Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 473: Iceland Shock (7)


In the panic, I don't know how many people fired, but it was definitely more than one person. Several bullet holes appeared on the rotten whale tail in an instant, like a corpse bloated with rotten gas after death. The bullets fell on a balloon that was swollen to the extreme. With a loud bang, the entire whale tail burst open, and the gray-purple smelly rotten fat mixed with black tentacles like parasites were blown everywhere, and some even splashed onto the yacht!


The strong fishy and rotten smell hit them in the face, and the people standing at the front of the yacht couldn't help vomiting. It all happened too fast. Miranda and others only had time to turn sideways to prevent the filth from splashing on their exposed facial skin. Yin Guangyuan turned into a tiger in an instant. The huge tiger roared and stood sideways in front of Miao Fangfei and others.

The only person who didn't dodge was An Xuefeng. He had stepped on the fence, and half of his body was almost outside the boat. He held the fence with one hand and pointed the gun at the sea with the other hand, his eyes were extremely cold. ——But strangely, the rotten whale blubber, whale meat and tentacles disappeared in the blink of an eye, as if they melted into the sea, or as if everything just now was just an illusion.

"Don't get close to here."

But An Xuefeng was always on guard, and he didn't jump off the fence until he realized that someone was coming to watch him. He warned sternly.

"What happened? Didn't you find a whale? Why did you shoot?!"

Not everyone is interested in going out to sea to watch whales. The sea was so rough and it was raining. Lisa, Danlin and others stayed by Bingyi's side. Even though Walker wanted to broaden his horizons, the rich guide was the most important thing in his mind. The five big tourists in the West District didn't see what was happening at the bow clearly. They only realized that something was wrong after hearing screams and gunshots.

"Yes, who fired the gun!"

The second person who asked the question in a shrill voice was Miranda, who looked like she was going crazy: "Shit, this is so dangerous! You will kill us, you will ruin this attraction!"

"It was you who first mistook it for a whale, Miranda."

Miao Fangfei retorted, confronting Miranda tit for tat, and she also had a gun in her hand. It was not just Wei Xun who fired the gun just now, but also her and Shao Yuan.

"No matter what it is, it's not a good thing to approach the yacht. It's better to break it up than to let it crash into the yacht."

"No, what on earth was floating over the sea just now?"

Lisa glanced at the sea from a distance nervously, obviously disagreeing: "Whether it's a fish or something else, you shouldn't abuse the gun like this, right?"

"Fuck, did you really fire a gun just now? You guys, how can you be so skilled?"

The big guys and passengers were obviously not in a good state, and Yu Xiangyang and others were startled by the gunshots - they really had never seen people firing guns casually in their country.

Seeing that their san values ​​began to fluctuate unsteadily, it was obvious that the san value of the big man from the East District who joined in the fun and witnessed the rotting whale tail was much more dangerous than the big man from the West District who had been guarding Bingyi, especially Wei Xun's san value. Miranda glared at Miao Fangfei fiercely, not daring to argue anymore, and explained with a forced smile: "It was a strange fish in the sea just now, eating corpses, it will emit sound waves that hurt people's brains. You just heard the screams. That's why they shot it to scare it away." "It didn't hit it. Look, there's no blood on the sea. Everything is normal, isn't it." An Xuefeng didn't participate in their discussion, his eyes were still on the black sea. The salty and fishy rain soaked his hair, not only was it not refreshing, but it was sticky, like dried blood, which made people uncomfortable. An Xuefeng had some tinnitus, and until now he could still faintly hear that inhuman scream. An Xuefeng put away his gun and pulled out the knife of "Wei Xun". The rotten tail of a whale cannot stand upright on the sea like this. This is not in line with common sense. Is there really a strange fish that eats scavengers in it? Is the scream heard before really the sound waves emitted by the strange fish? Is all this real or an illusion, or has something incredible really happened——

"Hey, kid."

Walker's impatient voice sounded behind him. An Xuefeng did not put away the knife. He naturally put his hand back, turned sideways and blocked the knife and arm with his body, and looked at Walker: "Huh?"

"Listen carefully, our tour guide wants you to go over."

Walker seemed to dislike his indifferent expression, and his tone became a little rude, but An Xuefeng remained calm: "I'll go over in a while."

"Okay, whatever you want."

As An Xuefeng expected, Walker did not persuade him again, but instead had a hint of gloating and turned away. After he left, An Xuefeng's face was gloomy. He knew that the people around Bingyi were all after Bingyi's money. In Walker's eyes, he was a potential competitor, so he was happy not to go to Walker, just because of money, not because of anything else, such as liking Bingyi.

An Xuefeng understood, but he was anxious for some reason. He should have thought about Miao Fangfei and the others shooting and the whale's tail being cut off, but the shrieking sound echoing in his ears made it impossible for him to calm down, especially the lingering fishy smell that lingered in his nose, which somehow turned into a greasy sweet fragrance. There was a tingling sensation deep in the tip of his right index finger. Just now, when An Xuefeng was shooting with his gun and the rotten whale blubber exploded, a little foam splashed onto his finger.

When the whale's tail disappeared, the foam also disappeared, leaving only a little light purple spot. If it weren't for Wei Xun's skin being as white as snow, ordinary people might not be able to notice it. An Xuefeng quietly pressed the blade with his fingertips, and the sharp blade cut a bloody hole in his fingertips. There was no blood from the wound, and it looked like rolled up gray-white flesh that had been soaked in water for a long time. There were densely packed black spots inside - like the tentacles on a rotting whale's tail.

"Damn it, I really don't know why Director B fell in love with such an unmanly pretty boy like you."

An Xuefeng's dilated pupils suddenly shrank, and the wound on his hand cut by the knife was bleeding. It looked normal, as if the horrific wound before was an illusion.

An Xuefeng clenched his fists and turned to look at Walker, who was returning. Before he could say anything, An Xuefeng's eyes were attracted by the strange creature held by Walker. At first glance, it looked like an enlarged version of the creature. The tender yellow corn noodle is as big as a large dog, with a red leash around its neck, and the stripes on its body are a bit like bamboo shoots. The darker-colored tentacles are bunched up in a circle because of the collar, a bit like a carefree sunflower.

"You've never seen it, boy. This is a high-end thing that only rich people can keep, corn worms. I heard that it is as smart as a dog and saves money to feed. It usually only eats some mud."

Walker laughed at his uneducated expression, and reluctantly pushed the rope into An Xuefeng's hand: "Here, Director B said you don't have to go over, he just wants you to give him a worm. Humph, want me I think dogs are more beautiful, and I’m going to take a ride on that white shepherd dog soon..."

An Xuefeng was not in the mood to listen to Walker's continued chatter. Something cold and soft touched the palm of his hand. After this bright yellow corn worm was handed over to his hand, it stood upright and swayed affectionately with its head. An Xuefeng's hand was like a big dog - it was the hand he used to hold the knife.

To be honest, this exotic pet cannot be called cute, and it might make people want to step on it when walking on the road. But An Xuefeng didn't hate it. He raised his hand to avoid rubbing against the worm because he was afraid of cutting it with the knife in his hand. But after raising his hand, An Xuefeng's eyes narrowed. His hands were covered with wet slime from worms, but the wound he had just made healed! The strange smell, which I couldn't tell whether it was fishy or rotten or sweet, also disappeared.

An Xuefeng's heart moved and he looked at his arm. There were also gray-purple spots in other places, four in total. He picked up the worm - even before he picked it up, Wei Xun's strength was still a bit weak compared to his original body. An Xuefeng took the initiative to put his arm in front of the worm and watched it dance happily and wrap its tentacles around his arm. This scene is a bit scary.

But soon, after it retracted its tentacles, except for a layer of slippery mucus, all the gray-purple spots on An Xuefeng's arms disappeared.

Is all this expected by Bingyi?

An Xuefeng thoughtfully held the worm and stood up, looking in the direction of Bingyi, only to see Bingyi squatting next to a fluffy, huge white-fronted tiger with eye-catching eyes, not looking at him.

“Can’t the Son of Nature and the King of Beasts combined resist pollution?”

Miao Fangfei and others gathered around Yin Guangyuan with solemn expressions. Just now, Yin Guangyuan transformed into a giant tiger and blocked all pollution. Normally, when he transformed into a beast with the title of Son of Nature, he would not be affected by various negative states or even pollution. But Yin Guangyuan's situation is a bit worse.

"I'm having hallucinations and auditory hallucinations."

The big tiger spoke in human language. It said feebly: "I dreamed that all the hair on my body turned into tentacles. Yuck. I turned into a smelly black tiger. Yuck."

It kept retching, causing Bingyi, who originally wanted to touch the tiger's head, to retract his hand calmly.

"It's not that bad, your body hasn't been deformed yet."

Di Feiyu comforted him: "It's just mental pollution and the title is out of control. Little Lotus will just read the scriptures to you."

Just as he said, Yao Jinghe was holding a green lotus in his hand, sitting down and reciting scriptures, and used the purple title "Green Lotus in Front of the Buddha" to restore everyone's condition. On the other side, Miranda and others had the purple title "Cheerleader" Betty danced cheerleading, and the team gained morale.

They all saw the rotting tail of the whale just now. It was not an illusion, but it didn't look like the real thing. It was more like a 'pollution bomb' that was seriously polluted, somewhere between reality and reality. Miao Fangfei and the others were right to shoot. It was better to let the whale's tail explode when it was still a short distance away from the yacht than to hit the yacht and then explode. Miranda was not wrong, but she was conservative and cautious and wanted to ignore it. The whale cuts off its tail and lets it disappear on its own.

"She thinks she won't be in danger if she doesn't commit suicide or stir up trouble?"

Shao Yuan mocked: "Don't forget we are still on the boat - she just wants to avoid provoking this whale and let the whale cut off its tail and explode on our side."

"God forbid this terrible thing ever happens again."

Walker and Lisa went to walk Bingyi's dog, and Heydrich went to smoke. Only Sister Maria and Holy Son Danlin stayed beside Bingyi. When Yao Jinghe was chanting, they also held the cross tightly, for Yin Guangyuan and for this boat. Everyone prayed.

But rotten whale tails are just a harbinger of disaster.

More rotten pieces of blubber appear on the surface of the sea, one can be seen every distance sailed, they float with the waves, like a route composed of fat and disgusting tentacles, pointing to the depths of the sea.

As if to guide their ship in that direction.

After discovering the pattern of these floating pieces of meat, the two brigades headed by Miranda and Miao Fangfei had a heated debate over whether they should follow the direction guided by the whale blubber and carrion!

The author has something to say: There will be an update tomorrow, bam bam!


【Who does Wei Xun like? 】

Unsettled An Xun fan [Unfortunately]: Wei Xun likes others. This is a rock. He had fallen in love with Snow Leopard when he was in northern Tibet, and now he said he likes the little stallion... Snow Leopard is a fate between him and Team An. The starting point, what a pity Team An is not a real animal after all, alas!

Veteran Bao Xun fan [can’t believe it]: What, does Wei Xun still like the little stallion? Doesn't he just like snow leopards? Woohoo, I can’t believe it!

Newborn crab legs and corn starch [dancing with ecstasy]: Knock, knock for me! Corn bamboo shoots and Wei Xun can also be eaten!

Wei Xun:?

An Xuefeng: ...cough.

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution between 2022-03-17 22:14:06~2022-03-18 22:24:43~

Thanks to the little angels who threw the rocket launchers: Si Chu and Bai Liu 1;

Thank you to the little angels who threw the grenades: Qingheyun and Xiuyizui 2; Youshu 1;

Thank you to the little angel who threw the landmine: I like the boy with high IQ who is suffering from middle school disease, A Cabbage 007, Kyushu Tong, Qinghe Yun, Naming Obstacle, lbdks9, Sugar Monster, Sip Your Mouth, Separation is Like Spending Together, Little Fox 1 sticker;

Thanks to the little angels who irrigate the nutrient solution: 220 bottles of Jinqianyouya; 180 bottles of Peiran; 145 bottles of Dark Blue; 122 bottles of Luda; 100 bottles of Tiger Orchid, fragrant and sweet, cold Fengyu; 90 bottles of Sakura and Mopanzi; lylia 84 Bottles; today I also have 80 bottles of Yunsuimiao-0w0- and Bingling; 60 bottles of Ark, Waiting for a Sad Pretty Cat; 50 bottles of I Want to Update, Fioangel, I Can Frozen Grapes, and Wind Goes Back; to dispel the sorrow of the night, ugh 40 bottles of Yo Hei Ai, Sea of ​​Flowers; 36 bottles of believerg, Xie; 30 bottles of Tacita, canned, Winter Changming, Pear Bone, Night White Baibaibai; 25 bottles of beta Prodigal; Late Night, Lucky Haruka, Chenyue, 14343225 , Never Stay Up Late Again, The Light Don't Shine on Me, Ji Ji Jixian, Xi'er, Donglou Liquor Lane, Shu Bu Huang, Huan Yu Xianyou, Gu Jiufeng, There is a Little Elk in the Mountain, White Cat's Dog Meat Copy 20 Bottles; 13 bottles of Morning Light in the Forest; 10 bottles of Moxi Mumu, Mi Xuan, Wow O⊙w⊙, Junsha, Wuyi, and I Am Chuya's Body; 7 bottles of Bailiu; Two Donuts, Yu Yuan, Gao Gao is a The protagonist controls 5 bottles; Elric, Bandage Mackerel (●︿●), Lu Wuqi, Ye Jin Tianming 4 bottles; Xiao Yu Hao Sleepy, Kapok Seed, Just Call Me a Broken Child 3 bottles; Qingran 1076, Acid Sour lime, 55419772 2 bottles; tea and sweet wine, 57573656, 47473572, Jun Quan, Xuan, quietly go to the author's..., Ye Lingxue, little octopus, irena, whistle Karl, 58312611, Golden Horn King, Evening Breeze Remnant, sea star smoke, blooming flowers, grocery store Xiaoqian, fxl, horizon 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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