Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 422 My puppy

"Aren't arms dealers omnipotent?"

Stepping on the limit of the arms dealer's intolerance, the croupier finally spoke lightly, but he did not hide his tone of watching the show.

Although the tourists all entered the House of Commons after entering the House of Representatives, there was no longer any distinction between east and west areas. But everyone will team up and find an organization. Arms dealers and croupiers, the most powerful East and West District visitors in the House of Commons, each have their own power behind them, and their daily meetings are full of excitement.

Especially at the funeral palace in the suburbs of Beijing not long ago, two rising star tour guides from the east and west districts competed for the right to choose sides in the year-end celebration preliminaries. In addition to the official referees, in order to ensure the fairness and justice of the competition, members of the parliament also mixed in with hidden abilities and identities. The Western faction fought for this opportunity, but the dealer who came forward was severely tricked by the little tour guide Bingyi. This incident has been laughed at by the arms dealer to this day.

The croupier naturally laughed at the rare and famous scene of an arms dealer delivering a male dog. So no one thought there was anything wrong when they saw the two bickering.

"Dealer, please."

It was only after the pleading of Jizo, who was crying for the white dog, that the croupier who had been carrying his back was willing to turn around and come to help, but the moment she turned around, thousands of red rays suddenly burst out from under the croupier's gray robe. Light is like thousands of bats opening their scarlet eyes in a dark cave in horror animations. If you look carefully, you will find that the red light is actually blood-colored chips!

Each chip soaked in blood had an extremely distorted human face. They were all the ghosts of losers who lost to the dealer. The dealer took action without warning, and countless bloody chips were fired at her like bullets. The depths of darkness that I have been facing. At the same time, Ksitigarbha opened a Buddha's eye in his forehead, and the Buddha's light, like a pillar of light, seemed to have substance, covering the place where the bloody chips were shooting deep into the darkness.


The white dog screamed suddenly, and its whole body twitched in extreme pain. The thick black demonic energy was about to wrap around its whole body, but it was restrained by a golden Gatling rod. The arms dealer pinched the black demonic energy into the belly of the white dog. The fingers were as tight as eagle talons, as if they were squeezing the neck of something.

How could it be such a coincidence that as soon as they arrived at the Parliament's phantom production workshop and were about to arrest someone, the white dog that had been painfully pregnant for a whole year was about to give birth? You must know that it will be pregnant with a demon fetus, it was originally that person's plan! Taoist Half Life has a top secret, and the person who quietly took him away from the deepest prison is even more unusual. That person covets the position of Deputy Speaker of the House of Lords to the point of madness and will never miss this opportunity.

Whether they are capturing the prisoner Cen Qin before the arms dealers and the others and handing it over to the council to accumulate merit, or being the first to contact the mysterious figure, that person will definitely come to stop them. The three arms dealers didn't need to look at each other to know that it was just a show. Dealer Ksitigarbha suddenly took action. The strongest arms dealer suppressed the demon child in the white dog's belly, just to give that person a hard blow!

"Parliamentary rules say MPs cannot attack each other."

A clear and sweet child's voice suddenly sounded from the depths of darkness shrouded by thousands of blood chips and Buddha's light. When she said this, the blood chips and Buddha's light all dimmed. But the next second her words were suppressed by the dealer's voice.

"Parliamentary rules state that anyone who obstructs official duties is considered a traitor and may be arrested."

They are all people who have played against each other before, and the dealer will certainly not be suppressed by her parliamentary rules again. Bai Quan's slowing down of their pace due to her sudden and painful labor was certainly considered an obstruction of official duties.

"Tsk, if I hadn't taken care of this dog, I would have captured the prisoner long ago——"

The arms dealer's eyes flashed sharply, and he rarely helped the dealer. He is almost as important as the deputy speaker. If this sentence is implemented, the crime will be certain. They gained the upper hand in the competition of parliamentary rules. Thousands of bloody chips and Buddha's light were no longer suppressed by the parliament and swept across the depths of darkness.

Until an old book with a shimmering light appeared, as if there was an invisible wind blowing, the pages of the book turned naturally, and a child's voice giggled: "The fairy tale book says that after death, people will turn into stars and rise to the sky. "

After competing with each other according to the rules of the parliament, it is a confrontation between titles! After the child's voice fell, the thousands of bloody chips seemed to be covered with a layer of starlight, trying to turn the resentful souls of the gamblers into stars. The bloody starlights were entangled with each other and were evenly matched, but the fairy tale of "stars rising to the sky" caused the thousands of chips caged in the stars to rise upward and lose their direction.

"Baby, please don't see the blood. Go back to your crib."

Seeing this, the croupier raised his hand to take back the chips, and sneered coldly in a bad tone. Only the bloody chips were disrupted and attacked, but the Buddha's light shone into the depths of darkness. The Buddha's light is merciful, does not hurt anyone, and does not show any blood. It only illuminates the hidden figure of the person.

"Don't you feel the smell of the abyss?"

I saw a small figure appear under the Buddha's light. The girl looked seven or eight years old, with skin as white as snow, green eyes, black slightly curly long hair, and a purple lavender hairpin in her hair. She was wearing The princess-like tutu is so cute. In particular, she is wearing a bright red cloak, a red hood, and a small basket. She is as cute as Little Red Riding Hood in the fairy tale.

The girl smiled cutely, put the fairy tale book in the basket, and jumped up to the arms dealer and the others under the light of Buddha: "Hello, dealer sister, arms dealer uncle, Ksitigarbha grandma, and the dog. "

"If I hadn't taken action, the prisoners would have escaped."

The croupier made a vomiting expression, and Ksitigarbha also had a rare expression on his face, but they remained silent. The one who spoke was the arms dealer.

"Okay fairy tale, stop pretending."

The arms dealer said coldly: "Don't go in, stay here and treat Ksitigarbha's dog, otherwise I will have to twist your head off even if I want to be the deputy speaker today."

In the parliament, only the deputy speaker and above can take action against members, just like the croupier who wanted to die at the hands of an arms dealer before. If the arms dealer really killed the croupier, he would have to become the deputy speaker if he wanted to avoid being obliterated by the rules of parliament.

"Twist, twist quickly."

After hearing his words, the dealer chuckled and fanned the flames: "Wonderful fairy tale, don't you want to see the deputy speaker the most? As long as you dedicate your life to the arms dealer, you can see him. How simple."

The deputy speaker position that Wong Xing tried her best to get was as simple as picking something out of a bag with an arms dealer. This would hurt her even more than killing her. The smile on Fairy Tale's face became even brighter, and her eyes became as pure as a child's.

Her age, her eyes, and her expression are of course not real, but just side effects of the orange title 'fairy tale'.

‘Peter Pan will become an ordinary person when he grows up. Only children can make fairy tales come true’

So even though she has grown up long ago, she can only maintain the body shape and eyes of a child. But hidden in this young body is extremely powerful strength. The guide fairy tale is called the strongest member of the House of Lords. She even plays with the rules of the parliament. She has killed so many members over the years without being punished by the parliament. .

Tour guides are very good at cheating and taking advantage of the rules. Fairy Tale was very good at this when he was still a tour guide.

"I'm sorry, Deputy Speaker, I also want to help the dog get out of pain, but I also have official duties."

An apologetic expression appeared on Hua Xia's white and tender face: "You arrest Cen Qin, and I will investigate and assist the prisoner Cen Qin, the prisoner B125 who escaped. There is no conflict."

"I also came here because of official duties. It's such a coincidence that the dog suddenly became ill. I also want to stay and treat it, but official duties are more important..."

The dealer couldn't help but sneer after hearing her words. Look, fairy tales are always so watertight. Before, Ksitigarbha could not find evidence that Tonghua plotted against Tingting. Now he cannot conclude that Tingting's illness was caused by Tingting. Therefore, he cannot be judged as having intentionally obstructed official business according to hotel regulations.

But everyone knows that what happened to Di Ting is definitely related to fairy tales!

"In front is the parliamentary shadow production workshop, which belongs to the speaker's authority. You can feel the smell of the abyss inside from the outside."

Ksitigarbha said slowly, calmly, as if he would never be impatient, and his tone towards Fairy Tale was more like persuasion: " Fairy Tale, I won't let you go."


As if it wanted to return to its owner, the white dog struggled to get up, but fell harder to the ground. It whimpered in pain, its fluffy white hair trembled, and large amounts of blood seeped out from its abdomen, but the blood was so viscous that it was almost black. It's less like blood and more like oil. The arms dealer's gold Gatling was placed across the belly of the white dog to prevent the oil-like pus and blood contamination from spreading to the heart. However, the originally dazzling golden color of the place where the Gatling came into contact with the oil gradually dimmed and began to be eroded by the oil.

The power of this demon fetus is close to the level of pollution, even close to the butterfly fragments in the state of pollution source! Tingting is a pure beast with no solution. The demon fetus it carries that has been consuming its power is by no means an ordinary polluting force. As the white dog whines and whines, Fairy Tale has tears hanging on her eyelashes, as if she is crying for the white dog:

"It's so pitiful. It looks like it's dying. We have to treat it quickly."

"I won't leave. I have to complete my official duties. Let's finish our official duties quickly and arrest the prisoners and return them to their places, so that we can come out and treat the puppies as soon as possible..."

The fairy stopped and smiled innocently at the old man standing in front of her: "Are you right, Grandma Jizo?"


The moment the words fell, a deafening roar suddenly exploded. Not only whoever moved first, but also the bullets from the machine gun and the Buddha's light that burst out like golden chains collided with the fairy tale book, setting off a terrifying wave of energy. If they were at the core of the external energy hedging, the ground would probably collapse as deeply as a sinkhole, but they were in the parliament, or in front of the parliament's phantom production workshop.

The loud rumbling sound is not only the sound of energy hedging, but also the sound of the door opening. Feeling the powerful power of the three top congressmen, the door of the workshop opened, and the surging blue light overflowed outward. In an instant, the power of the arms dealer, Ksitigarbha and fairy tales no longer had a destructive effect, and instead protected themselves against the pollution of blue light.

They have already wasted a few minutes outside. If they stay outside any longer, they will definitely be judged by the council as being passive and sabotaging their work. Since they cannot kill Fairy Tale quickly, they cannot exclude her. If they have any grudges, they should at least resolve them in the workshop first. How many people are there? However, after entering the parliament's phantom production workshop, the arms dealer immediately discovered anomalies.

He hooked his fingers, and for the first time, there was no phantom of the parliament coming over! It took at least five seconds before the phantom of the parliament came over. This was not normal. There seemed to be a large number of phantoms of the parliament in the workshop missing! No, it was not just the phantom of the parliament. The arms dealers came to the workshop. The pollution pressure they felt at that time was so terrifying that it was like carrying a mountain on their backs.

But this time he came in and felt that the pressure was subtly relieved, just like he was carrying the Himalayas before and now he is carrying Mount Tai. This subtle difference made the arms dealer's face change suddenly. Could it be that there was something wrong with the Speaker? This matter was so serious that the arms dealer almost didn't care that Cen Qin and others wanted to check on the 'speaker'. But at this moment, the fairy tale's shrill voice and the croupier's laughter rang out.


He saw a stream of light passing by. When he realized what it was, the arms dealer almost stopped cardiac arrest. He stretched out his hand to grab it, but under the pressure of endless blue light pollution, he slowed down a beat and let the stream of light slip away from his fingertips.

"Dealer, you don't want your life!"

The streamer flying out is one of the dealer’s exclusive orange title props! In this environment, the exclusive props were not around, her strength was weak, and she could not completely resist blue light pollution. The croupier's body was dyed a light blue almost instantly, and she still had the heart to laugh.

"Arms dealer, that person has energy similar to mine. Just follow the direction of my dice and you can find her - I also want us to find her quickly!"

The croupier has been thinking about how to make the fairy tale endure the harshest blow in the world.

Back then, in order to take her younger brother out of the hotel and return to freedom, she risked everything and made a huge bet with the hotel. The croupier, who always wins, had a tragic end to her gamble. She lost everything and entered the parliament. As a punishment, she was even deprived of specific memories of her brother, leaving only vague impressions.

Her parents died when she was young, and she and her younger brother depended on each other. But now the dealer has forgotten her brother's appearance, his current situation, and all those beautiful memories have disappeared, leaving her with only the obsession to take her brother away, which makes her even more painful.

If it weren't for the suspicion that Olena of the Werewolf Alliance was her younger brother, Mia wouldn't have been able to compete with the arms dealer to go to the funeral palace in the suburbs of Beijing. As a congressman, Mia has a disguised identity that allows her to participate in the journey. She is Olena's sister. This coincidence and the interactions along the way make Mia feel more and more that Olena, who is suspected of hiding her strength, may be... Her brother.

As a result, she discovered that Olena's true identity was the Silver Moon Killer.

Knowing all this, Mia tried her best to recall, from discovering Olena of the Werewolf Alliance to carefully investigating everything about him, trying to correspond with the brother in her memory. The original source of all this came from the fairy tale she inadvertently heard. One sentence.

All of this has the secret layout of Fairy Tale. Behind the Silver Moon Killer Lizard Duke, the West End Butchers Alliance and the Butchers' Council have a lot of power in the parliament. Fairy Tale was once the butcher tour guide of the West End. From the Butchers' Council to the Parliament headquarters, all of this Everything has a fairy tale layout.

Fairy Tale wanted to destroy her. This crazy woman almost attacked all the powerful women in the parliament, and she almost succeeded. Hope turned into despair and the croupier almost wanted to destroy everything, until she discovered Bing250's secret. abnormal.

The purest aura of the abyss can also be found in fairy tales. It is precisely because of this that she has become the most special being in the parliament, but there is something wrong with the abyss of Fairy Tale, and there seems to be something hidden in the depths. The dealer suspected that it was battlefield pollution, but was not sure. It was different from the ordinary butterfly fragment energy and abyss power. It was too pure, so she had the idea of ​​​​bringing Bing250 to the parliament.

This tour guide is special. If you train him to control him behind his back, he should be able to cause a lot of trouble for fairy tales.

Unfortunately she failed and almost died. But the dealer didn't have any bad feelings towards Bing250. The big bet with Tian Lei made the dealer admire him very much. When he saw him, the dealer reminded him of his young self.

The only thing she hates and wants revenge on is fairy tales. Even if you can't kill her, you have to make her unhappy. Since she wants the mysterious person who took Cen Qin away, her dealer will not let her succeed!

Maybe it was just luck. When the croupier entered here, she was still thinking about how to report the news within the parliamentary rules. However, as soon as she entered, she could smell the smell of a gambler. It was a feeling that was both understandable and indescribable. The croupier directly threw the dealer's dice, and on the surface, he was tracing the traces but actually reporting the news!

If, as the fairy tale says, she used her weird pure battlefield power to hold the mysterious man hostage, the addition of the dealer's dice will give that man a chance to leave!

The arms dealer gave her a hard look. The dice were flying so fast. If the croupier didn't care about the contamination, they couldn't ignore it. With their speed, they couldn't catch up with the dice immediately. They said they were chasing the dice to find the person. I'm afraid the croupier was using the dice to inform the person, just to make Fairy Tale feel uncomfortable!

Of course Fairy Tale also understood this. There was a ruthless light in her eyes, and she moved her fingers slightly. The thick black pollution in the belly of the white dog suddenly surged, and even a faint blue light oozed out. It was light and faint, like a thread connecting one end. The white dog, reaching from one end to the other, is very similar in nature to the blue light pollution of a parliamentary workshop.

This is battlefield pollution!

The expressions of the arms dealer and others suddenly changed, but at the same time, Fairy Tale's expression became even more fierce.

Where did the devil fetus go? !

Why is the magic fetus on the other side of the connection missing?

* *

‘Battlefield pollution! ’

Three minutes ago, deep in the parliament's shadow production workshop, Taoist Half-Life suddenly warned in a low voice. Wei Xun, who was about to open the abyss node and leave, suddenly paused with a subtle look on his face.

‘Half life, do you feel heavy? ’


Strangely, Wei Xun clearly felt something pressing on the corner of his cloak, which seemed to be a dog. But now he is being carried by Half Life, with a long cloak covering Half Life's back. If there is something really holding me down, it should feel heavy for half my life.

Unless it is not physically suppressing him, but in terms of energy, it indirectly affects the opening of the abyss node.

Are people from the parliament chasing him to delay him?

Wei Xun felt that the floating abyss power was quickly bitten off, but this was only a small part. The butterfly fragments purified his abyss power again and again, and the thing could not bite deeper, and could only lick it a little bit at a time, but it could bite off the scattered abyss power and suck the butterfly fragments to pollute Wei Xun.

This shows that the power of this little thing is extremely pure, almost like butterfly fragments!

There are so many butterfly fragments deep in his heart, and if he really wants to leave, it is definitely not something that this little thing can bite. He can even get out of trouble with just a stroke of his □□. But Wei Xun got interested, and this little thing was extremely persistent and greedy. Wei Xun could feel a ball of fluffy energy pushing hard against him and leaning on him.

Isn't this fate!

The light of the red oil-paper umbrella was already shaky and about to break. Wei Xun quietly took out the blood-sucking knife and opened his special eyes that could see through the pollution.

In Wei Xun's eyes, the abyss power that permeated his body was like the blue-purple butterfly wings, and a white, palm-sized, fluffy puppy like a teacup dog lay on his "butterfly wings" and tried to bite. A faint dotted line, like an umbilical cord, connected the puppy and the blue light pollution.

It can bite the abyss pollution, and Banming said that he can feel the battlefield pollution. Could it be that his puppy is the embodiment of some pollution?

That's right, his puppy. Just when he was thinking about the battlefield, this puppy came to his door. Since it was the enemy's means of attacking him, Wei Xun would not hesitate to accept it.

Wei Xun's blood-sucking knife suddenly fell, cutting off the puppy's "umbilical cord"-like connection with the outside world.

The author has something to say: The nutrient solution has reached one million, great! Great progress!

There is 600 words left to make up tomorrow, chirp chirp!

The next chapter is the occasion where Dizang beats up Tonghua and the dealer's dice are given away for free! The dealer's road has become wider!


Fake midwife: Arms dealer

Real midwife: Wei Xun

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2022-01-22 23:21:20~2022-01-23 23:06:48~

Thanks to the little angels who cast rockets: 42785065, take advantage of your illness to kill you 1;

Thanks to the little angels who cast grenades: take advantage of your illness to kill you 2; Wenyou 1;

Thanks to the little angels who cast mines: Xinyao 2; 50406536, Mingci, Fulin, I am crazy, you are stupid →_→, Xunzi's sister-in-law, Di Di my heart, 37908804 1;

Thanks to the little angels who irrigated nutrient solution: eil 170 bottles; 47977878 120 bottles; Su Lingling 119 bottles; Big chestnut-flavored oranges 110 bottles; Ye Gaga, Zhang Changlin, Deep Blue, an unknown netizen 80 bottles; Chu Yuexi's filter 74 bottles; Grapefruit branch. , Natsume Takashi 60 bottles; Isn't the shore beautiful? 51 bottles; Flying Jinjinjin, liz, healthy, happy and good mood 50 bottles; Carbon bar is not stupid 46 bottles; Clouds are light and breeze, heterochromatic cat, playful life cat head 40 bottles; Today is also in the cloud sucking cat-0w0- 37 bottles; Can't sleep after watching the update, Dong Ni dn 35 bottles; Did Gu Dashuai play the flute today, little cutie hhh, Ying Shuangshuangshuang, I am crazy, you are stupid →_→, Zuo Wei, An Lan, Siberian wolf 30 bottles; Zero degree field 25 bottles; bubble 21 bottles; Changyuan, Bai Liu yyds, Mo Zhong, Bai Ze, Bai Sanqing, Deng Ji, Yun Zhiran, zheani Nian, Qu Niang is also in CP today, cat nest, o, borrow my way to the stars, big cat pancake, too lazy to think →_→ 20 bottles; ne, Qiqing 18 bottles; Bright banana moon 16 bottles; eternity, tartar, Ming Dynasty pairing 15 bottles; cotton wood, mountains and seas cannot be leveled, Wang Deliya orchid, mountains and seas have classics, he gradually changed from a shepherd god to a monkey, romantic legend, yoyo, sweet beans, Jiusu eats peaches, Qingye bass, slightly white xl, Yu Zhouzhou, low singing, matcha cake, 49334252, passing cucumber, a live dragon, Xi Zonghe, Bai Ze, sesame sesame, 29389135, I live. , Yiying, Yuan Dong, Hu Ci., my yogurt bread is finished, Xingxing sauce 10 bottles; salted peaches 9 bottles; Lingyang, Dingding 8 bottles; big rouge ~ 7 bottles; Yunzhou, Yuanyuan, green porridge, Zishan, Xingming, Miaomiao His Highness, the little cat dropped fish, 38747265, fast snow mustard clear, moon with cloud thunder c, hey 5 bottles; Lanting preface 4 bottles; lazy people, big lemon essence urging update 3 bottles; Mengling Xinyi, wife day 1000 ah! ! ! , Jiuxiao Mo Ran 2 bottles; Haishang Xingyan, Blooming Flowers, Xiaoqi, Ming Cicada, exiio~chyx, Nanshan South, I Love Paper Man, Curry, Blowing Jue?, Chen Jian Lianchi Yue, Cats and Birds, Cecilia, Jianjian, Beibei, Yu Mo, Junquan, Fuxiao White Peach Flavor Sparkling Water, 45363010 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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