Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 410 Death Sahara (Completed)

"Director C."

"Director C..."

More people came over and hugged them, Zhu Yuande, He Yunlai, Liu Hongyu, Tong Fu, Yu Hexuan, Yu Feiluan, they were like balls of bright and warm light. It's obviously a residual resentment, but there's nothing bad or negative at all. Wei Xun seemed to be hugging many people, but it looked more like he was hugging a bunch of bright lights.

Wei Xun smelled the light and timeless fragrance of burning incense. Taoist Ban Ming solemnly lit a dark purple incense. If the light smoke had substance, it did not disperse in the air, but surrounded Zhu Yuande and the others. They unconsciously showed happy smiles.

A stick of soul-returning incense welcomes the departed soul.

With his eyes slightly closed, Wei Xun seemed to hear their last words.

‘If we had met Director C earlier, we would all have survived’

‘We are still too weak ourselves, we can’t just count on others’

‘Okay, let’s say goodbye to Director B’

‘I don’t want to say goodbye to Director B’

‘Director B, can we know your real name? ’

The tour guides all hide their identities. Only when they go to the final battlefield at the end of ten years, the classes and divisions created by the hotel are meaningless. The tour guides and tourists are all people who try their best to survive. By then, there will be countless people It suddenly dawned on me that tour guides and tourists ultimately reach the same destination through different paths, but habits formed over ten years are extremely difficult to change. So many tour guides never mentioned their names until they died, and died with only a code name.

Travelers who know the name of the tour guide are lucky. Only with extremely deep feelings and trust can we have no reservations and have a calm relationship in the final life and death.

‘Wei Xun’

Wei Xun didn't make a sound, he just thought about it in his mind, and his voice was heard by those light spots. They didn't expect that Wei Xun would really say it, and they were all surprised and happy.

‘Director Bing’s original name is Wei Xun! What a good name, what a good name’

‘Director B told us! ’

‘Don’t call me Director C, call me Director Wei’

‘Wei Dao, Wei Dao’

‘Wei Dao——’

The little bits of light no longer dissipated, falling like cold snowflakes on Wei Xun and Banming Taoist, blending into their bodies. Wei Xun felt his body feel slightly warm, especially around his eyes, but the feeling was very comfortable and not malicious, just like the warm sunshine in winter.

‘You have their approval, this is their gift to you’

Han Ming said seriously, but he is still the kind of annoying person who can't hold back his words and loves spoilers.

‘It should be a pair of yin and yang eyes, you can see it when you go out’

A gift?

After all, why don't you still give him a gift?

Wei Xun sighed in his heart, but the smile on his face became gentler, and he seriously accepted this gift. As if sensing his seriousness and intention, the light spots became more gentle and enthusiastic. Gradually, Wei Xun felt that the voices ringing out from the light spots were not only Zhu Yuande and the others, but also many other voices.

There are men and women, young, old and young, calm and lively. Some people even spoke in a tone that didn't sound like they were from this era, but seemed like they were from a long time ago. Wei Xun seemed to feel that many people were looking at him, some were hopeful and worried, some were happy and some were confused.

As if he understood something, Wei Xun opened his eyes. Through the scattered lights, he saw Chen Cheng, Tang Shuang and Cheng Tianbao standing not far away. Chen Cheng stood with a sword, his face was calm and vicissitudes of life, and Tang Shuang's whole body was exposed. White bones, unruly and unruly, Cheng Tianbao is covered in mud, cold and vicious. They all still had the same appearance as when they were young, but Wei Xun felt that they looked more like they were about to go to the battlefield.

Suddenly the three of them showed a relieved smile, their bloody and violent aura was no longer tired, and they merged into the pile of light spots.

‘This is metaphysics’

Ban Ming's voice came through the string. Taoist Ban Ming was holding the Cold Mountain Sword, which was also shrouded in golden light spots. His expression was extremely solemn, his tone slowed down, and he spoke every word. At this moment, his temperament was not as usual, a pair of His eyes saw through the past and the future, with a compassion that transcended the world of mortals. His forehead was as red as a mole or blood, and his body was filled with golden light spots, blending into the sunshine.

‘Blood can carry countless obsessions, both of the dead and the living. ’

Hongjiang's cloak is dyed with the blood of generations of Hongjiang people. Of course, a large brigade like Xuanxue that has been passed down for generations also has this method. What he lost was not just half his life, but also more important things, and now he was gradually getting back these things. Wei Xun looked at his neck. The outer surface of the token of the ancient oasis was cracked and broken, and a bright golden red burst out from the inside.

The 'ancient oasis' dominated by giants has been destroyed, and a new journey to the 30th degree north latitude will be opened, dominated by the sun and the gods of Arabic mythology! But this was not enough. Near the end of this decade, Butterfly Eye was gradually losing control, and his half-life could no longer suppress it. The Butterfly Eye, which connects reality, hotels, battlefields, abyss, and the journey to 30 degrees north latitude, must not fall into the hands of others. He must get it back.

Half-life Taoist people are well aware that Dieyan has accumulated huge power in this decade, and even evolved such a tough and powerful reenactment of the scene. Dieyan has thoroughly understood the ancient oasis' journey to 30 degrees north latitude, including its other branch of development (the sun). The rules in the reenactment of this scene are all 'fair rules' simulated by Dieyan after imitating the hotel, which is enough to see it. How powerful it is now!

This is a trap, and Half Life will hit it sooner or later. He alone may not be able to deal with Butterfly Eye. As long as Half Life is devoured by Butterfly Eye, Butterfly Eye will truly be out of control.

Fortunately, Wei Xun and An Xuefeng, a group of monsters and monsters, worked so hard that the reenactment of the scene was in tatters, and the ancient oasis was torn to pieces! As long as he can completely destroy the sun altar, make the sun go crazy, and destroy the journey of 30 degrees north latitude in the direction of the sun, Butterfly Eye will have no place to hide. The half-life and butterfly eyes he suppressed here can be taken back!

I'm afraid it's because of this that Taiyang didn't continue to delay time to find trouble, and Dieyan also wanted to send away the disaster star Bingyi as soon as possible! And to be on the safe side, so that this person will no longer act as a demon in the future, it probably wants to directly ‘send away’ Wei Xun from the level of life and death——


The half-life Taoist shouted sharply, and suddenly blocked Wei Xun with his sword. In front of them was a slightly slender giant skeleton. It did not disappear due to the sunlight, but had been dormant on the ground. At this time, it suddenly jumped up. He stood up and blocked the invisible and fierce attack directed at Wei Xun. Judging from the way it uses its ribs as a knife, this skeletal giant is most likely a Yin-Yang butterfly.


There was a harsh sound of sharp weapons clashing, and the skeleton giant's ribs were cut off with a long knife. The skeleton giant staggered back a few steps before steadying his body.

At this time, there are three people in the form of invisible power on the field, and their power is better than that of the Yin-Yang Butterfly. The person who just made a move is either the Blood Baron or the Lizard Duke.

Their confrontation immediately attracted the attention of everyone present. The reenactment of the scene is about to end, Zhu Yuande and others are about to die, but their resentment has disappeared, but An Xuefeng and the newcomers are all still here!

The newcomers themselves are enemies of the scene re-enactors according to the rules set by Butterfly Eye. The newcomers can leave here by killing their corresponding and damned person in history, just like Centaur Katie killed the West End Tour Guide. , leaving the scene to be reenacted.

If the corresponding person who died in history died for the same reason in history, the corresponding newcomers will also die in this way, just like the two people who died suddenly when the Astrologers first entered.

What if the people in history who were meant to die didn’t die?

The corresponding newcomer will probably be left in the reenactment of the scene forever!

The butterfly eye is designed in this way just to make the newcomers and the scene re-enactment party fight each other. It is naturally best to kill Bingyi, just like now! The atmosphere in the court instantly became tense after the invisible force took action. The skeletal giant staggered back and leaned towards Wei Xun, as if to protect him, but Wei Xun felt something move in his heart. He slapped Taoist Ban Ming's shoulder with his hand, and Ban Ming immediately picked him up out of habit, retreating ten meters in an instant to avoid the sudden and fierce punch from the skeleton giant.

Did the skeleton giant suddenly turn his back? Dare Yin Yang Butterfly take action against Bing Yi? wrong! The other skeletal giant that had been dormant next to it suddenly rushed over, pulled out its ribs and used it as a knife to chop the skeletal giant over. The two skeletons fought together, and the new one looked more like a Yin-Yang butterfly.

‘Their consciousness transferred among the skeleton giants’

Wei Xun understood immediately. There are currently three skeleton giants, corresponding to Yin Yang Butterfly, Blood Wolf Rex and Silver Moon Killer. He was sure that it was the Yin-Yang Butterfly who had just drawn the sword to block the invisible attack for him, but when it approached, the consciousness of the Yin-Yang Butterfly was transferred away, and it was replaced by Rex or Silver Moon Killer, who fired the punch.

‘Made of butterfly eyes’

Taoist Ban Ming said coldly, carrying Wei Xun away from the stone gate to see more of the battlefield of the three-headed skeletal giant. In the reenactment of the scene, Dieyan was in control of everything, knowing that Bingyi's side was outnumbered. Originally, they only had to watch out for the skeleton giants turned into by Blood Wolf Rex and Silver Moon Killer, as well as the invisible power of the Blood Baron and the others.

But Butterfly Eyes keeps changing like this, making everyone untrustworthy! It can exchange the consciousness of Yin-Yang Butterfly and Blood Wolf Rex. Who knows whether Butterfly Eye will exchange the consciousness of Blood Wolf Rex into David Black Snake, or even into the Astrologer Worm?

His move completely confused the situation on the field and put everyone in danger. Yes, Dieyan knows that there are a few strong people here who can make the scene collapse again. In the end, they cannot be trapped here, but this is the goal that Dieyan wants to achieve!

After all, Bingyi's strength is still weak compared to others, and accidents may happen at any time in the chaos. What those strong men are most likely to do is to tear apart the scene and reenact it, taking away Bingyi.

Dieyan has been immersed in the obsession with metaphysics for a long time, and has also been infected with some metaphysical nagging. He can vaguely tell that Bingyi is unusual. As long as Bingyi leaves, there will be no problem, and no one else has anything to fear. Even if the reenactment of the scene collapses, as long as the sun's new journey of 30 degrees north latitude is still there, the foundation of the butterfly eye will not be damaged, and Cen Qin cannot take it away by force!

Just like now, in order to protect Bingyi's safety, Cen Qin has taken him away from Shimen. They will soon leave the scene and reenact the scene. It is impossible to destroy the sun!

'But I don't want to destroy the sun with my own hands.'

Cen Qin used the other half of his life to suppress Dieyan and was connected to Dieyan. He could probably think of Dieyan's thoughts and told Wei Xun that Wei Xun smiled.

Half life also laughed.

That's right, in their original plan, Wei Xun was not the one to destroy the sun. He is a 'devout sun believer' and a 'devout angel'. Destroying the sun with his own hands will inevitably greatly reduce the effectiveness of the rewards he just received.

The invisible force suspected of being a vampire baron just now wasn't trying to kill Wei Xun. Blood Wolf Rex's 'cooperation' was all to muddy the waters.

Because some people are going to take action.


Just as Wei Xun and Banming were away from the stone gate, they heard a deafening explosion, like a balloon next to their ears bursting. The heart-shaking horror filled their hearts and brains. Their hearts beat wildly, and they were panic-stricken and short of breath, as if something terrible was happening.


Another terrifying explosion came, and the earth jumped suddenly, shaking the people on it. Suddenly, the eyes darkened, as if the sun was suddenly covered by thick clouds. Wei Xun looked up and saw that the originally golden sunlight turned into blood-red. The setting sun was like blood, implying a strong ominous meaning.

The temperature around soared, and the air was filled with a few angry and angry sun sparks, which ignited when touched. The already dilapidated temple shadows around the stone gate became more dilapidated and shaky. Suddenly, there was another explosion. In an instant, the sky and the earth changed color. Pure black light suddenly burst out from the scarlet blood-red sunlight, like a black hole, and like a real solar eclipse. The surrounding space was filled with terrifying cracking sounds. There were spider-web-like cracks everywhere between the sky and the earth. The whole world was like a vase that was about to be broken.

‘Here it comes! ’

Wei Xun had thrown the astrologer’s fiery red feather worm out at the beginning of the chaos, but Wei Xun and the worm were in a master-servant relationship after all. He heard the astrologer’s sudden reminder, and then he saw a shocking scene-

The shadow of the sun suddenly appeared in the blood-red shadow of the temple. It was extremely huge and extremely hot and terrifying. The golden red light could burn all living things in the world. In the middle of the sun, a golden purple, headless humanoid figure could be vaguely seen, which was exactly the demeanor of the sun statue!

However, at this moment, the entire sun was tightly tied by a chain. The chain was extremely thin and long. It was originally colorless and invisible, but after being soaked in the blood of the sun, it turned golden. Compared with the sun, it was as small as a thin golden beard, but it tied the sun tightly. With a crisp sound, the chain suddenly tightened and broke the entire sun apart!

What a magnificent sight it was for the sun to collapse. In front of Wei Xun's eyes, there were large blocks of color as thick as oil paint. It was red like pus and blood and black like death. The sun mark on his forehead trembled wildly. The terrifying pressure of destruction almost suffocated him, but at the same time, Wei Xun's eyes stared at the virtual image uncontrollably, as if to make him remember the appearance of the blasphemer and remember his mission as the one favored by the sun to avenge the sun.

The thick blocks of color blocking his eyes dissipated as if they were pushed away, so Wei Xun really saw everything that happened on the sun. A golden lizard so tiny compared to the sun was actually lying on the sun, and the chain that bound the statue of the sun was actually the lizard's outstretched tail!

‘Gleiphir, the invisible magic chain’

Through Wei Xun's eyes, the astrologer saw the golden lizard on the sun.

‘The Duke of Lizard really got this magic chain and forged it into his own incarnation, no wonder…’

The astrologer explained to Wei Xun in a few words. Gleiphir, the chain that the gods used to imprison the magic wolf Fenrir in Norse mythology, was made of mountain roots, cat steps, fish breath, woman's beard, bear power and bird saliva, and then forged by dwarves*

It bound the terrifying magic wolf Fenrir, and Fenrir broke free from the magic chain in the Ragnarok War. It devoured the sun and the moon, devoured all things in the world, and killed Odin, the king of the gods*

'This is a chain that can destroy the 30th degree north latitude token'

The astrologer said solemnly that there have always been many people who killed pioneers and robbed the 30th degree north latitude journey, but there are very few weapons that can really destroy the 30th degree north latitude token. He had only guessed that the Lizard Duke might have obtained this chain before, and basically did not use the astrolabe when fighting him. This time was also the first time he really saw it!

As the year-end celebration warm-up competition is approaching, the venue is very likely to be in the West District, and the Lizard Duke finally stopped holding back.

‘But if that’s all, the Duke of Lizard shouldn’t be able to succeed’

‘Damn it, just destroying the sun statue is not enough! ’

Although he is no longer on the same channel as the astrologer, the Taoist of Half Life is equally anxious. The replay of the moment when the sun shattered finally completely shattered, and they felt a terrifying repulsive force thrown outward. This is not the real journey of 30 degrees north latitude, it is not so stable, the moment when the sun statue shattered, the replay of the scene collapsed, and all of them will be thrown out soon, and the Duke of Lizard is the same, there is no time to completely smash the sun statue and extract the power of 30 degrees north latitude.

What’s more, An Xuefeng’s consciousness is in the sun statue. Didn’t he see that the sun shattered but the statue was fine? Butterfly Eye is so cunning that he uses the strongest to protect the statue!

If the sun cannot be destroyed this time and it collapses crazily, it will be difficult to get in again! Even if they have thousands of ideas in their hearts, they are all rejected, but at the last moment, the replay of the scene that is about to collapse suddenly pauses.

How could Wei Xun leave without seeing the madness of the sun? With a thought in his mind, the Ifrit flame core he had sent into the stone gate exploded instantly, and a large amount of Vulcan pollution swept in, along with the Vulcan pollution he had continuously injected before. An Xuefeng was in tune with his thoughts, and the sun statue suddenly burst into brilliant golden light, absorbing all the Vulcan pollution!

The sun had accepted Wei Xun's prayer before, which was equivalent to accepting the pollution from the god of fire. An Xuefeng and Wei Xun are combined into one body, which can better carry Wei Xun's power. Vulcan Pollution is too small compared to the sun in terms of power alone, but it is no worse in terms of level! This is also a god, a god of fire who was crazily believed in by a dynasty.

Theoretically speaking, this is equivalent to the sun being in danger, and the god of fire comes to help! So Butterfly Eye paused for a moment. After all, it didn't have such a powerful thinking ability. The power of the sun statue increased greatly, and even the replay of the scene about to collapse stabilized for a moment, without immediately expelling everyone.

It was in this stable moment that I heard the roar of a giant wolf. Thanks to the little time Wei Xun bought, the skeleton giant who had been guarding the stone gate miraculously got rid of the shackles of the skeleton and turned into a snow-white giant wolf. There were two almost overlapping shadows on the giant wolf, which reminded Wei Xun of the dual personality and identity of the Silver Moon Killer at the funeral palace in the suburbs of Beijing.

But at this moment, the shadow of the giant wolf shining with the light of the silver moon disappeared, and the other shadow stared more and more. It opened its bloody mouth and swallowed the sun in one mouthful!


The astrologer said solemnly. In Norse mythology, the two sons of the demon wolf Fenrir, the demon wolf Hati who chases the moon (Moon Hound) and the demon wolf Skull who chases the sun, knew that the Silver Moon Killer was lurking in the Werewolf Alliance, and also knew about him. After having a dual personality, and seeing the Lizard Duke take out the magic chain, the astrologer suspected that the Silver Moon Killer had hidden the mythical orange title in this regard.


When these two personalities merge, Silver Moon Killer will probably have the Ragnarok-type orange title ‘Demon Wolf Fenrir’!

Wei Xun read it with gusto, and he also knew something about the Nordic mythology. In Ragnarok, Wei Xun wears the crow badge. This can definitely be called witnessing the "destruction of ancient civilization" with his own eyes! The Crow Badge might be upgraded after you leave.

But this is a story later. At the moment when the Silver Moon Killer swallowed the sun, the Taoist Taoist Half Life pulled out the Cold Mountain Sword and slashed at the shattered ancient oasis token. In an instant, Wei Xun seemed to vaguely see an eye. Its pupil was a blue-purple butterfly. There was a sword stuck in the pupil of the giant eye. The shadow of the half-life Taoist stood on the giant eye holding the sword. This was what he used. Seal Butterfly Eye's half life!

With an inaudible crack, the ancient oasis token completely collapsed, and Butterfly Eye was cut in half with half his life. The phantom of Half Life fell into Ban Life's body and the two merged. The broken butterfly eye turned into a pendant and belonged to Ban Life Taoist's neck. But at the same time, Wei Xun only felt that his eyes were cold, as if something was thrown into his eyes.

But before he could say anything more to Ban Ming, Ban Ming disappeared out of thin air and was ostracized. The reenactment of the scene of Butterfly Eye's collapse was completely shattered, and the astrologers and others were also excluded one by one, except for Wei Xun, who was closely related to the sun (the sun statue). They saw the Silver Moon Killer, whose body expanded as big as the sun after swallowing the sun, shrinking like a deflated balloon. It first spit out half of the statue, and then spit out a small ball of blood-red light.

This is exactly the power of Thirty Degrees North Latitude left behind by the complete destruction of the solar branch during the journey of Thirty Degrees North Latitude!

It separated a strand that was thinner than a hair and threw it to the skeleton giant (blood wolf Rex model) who was about to be expelled. The chaos caused by Rex was considered a help, and this strand of power from the 30th North Latitude was considered a reward. Cleared up.

The golden lizard fell on it, and the golden tail of the slender chain wrapped around the body of the giant wolf, like the chain that bound the demon wolf Fenrir. Gradually suppress the manic and terrifying chaotic demonic energy in Silver Moon Killer. This title is too easy to get out of control. Silver Moon Killer does not use it not only to hide his trump card but also because he is not sure.

Although the power of Thirty Degrees North was obtained, they failed to find the truly precious item that could expose the Lizard Duke to the magic chain and the Silver Moon Killer to reveal his title!

It was the same feeling Taoist Taoist Half Life felt when he fell into the stone door. It was vaguely connected to the battlefield, the abyss, the journey to the 30th degree north latitude, etc. It was an extremely precious treasure. They revealed three points of their trump card for the power of Thirty Degrees North Latitude, but seven points were for it. That thing disappeared. Was it taken away by the Taoist Half Life? still……

The Silver Moon Killer really wanted to bite the sun statue to pieces, but no one dared to touch the An Xuefeng sun statue. The golden lizard stared at Bingyi from a distance. Just now, Bingyi came to help, allowing them to successfully destroy the sun. This person is much more helpful than Blood Wolf Rex. The Lizard Duke never owes anyone a favor.

When the giant wolf spit the sun statue at Bingyi, the Lizard Duke bit off a piece of his own scales. The scales turned into a small ball of golden flame the size of a sesame seed and attached to the statue, and were given to Bingyi together. This gift in return was precious enough to offset his help.

Why did Bingyi help? What was the purpose of destroying the sun even though he was favored by the sun? Whether the treasure was related to Taoist Half Life or to him too, the Lizard Duke didn't bother to think about it.

But the flame he gave to Bingyi was not for nothing. The Lizard Duke saw that Bingyi was taking the path of the mythical Vulcan. As long as he wanted to continue with this title, he would definitely accept the flame. to Northern Europe.

Northern Europe... that's their territory.

The reenactment of the scene where Wei Xun took advantage of the stone sculpture named An was completely shattered, and the world was spinning. The dazzling light made Wei Xun subconsciously close his eyes. He fell downwards, but before he hit the ground, he was hugged by a pair of strong arms. A familiar breath rushed to his face, and the wide palms covered his eyes. Blocking the sunlight, Wei Xun narrowed his eyes slightly, and his white eyelashes swept across An Xuefeng's palm like feathers, bringing a soft and itchy feeling.

The half-cut sun statue fell into Wei Xun's arms, without any trace of its divine power, just like an ordinary big gold nugget. The yellow sand blew by, and the familiar, hot breath filled his nose, making Wei Xun cough up a mouthful of blood.

Back, here is the eye of the desert Sahara. There was no sign of Silver Moon Killer or the others around, maybe they were teleported to different places. The end of Chen Cheng's journey in history is the Eye of the Sahara, so Wei Xun was passed here.

"You're back! You're finally back, my dear mother, you've been waiting for me to death!"

Wang Pengpai shouted and screamed from far away, and Wei Xun patted An Xuefeng's arm lightly, trying to land on his own, but he coughed up a mouthful of blood. Inciting all the Vulcans to contaminate their spirits was too much, and coupled with the series of "ding ding ding ding ding——" prompts from the hotel after coming out, Wei Xun was dizzy for a moment. He turned around in a circle as soon as he landed and fell back down. In An Xuefeng's arms.

"This, this, this, what's going on, Director B? Are you okay? I have medicine here..."

Wang Pengpai's voice suddenly became quieter as he rushed closer, worried and anxious. But he didn't ask further. After all, there was still a live broadcast, and we would talk privately back to the base. But Wang Pengpai was really anxious. He even wanted to feel if Director Bing was still angry. His little heart was beating wildly. God, my blood pressure is off the charts.

"Deputy Captain An, it's too hot here. Please take Director B to the camp to rest."

"Yes, Wei Xun, you are right."

Wang Pengpai, who was scratching his head as soon as Bai Xiaosheng opened his mouth, responded repeatedly as if he had found a backbone, but suddenly he was stunned for a moment.

Wei Xun?

Wei Xun subconsciously thought that Wang Pengpai was calling him, and subconsciously looked up from An Xuefeng's arms, just in time to meet the eyes of the white-haired young man standing next to Wang Pengpai.

White hair, pale skin, blue-purple eyes - noticing his gaze, 'Wei Xun' smiled friendly and kindly, looked at An Xuefeng Rourou, and then looked at him more tenderly, her whole person was gentle. It looks like it's about to glow.

Damn it——

Wei Xun was stunned for a moment, and then he realized something. Then Wang Pengpai and the excited viewers in the live broadcast room saw Bingyi smile. He deliberately leaned into An Xuefeng's arms, raised the corners of his mouth evilly, and then spit out a mouthful of blood at 'Wei Xun'.

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