Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 531: Iceland Shock (65)

"Buzz, buzz."


"Mao Xiaole, take care of your sword, don't let it buzz anymore!"

In the virtual lobby of the hotel, in the expedition hall where the jury members are, and in the private rooms where the returnees are, there is a continuous buzzing sound like a swarm of bees flying around, disturbing people and disturbing them. Wang Yushu finally couldn't help but said, with a hint of sobs in his voice.


The sharp-jointed fingers clasped the sword's edge, and blood flowed down. The buzzing sound was no longer, but the atmosphere became more solemn. Mao Xiaole no longer stood with his sword in his arms, nor did he have the calm posture that he had shown before. At this moment, his face was as frosty, and the cold sword edge was reflected in his pupils, twisting into a strong murderous intention. The sword has a spirit, and the buzzing of the sword's edge is due to the murderous intention in his heart.

This situation has happened before, but normally Wang Yushu would have smiled and joked to lighten the atmosphere, but now he couldn't help but speak after being buzzed for less than a minute. It was obvious that his mood was also affected a lot.

"Ugh - it's so frustrating for the jury to be here!"

Lu Shucheng had turned into a wolf, circling back and forth anxiously, with a low growl suppressed in his throat. Hearing the voice of the live broadcast guest psychic, his eyes were fierce, as if he couldn't help but want to find a butcher tour guide to vent his anger. Similar.

"This is the first time I've had this feeling."

Even the always calm Wan Xiangchun couldn't help but say, the golden and red Kunpeng's wings opened and closed in front of him, and the gorgeous feathers on the wings were trembling slightly. It’s not that their spirits have been seriously polluted. They managed to make it all the way home without a tour guide for so many years. As the strongest captain, An Xuefeng endured the most pressure, and the rest of them suffered from mental problems over time. There are many problems.

Especially when exploring the unsolvable journey, there are almost hallucinations every day and every night. The hallucinations are not only the silhouettes and sounds of companions that disturb the mind during battle, but also manifest in every aspect of life. At the most severe stage, the compressed biscuits looked like rotten flesh covered with maggots, the boiled instant noodles looked like a bucket full of pus and blood from human internal organs, and the water he drank looked like silt and sewage, filled with fly eggs.

Vision, smell, touch, hearing, taste, and loss of mental control lead to problems in various aspects. Even if you know there is nothing wrong with the food and there is nothing wrong with eating it, if something looks like rotten meat, smells like rotten meat, and tastes like rotten meat, then what does it matter whether it is normal or not?

Human consciousness will have a serious impact on the body. If you can eat these things without changing your mind for a long time, is it a human or a monster?

The returnees are all tolerant, determined and have their own channels to vent, and are assisted by name tags and other props. Lu Shucheng, who joined the team after five years of junior high school, is still not used to being so greedy for food. Wang Yushu and Wan Xiangchun also have their own characteristics. Each relief method. Normally, although they are tourists, the degree of mental pollution during the journey is no more than that of the tour guide.

Not to mention that the explorer is only a C-class tour guide, even if he is a B-class, B-class elite, or even an A-class tour guide, after the pollution that can make him return to zero is evenly distributed to all the returnees, logically they should not be allowed to lose their composure like this. .

But the connection with the tour guide is different. This is not a normal equal distribution of pollution, but a strange and unbearable subtle feeling that cannot be ignored by a strong will. If the explorer had one kind of feeling when he was about to die in the arena, then this time when his spirit was seriously polluted and almost returned to zero, everyone on the way home had another feeling.

Worrying about him and missing him uncontrollably feel like being tossed into a frying pan, and that feeling of being out of control is the real reason why they show all kinds of abnormal behaviors. Of course, it's also because you are surrounded by your own people now, so you don't need to hide too much.

"You'll get used to it, you'll get used to it, haha."

Wang Pengpai's fat face trembled slightly, and his exaggerated laughter was a bit false: "This shows that our guide Cui is strong. I think he is different from other tour guides, even if he returns to zero."

"Who looked at the posture just now and didn't think that Director Cui was about to return to zero? The devil merchants have returned, but Director Cui held on. Although we all feel panicked, Director Cui has indeed not returned to zero yet."

What Wang Pengpai said makes sense. Although the connected tourists can share the mental pressure of the tour guide, it is impossible for the tour guide not to return to zero. At most, he can still maintain his sanity after returning to zero. When a tour guide suddenly encounters a large-scale collapse or wants to return, it is impossible for tourists to stop him.

Having said that, looking at 'Wei Xun' whose sanity instantly returned to zero and regained his memory, Wang Pengpai thought of Captain An. If the connection between Dream Chaser and Zhang Xingzang is really as deep as that, Zhang Xingzang can bring Dream Chaser back to his senses from the verge of losing control and returning to zero, and the deeply connected tourists around him can also help the tour guide return to sanity. But An Xuefeng is not with Bingyi, and he is currently under the surveillance of the pre-match hotel, so it is difficult to influence him from a distance.

At most, Bingyi can stay rational.

When a tour guide's sanity drops to an extremely low level, there is a conflict between reason and out-of-control instincts. It's hard to tell whether a tour guide with only 1 point of sanity chooses to return to zero rationally, or whether he returns to zero under the influence of out-of-control emotions and spirit. The explorer has not returned to zero, which means that he has not reached his true limit and he has no intention of returning.

Why is this.

Wang Pengpeng was puzzled. Returning to zero could give the tour guide more power and more opportunities to fight. With the character of an explorer, in the form just now, he should return to zero.

"Actually, it's quite safe to return to zero in the competition."

Wan Xiangchun said, he folded his wings and looked basically as usual.

In the competition, the guides can return to zero for at most one hour, and then they, the members of the jury, will help them directly restore their sanity. This is the key to the guides not dying or losing control.

"It's not stable at all."

Mao Xiaole glanced outside grimly: "Director Cui's bargaining chip is not with us."

The members of the jury are the East District's first brigade, Homecoming, and the West District's first brigade, Whitechapel. It is probably because there are newcomers from Homecoming and Whitechapel in this warm-up competition, and their teams do not have the chips of their own members. , and the rest was immediately divided equally. If Bingyi really returns to zero, it will be the people from Whitechapel who will return to San for him in an hour. The initiative is not in their hands.

"Whitechapel has a grudge against the Butchers' Alliance. Who knows if they will do anything."

Mao Xiaole snorted coldly, saying that the relationship between Huilu and Baichatang was relatively average. Due to the title, most of the tourists in Whitechapel are very old-fashioned. Especially when it comes to demons, butchers, murderers and other tour guides and tourists, they will kill them if they can. If they can 'persuad' them to give up killing, they will 'persuad', which is considered extreme. Decent brigade.

Mao Xiaole had been 'persuaded' many times, and he felt annoyed when he heard Baichatang. However, this kind of extreme righteousness is very popular among some tourists. The White Church has a lot of influence in the West District, and everyone is a fanatical believer who will sacrifice everything for their faith. An Xuefeng has dealt with the White Church, and his evaluation of them is that they are more paranoid. Crazy hope brigade.

Since he knew that he would almost certainly die if he went to the battlefield in ten years, Whitechapel chose to devote himself wholeheartedly to his faith. The stronger the faith, the stronger the title. Only by being so extreme and even paranoid can they gain a chance of survival. This is why they obviously did not start a journey to the 30th North Latitude. , but the reason why it can become the largest brigade in the Western Region.

Like a bunch of crazy people, but who stays in a hotel for too long and isn’t crazy? The top travelers watched the live broadcast as they lost their memories of the gentle and kind-hearted nun Maria. When they thought about her being so ruthless and crazy that she showed no mercy to her teammates who were tainted with darkness, and was capable of killing her, they all felt sad in their hearts. In contrast, there are no such paranoid organizations in the East District - the former Shepherd Alliance was just a shell of hypocrisy, and the only one who was almost pious and stubborn, Yun Tianhe, also actively joined the Mutual Aid Alliance.

What Mao Xiaole said makes sense. White Church only does what they think is 'right', and the leader of the butcher tour guides, the life-seeking man with blood on his hands and a demonic alienation, is definitely the worst of evils in their eyes. If they think that a second murderous 'life-seeker' will appear when Bing Yi returns to zero, then they may still interfere with it even if it violates the hotel.

"It would be best if he meets Teacher Wei as soon as possible."

"That's right, it's better not to return to zero. Hey, Director Cui, please make peace with Wei Xun."

Even Lu Shucheng, who was against Baobao CP, couldn't help but complain that even if the Explorer has not returned to zero, its sanity value has definitely reached its lowest point. There are very few ways to recover naturally. Now that Bingyi can't think of all the titles, I'm afraid Tong Hege can't even give him the purified magic honey to drink.

If this continues, it will be too dangerous if we don't return to San soon! It would be great if Wei Xun could make peace with him as soon as possible. With the connected passengers by his side, the tour guide can always start to return to San!

* *

Although An Xuefeng wanted to return to Wei Xun now, he was powerless. That crazy school of salmon is still blocking the crack, and they can't go anywhere. After the memory was restored, An Xuefeng quickly smoothed the memory and clarified the current situation based on what he saw in the live broadcast room.

Since he discovered that he would not be corroded by silver substances, and that the silver substance ball in his hand could swallow other silver substances and become larger, An Xuefeng continued to dive while collecting silver substances along the way. The substance was wrapped in his own soil, with only a little exposed. The same trick was repeated to attract more creatures infected by the silver substance to actively 'seduce' him.

An Xuefeng took advantage of the situation and took the bait again and again, and he had more and more silver substances in his body. And when the silver substance accumulated in his body reached a certain amount, An Xuefeng discovered that his body began to change! Hidden under a dry suit, this change cannot be seen clearly by others, but An Xuefeng can feel it.

He can make eyes grow out of the volcanic rocks he touches, and the chocolate-colored balls in his eyes are actually salmon eggs. Salmon hatched from salmon eggs he catalyzes will obey his commands.

He could sense the presence of silver substances and encountered less and less resistance when absorbing them. And he could vaguely feel something deep in the big crack attracting him downwards.

And after continuously fusing the silver substance, An Xuefeng discovered that not only was the activity of the silver substance he swallowed lower than the original one, but even the consciousness that was fed back was completely different from the one he initially obtained! The original ball of silver matter claimed to be the All-Wise One, but the obsession of the subsequent silver matter devoured was to find the All-Wise One.

Why is there such a gap? Who does the silver substance belong to? An Xuefeng suspected that there was a deeper secret hidden in it. When he dived deep into the D-shaped cave, he resisted the pollution of the mountains of silver material, turned into a ferret, held his breath and drilled into the depths of the cracks, gritting his teeth to survive the accumulation of countless phantoms and whispers. When a small piece of minced meat-like object was dug out from the depths of the silver substance, he was half shorter in an instant, fully possessing the extraordinary power of the dark elf!

His hearing became more and more acute, and he could hear the tiniest sounds in the glacier water, and he could even hear the sound of algae spores swimming and colliding in the glacier water. He became more and more afraid of light, and even the gentle silver light emitted by too many silver substances gathered together was frightening. I feel conflicted and want to avoid it.

The darkening of his skin was discovered when he took off his gloves to fuse the silver substance, and the pointed ears were discovered after he was attacked by a swarm of crazy salmon and had his diving mask ripped off before hiding in a crevice. As his understanding of the madman's murderous knife became deeper and deeper, inspirations to modify and enhance it came to mind, but An Xuefeng was convinced.

He possesses supernatural power similar to that of a dark elf.

But what followed was a crazy riot and attack by countless salmon. They devoured the silver substance that was still exposed at all costs. The source of the salmon tide that Bingyi and B1 encountered was on An Xuefeng's side, and he also encountered a powerful Terrifying salmon attack over two meters long! Everything in the collision direction of this huge salmon was turned into nothingness. If An Xuefeng hadn't transformed into a large killer whale in time, he would have been destroyed by the collision of this salmon.

And he also met Miranda and others in the D-shaped cave, and quickly reached a cooperation agreement in the danger. The group of people fought and retreated. At the most critical moment, Big George in a diving suit suddenly appeared and led them to hide in the D-shaped cave. In a crack deeper in the cave - thanks to the fact that the salmon were somehow thinned out, they had a chance to breathe.

Then, when An Xuefeng and Miranda were discussing the next matter, he went crazy and regained his memory. After watching Bingyi's live broadcast, he was like a plug-in, and he instantly understood why he got that silver ball in the first place. Material obsession is different from the later acquired silver material obsession.

It's Odin causing trouble!

The first silver substances were brought by Yu Xiangyang, and they were gathered in Old Mark's infirmary, right next to him! Of course Odin's strength can interfere with Slud's divine power. It claims to be the All-Wise One and misleads travelers. When talking about the silver lady, it uses words such as "crazy and out of control" to make passengers wary. Therefore, even if they hear different feedback when collecting silver substances, they will be suspicious, and it chooses those that are free from contamination by silver substances to the greatest extent. affected travelers.

It's like blocking the traveler's ears and eyes, so that he can only follow the route it gives. And its ultimate purpose is to allow travelers to find and bring back the so-called source of chaos-the piece of Ymir's minced meat.

To be honest, this can be regarded as a main quest path. If An Xuefeng agrees to become its warrior, he will essentially become Odin's warrior. If he does a good job and is appreciated by Odin, he may truly become a warrior recognized by Odin in the next journey, and thus embark on a path that closely revolves around the core of the journey, 'helping Odin collect the minced meat of Ymir' road.

But even without recovering his memory, An Xuefeng took another path. This was already doomed when he ate the salmon flowers Wei Xun gave him.

"You saved me and I will repay you."

After confirming that Miranda was gone, An Xuefeng walked deeper into the crack without hesitation. Although it was underwater, there was air. There was a man lying in the deepest corner of the crack. The dry suit on his body was torn to pieces, and blood was pouring out from his arms and legs. He was leaning on the rock wall without any strength at the moment, breathing hard. At the critical moment, Big George jumped out of the rock crack and pulled them into this safe spot.

After hearing his voice, Big George raised his head with a smile and waved his hand with difficulty: "Look what you said... aren't we friends? Friends should help each other."

"If you say that, I'll really believe it."

However, An Xuefeng did not practice Tai Chi with him, and said directly: "Then let's cancel our relationship——"

"But, don't cough, cough, cough, but you can't write it off!"

His words shocked Big George and he suddenly tried to sit up but coughed repeatedly. He shook his head while coughing. The wounds on his body were bleeding and he looked miserable. But An Xuefeng just watched and didn't say a word even though Big George coughed heartbreakingly. After realizing that being miserable didn't work for him, Big George took a few deep breaths, finally managed to catch his breath, and said in a hoarse voice:

"You are my friend. Friends always help each other... Ahem, Bingyi and I are also very good friends. Of course, you have a better relationship."

He said to himself, using the corner of his eye to figure out the expression of the short man in front of him: "He gave you the three-pointed fish flower I gave him to eat. That salmon flower is very precious."

Thinking of this big George, his heart twitched painfully, but what could he do. Although things did not develop as smoothly as he imagined, it was not hopeless after all. His vague and appreciative eyes swept over Wei Xun. He had the skin color, pointed ears and talents of a dark elf, but he did not become ugly and rickety. But still beautiful. A head of pure white soft hair paired with dark skin shows a unique and exotic charm, and the white eyelashes are like a cluster of new snow.

And his shortened height is a plus in Big George's eyes - although it is not too tall to begin with, it would be more appropriate for the Icelandic horse to be shorter. As he watched, he became more and more satisfied with Wei Xun, especially when Wei Xun looked at him carefully, and then suddenly smiled and spoke proactively:

"I know what you want."

"You want the best horse in the world, right?"

Seeing Big George's eyes light up, An Xuefeng smiled in his heart. It’s not hard to guess what Big George is thinking. He and Little George are indeed brothers. As a whaler, Little George’s lifelong pursuit is to be the best killer whale. Big George’s ultimate goal is to be the best killer whale in the world. What a good horse, the eight-legged horse that is the mount of God King Odin!

And they are extremely persistent people who do not hesitate to overcome all difficulties for their pursuit. If used well, it will be a good boost, just like when Lovelin's baby killer whale pretended to be dead when they went to sea yesterday, and directly fought with the Protector to protect the baby killer whale, Little George.

Odin did not want Loki's son to be born, and he was fundamentally hostile to George. Moreover, Odin the God of Thunder cannot come in the form of a god, and Big George also has a secret hand - the salmon flower full of divine power may come from a large salmon that is more than two meters long and possesses divine power.

Now that the Crazy Salmon controlled by Odin is still blocking the outside of the cave, it is basically impossible for An Xuefeng to see Wei Xun. But Big George will do whatever it takes to facilitate his meeting with Wei Xun. If used properly, he will be very useful. Moreover, An Xuefeng is almost certain that George and Little George are probably related to the Black Widow's secret chess. If he can take the opportunity to draw out the secret plot deployed by her and the Lizard Duke...

"Haha, I knew you had already fallen in love with my cute pony!"

An Xuefeng was planning something serious, but his thoughts were interrupted by Big George's sudden laughter. Hearing him take the initiative to talk about Big George was beaming with joy. Wei Xun's suggestion automatically turned into a declaration of having a child in his heart. He never thought that Wei Xun could be so wild and straightforward. He is indeed a good stallion! And the baby really only looks at him differently, and the probability of success is really not low.

He would give everything for the eight-legged horse! There seemed to be a sudden surge of strength in his body, and Big George was able to stand up again. He opened his mouth from ear to ear with joy and said firmly: "Don't worry, since you are willing, I will definitely find a way to send you to my baby." By my side, you can be worthy of me today—woohoo!”

An Xuefeng didn't wait for him to finish speaking and directly covered Big George's mouth. What were he saying? He was still standing in Wei Xun’s face!

"Director C and I don't have that kind of relationship."

An Xuefeng said righteously.

There is really something wrong with Big George's thinking. Is this going to disturb their relationship as husband and wife? Black Widow is so insidious, she just doesn't like other couples.

An Xuefeng thought unhappily, and marked the Black Widow hard in his heart.

The author has something to say: Black Widow:?

Black Widow: Huh?

Thank you to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution between 2022-05-20 23:15:53~2022-05-21 23:25:25~

Thanks to the little angels who threw grenades: surps_sake, 49381496, Lanxia Tingfenghe, tieudaothuquan 1;

Thanks to the little angels who threw the mines: Wuyi, Chubby Huahua, thur, Xinyao 1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigates the nutrient solution: The changing seasons 117 bottles; Like the beginning 100 bottles; Jianxiu 80 bottles; Lin Sheng. 70 bottles; nc 60 bottles; Miaoji 55 bottles; Yuyu, Liyan, Zhuangxianzx, Hua Lian 50 bottles; Miaomiao 46 bottles; Cangjie, Dr. Milk Tea Jun, Salted Fish Turning around, Stars Are Like My Heart, Cold Moon Shines Light, ~Nao Posese~ 30 bottles; Anyue, Ji Wan, van, Xuefei, Young Master Ye Qi, Meat-loving Niu Zai, Unnamed Zhouzi 20 bottles; Abandoned Old, Sui Sui Shi, Luo Luo, xy, Tao Twenty-seven, Shen Yan, Ruan Ling Gao, Xin Yao, Flower of Green Bamboo, 50373939, Sweet rain falls in the north, dawn breaks in the east, so and so, meow meow meow meow, remembering the evening, never meeting each other in life, Coke without ice, kky, 10 bottles of Qingyan, Lu Huangmo, Heshi, Qizou Shengshang, Mo Lan; 7 bottles of Congcong; 6 bottles of Fengzhuzi and Baiqi; painted reverse cross, Zhijuezi, fleeting broken shadow, salty fish, h 5 Bottles; 4 bottles of sour lime; 3 bottles of 111111; 2 bottles of Cat Suction Man, Dark Dust Only Love; nidhogg,. , I really want to kill Zaizai, Ye Lingxue, Baili Zui, fxl, Raven and White Dove 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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