult for Zhu Yuande and others, then it was extremely difficult for Wei Xun. No illusions or hallucinations could compare to the deathly silence in his heart. In a daze, Wei Xun felt as if he had gone back and forth between life and death and didn't care about anything anymore.

This extremely depressed mood even alarmed the astrologer worm, but it disappeared before he could be persuaded - it was the astrologer's consciousness that disappeared. Although his consciousness was in a trance but his instinct was strong, Wei Xun immediately judged that this was the time when Liu Hongyu's death was confirmed in history, which meant that Tong Fu should have been in danger and died at this time in history!

That's why Wei Xun was able to take action and stop Tong Fu's knife while being blinded by the hallucination. At the same time, he felt something move under his feet. The person corresponding to Tong Fu appeared. The next moment, Wei Xun grabbed Tong Fu's arm and prevented her from falling into the lava.

All of this was instinctive, and Wei Xun's own consciousness seemed to have shrunk. It was not until he heard Zhu Yuande say "clean" that he reluctantly came back to his senses.

I don’t want to stay in this dirty hole any longer.

Wei Xun thought indifferently that all the calculations and careful plans were squeezed out of his brain by the stench. Now Wei Xun only has the word 'fast' in his mind. Under the surprised looks of Zhu Yuande and Tong Fu, he quickly took off his scarlet cloak, took off his upper body clothes, and ordered Tong Fu to cut off the flesh on his back with a knife.

The depths of the cave were filled with red sand giant skeletons, and only the skeletons remained on the lower half of Wei Xun's face that was illuminated by the sun spider's sunlight. Bones seem to have special meaning to the sun. The prayer sung by Yunying also mentioned that what was soaked in the magma was the 'wing bones' of angels.

Of course the wings should be on the back.

After trying to dissuade Director Bing to no avail, Tong Fu gritted her teeth and cut off the flesh on Director Bing's back just as Director Bing ordered. Scarlet blood flowed out, and the bloodshot muscles attached to the bones were like the roots of new wings, still trembling slightly. Tong Fu and Zhu Yuande felt a sharp pain in their backs.

However, Bingyi did not show any pain. He was even laughing! The more flesh stained with sewage was cut off, the brighter his smile became. That joyful, crazy smile made people tremble in their hearts. In the end, Tong Fu and Zhu Yuande both lowered their heads and dared not look at him, with goose bumps all over their backs.

"You guys go out, this is my task next."

The flesh on his whole back was cut clean, revealing the white bones. Wei Xun sincerely believed that this was the only clean part of his body. When Tong Fu and the others left, Wei Xun opened the secret door and stood in front of the magma pit. This magma is indeed very special. Even if dirty pus water poured in, it did not drown it, but was in a strange state of non-interference.

When Wei Xun was about to jump in, An Xuefeng's firm and serious voice sounded in his heart again, saying that he had reached the entrance of the cave and came in immediately. Hearing this, Wei Xun immediately scolded him severely!

'Don't come in! '

He said softly and dangerously: 'If you get a little bit of stench, we will break up. '

Wei Xun actually said to break up! Hearing this, An Fengniao, who was about to break into the cave, stopped suddenly, his heart was beating wildly, and his pupils were shaking.

Wei Xun actually threatened him with breaking up!

It seems that Wei Xun now really agrees that they are in a boyfriend-girlfriend relationship!

But before An Xuefeng could savor it, Wei Xun's next sentence with a slightly happy tone rang in his heart.

‘I’m going to take a shower in the magma, and I’ll be out in a while’

An Xuefeng:? !

The moment the voice fell, Wei Xun had happily jumped into the magma pit.

The author has something to say: Sorry for being late, I will update earlier tomorrow! I will make up for the 600 words tomorrow, boo boo!

[Small Theater - Jinjiang Attack's Self-cultivation]

Wei Xun [Threatened]: If you don’t do it cleanly, we will break up

Captain An [Pupils shaking]: He is serious about me! He loves me!

Today is the 500 red envelopes sent by An Fengniao, who is overjoyed, boo boo!

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2022-01-03 23:00:07~2022-01-04 23:19:23~

Thanks to the little angels who cast mines: Wu Gou Shuofang, nnpballoon, Pika has hills, lianyuyu 1;

Thanks to the little angels who irrigated nutrient solution: Old City Smile 140 bottles; Alien Snapdragon ww 100 bottles; Xiaoying 80 bottles; Light is slightly dark and the night is getting thicker 70 bottles; Ruo Lin 60 bottles; Exclusively named Square, Wei Zun, Zui Zizhu Sorrow, Wind Bell Grass Swaying 50 bottles; Small Boat 45 bottles; Little Sheep on Ice, Murong Ya Ge, Xiao Ge, Yizhi Sanqing, Bai Ke 40 bottles; Mo Lan 37 bottles; Ping Yu, Sark, Aiko, Qiao Xingchi, It's Quite Suddenly, Spinning Clouds Unmoved 30 bottles; Lingshang, Pika has hills, Qiyou, Feiyang, 46321093 20 bottles; The most stunning face in the world 16 bottles; gp.16, Time does not give people to leave, y\u0026z, meow, oh my, look (⊙o⊙), a little lazy bug, Gu Yueyou, Xiaolou, thirty, Qinghuandu, Desert Spring, g, coconut milk cake, my name is 4136, Yueyingxinglou, Linyuan, 19560384, little white rabbit beast, Yiyayi, Lingxi Rushui, Ruzhuang calm, 48345226, sweet boss's tail, Xixi, fragments, ninety-nine eighty-one, honest child, I love red panda, mountain wind orange peel 10 bottles; Dian 9 bottles; Yanmo, He Yuyue, Jasmine, stargazer 5 bottles; Elric 3 bottles; Madam's day is ten thousand!!! , Lake Blue 2 bottles; fxl, Shen Qiao, Yun Sheng, Ye Ling Xue, ###, Ruan Ruan, Kamiya Yuki, Begonia in the Smoke, Er Hui, Milk Fudge, exiio~chyx 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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