Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 415 The fictional city of Lusoy

When it comes to Maria Butterfly, it is a close contact with Wei Xun’s heart. After confirming that Wei Xun was in good mental condition and was not disturbed by all kinds of nonsense, and instructing him to stay in bed and not get out of bed, An Xuefeng went to take a combat shower, washed away the dust and sand, and did a thorough cleaning seriously. .

When An Xuefeng came out of the bathroom, he saw Wei Xun enthusiastically taking apart his pillow.

When he heard An Xuefeng say, "Stay in bed and don't get off the bed," Wei Xun was stunned, but what An Xuefeng said was definitely not what he thought. Wei Xun immediately understood that An Xuefeng's bed might have defensive measures to protect his safety.

It obviously looked like a simple bed, and Wei Xun had also slept on it, but he didn't notice anything at the time. Wei Xun became interested and casually opened the pillow he was leaning on. Sure enough, he found a capsule-like device in the pillow core, which looked like it was made of metal. An Xuefeng should have set the permission, but Wei Xun's disassembly touch did not activate it.

Aren't you wary of the person next to you?

Wei Xun raised his eyebrows, feeling that this was unreasonable given An Xuefeng's alert personality, but he also felt that this would be what An Xuefeng did. After removing the device, Wei Xun studied it and found that it was not a prop sold by the hotel, but the device gave him an inexplicably familiar feeling, as if he had felt it somewhere before.

When Wei Xun put on the colorful soul sand gloves that Dream Chaser gave him to use and fiddled with them again, the silent capsule device finally responded. After An Xuefeng came out of the shower, Wei Xun had already studied it thoroughly, and he stuffed the paper mannequin hiding the phantom of the parliament into it by himself.

In less than a second after the device was activated, the originally active energy of the parliamentary shadow was suddenly reduced by half, and it became almost lifeless.

"Shall I cut it open for you?"

An Xuefeng sat next to Wei Xun and took the gray paper man in his hand. His fingers casually passed through the paper man's neck, but the struggling paper man became motionless for an instant, as if he were dead.

He thought Wei Xun couldn't eat the entire parliamentary shadow at once, so he wanted to weaken it. But the energy swallowed up in this way cannot be retrieved, which is a bit of a waste.

"Is this an item from Death Sahara?"

Wei Xun asked him holding the capsule device.

"No, although it contains sand grains of the nine colors of the Sahara of Death that have been processed by me. The processed sand of the Sahara of Death can get rid of all gibbering and auditory hallucinations, allowing people to sleep soundly. I call it a sleeping pill."

Sahara’s core pollution is ‘dead silence’

An Xuefeng explained: "But the outer layer plays the main role. It comes from the depths of the Pharaoh's pyramid. You have my phoenix-like feathers and are connected with me, so it will protect you and will not attack you."

Not only that, when An Xuefeng transferred his card to Wei Xun, Wei Xun already had the permission to use all the devices he designed. Even if the Death Sahara Pioneer Dream Chaser comes, he will not be able to control these devices, but Wei Xun can.

"In other words, the phantom of the Parliament is essentially a kind of pollution? Is it gibbering and auditory hallucinations?"

Wei Xun captured the key word. When he put on the rainbow sand gloves, he must have accidentally caused the fluctuations of deathly silence pollution, and the parliamentary shadow was restrained by it.

"It can be said that the pollution in the parliament is not much lighter than the abyss. The new authority and strength gained by the members after joining the parliament are closely related to that pollution."

In this way, he is a bit like a tour guide, and has subtle similarities with the person in charge.

Wei Xun thought secretly.

There is a strong abyssal aura on his body. When Wei Xun conquered the abyssal node, he established contact with him, which means that the abyssal aura on his body is so strong that it is basically equivalent to an abyssal creature. ? ? ? Although the abyss aura above is not that strong, it is still quite a bit.

The hotel gives the principals great power and the right to control the hotel. Will the price the principals pay be to suppress the pollution of the abyss?

In the same way, the hotel gives the tour guide various privileges, but the countdown to death of the tour guide returns to zero and the alienated state establishes contact with the abyss and obtains power from the abyss. When everyone including the Butcher Alliance absorbs the aura of the Abyss Node through the Abyss Bell, is it equivalent to extracting power from the Abyss and weakening the Abyss to a certain extent?

If the hotel uses its hosts and tour guides to suppress the pollution in the abyss, the tourist guides set out on a journey to the 30th North Latitude to suppress the pollution at the 30th Degree North Latitude, and it uses a decade of people who have been on the battlefield to suppress the pollution outside the battlefield, will the Congress of Representatives suppress it? Could it be another source of contamination?

Suppressing pollution, is this the fundamental reason for the establishment of hotels?

So where does this pollution come from? How did the world become like a sieve with all kinds of pollution?

Wei Xun still remembered that at that time he could only see a series of eyes like dim stone balls inside the door. The eyeball in the middle was filled with blood-like viscous red liquid, like a caterpillar's cocoon, which the Maria butterfly wanted to eat. That's it, it's a great supplement for it. But at that time, in addition to feeling fear from the blood drop cocoon, Wei Xun also felt its hidden greed.

Even if the butterfly fragments are incomplete and the butterfly host is not strong, the 'cocoon' can swallow it back.

In the same way, butterfly fragments can eat the pollution of the thirty degrees north latitude, just like the vampire knife was full of pollution from the ancient oasis and the dead Sahara. But at the same time, butterfly fragments can also be suppressed by pollution at 30 degrees north latitude. Old Chen Cheng and the others were not sure about the pollution on the battlefield, but Phoenician stone eggs and butterflies were able to absorb it, indicating that both the 30th North Latitude and the Abyss could absorb it to a certain extent.

There seems to be some kind of mutually reinforcing relationship between the four of them. Could it be that all kinds of pollution were originally able to counterbalance each other, but something broke the balance, so the hotel had to fix various loopholes?

For example, why did the Maria butterfly turn into pieces?

Wei Xun did not ask An Xuefeng in depth. Confidential information related to the person in charge is a kind of mental pollution. No one can reveal more to Wei Xun until he has truly completed the rule-based task entrusted by the mountain god.

Wei Xun changed his mind and asked An Xuefeng to cut off a little bit of the parliamentary shadow pollution for him to have a taste. Most of the rest was kept by Wei Xun, who wanted to study it.

It's cool and silky, and the taste of Parliament Shadow is like red wine ice cream, melting in one sip. Wei Xun's heart beat a little faster, and he squinted his eyes in contentment, with a hint of crimson at the corners of his eyes, as if he was drunk and a little dizzy, but this feeling was very comfortable, making him just want to eat more.

The contamination of the Parliament is a great supplement to the butterfly fragments, but it will also make it as sleepy as drunkenness, making it lose its defense and making it easier to be killed and captured.

Wei Xun tasted it carefully. He looked drunk, but he was analyzing it calmly in his heart. Until a bit of warmth touched his forehead, Wei Xun's slightly tipsy feeling suddenly dissipated. Wei Xun immediately woke up and saw An Xuefeng leaning over, a dark red ball on his fingertips. The flame touched his forehead and he carefully observed Wei Xun's expression.

An Xuefeng took the initiative and let Wei Xun eat the phantom of the parliament because he knew what might happen and how to solve it.

Wei Xun understood immediately. When An Xuefeng wanted to stop his hand, he chuckled and held his hand. He looked at the flames burning between An Xuefeng, which were as dark red as venous blood. Only after careful sensing did he know It's not a flame, it looks more like a miniature heart. It pulsed at an extremely fast speed, and its shadow made people think it was a halo of flickering flames.

This is pollution at 30 degrees north latitude.

Pollution at thirty degrees north latitude can decontaminate parliament.

Wei Xun thought that there was another piece of evidence for his previous conjecture that "all kinds of pollution compete with each other".

“Contamination of the Pharaoh’s Pyramids?”

Wei Xun asked. An Xuefeng kept leaning over him, pressed Wei Xun's chest, and felt his mental state. After confirming that Wei Xun was really fine, An Xuefeng sat down again. go back.

If there is no problem, there is no need to open the chest. Although Wei Xun is not afraid of pain, opening the chest is always bad and can easily blur the boundaries of dangerous death.

But thinking about not being able to see Wei Xun's heart, not being able to touch and hold it, it was undeniable that An Xuefeng felt a little bit regretful deep in his heart.

It's probably because of the fusion with *** that they began to influence each other and become a little bit perverted and paranoid.

An Xuefeng thought, or maybe it was just some of his bad qualities that began to show up, and they were the same person.


An Xuefeng pointed to the metal capsule Wei Xun was playing with between his fingers: "Its shell is the metal that makes up the pacemaker of the pharaoh mummy."

Seeing the curiosity on Wei Xun's face turning into disgust, he frowned like a cat smelling orange peel and threw the capsule to him. He jumped out of bed and washed his hands. An Xuefeng raised his eyebrows and smiled. He picked up the capsule and followed him all the way. In the bathroom, he smiled and leaned against the wall to watch Wei Xun wash his hands.

"I haven't told you about the pollution of the pyramids yet."

The Pharaoh's Pyramid is the first journey to 30 degrees north latitude in this decade, and it is also the most explored journey led by An Xuefeng on his way home. It can be said that he has basically conquered the journey to the pyramid, and all the items inside are at his disposal.

"The Pharaoh's Pyramid, the main buildings include the pyramid, the Egyptian temple, the Pharaoh's palace and the Egyptian immortal city Lusoy surrounding the palace. Its core pollution is 'immortality'."

An Xuefeng said: "Lusoy City is a city that does not exist in reality."

If you search for "Mummy Pacemaker·The World's Unsolved Mysteries" online, you will immediately be able to find many similar articles. The general idea is that in the Egyptian city of Lusoy, archaeologists unearthed a 2,500-year-old pharaoh mummy, and there was a vague sense of regular vibrations coming from it.

After being sent to Cairo Hospital for autopsy, doctors were shocked to find that a pacemaker made of black crystal was still running on its shriveled heart, making the heart beat more than 2,000 years ago.

If we trace the source further, we can find that the source of this unsolved mystery is an article published by "World News Weekly" on March 17, 1992. Although it was called "World News Weekly", it was not a big deal at the time. Most of them are just made-up 'news', but the report content strictly follows the format of a news report, with report date, news source, expert opinions, etc., and it looks like real news.

What was reported above was that the mummy unearthed in Lusoy City was a five thousand year old mummy, and its pacemaker was not made of black crystal, but made of a metal.

But in the final analysis, there is no city of Lusoy in Egypt, this city is fictional.

"There are no living people in the city of Lusoy, they are all mummies. Nobles, rich people, and common people only have different production levels. On the first night when tourists enter this city, a mummifier will come to the door and use a chisel to pass through the nostrils and crush the ethmoid bones. Enter the cranial cavity and crush the passenger's brain."

Crushing the brain is the first step in making a mummification, and then the abdomen is cut open to take out the stomach, intestines, liver, and lungs. Only in this way can the passengers who have been preliminarily processed be allowed to move around and explore in Lusuoyi City. If they cannot find their organs and brains within a certain period of time, they will be completely mummified and stay in Lusuoyi City forever.

"The only thing we can keep is our heart."

An Xuefeng's fingers touched Wei Xun's chest, and noticed that his pajamas belt was not tied, revealing his white and glowing chest. Thinking of Wei Xun's hands being as cold as ice when his fingers touched just now, An Xuefeng's hands felt a little itchy. He leaned over and tied the belt for Wei Xun himself, tightly covering his chest.

This posture was as intimate as a hug from behind. With An Xuefeng's height, he lowered his head so that his chin could touch Wei Xun's head. Seeing the two of them reflected in the mirror, An Xuefeng relaxed and unconsciously hugged Wei Xun's waist, like a large cat resting in its own territory, lazily snuggling with its partner. Even if Wei Xun retaliated by splashing water on his face, he was not angry, but just blinked.

Then Wei Xun couldn't stand it anymore, so he pulled a clean towel and wiped the water off An Xuefeng's face.

"What does it feel like to lose brain matter?"

Ancient Egyptians believed that the heart was the carrier of thought and soul. Even if it was made into a mummy, it would be preserved in the body, but the brain was the first to be destroyed.

"There is no special feeling. When they take away our internal organs, we will not feel any pain."

An Xuefeng thought for a while: "If there is any feeling, it is relaxation."

It's like suddenly receiving the news that you don't have to go to work or school tomorrow, and there is no work or homework to be completed at home. It feels like a day off for nothing. Since entering the hostel, my nerves have been tense. The feeling of relaxation and not having to worry about anything is really fascinating.

"You will lose your memory little by little, and eventually become a mummy, and stay in Lusoi City forever."

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