Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 424 Hairy Sea Cucumber

"Sir, you are right, this is the Undead Bunker."

The elegant and low male voice echoed in the cold air, but it was telling whispers that only the dead souls could hear. Were it not for the peach wood sword that Wei Xun had thrust into his hand before he left, he wouldn't have heard these words.

The devil merchant who was tied up in chains was unconscious. Yu and Huitong and Ge did not follow him. The 'person' who spoke was a gray shadow emerging from the devil merchant's body.

The undead monarch was the first to wake up in the undead bunker. The situation was not good for Wei Xun.

Wei Xun raised his eyebrows and smiled, put away the unusable dealer's dice, and then casually smeared a drop of blood from his body. He bent his fingertips and flicked the shadow, and saw the undead monarch who had just poked his head suddenly suddenly Disappeared, not daring to take that drop of blood at all.


Wei Xun smiled and coughed twice, and more drops of blood fell from the corners of his mouth, but they were not the normal red color, but a light blue. When the blue pollution finally rioted, it was so terrifying that not even the deputy speaker's cloak could completely withstand it, and the ghost monarch did not dare to bear it. That drop of blood fell on the devil merchant. He was also polluted into a light blue color, and his whole body was tense and convulsed in pain. A little more or less would be the same.

Fortunately, Wei Xun couldn't feel the pain and seemed to be fine. Only the sudden drop in the death countdown allowed him to judge that his life was in critical condition.

But that’s the good thing about tour guides. Points can be exchanged for a countdown to death. Now Wei Xun was no longer a poor boy who wasted his 100 points. He turned a lot of points into a countdown to death. Even though his body was not really cured, the countdown to death was replenishing while his points were enough to make him go crazy.

However, normally exchanging the death countdown cannot prevent the decline of san value due to pollution. However, Wei Xun's body is full of five poisons. Pure abyss pollution, thirty degrees north latitude pollution and speaker battlefield pollution spontaneously confront each other, devouring each other and being devoured. Instead, a delicate balance was briefly formed.

Without fighting or severe wear and tear, you can stay here for at least two hours.

Wei Xun thought about it and felt relieved. Turned into thinking.

The fact that he could use points to redeem the death countdown reminded him of when he first entered his abyss node. The props purchased in the hotel could not be used, but he could use points to replenish the death countdown. Sure enough, he was right. This battlefield is similar to the abyss in nature, and hotel points may be a manifestation of energy.

The hotel rules cannot completely control these two places, but because the chairman and principals are integrated into each other, they still have some control.

Just like when Wei Xun entered the Abyss Node for the first time, he automatically had more basic information related to the Abyss Node in his mind. He also instinctively understood some information after waking up here.

【Battlefield Outpost】

There are only four short words, but it reveals a lot of information.

"It seems that the hotel has less control over the battlefield than the abyss."

Wei Xun said to himself that the information he obtained when he entered the abyssal node was how to mark the abyssal node. Even after marking, the surrounding area of ​​fifty square kilometers was his "territory", and his territory could be expanded as he became stronger.

But now Wei Xun only knows the name of this place.

If the place where Chen Cheng and others went after disappearing was a real battlefield, then this place could only be regarded as a battlefield outpost. When Wei Xun first arrived, he looked around, but everything in all directions was shrouded in a thick gray fog of the undead. At most, he could only see clearly things within a meter of himself.

These undead mist were cold and cold, as if they were absorbing the heat and vitality from people's bodies, but they were scattered by tiny thunder and lightning before they could reach Wei Xun's side.

The Nine-turn Thunder-Cracked Peach Wood Sword was the peach wood sword forced on Wei Xun before he died. The dark red peach wood was intertwined with nine natural black lines, which were traces of being struck by lightning. The peach tree is supposed to ward off ghosts and evil spirits. After being struck by lightning nine times, it became the nemesis of ghosts and ghosts. It is red and black but does not look evil, but more upright and awe-inspiring.

Ban Ming must have expected that the battlefield connection channel opened through the devil merchant would most likely lead to the undead bunker that was closely related to the magic mirror, so he hurriedly handed the sword to Wei Xun before leaving.

Although there was no time to set up a deputy owner of the right to use it, with this mahogany sword in hand, the aura it exuded instinctively made Wei Xun's blood stains on his little fingernails disappear and retreat, not to mention the ghost mist around him. It's no problem to encounter an undead monarch. Even if he encounters a troublesome undead lord, even if he can't defeat it, Wei Xun can spray it with blood and put a few paper figures hiding the shadow of the dark blue pollution council, and he will be somewhat confident in escaping. .

What's more, his body is stained with the speaker's blue pollution, just like walking into the abyss with a * * *, and no monster with a wink will come close to him.

But since the hotel has low control over the battlefield outposts, the Speaker's strength may not be dominant in the battlefield outposts, so it is still necessary to plan an escape route.

Wei Xun's heart was beating very fast. This accelerated heartbeat was due to the positive feedback from the butterfly fragments that they had eaten the battlefield pollution, as well as Wei Xun's own expectation and excitement. The feeling of exploring an unknown, dangerous, and powerful new danger made him excited, and his whole body was full of strength. Wei Xun felt that he was in surprisingly good condition and full of energy.

This is the blessing of the title of ‘Explorer’!

Wei Xun took out the explorer's record manual and saw that the manual automatically turned to the third page, which recorded the words "undead environment".

[Undead environment (exploration degree 5%): The undead environment is a very harsh semi-natural environment. It is mostly formed in large cemeteries, mass graves, abandoned castles, and sea ships. Its main characteristics are cold, heavy air, and unbearable Suitable for human habitation, the temperature is below ten degrees all year round, food is scarce, plants are very rare, the land is soaked in Yin Qi, and undead creatures exist]

[Edible animals and plants, water sources, characteristic organisms, suitable settlement points, etc. have not been explored]

The undead environment is indeed an extremely harsh environment, but Wei Xun originally thought that the record manual might give a note on the 'battlefield environment'.

"How big is the battlefield outpost?"

Wei Xun was very curious. A single undead bunker probably only occupies a small area of ​​the battlefield outpost. There are nine levels in the abyss, so it is even more unknown how big the battlefield is. An undead bunker alone is so dangerous and cannot be explored freely. It is best to wait until it becomes stronger before coming again.

After suppressing the noisy emotions of Maria's butterfly fragments, Wei Xun put away the explorer's record book and completely returned to calmness and reason.

Even if I can't stay here much longer, the most important things must be completed.

Stabilize the battlefield connection channel, find a suitable station in the "undead environment", and try to contact Chen Cheng and others here.

The first is to stabilize the battlefield connection channel. Since we can't occupy this place like we conquered the abyss node, it is most important to be able to open the channel again and come here at any time after we go back. Wei Xun took out something.

"Prosperous wealth."


The contaminated blood in his mouth smelled sweet to Wei Xun. He licked the corners of his mouth, narrowed his eyes slightly, and then felt something plush rubbing against his mouth.

Wei Xun grabbed the puppy's paw and took it off his shoulder despite Wangcai's protesting grunts. He saw a bright white stain on his shoulder cloak - this was Wangcai's 'slobber', and it had nibbled it clean. After grabbing the cocoon thread, he began to chew on Wei Xun's blood-stained cloak, licking his blood with relish.

To Wangcai, the taste of Wei Xun's blood is like a can with delicious aspic and plump meat. The outside is the pure pollution of the Speaker (battlefield), and the inside is the pure pollution of the abyss. Wangcai has never tasted something so delicious. thing! It wanted to bury its entire body in it and feast on it. Its little mouth was stained red and blue, as if it had just passed through a dye bottle.

When Wei Xun picked it up, it wanted to resist. Thousands of tentacles wrapped around Wei Xun's hand greedily, trying to suck the pollution directly from his body. But if the tentacles were as sharp as a knife, they could cut Wei Xun's skin. , sucking blood. However, these tentacles are simply good at sucking in pollution from the air, but they hit a wall with Wei Xun - Wei Xun's skin can perfectly hide the pure abyss pollution, and there are many butterfly fragments stationed in the heart to control the pollution. It is not something that it can suck in from the air. moveable.

"Woof woo woo..."

It barked softly like a desperate milk dog. It vaguely remembered that every time it barked like this in the past, the thin wire that transmitted energy would send more energy.

But the scumbag owner Wei Xun became happier the more he heard his puppy bark. He deliberately refused to give it more food because he liked hearing it bark like this. In Wei Xun's eyes, Wangcai's long, snow-white hair wrapped around his hand like static electricity, making it soft and fluffy. It felt really good, especially when he heard it bark again.

Wei Xun enjoyed it for a while, and finally cut his finger and gave it a few drops of blood. Then, with quick eyesight and quick hands when Wangcai was licking vigorously, he tied a collar to its 'neck'!

Although Wangcai established a connection with Wei Xun's eyes, it was just a connection. Wei Xun was not its owner at all, and he could not train and command it. What's more, this dog looked like a breed prohibited by the hotel. Fortunately, it was Lai If you arrive at the battlefield outpost, you will probably be killed if you take him back to the hotel.

Wei Xun had to give it a clear identity. His collar came from the Explorer’s title-exclusive prop ‘Explorer’s Pet Breeding Certificate’.

[As an explorer, of course you need an animal companion! 】

The breeding certificate originally said, 'The right animal will arrive at your side soon.' Wei Xun consulted An Xuefeng and found that he was not just waiting for the animal to come. His police dog came from the man who stayed in Luso forever. A comrade in Yicheng, he has the purple title of 'Police Dog Trainer', and this is the police dog that accompanies him through life and death.

When his comrade was seriously injured and on the verge of death, he remained in the city of Lusoy forever. The loyal police dog lay beside him whimpering sadly, wanting to die with him. An Xuefeng and his brigade have long regarded this police dog as a companion. They don't want this companion to die together. They think that they may be able to rescue their teammates if there is a chance in the future. The police dog is equivalent to the continuation of the title of comrade. With it, they can have greater control. .

An Xuefeng, who has the orange title of "Explorer", turned the animal breeding certificate into a collar and brought the police dog back.

This animal breeding certificate is actually equivalent to preferential treatment in the hotel, allowing explorers to register an animal, mythical beast, or even undead animal or monster, and bring it back to the hotel. If Wei Xun had a breeding certificate in Xiangxi, he could have directly used it to bring Yu and Hui, the souls of the Sky Fox, back.

But in this case, Yu and Hui will never be resurrected and can only exist as "animals". It would be more appropriate to use it now for Wangcai.

"Woof woo woo?"

While Wangcai purred and ate, he squirmed like a boneless cat, trying to get out of the collar. However, the collar quickly disappeared into his body, leaving Wangcai a little confused. My whole body spread out like a big piece of soft fur, and I poked my head around to find where that thing had gone.

"Wangcai, you are my dog."

Wei Xun happily touched Wangcai's head, which was spread out like a dog cake. He was rubbed by it subconsciously, and he felt better. He could clearly feel that he had more connections with Wangcai. When Wei Xun asked Wangcai to turn into energy and put it into the butterfly eye, Wangcai resisted for a few times, but finally obeyed.


Wei Xun only felt a tingling in his eyes, and a thin red line stretched out. It was the connection between his eyes containing the butterfly eye energy and the battlefield! With the participation of Wangcai's pure battlefield energy, this connection is no weaker than that of the Half-Life Taoist.

Of course, if he cooperated with the Devil Merchant, Wei Xun would not have to subdue Wangcai at all. The soul of the Devil Merchant is a long battlefield connection. It's just that Wei Xun doesn't like the feeling of being restricted by others in everything. The unconscious Devil Merchant is still unconscious.

After the connection was put away, Wangcai rushed out in a hurry. The connection absorbed its energy. Wangcai, who had just become fluffy and fat, became thin in an instant. His roar was filled with suspicion and disbelief towards Wei Xun. But Wei Xun fed it a few drops of blood. Wangcai was happy again after having food. He huddled around Wei Xun and barked loudly, with his white fur shaking like a tail.

The battlefield connection was established. Next, he only needed to establish a 'hotel connection' or 'reality connection', and Wei Xun could freely shuttle between the hotel and the battlefield! Wei Xun patted Wangcai affectionately for several times, and took the dog to open the poster that An Xuefeng had stuffed into him.

The specially prepared poster of An Xuefeng could serve as a connection with the hotel.

"Wei Xun! Are you going back to the hotel now?"

The poster shows An Xuefeng, who is about 20 years old. His eyes light up when he sees Wei Xun. However, Wei Xun is in such a mess that An Xuefeng immediately looks him over seriously to see where he is injured and whether it is fatal.

Then the poster shows An Xuefeng's eyes glued to Wangcai.

Why is Wei Xun holding a hairy sea cucumber-like monster? ?

The author has something to say: There will be an extra update tomorrow, boo boo boo!


If he had half his life, he would definitely say it directly - hey, a hairy sea cucumber monster!

A person with a truly high EQ will look at Wei Xun's face - even the poster An Xuefeng looks at Wei Xun's face ten levels!

It's right that An Xuefeng has a wife!

Thanks to the little angels who cast the tyrant votes or irrigated the nutrient solution for me during 2022-01-24 22:40:31~2022-01-25 23:25:25~

Thanks to the little angels who cast rocket launchers: Xu 1;

Thanks to the little angels who cast grenades: Miaomiao 1;

Thanks to the little angels who cast mines: 31396709, Tuqiuqiu 2; Furongyiyt, the reverse cross on the painting, a cabbage 007, Fan Gong Yanzan, Xiao Ximi, Yeyun, Mubian, Corgi is a stray dog, Nandu Yanying 1;

Thanks to the little angels who irrigated the nutrient solution: Zhuyuan 173 bottles; y 169 bottles; Fengqing 80 bottles; Yeyun 73 bottles; Nalu 70 bottles; Sunset Afterglow, Useless is Deep Love @60 bottles; Cao'er Qinma, ike, Chendao, ..., Longbao¥v¥, Jiji Ji, Weiwei 50 bottles; Miaomiao,. , What is this night, Blast the winning triangle, Oreo was eaten, 48905955, Eight Years of Orange, Seven Days, Wearing a wolf's skin? Xiaohongmao, Tangxi 40 bottles; Orange 36 bottles; Yawenhal, Yan Nannan Nannan, zaria~, Mo Yue,, Ink and blue and white, Kaguya, A Xi wants to sleep in, Tuantuan becomes talented 30 bottles; 49143661 28 bottles; Canned 27 bottles; Magic Chiu 25 bottles; Qingshui Jingzhu, Lujia Girl, Shen Yan, Tang Jiufan, ep, pe, Drunken Elegy, Jiuyou, allright, Sauce, Wang Yumeng's girlfriend outside the circle, Strange language, soft father, Duck head, when will you pick me up 20 bottles; Cat Lane ° 18 bottles; ikiru, Alice 17 bottles; Qingfengjun, ljqiiiiiii 15 bottles; Yu An 14 bottles; November 11 bottles; Bai Luo, Handsome Man Meets Handsome Man, Xiu Lin, Yu Sui Sui, Take a Sleep, Yun, 1rizon, Charing Street, Xian Xian, A Yu, Passerby, The CP I Eat Will Never Be, Wutong Tree, Flowers Like Snow, Tears Are Gone, Unfinished, 48345226, Grocery Store Xiao Qian, Small Stool, Qi Hai, Mu Shang, Sweet Song, Years Have Been Familiar, Kinnara, My Wife, No Complaints of Parting, I Miss the Blue Sky, Blue Dots, Yue Xi Zhui, Niu, Amphitrite, Mu Yunzi, Long Night Weiming, Qingge Shaohan, Floating Clouds 10 bottles; Xian San Sui, Cheng Zi Lord 9 bottles; Cats and Birds 8 bottles; Mo Xi Mou Zi, Captain of the Hundred Coin Trading Team 7 bottles; Sai, Where is Tian Wenwen, Qi Ci 6 bottles; Kitten Drops Fish, Leviathan, Sesame Cake, Xiao Xiao, Pick Up and Return to Fish, Orchid Pavilion Preface, Smoke Weaving Green Rose Dream, Zhouw, Waves 5 bottles; Tutu 3 bottles; Xiao An Anda, I don't know 2 bottles; Shen Qiao, Xiangyun, exiio~chyx, Yu Mo, White Peach, p10, Robbery, When will the Spring River and Autumn Moon end, Qingqing's Qingqing, Cecilia, Pianpian, Dawn White Peach Flavored Sparkling Water, Lin, Urge to Update, Jianjian, Still, Junquan, Blow the Jue?, Alluring Little Lion, Aurora 1 bottle; Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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