Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 451 I love you

The luminous blue-purple butterfly rested on Wei Xun's white hair, glowing with crystal hazy light. It was translucent and looming, like an illusory scene printed on the dream bubble of Dream Chaser. . The butterfly falls lightly on the snow-like hair, dreamy like a painting.

The next moment, there was a sharp sound of wind, and a flash of orange sword light slashed towards Wei Xun's hair! Several strands of hair that were cut off by the blade flew up and swirled in the air. The blue-purple butterfly also disappeared under the blade as if it was frightened. The illusory light surrounding Wei Xun's body dissipated, and everything returned to Calmly, when Wei Xun opened his eyes, he saw An Xuefeng seriously playing with his hair with the return knife, as if he was searching for something carefully.

"Xue Feng?"

The white and slightly curly hair fell down, as if she was shaving a sheep. Wei Xun, who didn't want to be bald, grabbed An Xuefeng's hand and was keenly aware that his mood was wrong: "What happened?"

"How do you feel now?"

An Xuefeng asked rhetorically. When he saw Wei Xun woke up, he immediately lowered his head and pressed his forehead against his, and began to connect mentally, carefully sensing Wei Xun's mental state. When the phantom appeared on Wei Xun's body just now, he couldn't connect. It was the manifestation of his soul and spirit. An Xuefeng's spirit was too strong and there was too much pollution. A rash connection would most likely affect Wei Xun's mental state.

In fact, the company is not very good now. The safest thing is to wait for two days to stabilize mentally, but An Xuefeng is really too worried.

"It's okay - hiss!"

Wei Xun took a breath of air. He had obviously connected spiritually many times, but this time An Xuefeng felt completely different after connecting. His spiritual presence seemed to have increased countless times, and the feeling of spiritual tentacles penetrating in was particularly clear and distinct. , squeezed into Wei Xun's spirit like a giant beast, like a fat cat squeezing into a cardboard box, squeezing everything in. The negative distance of intimacy was unbearable.

For a moment, all Wei Xun could think about was An Xuefeng, but after all, An Xuefeng had no real intention of invading and possessing him. Wei Xun gradually calmed down and felt An Xuefeng's deep worry and vigilance.

What happened just now?

Wei Xun had no memory of what happened just now, he just felt his brain dazzled, and he woke up in just two or three seconds. This is also a normal phenomenon that occurs when the spirit is enhanced and the soul is slightly out of the body. An Xuefeng had mentioned to him before that there was no need to worry. But looking at it now, something unexpected must have happened just now.

There is no need to speak for spiritual communication. Wei Xun rummaged through An Xuefeng's spiritual tentacles and soon found the scene An Xuefeng had just seen.


"It wasn't like that in the beginning."

After looking around Wei Xun's spirit and finding no problems, An Xuefeng felt relieved and maintained a state of mental connection. He picked up the red sweatshirt Wei Xun had just changed into with both hands and said, "In the beginning, your phantom was a human being. "

Although it was only for a moment, An Xuefeng's eyes were very good and he still caught it. He saw with his own eyes that the shadow that appeared around Wei Xun was a human for a moment, and then turned into a butterfly!

"Maria Butterfly wants to erode and control my soul?"

Wei Xun's first reaction was to think of this. The butterfly fragments had tried to control him not once or twice before, but since the ancient oasis was divided, the other fragments had been keeping to themselves. Unexpectedly, something happened here.

"Not sure...let me check."

An Xuefeng did not confirm or deny, and shook his head solemnly. Wei Xun raised his arm in response to An Xuefeng's move, and pulled his left arm out of the sleeve of his half-taken sweatshirt so that An Xuefeng could check the condition of his chest.

They were outdoors in Xiaotang Mountain, sitting on the ground in the open air. Wei Xun had the titles of Cold-blooded and Chaotic Flame, who would absorb their own warmth to make the body cold. When the cold wind blew on the mountain in October, Wei Xun shivered. He was used to it and felt nothing. Xuefeng immediately stopped his movements and hugged him tightly to block the cold wind.

"Let's get to the car."

The back seat of the off-road vehicle was laid flat, An Xuefeng turned on the heater and put a blanket on the back seat. He waited until the car was completely warm before taking off Wei Xun's shirt. Wei Xun's snow-white hair was slightly messy and crowded at the car door. His pure white skin was as white as glowing against the thin black velvet blanket. The two points were also very light and clean in color, until they were stained with a little blood red.

Like a red plum blooming on the white snow, but not much blood flowing out, a pure white and holy halo enveloped, white gold sun fire burning, like bright golden soft angel wings carved from pure gold crowded in the back seat , looks a little embarrassed but extremely holy. The huge golden wings that can support a person to fly were bent and bent on the back seat of the car, like a golden dome wrapping An Xuefeng and Wei Xun under the wings.

An Xuefeng let Wei Xun wear the title of Sun Angel in advance. Angels have extremely strong self-healing abilities and are naturally somewhat resistant to abyss pollution. Although they are Sun Angels whose faith has collapsed and their minds are prone to losing control, they are still connected and should be fine for a short period of time.

However, after Wei Xunzhen became an angel, An Xuefeng discovered that the person whose self-control was severely tested was actually himself. Unlike demons who are extremely competitive and eager to fight, except for the special battle angel title, most ordinary angel titles will naturally have potential effects such as 'peace', making the enemy lose their will to fight and not want to hurt him or attack him.

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But Wei Xun is different. As time goes by, that little bit of mental influence gradually amplifies. An Xuefeng discovers that Wei Xun's angelic state can arouse the deepest malice in people's hearts.

Sun Angel whose faith has collapsed, why are your wings still white and your eyes still clear and compassionate? You should collapse in despair and scream in pain. Your collapsed faith will make you fall from the high sky and become a lowly prey for torture.

You can't return to heaven until you find your faith again.

"The fusion of sun flames still has some influence on the title of angel."

Although An Xuefeng had good self-control, Wei Xun was still keenly aware of his strange mood swings. Wei Xun felt his own state and marveled: "The devil gets stronger as we fight, and I, the enemy, get stronger as we fight. "

It can be said that it is a title that can stimulate the enemy's 100% combat potential, and Wei Xun quite likes it. It stands to reason that the longer Wei Xun uses this title, the more he will be subtly affected by his lack of confidence, uneasiness, anxiety, despair, and finally a mental breakdown. But Wei Xun couldn't feel any negative emotions. He felt pretty good about himself. He even thought that if he used the titles of 'Sun Angel with Collapsed Faith' and 'Devil's Shame' at the same time, demonic enemies would be encouraged. How crazy.

Crazy means more exciting battles, and it also means enemies who have lost their minds and are more calculating, which Wei Xun thinks is pretty good.

"Angelic titles and demonic titles cannot be worn at the same time."

As An Xuefeng's strength would not be too deeply affected, he immersed himself for a moment in order to deeply experience and analyze the impact of this title on others and then convey it to Wei Xun so that he would know better.

"How about it?"

"Well enough."

An Xuefeng was already very good at checking the heart. The tattoo on Wei Xun's heart representing the butterfly fragments was still very well-behaved. Even after the butterfly fragments were transferred out of the ancient oasis, the remaining fragments became more well-behaved.

But An Xuefeng couldn't rest assured. He checked again and again like a paranoid, and even his fingertips turned into tentacles and probed in, carefully stroking the surface of the heart. The keen sucker clearly felt the strong beating of Wei Xun's heart. He was healthy and alive, but An Xuefeng felt as if there was a hole in his heart, and the cold wind poured in, making it cold.

With thoughts swirling in his mind, he recalled the scenes when Wei Xun showed a strange state, and the scene when the butterfly fragment tried to 'control' Wei Xun.

Is it control? Wei Xun's various previous abnormalities, the dangerous and confusing expression he occasionally showed, the dream state he caught from the dream in the ancient oasis, making dream chasers feel weird and dangerous, is it really the influence of the Maria butterfly? There have always been strange things about Wei Xun, and An Xuefeng has never ignored them.

Just now, Wei Xun's soul shadow was in human form when it first appeared, and later turned into a butterfly. Is this because of the influence, invasion and control of the butterfly fragments?

But An Xuefeng didn't find any signs of being invaded in Wei Xun's mind. Moreover, if such a situation really happened, it couldn't be hidden from them in the connection.

Is there a possibility -

Involving rules-based tasks, this kind of "out-of-body experience" shows the truest self after taking away the disguise.

So, is there a possibility.

An Xuefeng described Wei Xun's face with his eyes. Seeing his eyelashes like snow and his smiling eyes, his heart felt like he had been through a hell of a frying pan and was suffering. Seeing that Wei Xun felt his emotions and had a questioning look in his eyes, An Xuefeng opened his mouth, but could not make a sound. It was obviously just a groundless guess, but he didn't want to say it, as if the words would come true and Wei Xun in his arms would turn into a butterfly and fly away.

But An Xuefeng finally thought that Wei Xun should know, and he didn't want to hide anything from Wei Xun. So An Xuefeng told him his speculation in a low voice.


An Xuefeng didn't know how he felt. He stared at Wei Xun, and unconsciously grabbed him with his hands like iron cuffs. In addition to avoiding the chest injury, he pressed on Wei Xun, as if to force him to The body is a yoke. He watched Wei Xun's eyes widen, laughed again, and asked with interest: "Is the life-seeking man also a butterfly? That's why he doesn't slice it."

"Not sure."

Speaking of the life-loving An Xuefeng, he suddenly calmed down, as if he had returned from all kinds of absurd fantasies to cruel reality. An Xuefeng thought that Wei Xun could live for another hundred years when he thought that after ten years of hard work in the hotel, he still didn't die, and the disaster would last for thousands of years. What does the soul of a life-haunting person look like? Can it be used as a reference for Wei Xun's situation? An Xuefeng wasn't sure, but he thought he might be able to squat down on the murderer when he showed up and beat him out of his body.


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Hearing Wei Xun's prompting hum, An Xuefeng, who had been imagining, suddenly came back to his senses. He coughed twice in embarrassment, trying to hide it: "You may have been infected by butterflies since you were a child, or maybe you were infected with butterflies when you were in your mother's womb." The soul is in this state due to the influence of the butterfly... Of course, people who have studied the soul deeply like Half Life and Chasing Dreams before did not see your problem. It may be because of this butterfly. There are certain conditions for the soul to manifest. A normal soul is still a human being..."

An Xuefeng said while thinking, but before he finished speaking, he felt a cold finger touch his lips.

An Xuefeng stopped talking and asked Wei Xun with his eyes. He saw that he was still smiling, but the smile did not reach his eyes. He asked casually: "Why, do you care so much?"

Of course I care! Wei Xun is his lover, how could he not care about Wei Xun's various problems that may very well hurt him!

An Xuefeng subconsciously wanted to speak. Perhaps because of the issue of * * * integration, An Xuefeng's emotional intelligence was so high that he seemed to suddenly understand how to answer this question.

"I don't care, I don't care either."

An Xuefeng kissed Wei Xun on the lips, his voice was low and serious, as solemn as if he was reciting wedding vows. The unfinished words disappeared into the kiss, but the spiritual connection allowed Wei Xun to clearly know An Xuefeng's true thoughts and not hide anything.

I care because I'm worried about you.

I don't care because I love you.

No matter who you are or what you become, I will always be fascinated by you.

A person who has always been very serious talks about love solemnly, and the feeling of making a promise is indescribable. Wei Xun was very satisfied with An Xuefeng's attitude and gave him more encouragement and response. But An Xuefeng was thinking about Wei Xun's unsewed chest. After the kiss, An Xuefeng carefully treated Wei Xun's chest injury. After the treatment was completed, he put Wei Xun's clothes on and said seriously:

"After we go back, let's connect deeply."

If in the past, An Xuefeng had said this just after discovering that there was something wrong with his soul, Wei Xun would have definitely suspected that he had some agenda and wanted to use this to further study and control his soul. Now this paranoia has not disappeared, but Wei Xun knows that An Xuefeng wants to do this to help him cover up his soul problems.

Although it has not appeared before, since there is a problem this time, we must be prepared in advance.

After a deep connection, their spirits merged. An Xuefeng was extremely powerful and confident to cover up the vision in Wei Xun's soul.


Wei Xun agreed, but suddenly thought of something, and teased in a low voice: "Officer An, you seem to be harboring a fugitive."

As the most valued tourist in the hotel, the captain of the first brigade, and the person in charge of the hotel, An Xuefeng had to hide everything for him right under the nose of the hotel.

"The police never harbor fugitives."

An Xuefeng glared at him, but this glance had no lethality. He straightened Wei Xun's messy hair, and suddenly found golden feathers between his fingers, which should have been the feathers that had been pulled off Wei Xun's wings when he tightly grasped his body.

Angel feathers were very precious, especially when Wei Xun was looking at him. An Xuefeng was supposed to return the feather to Wei Xun, but he hid the feather openly and secretly despite Wei Xun's gaze. Under Wei Xun's gaze, An Xuefeng kept a straight face for a while, but finally couldn't hold it back and sighed and chuckled.

"We are all fugitives."

They are all fugitives who want to escape from the hotel. They are all using the power provided by the hotel to grow and try to counterattack the moths of the hotel.

Of course, this is all just speculation at the moment, and what happened to Wei Xun's soul has not been seriously studied. Even if we look at the worst case scenario, the hotel is symbolized by the Maria butterfly, and Wei Xun's soul is suspected to be a butterfly, but now Wei Xun has come out, and didn't the hotel run very well in the ten years when Wei Xun did not enter the hotel?

To put it another way, it might be the same with or without him. Furthermore, even if Wei Xun is really important, isn't there still someone who is trying to make a living?

After thinking a lot while holding Wei Xun in his arms, An Xuefeng calmed down and returned to the hotel and closed the door.

Let’s connect deeply first.

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