Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 480 The Horror of Iceland (14)

If it weren't for the clues I got from the fish oil shop in Iceland before, if I hadn't known in advance that this attraction would be difficult to 'whale watch', if I hadn't been mentally polluted and could hear the whales, just look at the huge black shadow vaguely floating on the thick foggy sea. , it would be impossible to identify them as a mother and child of killer whales.

It looks like a rugged and dark island. There are rugged and steep reef-like protrusions near the sea. Beside the reef, you can vaguely see clusters of attachments such as seaweed and kelp that undulate with the waves. . There is a 'hill' or 'mound' on the island, which is covered with dense black shadows like tropical plants.



Only a distant and ethereal whale cry was heard, and accompanied by the sound of a thick balloon being punctured, large piles of black and sticky mud suddenly spewed out from the front half of the 'island', like a boiling quagmire, and Like a volcanic eruption, accompanied by an unbearable strong stench, the viscous mud spewed out fell into the sea and did not disperse. Instead, it solidified on the edge of the 'island', just like a volcanic eruption expanding the area of ​​the 'island'.

But Miao Fangfei knew clearly that they were not islands, but mother and son of the killer whale Loughlin! The thick mud that was sprayed out was not a volcanic eruption, but probably a whale spewing water! The whale's spout is full of sticky pollutants. In this case, is the female killer whale Loughlin still alive? I'm afraid he's already a monster!


Heavy pollution surged forward, and Miao Fangfei used Gu insects to control him. Phillip, who was clamped in her arms, suddenly twitched and stiffened like a corpse. But as soon as he opened his mouth and coughed, Miao Fangfei immediately blocked his mouth. , stuffed with a capsule of Icelandic fish oil. Miao Fangfei also immediately took a pill of fish oil by herself, and then she didn't dare to move at all.

The terrifying pressure was pressing down on her from the 'island' ahead, precisely because of what she had just done. The chatter in Miao Fangfei's ears became louder and louder, making Miao Fangfei dizzy and nauseated. Although she didn't have lunch in the hotel at noon, her stomach felt heavy, as if it was filled with foreign objects, and she felt unbearable pain and nausea.

The fishy smell of fish oil filled her throat, suppressing the urge to vomit. The negative effects of being in pain for twenty-five days a month as a novice Gu Po made Miao Fangfei already accustomed to enduring the pain. Miao Fangfei was sweating coldly, but she held her breath and remained motionless, patiently silent, and directly blocked Phillip's mouth with her hand.

It was unbeatable. This kind of monster was almost completely contaminated before it came into direct contact with Ban Ban. Miao Fangfei's mind was empty, and her body and mind were almost still at the same time, like a weak prey pretending to be dead when encountering a ferocious beast. Miao Fangfei knows that others will do the same. This is the best and only way at present and it is also the instinct of survival. All they can do now is pray - that Loughlin the killer whale is not here for them.

I don’t know how long it took, but it was as short as an instant and as long as ten thousand years. When the surrounding fog finally dissipated and the outline of the yacht could be seen again, Miao Fangfei suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, her legs softened and she knelt directly on the deck. superior. She was panting violently, her tears couldn't stop flowing, her whole body was shaking and convulsing, but she didn't dare to say a word. The same was true for other passengers. They fell limply on the deck. The yacht floated quietly on the dark sea, as silent as a tomb.

It was so scary. Yao Jinghe kept reciting the scriptures silently, her whole body shivering, her vision blurred, and her tears gradually became lighter mist. Just now when the killer whale Loughlin looked at the yacht, a thick fog followed. When they retracted their 'look', the thick fog went away.

With such powerful pollution, is this how difficult it is to deal with peak travelers? No, no, I'm afraid even peak travelers would be a big test against them! Yao Jinghe was closest to Walker, and she could clearly see that his exposed cheeks and neck were covered with black hair, and his human ears had turned into wolf ears. His sanity value was obviously still stable at 88, but he was beginning to transform into a werewolf!

This shows that even the powerful body of the top traveler cannot stop the terrifying gaze pollution of the killer whale Loughlin, and it takes a title to compete with it! The devil businessman who was next to Walker on the bow of the ship rolled directly from the railing back to the deck. He completely turned into a ghost alien state, but the natural pearl-colored halo disappeared. Under Loughlin's gaze, the devil businessman couldn't help but Dare to shine.


Suddenly Yao Jinghe noticed Miranda staggering on her hands and feet and crawled to Miao Fangfei's side. Yao Jinghe instantly heightened her vigilance and forced her still trembling body to move towards Miao Fangfei and the others. As she moved in, she saw Miranda grabbing Miao Fangfei's hand and frantically writing on her palm with her fingers.

No one dares to speak on the yacht, this is the safest way to communicate.

Miranda wants Miao Fangfei to contact Shao Yuan and others not to return to the yacht for the time being, and not to make any move on the yacht.

Of course Miranda wanted to turn around and go back to Iceland immediately, but the mother and baby killer whales were still not far away. If the yacht moved and attracted their attention, it would be more of a loss than the gain. I heard that killer whales only eat live prey and not dead meat. I wonder if they are still alive. Whether they have this habit or not, they have no room for trial and error.

Moreover, Miranda had already used her Icelandic fish oil when the thick fog was enveloped by pollution, and Betty and the others also took the only fish oil. When Miranda crawled over and saw that Philip, who was restrained by Miao Fangfei, was still alive, she knew that Miao Fangfei must have given Philip fish oil, otherwise he would not survive.

It is precisely based on this that there is a possibility of cooperation between the two teams.

Although Philip's death can restore the memories of the top passengers in the East End, it is also very likely that the killer whale Loughlin will target the yacht, and in the distance there is a terrifying humpback whale carcass that is full of pollution and about to explode. Once a fierce battle really breaks out, the weak like them can only rely on the protection of the strong to survive, and in this case, even the top travelers will be difficult to protect everyone from death.

There is more to the journey than just fighting head-on, which defeats the purpose of a hotel to train travelers. Even they, the weak tourists, should have a way out and pass the attraction test through other means.

Miao Fangfei thought so. Of course, the main reason why she didn't kill Phillip was that Di Feiyu didn't die and the West District Peak Passenger didn't recover his memory. Miao Fangfei and Miranda looked at each other and reached an agreement when their eyes collided.

The thick fog on the luxury yacht has completely dissipated, indicating that the killer whale Loughlin has completely withdrawn his 'gaze', and the thick fog now covers the sea, covering the direction of the rotting humpback whale carcass. Miao Fangfei and Yao Jinghe supported each other and reluctantly stood up, looking worriedly towards Director Bing and Shaoyuan Speedboat.

Fortunately, they were far away from the humpback whale carcass, and Director B's place no longer glowed. It seemed to be covered up, and it did not attract the attention of the killer whale Loughlin. Miao Fangfei and Miranda both breathed a sigh of relief. Everything was okay, not the worst. They began to count the team members, dragging those who could move to one place.

The worst off at the moment were Betty and Philip, who had fainted. Miranda also has rugby captain Roger and lizard man Charlie, and Miao Fangfei has Yao Jinghe.

However, despite the huge difference in superficial strength, Yu Xiangyang and the other five can also be regarded as their Eastern District guest force. Yu Xiangyang's canine teeth have grown long and the tips reach his lips, his fingernails have turned black, and his eyes are full of anger, showing signs of becoming a zombie. Yin Qiaoqiao's ghostly face was pale, her body was standing translucent, and her body fell to the side - this was an out-of-body experience.

A white lotus appeared in the hand of the White Lotus layman, and golden scriptures vaguely appeared on the pure white lotus petals. However, Tang Xiang, the leader of the crimson group, looked like he had not changed much - basically no change.

For the top passengers on the West Side of the yacht, Walker has begun to transform into a werewolf, and the transformation of the demon hunter Lisa is the most exaggerated.

"Are there more guns?"

Lisa asked Miao Fangfei in a low voice. The crimson devil's wings wrapped the two of them together, forming a relatively airtight space to prevent the sound from being transmitted.

With the wings of the crimson devil and the horns of the crimson devil, the demon hunter Lisa herself has the orange title of 'Crimson Devil'. She is an alien among demons. As a demon, she hunts demons. She has an indulgent and crazy nature but is like an ascetic monk. Always abide by the precepts.

Ah, of course, the Crimson Demon is the top of the road for demonic titles, and the blue titles, dark blue titles and even purple titles before reaching this point are almost normal demons. I don't remember Lisa's name completely, but her personality is closer to that of a normal demon at the moment - bellicose and crazy, she kills first when in danger.

"You can't kill them with guns."

Miao Fangfei lowered her voice and pointedly said: "But maybe the whalers can."

"You mean that George?"

Lisa showed a look of disgust, but still said: "You and I will go find him."

Miao Fangfei means exactly this! Just being silent is useless on the yacht. At present, it seems that there are two ways to solve the crisis of the killer whale Loughlin except facing the enemy head-on.

The first path is Captain Little George. Wei Xun shared the news with them that Little George was once a whaler. And he said in the car, "If you don't eat whale meat, you will see whales when you go to sea." He obviously did some research on contaminated whales.

The second route is the Ocean Protector. Miao Fangfei once exchanged five bottles of Icelandic fish oil from the crew for guns and a promise. The Ocean Protector protects normal marine life, but it is also an enemy of the polluted mother orca.

Whether it's from Little George or the Ocean Protector, you should be able to receive high-level missions! Little George was once rammed and sunk by a whaling ship by the Ocean Protector, so he switched to smuggling Icelandic horses. There is a high probability that there is a grudge between them, and these two mission lines cannot coexist.

If Miao Fangfei had to choose, she would definitely choose Ocean Protector, because they have boats, and luxury yachts are just ordinary yachts after all, and they might sink if they are affected. But they had no means of contacting the Ocean Protector, and little George was on their ship.

"Got to find someone who can drive a yacht."

When Lisa was about to take Miao Fangfei away, Miao Fangfei held her hand: "Little George is the captain."

"No need to find someone who can drive a boat."

At this moment, a cold male voice sounded. Miao Fangfei heard Lisa take a breath of cold air and tensed her muscles into an attack state. Most of the other people on the luxury yacht were also taken aback.

A white fox, fluffier than a horse, appeared on the deck silently. And it was holding a bloody person in its mouth, and there was another one beside it. The heavy rain fell on its snow-white hair, but it could not soak the down, and there was only a layer of mist. Doesn't look weird, more fairy-like.

"It's Hu Xian!"

Yin Qiaoqiao exclaimed in a low voice, White Lotus layman opened his eyes wide, and the knowledgeable people relaxed slightly, Hu Xian and the fox demon are different. Miao Fangfei and others felt more at ease knowing that he was Yu Hehui. However, Miao Fangfei felt relieved and her heart suddenly skipped a beat. Director Bing asked Yu Hehui to monitor the captain. The reason why he came out now is...

"Yacht out of action."

With a thud, the white fox spit out the person in his mouth in front of Miao Fangfei.

"He wanted to run."

Yacht malfunction? !

Everyone present had a sudden thought. Miao Fangfei raised the man's face with the toe of her shoe. It was the driver and captain who came all the way, Little George! His mouth was gagged, his face was distorted and he was struggling, and the veins in his neck were bulging as if he had something to say. The other person who was still standing and in better condition was Big George whom Wei Xun took on the yacht.

Miao Fangfei gestured to look at Yu Hehui, but she saw that the white fox was not paying attention at all. It stood up with its paws on the bow railing, like a large Samoyed, and looked solemnly at Director Bing.

Miao Fangfei had been paying attention to that side, looking over, and vaguely saw that Di Feiyu seemed to be picked up by Shao Yuan and the others on the speedboat. This small speedboat looked a bit crowded - the rib speedboat could only fit in at most Five people, and now there are six people sitting on it, and it will be even more crowded with Director C, not counting the killer whale.

Miao Fangfei tried to find traces of the killer whale that once carried Guide Bing on the sea, but found nothing. But the good news is that the speedboat is farther away from the humpback whale carcass, and the humpback whale carcass has been shrouded in thick fog, and the silence is eerie.

"I don't want to run away, George won't run away! I want to hunt whales, I want revenge!"

Under the suppression of Roger, Walker and Lisa, little George was tied tightly and the stuff in his mouth was removed. His hair was thick and his cheeks were a mess, his face was soaked with rain and blood, and his mouth could only be found when he spoke.

"You can't believe what a beautiful whale it is! That's my little baby. I have never seen such a beautiful whale. It sparkles like a gem!"

Little George was emotional, but Walker savagely blocked his mouth with his fingers, forcing him to hesitate and speak in a low voice, but even so, Little George's madness could be seen from his distorted face: "Selling money? No! I I am not short of money. My brother is the president of the Icelandic Horse Thoroughbred Association. Am I short of money? I just want to collect it. Yes, it is a rare treasure and a mythical elf. I want to get it. I must get it. it!"

"Little George went crazy after returning from that sea trip. His brain was soaked in sea water and caused problems."

Big George had a grimace on his face and his eyelids couldn't stop trembling: "Here, it's that little killer whale. He always said that it is a fairy in mythology and the only beauty in the ice sea."

Rare treasure? Rotting baby killer whale? Mythical elves? ?

Little George's crazy tone made Miao Fangfei's breath hitch, and she heard Miranda's suddenly heavier breathing next to her. Yes, they all understand. Yao Jinghe grabbed little George's wrist, felt it, and nodded slightly to Miao Fangfei.

really! Her guess was correct, little George was seriously polluted in this state!

As they had previously speculated, the Snæfellsjökull eruption was the main culprit of Iceland's out-of-control pollution. The baby killer whales that died due to the volcanic eruption may be embedded with pollution sources such as volcanic debris. And little George must have been in close contact with it, so his spirit was seriously polluted.

And those words like ‘elves’ and ‘myths’ he was talking about probably mean that the source of pollution is related to Nordic mythology!

As we all know, the missions and series titles related to mythology are usually the most difficult missions and orange titles!

"I don't see the beauty in a rotting whale. I'm afraid his head will be smashed by ocean protectors——"

Big George was still talking, but before he could finish speaking, Little George retorted fiercely: "They are crazy, they want to kill it! That is the only and most perfect whale in the world! My little baby, I will not Let those damn people succeed!"

After saying that, he looked at Miao Fangfei and others. His cloudy eyes were extremely sharp at the moment, like a hungry wolf, shining with a crazy green light:

"Hey you guys, this yacht can't move anyway. We are all on this boat and there is no way out, so why don't you try it with me. I smell the smell of fish oil in your mouth, You don’t need to take action, just help me, and I will give you a satisfactory reward afterwards, if we are still alive..."


On the luxury yacht, the hotel notification sounded in the minds of all the weak passengers including Miao Fangfei and Miranda!

[Dip, you got the attention of Whaler George and triggered George's random mission! 】

[Random mission: Assist George in whaling]

[Task level: Exclusive for warm-up competition]

[Task description: Whaler George was completely fascinated by the whale. He swore that it was the most beautiful whale he had ever seen in his life. It was the goal that a whaler pursued throughout his life! The last whaling plan was sabotaged by marine protectors, but Crazy George will not give up and he is ready to take action again. However, ocean protectors are like flies hiding in the distance. Dead whales are harder to catch than alive ones. Poor George needs your help! 】

[Reward: Activate special journey main line + mysterious reward]

【Do you want to accept George's random mission? whether】

Activate special journey main line? !


Miranda and others accepted the mission without hesitation, fearing that this would be a mission with a limited number of people, so they wanted to strike first! Ever since she learned that the luxury yacht was out of order and unable to drive normally, Miranda understood that the journey would push them to the limit and leave them no way out. Facing the pollution of whales was not enough for them. Miao Fangfei and the others obviously had a large amount of fish oil. and more clues, but they had none!

Due to the poor information, Miranda chose to give it a try. Sure enough, after she, Roger and Charlie took the task, the random task showed that the number of people was full.

There are only three places!

Miranda breathed violently, rejoicing and looking at Miao Fangfei suspiciously: "Miao, I don't understand, don't you have any interest in the task?"

"Our team's scenic spot task is difficult enough. There are still five people who haven't completed it. We don't have the energy to do other tasks."

Miao Fangfei smiled perfunctorily: "Although we didn't take the mission, I think you need some Icelandic fish oil?"

Shit, Miao Fangfei is really cunning. If you don't accept tasks to avoid risks, you still want to get benefits from them.

"Of course, of course, I always knew you were a good person, Miao."

But I still need fish oil. Didn’t George specifically say, ‘Do you have the smell of fish oil in your mouth? Miranda and Miao Fangfei initially reached a verbal agreement, but did Miao Fangfei really just think that this task was risky and wanted to see them take the risk and reap the benefits, so she didn't take it? No matter how much adventure they take, no matter how much they share, as long as they complete the mission, their brigade will definitely gain the most.

Next to him, little George was anxiously urging them to prepare. Even though Miranda was still muttering in her heart, she had no time to think about it and followed George away with Roger and the others.

"Team Miao?"

Yao Jinghe hesitated to speak. She was actually able to grab the task just now, but Miao Fangfei pinched her hand and used Gu to remind her secretly. The five members of their team had all planted the poison before setting off. They could communicate even if they couldn't make a sound or had communication equipment, but the distance couldn't be too far.

Why don't you accept the mission? Yao Jinghe doesn't understand. In this situation, only Shao Yuan in their team can be considered as completing the scenic spot mission, and the rest will be considered as failures. If they don't accept Little George's mission and fail to complete the mission and activate the special journey main line, then they will completely fail. Downwind!

“Little George and Ocean Protectors are essentially enemies of Loughlin’s killer whale mother and her son.”

Miao Fangfei had already walked to the bow of the ship, stood next to Bai Hu and looked at the distant sea. Facing Yao Jinghe's doubts, she explained in a low voice: "If I were Director B, I would not take this task. It's too normal."

"If we want to be of the same mind as Director B, we can't take on this mission."

Too... too normal? Yao Jinghe didn't understand. She knew that Director Bing liked to take risks in search of excitement, but this was to plot against a mother and son of a killer whale that had surpassed the peak level of difficulty. Isn't this not adventurous and exciting enough? !

"get ready."

Miao Fangfei didn't explain much. She just started to pack herself and put on clothes suitable for swimming. She pointed to the distance on the sea: "Shao Yuan and the others are about to return. They probably can't go directly to the yacht. We have to swim over to change them."

With the situation so dangerous, Miao Fangfei did not give up on her mission to have close contact with whales! Even if Lisa disagreed and said, "I'll just go," and Walker mocked and said, "Don't cause trouble for Director C," she didn't change her expression.

"We have to go to sea, and Brother Yu will keep an eye on the yacht."

Seeing that Yao Jinghe was still puzzled, Miao Fangfei whispered to her: "Director B cannot take the path of whale hunting and marine protector. You have to open up the pattern."

Although his face and body were obviously messed up and pollution left deep marks, Miao Fangfei still smiled in the heavy rain and said meaningfully: "By the time we get there, Director B will already be playing with the killer whales."

* *

Bingyi refused to get on Shaoyuan's speedboat to go back. He leaned on the back of a wild killer whale and flapped his wings. The golden wings were covered with black tentacles, hiding the light of the feathers. Xiaohu - the name he gave to the wild killer whale, wanted to send him to the speedboat and pushed him with his tentacles, Bingyi knew it.

But he didn't leave. As soon as the little tiger's tentacles pushed him, it would flutter its wings and flash, forcing him to wrap more tentacles around him. It had so many tentacles wrapped around it that it forced him to be put on the speedboat. Bingyi simply got on the speedboat and jumped off the boat immediately, allowing Xiaohu to immediately roll him around again. This back and forth frightened Shao Yuan and the others, but Bing Yi calmly let them go back first.

"Go pick up Miao Fangfei and the others, but come back later to check on the situation first."

Bingyi calmly asked Shaoyuan and the others to leave quickly. When the speedboat went away, he was rolled up by Xiaohu's tentacles and stuffed into his mouth. Bingyi didn't struggle, he stood on the soft tongue of the killer whale to steady his body, sighed, and exhaled some mist.

Thick fog enveloped him silently, and Bingyi felt the hidden gaze even before the speedboat left. He has always been particularly sensitive to wild animals. The killer whale mother and her son were keeping an eye on them, and there was no way they would get on the boat - he could get on the boat, but there was no way the cub would follow. The mother and baby killer whales won't let her go.


The sound of whales sounded in the thick fog, and along with the strong smell of human viscera, a huge piece of rotten whale meat was thrown over and hit heavily in the sea. An Xuefeng only had time to shut up to prevent the seawater mixed with rotten whale blubber from washing over Wei Xun. Then his mind buzzed and he understood the whale language on the other side.

The mother and baby killer whales are testing the waters and want to exchange food with them.

‘Food’ in your mouth!

The author has something to say: There will be an additional update tomorrow, bah bah bah!


Bingyi:? It’s broken, I’ve become food

An Xiaohu Xuefeng:.

An Xiaohu: I really don’t know who can choose the name. Is the medium’s name Xiaoling?

Laughing at someone:?


Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution between 2022-03-24 22:45:51~2022-03-26 23:10:19~

Thank you to the little angel who threw the grenade: Yun Moyan 2; I just want to read a novel quietly 1;

Thanks to the little angels who threw the landmines: calvillo 2; thur, Moji,..., Longjing who is not doing his job, Dian Yuqi, Xingyuan, Xianyu, Qiaoqiaozi, Qinqinken, Chang'anjie 1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 274 bottles of 36035811; 223 bottles of Dolls Will Not Cry on Sunny Days; 180 bottles of Zhan Lan, Mo Qian, You; 137 bottles of Nanzhou Weiyuan; 130 bottles of I Just Want to Read a Novel Quietly; 108 bottles of Yunzong ; Dancing in the Wind, Peony ink, Yuanyuan, Ziting, Han Denglie, Ye Zi, Awkward Little Tsundere, l, Cephalosporin with wine, 100 bottles of three-minute heat; La~La~La~, Hejiu 90 bottles; 85 bottles of Weijiyin; 80 bottles of Qiaoqiaozi, Luhei, Mad Fox Bat; 70 bottles of Yezhang, Anti-Pornography Brigade; 61 bottles of Moran Moli; 60 bottles of Bahaha, Dark Blue, Ashal; 59 bottles of Daqingzi; one Li Fugui'er, Late Night 58 bottles; stct. 52 bottles; Nianxi, Wu Niang, Shanyou Fusu, kokoro, etc. 50 bottles of Longjing that is so annoying and not doing business; Xiyunxian Diao 48 bottles; Fusang, Fusian Qingchengzi , Yiye Yeyeye, 011ta, It’s a Koala, Not a Sloth, 40 bottles; Leaning on the railing to watch the river and listening to the flowing water, 39 bottles; Xiao Ziyan, 36 bottles; Autumn White Dew, 35 bottles; Hometown, 34 bottles; The word count preference is limited to copywriting, 32 bottles; Don’t try to trick me into falling in love, Aiye, Muzigui, 39377672, 50625127, Xinxinxinyiyu, 4alvillo, 30 bottles of Civet Shire; 27 bottles of Li Mo, Beibei; 26 bottles of Qingye Bess; 28655314, Cuckoo Chicken Defense Team 25 bottles; 24 bottles of hibiscus; 23 bottles of ink; 22 bottles of Ansi; Zigui cry, today the radio drama "Fire of Fire" will appear, the wife will update five hundred thousand every day, the sky will be clear, the branches will not grow, and the trees will be happy. , It’s Jian Xi, Tiandou, Luoxingだ, Mr. Fei’s red autumn trousers, Sesame Sesame, 7272, Yimu, Zimo, xl.k, the cp I knock is definitely real, Yuandong, 14343225, Yun Meng Ze, lbdks9, Shen Yong, Tianguang Yunying, It’s Sugar, Cheng Huan Weiji, Hua Xi, α=β, Ah Ah Ah Ah, Qing Yue, Three Two Two, Niu, Green Porridge, Xinxin Bu Ke cp 20 bottles ; 23572529 19 bottles; Steamed Egg, Thirty-One 18 bottles; I carry the knife when you stop updating, Function Makes Me Happy 15 bottles; Shaoling 14 bottles; I Can Frozen Grapes, Lin Min, A Bucket of Lemon Tea, Mo Lijun, Yun, Cicada Yu, Pot Fish Sanshui Crow, Yamashita Aso, Ice Lanxuan, Mu, Miracle, 32660074, Nian Nian, Future Light and Shadow, Car Water, Firefly Flowing Summer, the user you dialed has been approved, joy, Xiaonini, Kunpeng, the seventh cup of milk tea, 89587, llynn, twang, Mengmengmian, aowuuu, 35873474, Xiaofan, i unlimited flow of people 10 bottles; Huci. 9 bottles; Bailiu's shirt, Xingchenchen 8 bottles ; horizon 7 bottles; Wuyi, sanjana 6 bottles; 52605205, mundane world without intention.,, Ping Ping is Apple, Liuli Ai ※ Masked Shang, cheese mixed with wheat grains, Dachi Tuanhua,. , Apu, Wind Chime, 49733724, I don’t know, You Na, I know you like me, Little Fox Tie Tie, Jin Bing, There is a Cat Called Pan, Liangcheng Empty Alley, Junsha 5 bottles; 58025079, Bailiu, Chaoyu 3 bottles of Yi Qingchen and Bai Mao’s dog meat copies;? ? ? , Yo, congratulations and greetings, grocery store Xiaoqian, red leaves and red leaves, seer, two bottles of Meng; the boat of time, night snow, Chen saw the lotus pond moon, lpsar, tea and liqueur, star smoke on the sea, flowers in bloom, Xiaoqi , Hong Hong Huo Huo in a trance, monarchy, I don’t eat coriander, 39030955, hidden in the four fields, Er Yao Mu, 37465746, Ye Ye Ye ~, Trumpet Karl, 37748359, little demon, Mo Qiu Wan Ting, Xi Hua, gf ,Xian Sansui, 35827727, Yu Mo, ·, I want to live a retired life and work to make money 1 bottle of salted fish;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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