Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 552: Icelandic Horror (85)

Sister Mei was injured on her wrist on the third day of her trip. It didn't look serious, but her skin and flesh were a little bruised. She said she was hit by something, but she couldn't give a specific explanation. She just had a dull pain in her wrist for the past four days and couldn't lift heavy objects.

But that was nothing compared to the bloody and torn wounds from shoulder to forearm.

"When the tree fell, it suddenly changed direction and hit me."

Sister Mei's face turned pale, and she endured the pain and said with a smile: "Now the whole left side of my body is numb." She was in so much pain that she couldn't do anything about it, so she asked Dong Yang for help. He had a bottle of golden sore medicine passed down from his ancestors, and the effect was pretty good. I couldn't find a doctor for a while. This is life-saving medicine.

"Why are you telling me now when you're hurt so badly?"

Dong Yang was very anxious when he saw that Sister Mei's whole arm was covered with blood. He quickly took out the golden sore medicine and said, "You can't do this. The blood in the wound will wash away the medicine powder. You have to clean the wound."

It was almost time for logging in the afternoon. Dong Yang hurriedly filled a small pot with snow and put it next to the fire to burn. He didn't notice the sudden change in the face of Sister Mei behind him when he heard him say "clean the wound."

The hot water is boiled quickly, but the medical equipment here is too limited, including gauze and bandages. Dong Yang tore off a spare shirt and boiled the strips of cloth in hot water for disinfection. He was so busy that he was sweating profusely. Sister Mei didn't want others to know about it and just called him. Dong Yang, who originally wanted to ask Brother Qing for help, thought of A Xiang who had come back from the dead, A Liang who was heartbroken and crazy, and Brother Qing who made him feel strange and even frightened. , also felt at a loss.

The five people who had a good relationship have now fallen apart, and they don't know if they can regain their old friendship. In the end, Dong Yang only asked Brother Qing to borrow wine. When Brother Qing asked, he was vague.

" goes smoothly when cutting down trees."

The cloth soaked in water was wiped on the edge of the wound, and it was soon stained with blood. Sister Mei took off the left half of her clothes and was trembling all over. Her skin was very white and she looked a bit weak and pitiful. Dong Yang was sweating nervously on the tip of his nose. His eyes only focused on Sister Mei's wound, and he didn't look anywhere else. Sister Mei seemed a little nervous too, and her voice trembled when she talked about the injury.

"Both of them had bent saws. In order to rush the time, they chose two adjacent trees. I was the assistant."

After Xiao Sun came back, he joined the team of Sister Mei and Ah Chong. They both had bent saws. Originally, it would be safest for them to cut the trees at the same time, but it was not wrong to cut two trees separately.

"Ah Chong was sawing fast, and his tree fell first. Ah Chong was very happy, and so was I. But when Xiao Sun heard the sound of the tree falling, he came over and asked Ah Chong why he didn't call out the mountain when the tree fell, and why he didn't call out the horn. Son? He said something would happen."

"I, I just realized that A Chong forgot to shout. I didn't remind him either. I was at Xiao Sun's side at that time..."

"Here, Director Ding asked me to call out the slogan, why did you forget?"

Dong Yang said worriedly and nervously: "Is nothing wrong?"

"No...we were not hit. But A Chong felt that Xiao Sun's words were too unlucky and got angry. We had a fight. A Chong got angry and punched Xiao Sun."


Dong Yang hesitated to speak, and finally said nothing. He felt that Sister Mei and A Chong were too much towards Xiao Sun. But after seeing Axiang's "resurrection from the dead" with his own eyes, Dong Yang thought of Xiao Sun's cold skin covered with snow, and his heart was beating. The more he thought about it, the more frightened he became, so he could only focus more on the wound on Sister Mei's arm.

Dong Yang moved quickly, and he scrubbed clean the large scratches and lacerations on Sister Mei's forearms and upper arms and then sprinkled medicinal powder on them. When Dong Yang was cleaning the wound on his shoulder, he felt something was wrong. The bones in Sister Mei's shoulder seemed to be growing backwards and felt strange to the touch. Dong Yang wanted to take a closer look, but Sister Mei was seriously injured in one area.

The injury on the inside of her elbow joint was so deep that it wasn't visible even when she was wearing clothes. But when she took off her clothes, she saw that there was a hole as big as a baby's fist, and the bones could be seen! Yellow pus bubbled out and couldn't be wiped clean. Dong Yang hurriedly dealt with this area first. Logically speaking, the wound should not fester so quickly in such a cold weather. Sister Mei said it was bad luck and a broken branch penetrated it, but Dong Yang looked at the edge of the wound and felt that it looked like something had been inserted into it. Like biting through and tearing...

"I quickly stopped Ah Chong, but Xiao Sun didn't fight back. He knelt on the ground and dug something out of the snow. The yellow ball was covered with snow. It was a weasel that was crushed to death by a fallen tree. "

"Xiao Sun dug a hole in the snow and buried it. A Chong stood by and felt sorry for it. He said that he would not eat the good wild meat. The skin looked thick and he could use it as a wrist protector for Sister Mei. Her wrist always hurts..."

The injury on her arm was too painful, and Sister Mei's voice sounded weak, as if it was coming from a far away place. Dong Yang felt Sister Mei's warm breath on the back of his neck, causing dense goosebumps to form on his skin. But Dong Yang froze, not only because he suddenly remembered that he didn't see A Chong in the camp at noon today, but at the same time, Dong Yang looked at the cloth strip that had just wiped Sister Mei's purulent wound in disbelief, and felt a cool breeze in the winter. Heading straight towards the Tianling Cap, I saw a lot of brown and yellow coarse hairs stained on the cloth strips of pus and blood!

Not only on the arms, but also next to the wound, even in the hole of Sister Mei’s pus wound, the flesh and bones were covered with hair. When Dong Yang was cleaning the pus and blood, he gritted his teeth and pushed the cloth strip in to clean it, only to find that the inside of Sister Mei’s elbow was covered with hair. The hole was actually deeper than expected, even reaching to the upper arm, as if something had penetrated into the flesh!

"What are you looking at?"

Sister Mei's voice sounded, and her warm breath moved on the back of his neck, carrying a faint fishy smell.


Dong Yang heard the sound of his upper and lower teeth trembling and clicking together, and his heart was pounding, but his soul seemed to be pulled away. For a moment, he was surprisingly calm. Dong Yang heard himself say, with a very calm tone: " Sister Mei, please unscrew the wine bottle for me. It’s inconvenient for me to hold my hand. I’ll take care of your injury and disinfect it with wine. You can bear with it for a while.”

"It's not healed yet——"

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Sister Mei protracted her voice, with a hint of impatience in her tone. Her breath on the back of his neck became hotter and hotter, and the distance got closer. Dong Yang still lowered his head to treat the wound, and said calmly: "Yes, it will be fine soon. If you want me to say that A Chong is too fucked up, then he is Huang Xian. If he doesn't kneel down quickly and apologize, he still says such things, It’s like the birthday man hanged himself because he thought his life was too long!”

Dong Yang cursed Ah Chong, and then he heard Sister Mei chuckle slightly, and took the wine bottle from his waist with her soft hands. His heart was like fifteen buckets pumping water up and down, and continued He scolded Ah Chong, saying whatever he said was unpleasant. Until he felt Sister Mei's breath leave the back of his neck, and only heard a soft "clang" sound, like something hard hitting the wine bottle.

Sister Mei was treating the wound with one of her hands, and with only one hand left, she couldn't open the wine bottle, so she bit the lid with her mouth. The sound was the lid of the pot being bitten open by her, and the strong aroma of wine filled the air. The overwhelming aroma of wine made Dong Yang clearer and clearer. He took the initiative to ask: "Sister Mei, tell me quickly, what happened next?" Ah Chong should really suffer!"

"Ah Chong..."

Sister Mei chuckled, and the smelly breath fell on Dong Yang's neck again, this time closer than before. But she was clearly approaching, but she made no move to give him the wine. Sister Mei's next words made Dong Yang's scalp numb, as if he had fallen into an ice cave!

"He... was smashed to pieces by the falling tree. It's a pity that the good human skin can no longer be used."

"It's your skin... I will peel it off properly!!! What are you doing?!"

Sister Mei suddenly screamed in pain and rage, and Dong Yang dug hard at her wound with his hands, so hard that he even pulled out the flesh and blood. While Sister Mei was struggling in severe pain, Dong Yang immediately turned around and grabbed the wine bottle in her other hand, trying to pour the wine into Sister Mei's mouth. He remembered when Brother Qing tried to give Xiao Sun a drink when he just came back! This must be of some use!



The wine bottle was thrown into the snow far away, and the strong wine flowed into the snow. Sister Mei's strength suddenly became extremely strong. She raised her hand and pushed Dong Yang down, pressing down on his body. Dong Yang couldn't resist her strength at all. He grabbed Sister Mei's throat with his hands in despair. But she still lowered her head inch by inch as if she didn't need to breathe. Sister Mei's mouth opened wide, her jaw seemed to be dislocated, and a fluffy face emerged from the black hole in her throat.

It has brown-yellow fur, small ears, small eyes, and a pointed nose and muzzle. It looked at Dong Yang playfully, and it turned out to be a brown-yellow weasel! Its pupils were as small as needlepoints, staring at Dong Yang with a strange look. Dong Yang was so frightened that Mao Mao wanted to scream and struggle desperately, but as if he was trapped by a nightmare, his whole body kept moving, and he could not move at all except for his eyes.

Seeing the weasel emerging from Sister Mei's mouth, it stretched out most of its body and wanted to tear his throat out. But at this moment, Sister Mei leaned back suddenly. It turned out that Brother Qing felt that Dong Yang was wrong for borrowing wine, so he secretly followed behind. He slapped the weasel into Sister Mei's mouth, grabbed the snow soaked in strong alcohol and stuffed it into her mouth.

Sister Mei struggled desperately, grabbing Brother Qing with blood marks all over his face and body, and even violently pulled off Brother Qing's left eyeball! But Brother Qing held her tightly and refused to let go. Dong Yang, who was feeling weak all over, stumbled around, picked up the flask that had been thrown away, and stuffed it into Sister Mei's mouth. The remaining liquor was force-fed, and Sister Mei smelled of alcohol all over her body. She finally stopped moving and her body fell limp, but her whole body was as soft as a piece of human skin with the bones removed.

Brother Qing ignored his bloody eyeballs hanging on his face, panted heavily, grabbed a knife and slashed open Sister Mei's throat and chest, and pulled out a drunken weasel from her throat. Seeing the weasel Dong Yang was sweating profusely, and the breath he had held up before was gone, and he was so limp that he almost fell down. Sister Mei's human skin and the knife in Brother Qing's hand made Dong Yang afraid to approach it.

"The shoulders of people possessed by spirits are reversed, and they look more like humans than ghosts. When you encounter something unclean while walking at night, they will call you from behind and put a hand on your shoulder first, just to determine whether you are a real person or a person possessed by a spirit. "

Brother Qing also lost all his strength and leaned against the tree, panting and saying: "The yellow-skinned one will intimidate people, so you can't deal with it. But it likes to drink. When it is drunk with strong alcohol, it will lose its magic power and reveal its true form."

It turned out to be like this, Dong Yang suddenly realized. No wonder Brother Qing patted Xiao Sun on the shoulder when he first came back, and then wanted to give him a drink. Brother Qing saved his life. Dong Yang was touched and ashamed for a moment, and couldn't help but said: "Brother Qing..."

"I saved your life."

Brother Qing didn't look at him and said coldly: "You, strangle it to death."

"Otherwise it will wake up soon, and none of us will be able to survive by then."

"Ah? This, I..."

Dong Yang was covered in cold sweat, and the joy of escaping death was like melting snow. Seeing Brother Qing reaching out with the drunk weasel, he didn't dare to take it for a moment. This was a weasel that had become a monster. If he strangles it to death, he will definitely be seeking revenge! Thinking of the tragic death of sister Mei A Chong, Dong Yang was so frightened that his calves trembled. But if Brother Qing hadn't been here, he would have died long ago.

"What, you don't dare to do this anymore?"

Dong Yang hesitated for a long time, but he still had the responsibility after all. He gritted his teeth despite Brother Qing's slight ridicule, raised his hand and picked up the drunk weasel. As soon as his eyes were closed, he grabbed the weasel's head and twisted it hard without hesitation. , with a crunching sound, the weasel's head was twisted 180 degrees, and Dong Yang directly twisted the head off. The weasel's body twitched, stretched and softened, and finally stopped moving.

"This, this is enough, right?"

Dong Yang was trembling all over, not daring to look at the dead weasel in his hand. He looked at Brother Qing pleadingly: "Brother Qing, look, it's already dead, right?"

But Brother Qing did not say a word. He stared at Dong Yang behind him as if he had seen a ghost. His eyes frightened Dong Yang, and he trembled: "Qing, Brother Qing? Don't scare me..."

"what are you guys saying?"

At this moment, a weak and soft male voice sounded from behind Dong Yang!

* *

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"I, when I turned around, I found that Xiao Sun was behind me - he was behind me! Behind me!!"

Dong Yang suddenly started to go crazy beside the campfire. Regardless of Director Bing's words of 'time's up', he collapsed and roared hysterically: "Did you see it! He was right behind me, right behind me, and I just turned around like this, so - "


The whole audience exclaimed, and there was only a crisp sound of broken bones. Dong Yang's head turned 180 degrees, with his head pointed at his back, staring at the darkness behind him. He was confused at first, and then suddenly realized and murmured. Said: "It turns out, it turns out there is no one behind me..."


Dong Yang's body collapsed to the ground like a sack, his head rolled down from his bloody neck and rolled into the burning bonfire. The black and red bonfire suddenly burned more vigorously, and the blood was so rich that it made people feel frightened. There was silence everywhere, no one dared to clean up Dong Yang's body, and there was only a scarlet bloodstain around him, dotted with stars until the deepest darkness.

When Dong Yang talked about Brother Qing cutting open Sister Mei's chest with a knife, Brother Qing had a complete mental breakdown and fled like crazy into the darkness outside the bonfire. Then he screamed in despair and stopped moving.

A true story actually killed two people, the teller and the listener of the story! The passengers present were in shock, especially the weak passengers. Some of them had broken arms and bleeding holes, and some had vomited weasel hair. They were in great pain, just like they had experienced the stories told by Dong Yang. The reaction of the weak travelers from the East District was even more severe than that of the weak travelers from the West District. The weasel spirit was understood by the travelers from the West District as something like a werewolf, and the folk legends of "Huangpizi" and "Weasel" were more deeply rooted in their hearts.

Compared with pure force and spiritual aspect, the latter will have a greater impact on them in the real story. If Dong Yang continues talking, I'm afraid a few more people will die. In comparison, Qiang Passenger looked pretty good-looking. After all, it doesn't matter if they are skinned or turned 180 degrees, it won't hurt them. Even the storyteller may die, which makes them afraid.

Dong Yang can live to this day, so he must not have died like this during his past journey. The bonfire most likely amplified his inner fear and misled him in various ways, leading to the current tragic situation. If this is the case, the story you want to tell will have to be carefully considered.

"It's a pity that the storyteller died and he did not receive the award."

On top of the bonfire, Bingyi sighed, narrowing his eyes slightly as he recalled Dong Yang's trembling despair and fear before his death. Hearing this, he almost wanted to try turning his head to his back, but the phantom cat jumped on his back and stretched, and the cat's claws hooked his hair.

Bingyi held the cat in his arms, absentmindedly still thinking about the weasel. He really wanted to continue listening, not only because of the excitement, but also because Bingyi found that he seemed to be able to draw some power from the story. Loki's fire seemed to become more and more active, but unfortunately there was not much time and there were no people. too much.

He originally thought that if he died one by one, he could listen to a few more stories. But now Brother Dong Yangqing has died together, and there are only five death quotas left in tonight's true story meeting. Bingyi wants to double the rewards. The more rewards, the better.

“Who will tell the next story?”

His eyes scanned the surroundings, and there was a hint of eagerness in his calm voice: "If not-"


"I come!"

"I want to speak!"

But before he could finish his words, four or five passengers actually took the initiative to tell stories! Next time I have to say directly that I want to speak, and I can’t ask again. After all, he is the host, Bingyi thought, he learned a lot from the mistakes he made, and he nodded to the person who spoke first.

"Let us welcome the second narrator of tonight's true story show, Mr. Yu Xiangyang."

The person who didn't get there first sat down angrily and looked at the person who stood up. What Yang? Dong Yang? Everyone was still immersed in Dong Yang's true story, but when they saw the person standing up, all the passengers present, regardless of their strength, including the audience in the live broadcast room, took a breath!

The person who stood up turned out to be Yu Xiangyang! The top boss in the East District! Are the stories he tells people able to listen to? ? Is this going to go on a killing spree and wipe out the entire audience? !

Everyone present turned pale, panicked and anxious, and even the darkness was disturbed by Yu Xiangyang. The thick ink-like shadow swallowed up the light and surged forward a little.

Then Yu Xiangyang said calmly: "I want to tell a story that happened in the deep sea."

Stories from the deep? ? what is that? ! Sargasso Sea? Death Canyon? Undersea volcano? Is it the sleeping R'lyeh of Cthulhu or the most dangerous journey to the 30th degree north latitude and the sinking of Atlantis? ?


A West District strongman in the Yin Yang Butterfly team vomited blood. He held his head in severe pain tightly and looked horrified. Just one word from Yu Xiangyang, coupled with the influence of the bonfire and his imagination, made him so mentally confused that he almost collapsed. The deep sea is more dangerous than the mountains and dense forests. The spiritual pollution experienced by peak travelers in the deep sea is something they have just faintly touched. They know the existence of such horror, so they fantasize about it. There is no way to fight, so they can only wait for death. All at once. The strong travelers' eyes changed. This is the most dangerous thing for them!

But weak travelers, you look at me and I look at you. Although I am a little scared, I am more curious. What stories will there be in the deep sea? Miranda, Miao Fangfei and others quietly breathed a sigh of relief, their tense nerves relaxed slightly, and the corners of their mouths were slightly raised.

Got it, zombies sink into the water.

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