Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 550: Icelandic Horror (83)


The cold wind blew across the snowy plain, and the black and red bonfires were crackling. Except for the sound of the burning flames, there was silence. No one spoke, and everyone was digesting the new rules of this night duel.

‘Are you talking about the real experience of the journey? Then the scene is repeated, and people are scared to collapse? ’

Shao Yuan and Miao Fangfei communicated with the spirit heart Gu. They were cautious and did not dare to speak, fearing that the person who spoke would be regarded as a ‘storyteller’ by the hotel.

‘‘Seven people fled the bonfire frantically’… Seven people will still die tonight’

Miao Fangfei said solemnly. She had just tried it secretly, and any offensive and defensive titles could not be used: ‘This time, we are competing for mental strength and psychological endurance. ’

The previous duels were about strength and group combat capabilities. This time there were no other external factors to interfere. It was purely a test of people’s spirit. Since people can be scared to collapse, it is very likely that the scenes and stories described by the storyteller will make people emotionally involved. Whoever can’t help but get up from the ground and run away first will lose.

‘I suspect that the closer you are to the flames, the more you will be affected.’

Miranda and Betty were whispering in their hearts: ‘Director C is sitting on the flames.’

Director C was the target of public criticism in the duel last night, and today Director C was sitting high above the bonfire. The hostel must have a purpose. Judging from the rules revealed by the hostel, if you have a mental breakdown and escape from the flames, you will die if you are engulfed by darkness. It seems that the closer you are to the flames, the safer you are. However, given the bad conditions of the hostel, it is very likely that the closer you are to the ominous black and red flames, the more serious the mental pollution you will suffer!

But what exactly is going on? Someone has to start telling the ‘real story’. No one wants to be the first to speak, and no one is willing to say anything. But the hostel can’t let the situation remain deadlocked.

“Dark, there is something in the darkness!”

Suddenly someone said in horror, and everyone looked over at once, and saw that the speaker was a traveler from the East District. Miao Fangfei saw at a glance that he was one of the weak travelers in the Little Witch Team. The weak travelers in the Little Witch Team correspond to the C3 tour guide. It can be said that this person is the weakest of the group of travelers participating in the warm-up competition.

At this moment, he stood up in fear and stared at the thick darkness, his voice stuttering: "You, did you see it! There are things in the depths of the darkness, there are many, many weasels, they are crawling, yellow skins, corpses, they have come out again, hanged ghosts, paper money... Don't come over, don't come over!! They are getting closer and closer, everyone, kill them quickly!" The man roared, anxiously trying to pull his teammates around him, but saw that his teammates looked at him with a serious and nervous face, but sat on the ground and refused to get up. He turned around in a panic and tried to find support, but saw the faces in the shadows around the campfire staring at him, like statues, very quiet, no one spoke, the man became more panicked: "Why don't you speak, you, you - Hey Linzi, Brother Qing, say something, why -" The passengers who were named by him all bowed their heads deeply, wishing to stay away from Dong Yang. Especially Brother Qing, he clenched his teeth and his facial muscles twitched, his whole body was covered with goose bumps, and his eye sockets began to hurt. He also saw it, and Brother Qing also heard the weasel's chirping and squeaking, and the strange rustling and mumbling of a human, but he didn't dare to look up, let alone stand up to avoid it, and only dared to stare at Yu Xiangyang not far away. He believed that there would be no problem with Yu Xiangyang.

As soon as Dong Yang opened his mouth, he remembered what happened that year. At that time, he and Dong Yang were on the same journey. At the end of that journey, only the tour guide and the two of them survived. Thirteen of the fifteen-person team died!

"Why don't you talk? Didn't you hear it? Am I the only one who heard it again!"

Dong Yang, who didn't get a response, was almost hysterical: "Run away, run, run away--"

"Let's welcome the first narrator of the real story tonight, Mr. Dong Yang."

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Just then, a pleasant male voice came from the campfire, interrupting Dong Yang's words. He looked over in panic and saw the white-haired tour guide wearing a dark blue cloak sitting on the throne of fire, leaning forward with his hands folded against his chin, looking at him with interest.

"Run, run, where is the time to tell stories... Tell stories? Stories, yes, tonight is a real story..."

Dong Yang murmured, and suddenly shuddered, like a person who was trapped in a horror illusion and suddenly woke up. He panted violently. What story should he tell? How much, or how long? A journey or a scenic spot? Dong Yang looked at Guide C for help, and seeing that he just smiled, Dong Yang gritted his teeth and calmed down completely.

If he wants to tell a story, he has to tell the most impressive and terrifying experience. Even though he has nightmares every night when he thinks of the past, Dong Yang wants to live, he wants to continue living, and become stronger while alive! He doesn't expect his experience to scare Director Bing back to zero, but as long as, as long as he can scare a person to a mental breakdown, he will get a reward even if he defeats a person in the story meeting!

"I want to tell a story that happened on Changbai Mountain."

Bingyi nodded with interest: "Mr. Dong Yang, please tell your story."

Whether it is a true story does not need him to judge, Bingyi can hear the mumbling mixed with snickering from behind, and there is something fluffy rubbing his back, like some kind of animal. But it does not have the warmth and softness that an animal should have, but is cold and stiff, like a corpse.


At this moment, the passengers who attended the evening storytelling session also felt something unusual. The strong passengers were still sitting still, watching the situation. But some weak passengers could not sit still. Although they could not use the attack and defense titles, they also had many auxiliary titles. A weak passenger in the West District felt that his back was hairy, as if there were long, furry, cold and hard animal claws that were very slowly scratching from the back of his neck to his spine.

"You have ten minutes."

What? Only ten minutes? ! This time is too short! But Dong Yang did not dare to ask Director C. The ticking countdown of the hotel resounded in his mind. The countdown has begun!

"This is a true story. I experienced it myself. It is absolutely a true story."

Dong Yang clenched his fists, his voice trembling slightly. He didn't dare to look at the darkness outside the bonfire, nor did he dare to look at the black and red bonfire. He only dared to stare at Director C, panting: "This 'story' happened last year. On December 19th last year, I signed up for a special group tour to Jilin called 'Recalling the Old Times and Revisiting Changbai Mountain'. There were 15 people in the team. Brother Qing, Xiao Sun, and A Liang were familiar to me. Later, I met A Xiang and Mei Jie..."

Speaking of this, Dong Yang suddenly paused. He found that he wanted to say the real name just now, but all the names came out of his mouth were pseudonyms! Such a description sounds more like the beginning of a horror ghost story. He opened his mouth, but didn't dare to waste time, so he could only bite the bullet and continue.

"Because the whole journey lasts for 15 days, there is plenty of time, and the attractions in the first few days are relatively safe. Until the 25th, which is the seventh day of the trip, the tour guide woke us up in the early morning and took us into Changbai Mountain at night. It was snowing heavily that day." "Muba" is an old saying, which means logging. In the southeast of Jilin Province is the majestic Changbai Mountain, which is a vast and natural forest with dense trees. At the same time, there are many rivers around Changbai Mountain, such as the Yalu River and the Songhua River. Rafts are placed along the river and into the sea. The water transportation is very developed, and it is very convenient to transport wood. *

In the old days, Jilin had a Manchu nickname of "Jilin Ula", which means "the city along the river". At that time, wood from Heilongjiang and other places had to be transported to Jilin first, and then transported to other areas. Winter is the best season for logging. Mosquitoes disappear, wild animals hibernate, and trees are dry and less watery, which makes them easier to cut down. *Every winter before the snow closes the mountain, the head of the wood will take people up the mountain to log.

"It was very dark, and we were not allowed to light any lights. The tour guide said that we had to experience the life of the lumberjacks in Changbai Mountain in the 1970s and 1980s. There were no lights on the road, and we had to rely on experience. But we had no experience at all, and we took a detour. Xiao Sun fell into a snow ditch halfway and broke his leg..."

Damn, how can someone who is not good at speaking and can't grasp the key points tell a scary story. Dong Yang racked his brains to tell the story of his fear and anxiety during the journey, but he didn't get the point. He was anxious, but he didn't expect that the other travelers sitting around the campfire in the snow would look solemn.

A little coldness fell on his cheek and turned into cold water drops. It snowed. As Dong Yang told the story, heavy snow fell from the sky, accompanied by a knife-like cold wind, freezing everyone's heart. Everyone shivered. Yu Xiangyang changed his posture without making a sound, and his fingers moved slightly, but he didn't seem to be soulless, as if he was frozen.

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How long has it been since he became Hanba? He hasn't felt cold, especially this kind of cold that seems to freeze people completely. It's as if he was wrapped in a not-so-thick cotton coat in the vast snow, shivering with the team in the night, walking into the depths of the dark Changbai Mountain in fear, tension and uneasiness. This is the cold that Dong Yang felt at the time, or the cold in Dong Yang's memory. And this kind of cold can ignore the coats they wear and their personal physique, making them, the listeners and storytellers, completely empathize!

'Dong Yang, Brother Qing... Save me... I'm in so much pain, my legs, I can't stand up...'

The deep cold seeped in from the snow on the ice field under him, and came from the biting cold wind. In a trance, a faint cry for help came from behind, anxious and panicked. It was Xiao Sun who broke his leg and begged for help. But the listeners couldn't look back. Dong Yang in the story didn't look back. He could only let the cry for help become more and more desperate and shrill.

‘Help me, brother, where are you guys? Have you left? Haha, don’t be silent, good brothers, don’t be silent, are you still here? Dong Yang, Brother Qing, are you still here? ? ’

‘Don’t leave me alone, don’t leave me alone!!!’

The sharp and piercing scream of despair made everyone’s brain buzz, and the strong feeling of despair and fear filled their hearts, as if someone was struggling to support his broken leg and crawling in the snow with his hands, trying to climb out of the snow ditch. But he fell into the snow ditch again and again, his hands were completely frozen, and he was buried by the falling goose feather snow. In the end, he was unwilling, angry and desperate and froze to death in the snow of Changbai Mountain.


The fear of dying and suffocating made the passengers’ eyes black, their heartbeats were as fast as jumping out of their throats, they panted violently, and their eyes were full of horror, as if they had died once like Xiao Sun in the story. When everyone opened their eyes again, their expressions changed. It turned out that the real storytelling session not only allowed them to experience the emotions of the storyteller and the environment at the time, but also allowed them to experience the despair of the person who died in the story.

Whether you are strong or weak, whether you have special titles or props, the real storytelling session treats everyone equally, allowing everyone to experience the fear and despair of Xiao Sun's death!

This is bad.

An Xuefeng stared at Wei Xun on the campfire, his eyes fell on the top of his head. The moment the real story began, Wei Xun's SAN value appeared above his head, and all the passengers could see it. At this moment, the phantom cat was entrenched beside him. Bingyi's SAN value was not high to begin with. He narrowed his eyes slightly, and his face showed an intoxicated expression. His SAN value of only more than 20 points dropped by three points! An Xuefeng understood that this expression on Wei Xun's face was very similar to his expression of joy that seemed like pain. Wei Xun could also feel negative emotions from Dong Yang's story, those despair and fear that he had hardly experienced since he was born! 'Don't talk about it, don't talk about it anymore...' Not far away, Brother Qing, who had experienced it personally, buried his head in his knees and trembled all over. He was already in tears. He remembered that it was very cold that day. No matter how many clothes he wore, people could be frozen to death in the cold wind in five minutes. He had to follow the tour guide closely to feel warm around him (the role of the tour guide's brooch). He was also one of the people who left Xiao Sun behind and dared not go down to the snow to look for him. Xiao Sun's despair, resentment, and unwillingness were like a ghost biting his heart.

Stop talking, stop talking, Brother Qing choked up and prayed Dong Yang to stop talking.

Thirteen people died in the logging attraction! And something even more terrifying happened to Xiao Sun!

"We had no way to save Xiao Sun, and everyone was very sad. But when we arrived at the forest farm and were about to start logging, Xiao Sun was found, and everyone was very happy at that time.

While Dong Yang's story was still going on, his words made most of the tourists stiffen and feel a creepy fear in their hearts. Just now, everyone had experienced Xiao Sun's death. Xiao Sun in the story was obviously really dead, so who was the Xiao Sun who was found again?

Was he resurrected from the dead, or...

The Xiao Sun who came back was not a human?

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