Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 458: Exchanging Cat Photos

It turns out that Yin Yang Butterfly really doesn’t know his identity?

Seeing Yin-Yang Die's shocked expression, Wei Xun felt angry and funny. He heard the dream chaser next to him cough lightly and thought of his oath that "Yin-Yang Die must know". Wei Xun felt mixed for a moment and didn't know what to do. What to say.

This... alas!

But Wei Xun also felt a little relieved. If Yin Yang Die had guessed his identity a long time ago, even if he didn't say it, Wei Xun would definitely be wary in his heart. He feels that Yin Yang Butterfly is not stupid, but his thinking is different from that of normal people. He always has some weird ideas, and his brain always takes a wrong turn. Sometimes he is very middle-class. In addition, the appearance of this boy who is indistinguishable from male and female, Wei Xun felt that he seemed quite young.

"How old are you."

"Jie Jie, I am sixty-nine years old."

Sure enough, when Yin-Yang Die was shocked, Wei Xun asked a question without hesitation, causing him to subconsciously sneer and reveal the false age he had been telling the outside world. After noticing Wei Xun's strange gaze, Yin-Yang Die's face turned red, and he lowered his head and lowered his voice. , glanced at Dream Chaser, and seeing that Wei Xun had no intention of letting him leave, Yin Yang Die finally muttered and told the truth: "Sixteen."

Yin Yang Butterfly is only sixteen years old!

He came in in his fifth year and was a tour guide in the next ten years, which means he was just eleven years old when he entered the hotel! Not much older than Mao Xiaole when he entered the hotel!

Such a young child has become a butcher tour guide with blood on his hands. Wei Xun heard Dream Chaser breathing heavily, and he must have been cursing the Butcher Alliance in his heart that they are really a group of beasts that are not human, and the life-seeking people are even more beasts. animal.

However, the younger the person selected into the hotel, the higher the talent for growth may be. Pinocchio, the second and third member of the Shepherd Alliance, was also young, and Xu Yang, the blind boy Wei Xun met in northern Tibet, was not yet an adult, just fifteen years old. Not to mention Mao Xiaole who entered a hotel at the age of nine. And they are all extremely talented and their futures are immeasurable.

However, children at this age have not yet fully formed their outlook on life. Such an important period of time is spent in a place like a hotel. It is basically impossible not to grow crooked. Even Mao Xiaole was found by An Xuefeng not long after he entered the hotel. He was protected by the returnees and was very violent. There were no sunny and good young people in the hotel.

Yin Yangdie joined a hotel as a tour guide at such a young age. If the Tour Guide Alliance didn't accept him, he would either not be able to survive, or he would be even more perverted. It was Xi Mingren who chose him and specially trained him like this... Wei Xun frowned slightly, why didn't Xi Mingren train anyone before, but chose Yin Yang Butterfly?

This time is too special. The Yin-Yang Butterfly must have entered after he was trapped at the Inca Sun Gate. According to the information that my brother has always attached great importance to Bingjiu, it is possible that he got the news through the astrologer that Wei Xun would enter the hotel as Bingjiu. But before, the astrologer said to Wei Xun, "I thought he was you." After saying this, Wei Xun felt that maybe he should have been selected into the hotel ten years ago, but his brother used some means to delay this time.

Bingjiu may be one of his methods, and the Ximingren may have known something after being sealed behind the Sun Gate. For example, Wei Xun could no longer be prevented from entering the hotel, so he cultivated Yin Yang Butterfly from that young five years ago.

What did my brother do back then?

Wei Xun decided to dig out more clues from Yin-Yang Butterfly and the life-haunting people. His eyes fell on Yin-Yang Butterfly, and Wei Xun suddenly discovered that Yin-Yang Butterfly had returned to calm.

Calm down so quickly? It's a bit unlike him. Wei Xun thought for a while and suddenly felt that even if he showed his face, Yin Yang Butterfly might think wrongly. Saying 'just like you think' is not very reliable for Yin Yang Butterfly. Who knows? Where would the Yin-Yang Butterfly go?

The Yin-Yang Butterfly’s ‘adults’ are actually twins! ’ The idea didn’t stay overnight in his head.

"You just need to know that Wei Xunbing is all mine."

Wei Xun spoke concisely and to the point. Facing Yin Yang Butterfly, whose pupils were shaking, he thought for a while and added: "We are one person."

Wei Xun thought it would be better to speak simply and straightforwardly to Yin Yang Butterfly. Otherwise, what if he interpreted "Bing and Wei Xun are both me" to mean that Bing and Wei Xun are clones of each other?

Anyway, if you say this, Yin Yang Butterfly will definitely not misunderstand it again.

Wei Xun was indeed thoughtful, and Yin Yang Butterfly's thoughts did not go astray anymore. However, from the moment he learned the news to the time he signed the contract, he remained silent and tried his best to reduce his sense of existence. Whenever Wei Xun expressed profound thoughts (?) Yin Yang Butterfly always trembles when her eyes fall on him, wishing she could dig a tunnel and disappear on the spot.

Wei Xun, Wei Xun, Bingyi turned out to be Wei Xun!

Even if they are twins!

The last bit of luck was broken. Yin Yang Die detailed all the disrespectful crimes he had committed against Wei Xun, and his mood became increasingly bleak. No wonder, no wonder Mr. Bingyi never entrusted him with important responsibilities, even if he presented the vampire knife. Able to become a complete confidant of adults.

But looking at the signed contract, Yin Yang Die's originally melancholy mood inexplicably adjusted itself.

It doesn't seem like a bad thing if the adults have the leverage!

Look! The Lord was actually willing to tell him his identity and showed him his true appearance. Although he signed a contract, this was also a breakthrough. The Lord must feel that he has the Yin-Yang Butterfly in his grasp, and will definitely use him again in the future.

Thinking of the Dream Chaser who had been staying in this room since he came in, Yin Yang Butterfly suddenly realized that it seemed that the Dream Chaser also knew the identity of the adult.

Rounding things off, he can now be regarded as equally important and credible as Dream Chaser in the eyes of adults!

Yin-Yang Butterfly became happy, and looked at Dream Chaser with kinder eyes. Seeing that Dream Chaser did not look at him as coldly as before (Yin-Yang Butterfly was only sixteen years old after all), but turned his head away from him, Yin-Yang Butterfly He was certain in his heart that even Dream Chaser, who hated the butcher tour guide the most, tolerated it. It is conceivable that the adult is also extremely important in his heart.

Thinking of this, Yin Yang Butterfly became a little more vigilant - who knows if Dream Chaser will be the next psychic medium, be careful of the psychic mediums around you, start now!

"Sir, Taoist Feng has come to see me several times in the past few days."

Yin Yang Die's mind turned around, and he took the initiative when Wei Xun was reading the contract: "It is said that he had some problems during this period when he was taking ideological and moral classes..."

After the words were drawn out, Yin Yang Die glanced at Dream Chaser thoughtfully. Seeing that Dream Chaser was ignoring him indifferently, Yin Yang Die dared to hum in his heart - Dream Chaser might not be able to calm down after a while.


Hearing Wei Xun raise his eyebrows and snort in confusion, Yin-Yang Butterfly said nothing about Qiao: "Silverfish has been causing trouble for Taoist Feng in the alliance recently, and he is not allowed to attend ideological and moral classes."

When he was in the Butcher Alliance, every time he was defeated by a psychic, Yin Yang Die would reflect hard upon his return and simulate what he should do if it happened again. Although he still didn't succeed once, Yin Yang Die was influenced by it. He is also a veteran vying for favor in the workplace.

Dream Chaser is powerful and has a high status. He is Wei Xun's number one confidant. No matter in terms of strength or prestige, Yin Yang Butterfly cannot trip him up. But there is no problem in applying some eye drops secretly. Who let the dream chaser give him the clue?

Everyone knows that ideological and moral classes are courses used by the Mutual Aid Alliance to influence (brainwash) members. During this time, the atmosphere within the alliance has undergone subtle changes. Everyone is very active in completing various tasks and exchanging resources and intelligence within the alliance. The entire The mutual aid alliance has become lively and energetic, as everyone has become more responsible and worked towards building a better alliance.

This is obviously the result of the ideological and moral courses. Some people are aware of this and refuse to delay the fixed monthly course time as long as they can. However, some people are more proactive - anyone who wants to move up in the mutual aid alliance is particularly active in participating. In the ideological and moral class, the typical example is Feng Taoist.

If the most enthusiastic tourist in the Mutual Aid Alliance is Yuntianhe, then the most dedicated tour guide is Feng Taoist. He immersed himself in ideological and moral classes almost as soon as he had free time. He actively donated pollen flowers and bees to plant hives, rain or shine, and even took on the construction project of the magic bee garden within the mutual aid alliance. However, in just half a month, he was allowed to raise a hive. Magic bees and raising magic sheep have become one of the profitable industries within the mutual aid alliance.

If Taoist Feng hadn't been noticed by the Yin-Yang Butterfly due to his current weak strength and low rank, he would definitely be the number one imaginary enemy of the Yin-Yang Butterfly!

Taoist Feng is also very knowledgeable and has always maintained a good relationship with his old boss in the Butcher Alliance. Soon after Yin Yang Die returned to the hotel this time, he told him everything that happened during this period.

Silverfish made an excuse to stop Taoist Feng from attending the ideological and moral class, but Taoist Feng just said it casually. Yin-Yang Die didn't take it seriously at first, but now that he thinks about it, Yin-Yang Die feels that he should regard this as a stick between Wei Xun and Zhui. The thorn between the dreamer and the two people is just right.

Feng Taoist people actively accept the ideological and moral brainwashing class, which is a good thing for the Mutual Aid Alliance and Wei Xun. Silverfish's own united brigade captain, Wu Yun, is a knight but is not active in class. Why is he still blocking Taoist Feng's progress? It is known that Silverfish has a very good relationship with Dream Chaser. Could Dream Chaser be secretly directing his actions?

Although Yin Yang Die thinks it is unlikely, Wei Xun is paranoid. If this kind of thing happens more often, he will definitely think about it.

"I see."

Wei Xun nodded and threw a card to Yin Yang Butterfly: "Last time you said you wanted to go to the Abyss Node, so go before the warm-up match."

Then he sent the Yin Yang Butterfly away. The Yin Yang Butterfly was happy when he left. Wei Xun letting him out like this must be because he was suspicious and wanted to ask Dream Chaser about it alone. And Dream Chaser can't blame him on Yin Yang Butterfly - he told Wei Xun openly and openly in front of others, and he didn't add any fuel to the fire, which is much better than snitching in private.

Yin Yang Butterfly thought about his wonderful performance just now, and was almost intoxicated. The more he thought about it, the more he realized that this trick was really wonderful. After thinking about it several times, Yin Yang Butterfly stopped wasting time and went to get the Abyss Node pass that Wei Xun gave him!

Only by being strong enough can you gain more respect from adults. Now the position of Class A-3 tour guide is vacant, and the psychic medium has no intention of being promoted to Class-A. This is a good opportunity for Yin-Yang Butterfly! There is S2 Lizard Duke in the warm-up match... Not to mention killing him, as long as we are evenly matched against him and don't fall too far behind, then this position of A-3...

The Yin-Yang Butterfly thought about it and suddenly became more motivated. He worked hard and trained himself - since returning from Sahara, he always felt that his original connection with the abyss seemed to be a bit stagnant. This was not good!

"Silverfish has contact with Bee Taoist?"

After Yin-Yang Die left, the atmosphere between Wei Xun and Dream Chaser was slightly solemn, but it was not the solemnity that Yin-Yang Die imagined.

"Silverfish and Bee Taoist have no friendship."

Dream Chaser said seriously: "I will investigate this matter."

Silverfish did not become a knight in the Mutual Aid Alliance, but Wu Yun, the captain of the Fengdu Brigade, the fourth brigade in the East District of the hotel, provided a large amount of props and resources to him and became a knight.

After all, there is already Taoist Bee in the Mutual Aid Alliance. Silverfish and he are both insect masters, and Wei Xun will not let them all stand in high positions in the Mutual Aid Alliance.

Since there is little interaction on weekdays, why would Silverfish prevent Taoist Feng from taking ideological and moral classes? Wei Xun summoned the Responsibility Demon Bug and listened to it talk about Bee Taoist's classroom performance during this period... There was nothing special except that he became more and more obsessed with the Responsibility Demon Bug and tried to introduce it to his own Worm No. 1 and Queen Bee. action.

Taoist Feng wants to marry the responsible demon insect with his own demon insect, and also wants to tie himself more tightly to the chariot of Bingyi, which is quite in line with his character.

Why did Silverfish just prevent him from taking ideological and moral classes?

Speaking of demonic insects...

“Do slices left unchecked have a tendency to fuse on their own?”

"Normally not."

Dream Chaser shook his head seriously. He also thought about the problem of the Insect Master. Now all the slices of the Insect Master have been found.

"But I'm not sure."

Normally, if a dead person is lucky enough to be recovered by the hotel, he will be thrown into the journey to work. Dream Chaser has never seen someone like the Bug Master, who was sliced ​​after death. The Infected Man, Silverfish and Bee Taoist turned out to be serious tour guides with rankings in the hotel! Silverfish can even reconnect with Team Black!

Is the Insect Master dead or not? Can he be resurrected according to normal procedures?

Now if the evil insect master wants to be resurrected, it will definitely affect the whole body. Die Da is Wei Xun's important insect, Wu Laoliu is the nail stuck in the tomb of the Tusi King, Feng Taoist is a loyal and excellent knight, Yi As a B5 elite tour guide, Yu is about to participate in the year-end celebration warm-up competition... and there is also an infected person, the ghost Xiaohong. If they really become one person, will the hotel be completely blocked by the resurrection of the Insect Master?

After all, this is completely against the hotel rules!

So when they learned about the abnormal spontaneous contact between Silverfish and Bee Taoist, Wei Xun and Dream Chaser were particularly concerned.

"I kept an eye on them during this time."

The dream chaser said solemnly: "When the warm-up competition begins... let the other side take care of it on the way home."

"It's almost time, you go take a group photo first."

It took a lot of time to sign the contract with Yin Yang Butterfly, and then discussed the matter of the evil insect master. By the time Wei Xun went out, it was already 7:30 in the evening.

At eight o'clock, the list of passengers participating in the year-end celebration warm-up competition will no longer change, and the passengers selected on the list will gather in the virtual lobby of the hotel. Wei Xun hadn't been here for a while, and he saw that the virtual hall had completely changed its appearance. It was decorated with lights and colorful decorations and was full of joy. Wonderful journey recordings were rotated on the big screens in all directions. All the recordings that originally cost money were free to watch!

In addition, all kinds of merchandise and props sold in the hotel are discounted. The tallest auction house appears like a real building. Colorful ribbons extend from the auction house in all directions, and between every two ribbons is a commercial street. In the rows of temporary shops provided by the hotel, tour guides and tourists can sell various props and materials they obtained and made. Many people even set up food stalls.

There is a huge flow of people spending enthusiastically in front of major stores. After spending a certain amount, you will receive a blind box donated by the hotel! Major tour groups and tour guide alliances also have special stalls. Wei Xun's sharp eyes saw the Mutual Aid Alliance's stall at a glance. Several adjacent shops were owned by the Mutual Aid Alliance. When Wei Xun saw the fainted sheep, he was about to participate in the warm-up competition, but he still had the time to sell mutton skewers! The black devil lamb skewers are roasted and dripping with oil, and sprinkled with a lot of cumin and chili powder. The rich ** aroma can take away people's soul.

What's more, this aroma is also mixed with the alluring aroma of honey - fainting sheep and buying honey-glazed grilled wings. Although the chicken wings are ordinary, the honey smeared on them is Bee Taoist's magic honey (the most common kind). The color of the honey wrapped on the chicken wings is as sweet and fragrant as amber. Even if you don't consider dietary supplements, the taste alone is attractive enough. A large number of diners came.

This was not enough. Wei Xun saw with his own eyes that someone bought several handfuls of mutton skewers, and a blind box appeared in his hand when paying. He opened it casually, and a bright orange light burst out from inside!

In an instant, shouts of surprise surrounded the man who couldn't believe it. He actually fired a peak-level item! This incident spread quickly, and countless people rushed to him screaming and excited, but the extremely lucky passenger disappeared in excitement and panic, probably because he was carrying a heavy treasure and was afraid of an accident. Without catching him, the large crowd of people simply rushed to the Good Luck Mutual Aid Alliance booth, hoping that they could be as lucky as that man!

Wei Xun blinked. He had a good memory and vaguely remembered that the lucky passenger who opened the blind box looked familiar. He seemed to be one of Yun Tianhe's people... He didn't know whether it was true luck or a trap designed by Yun Tianhe. Anyway, we helped each other. The Alliance booth was completely on fire.

"Let's be lively. It will be more lively when we take a group photo later."

Wei Xun was surrounded by Taoist Ban Ming and Yu Xiangyang. Yu Xiangyang disappeared for a while and came back with a bag of honey chicken wings, kebabs and chocolate goat milk. Taoist Ban Ming took them and ate them with Wei Xun. , pointed at the auction house in the middle of the virtual hall with the mutton skewer.

"After a while, the group photo posters of tourists will be taken there, in the East District and in the West District. While the group photos are being taken, the tourists and tour guides can freely move around in the virtual lobby."

At this point, Taoist Ban Ming suddenly laughed: "It's convenient for tourists to take pictures of posters, but it would be really annoying if the tour guide's alienated state comes out. Let me tell you, this place is more lively during the real year-end celebrations."

"At the end of the year celebration duel, the entire virtual hall will become a gladiatorial arena, and there will be the highest duel stage. Tour guides and tourists at the top of the rankings will be invited, and there will be an abyss spanning most of the virtual hall. Gate. The big tour guides from the West District and the East District will all show their alienated state when passing through the Gate of the Abyss.”

The half-life Taoist clicked his tongue in amazement and shook his head: "That was really a big scene. The tour guides for special and lower-class tourists can only look at the mosaics. They can't stand it. It's a pity that you can't take photos or videos in the warm-up competition... By the way, are you sure? Want to give him this photo?"

"Yes, I leave it to you."

Wei Xun looked at the building auction house on the top floor and narrowed his eyes slightly. Through this group poster shooting, the virtual halls of the east and west districts overlapped, and David was able to meet with Taoist Half-Life in the virtual hall to complete a transaction.

Wei Xun was really interested in the old photos of Xi Ming Ren in David's hands... He agreed to the exchange with Taoist Ban Ming as the bridge. For this reason, Wei Xun specifically allowed Taoist Ban Ming to take several pictures of Ping Ping's cat.

Who says little hippie can’t be a life-loving person!

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