Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 574: Iceland Shock (106)

'Owner! ’

'Owner! ’

‘Master, master! ’

It was raining heavily outside, but the tent in the campsite was clean and warm. The voices of boys and girls calling for their masters one after another were full of emotion. Their admiration was sincere and passionate, just like children calling for their father. Even the most hard-hearted people would be moved when they heard this. .

However, Bingyi has a heart of stone - his expression is as stiff as a stone. After taking out various demonic insects one after another, his temper finally broke out. He coldly stuffed all the demonic insects back into the demonic insect ball, put on his raincoat, and left the tent on Yu Hehu. If it weren't for his current weakness and difficulty in using fire, Bingyi would have burned the tent and the sleeping bag inside, everything. Even if it doesn't burn, he doesn't want to come back to live in this tent for the time being!

On a rainy day, even the raven and the phantom cat huddled in the tent and refused to come out. Even if they went out with a raincoat, they could not completely resist the wet and cold rain, not to mention that Bingyi did not get under the thick tarp that Yu and the fox were wearing. , the figure riding on its back was slightly swaying in the wind and rain. The reason was that there was an emerald-green insect that looked like a lacewing lying on his arm. Even though it looked like it was carved from gemstones and was clean and hygienic, Bingyi still didn't want to be in a small and closed room with it. in space.

The cold wind and rain hitting my face made me shiver, but I felt refreshed and clean. In this environment, he could barely talk to this demonic insect in a pleasant manner.

"Your name is Xiaocui?"

"Yes, Master, I am Xiao Cui!"

The other party's voice was as clear and clear as a teenager's. From the initial excitement and joy to now, I felt that Bingyi's tone was different. He became cautious and flattering. But Bingyi still felt a little awkward. The one he left behind on purpose was clearly the most powerful female insect. , why do you speak in a teenage voice? It's a female, right? Like the red spider mite, it was originally a male but became female, right?

"Master! Xiaocui is really a female insect! A pure female insect!"

The young voice spoke urgently, emphasizing the word 'mother worm' when speaking, as if he was eager to prove himself. But at the end of the sentence, his voice became shy and timid, and he hesitated: "The master said before I just like this, so I..."

"I never said that."

Bingyi was categorical, he was not a pervert.

"Of course you didn't say that. You forgot that these demonic insects were given to you by Wei Xun."

Yu Hehui spoke up at the right moment, and he smiled and said, "Although they call you master, Wei Xun is the real master."

"That's right."

Bingyi's face improved a little, and he thought of the necklace with maggots on it again, and secretly thought that Wei Xun was really perverted, and actually liked bugs. The maggot butterfly, the neither male nor female Xiao Cui, and that so and so, were all left to him by Wei Xun. Bingyi said that it was no wonder that except for the corn shoots, he had no memory related to the demonic insects. Yu Hehui said that Bingyi finally felt relieved. It seemed that this was the case. These demonic insects all belonged to Wei Xun, and he had an impression.

"You and Wei Xun are very close."

Bingyi smiled and hit Yu Hehui. Tianhu chuckled, but felt a cold sweat in his heart. It was almost a bad thing. An Xuefeng's control of Wei Xun's clay puppet in the warm-up match was so outstanding and so natural that Yu Hehui almost forgot about Wei Xun's original character design for his passenger identity. Xiaocui and other demon insects should be 'Wei Xun' has the right one, not Bingyi.

Fortunately, he realized his lie out of desperation, and fortunately both 'Wei Xun' and Bingyi participated in the warm-up competition. Both of them were active in different attractions. This is Stone Hammer. I guess not many people thought that they would be the same person - Wei It was normal for Xun to temporarily transfer the demonic insects to Bingyi. After all, he was about to leave and the little witch was here, so he must be worried about Director Bing. And Director Bing is famous for liking demonic insects... Well, judging from how firmly he doesn't believe that the demonic insects are him, I guess the rumors about Director Bing's preference should be self-explanatory.

Speaking of how much Wei Xun hates bugs, it’s natural to believe this. Subconsciously, he doesn’t want bugs!

"So, Xiaocui was named by Wei Xun?"

Yu Hehui was secretly complaining that Bingyi was already chatting with Xiaocui over there. Xiaocui is an extremely smart and clever female insect. She swallowed the heart of the Sun Spider Queen in the Sahara. After being upgraded to the female insect Lailala, her EQ and IQ are not low. From the conversation between Yu Hehui and her master, she can roughly understand the current situation. When Ting Bing asked about the situation, he said obediently: "Yes, this is the name the master gave me. My name is Xiao Cui, the spider is called Xiao Rose, and the orange mosquito ball is called Xiao Jin..."

As she spoke, she cleverly told her master the names of each demonic insect. After hearing this, the master laughed and praised: "What a good name. This is a very good name."

These are all old-fashioned names, Bingyi complained in his heart. He could give a worm such a nice and vivid name as corn shoots. Wei Xun’s naming ability was limited to little red, green, little flowers, which was almost the same as Ah Feng’s. There is a fight. Thinking of this, Bingyi's heart moved slightly. He had always suspected that there was some kind of close relationship between A Feng and Wei Xun. Now that Xiaocui was by his side and A Feng was far away in Norway, he could take the opportunity to make some excuses.

But now is not the time.

"How far is it from the coastline?"

"We'll be there in two minutes."

Yu Hehui said that the town of Vic was very close to the sea and could be reached in a minute or two at his speed. This was because Wei Xun on his back was afraid that he would be blown away by the wind and did not dare to run with all his strength, otherwise it would be faster.

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Miao Fangfei and the others found the remains of giant sea creatures on the shore. This was the real reason why they headed to the beach in the rain. There are countless huge creatures in the deep sea, and humans have discovered many of them. Their carcasses occasionally wash up on the shore, often causing a sensation. But Bingyi believed that it was not just ordinary giant creatures that made Miao Fangfei so eager to send a message to Yu Hehui.

When they rushed to the beach, Yu Hehui and Bingyi saw with their own eyes how huge the creature was.

A huge, white shadow stranded on the beach during the heavy rain, like a half-rotten pile of fat. It was half on the beach and half floating in the waves. It had no tentacles, only its upper body, and even then it was as big as a head. hill.

The largest squid in the world is the giant physalis squid, also known as the giant squid. It is even larger than the giant squid and is the largest invertebrate in the world. It can reach a length of twelve to twenty meters. However, it was stranded on the beach. The squid above is already twenty meters long, not counting its incomplete tentacles, making it even larger than a sperm whale.

Compared with it, the figures of Miao Fangfei and others looked extremely small. They stood next to the giant squid's eyeball, which was bigger than the waterwheel, and talked solemnly. Besides them, there were also tourists such as Taoist Lu and Jian Yu and Hui. After bringing Director B over, Miao Fangfei immediately came over to greet him and glanced at Director B vaguely.

I didn't see the golden silkworm Gu, nor any other bugs (Xiaocui was blocked by the raincloth on Yu Hehui's back). I don't know if Director Bing recalled the magic bugs, but now the appearance of the giant sea monster worried Miao Fangfei even more. She lowered her head. Sheng told Director C everything that happened in the past ten minutes.

The giant squid was discovered when they were searching the beach in the town of Vic when they saw something floating on the sea in the distance. It looked like a small boat from a distance. But it was impossible for the ship to sail in this kind of weather. Miao Fangfei and the others thought of Loughlin, the deformed killer whale floating on the sea, and each of them felt that they had discovered a new main clue.

However, no one dared to go to the sea in this kind of weather. Di Feiyu wanted to take Kun Dan to try, but visually the floating object was at least two to three hundred meters away from the coast. Even if Kun Dan could get rid of the wind and waves, he could not take people to swim. In the end, the turtle kidnapped by Walker from the black beach came in handy - it became very excited when it reached the coast, waving its hard fins to pat Walker's face, as if it was attracted by something.

Walker took the risk and turned into a wolf and went into the sea with the turtles. He hurried back more than ten minutes later with a look of fear and excitement on his face.

"Damn it, it's a sea monster! We were unlucky to encounter a sea monster! It looked like it was dead, so I cut off a piece of flesh!"

He brought back a large piece of rotten and whitened soft meat, which looked as smooth as fat and exuded a strong and foul smell of sea. A dead sea monster? This reminded Miao Fangfei and the others of the rotten killer whale Loughlin and her son they encountered on the first day, and their DNA immediately moved. If there is something as good as Ymir Minced Meat, don’t miss it!

But they were unable to carry such a huge sea monster carcass to Beach Mountain. In the end, Miao Fangfei went to Lu Taoist and they cooperated, shared information, and forced the passengers to work together to go to the sea. With the help of the waves, they finally put a lot of effort into the sea monster. This huge sea monster was pushed ashore. However, after careful inspection, everyone was disappointed. It looked like just an ordinary giant squid, with no other special features except that it was too huge.

The vast majority of tourists believe that there is something deep in the sea and go diving and exploring in the sea. So only Miao Fangfei and a few people were left on the shore, but they thought that the remains of the sea monster were also very important - the strong travelers didn't find the problem, maybe because they didn't have key items, such as Ymir in the hands of Director B. minced meat.

"It has something to do with giants."

Sure enough, Director B came right to the point. He was still very weak and his voice was very soft. He could barely hear it in the heavy rain. It took Yu and Hui to repeat it for him.

"Ymir's minced meat is hot."

As he spoke, Bingyi released the twins of light elves, corn shoots, and corn snakes. The corn shoots with tattered bodies quickly surrounded the giant squid with their huge bodies like hungry puppies, and put their heads on it. He was looking at Wei Xun eagerly, as if asking when dinner would be served, but the corn snake was running towards the seaside, looking excited and hesitant to go into the sea.

The reaction of the twins of light elves, who were the most concerned by Bingyi, was beyond everyone's expectations. After flying around the giant squid corpse, they showed no interest in it and flew back to Bingyi.

It is related to giants, but its level is far lower than that of the ancestor giant Ymir. It can only be regarded as some kind of giant product related to giants.

B listened to the chattering words of the twins with one ear, and his eyes brightened slightly. The news fed back by the twin light elves was extremely important. In his opinion, the corpse of this giant squid was even more important than the corpse of any giant, because its appearance was very likely. There are clues to giantization, related to a certain substance that can 'catalyze' giants and make giants 'born'!

There must be something good in the depths of the sea. Bingyi immediately let the corn snake go into the sea, but he was not in a hurry. The ocean is so vast, and diving into the sea to find something with an unclear target is like looking for a needle in a haystack. The corn snake that has the potential to become the Jörmungandr giant snake may still have a chance or two to discover clues. It is almost impossible for others to find clues just by looking for it. It is better to conduct a careful autopsy first to see if anything can be found from its body - —


Bingyi's body swayed, his face became paler and his eyes were closed tightly. There were too many things on his mind just now, and he began to feel dizzy again. He was so uncomfortable that he could no longer think. He could only instruct Yu Hehui to observe the giant squid body carefully and then close his eyes to rest. He listened to Yu Hehui's conversation and temporarily stopped thinking. .

"It looks a bit like a giant squid..."

"The Giant Squid is in the Antarctic Sea, and Iceland is almost close to the Arctic Sea. How come they are so close to each other, one at the South Pole and the other at the North Pole?"

"But the sea water here is also cold... Some experts believe that there are many giant marine creatures in the Antarctic deep sea because of the high oxygen concentration in the sea water."

Cold water contains more dissolved oxygen. Countless years ago, most organisms in the primitive world were much larger than they are now, and there are also factors of high oxygen concentration. Some people believe that the place with the highest oxygen concentration in the world is not the Amazon primeval forest, but the deep sea of ​​Antarctica. Giant starfish, giant sea spiders, sponges, squid, jellyfish, etc. are all found in the deep sea of ​​Antarctica, which is called by experts the "Gigantization of Antarctica" '

"It can't be explained by the oxygen content that it can grow so big. Moreover, the Arctic sea is also cold, and there are not so many giant creatures in the depths of the Antarctic sea. I think some experts say that it is not only because of the oxygen content, but also in the depths of the Antarctic sea. There is also a 'giant factor' that is the real reason why countless marine animals become huge."

"What we are looking for in this giant squid is something similar to the 'giant factor'."

"According to Norse mythology, the ancestor giant Ymir was born from the ice in the bottomless pit and is the personification of the frozen ocean. What we are looking for may be the ice floes and glaciers in the deep sea."

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"Of course, in mythology, the ancestor giant Ymir fed on the milk of a huge cow. It is also possible that what we are looking for is a cow in the deep sea ruins."

This was the voice of Yu Hehui. Miao Fangfei and the others used the difficulty of the scenic spot as a benchmark and brainstormed from a perspective that could barely be explained scientifically. But Yu Hehui directly ignored the difficulty and proposed from the perspective of Bingyi mythology. Bingyi also thought that we should think in the direction of mythology - hiss!

'What's wrong? How are you? Do you want to go back and take a rest first? ’

He was so weak that he couldn't sit still even when he was thinking. Yu Hehui called anxiously and held Wei Xun's back with his tail. The mark of death is eating away at his life all the time. Competing with the sharp knife of Heimdall that caused Loki's death, Wei Xun will gradually become like a dead man in his extreme weakness! Bing had long been used to being weak and unable to move freely. In comparison, being restricted from thinking was even more unbearable for him.

At this moment, Bingyi's thoughts were extremely strong. He must first alleviate the problem of the death mark, otherwise all adventures would be meaningless!

"Xiao Cui."

Yu Hehui carried him and hid behind the giant squid body temporarily, using its huge body to block the cold sea breeze. It lay down and hugged Wei Xun with its soft and warm belly and nine fox tails, making him as comfortable as possible. At the same time, Yu Hehui fed him all the remaining ginseng slices. Under the infusion of rich and pure vitality, Bingyi regained his composure, and immediately called out Xiaocui without hesitation, his scrutinizing eyes falling on her insect body.

"Will you be my daughter?"

Although it was a question, Bingyi's tone was affirmative, and he did not give Xiaocui the right to choose at all. He only had this pure female insect at the moment.

Why, don't you want to? Seeing Xiaocui stunned in place without answering for a long time, Bingyi thought coldly. It doesn't matter, anyway, its soul is currently in his hands. He can let it live or die. But C seems kind on one side: "If you don't want to-"

"Yes! Yes, yes, yes! I do, I do! Oh my god, is it true what you said? I want to be the master's daughter! Oh my god, my god! Is this true? I can't even imagine it. , is this true! Master, I want to be your daughter!"


Before Bingyi could finish his words, Xiao Cui burst out with a scream of ecstasy, and a pale green shadow emerged from its insect body, as beautiful and light as an elf in a fairy tale. Xiaocui looked like a young man, with tears in his eyes and his cheeks turned green with excitement. Her eyes were staring at him, with various emotions of disbelief, excitement, and ecstasy flashing through them, as if she was seeing a huge pie falling from the sky. Bingyi looked a little hesitant.

Could it be that Wei Xun only gave him this female insect because he expected this situation? Is sending Xiaocui to be his daughter part of Wei Xun's plan?

"My daughter will bear the mark of death and have the power of death——"

"Master, you will live if you want me to live, and die if you want me to die! I will obey Master and I will never have any second thoughts!"

Xiaocui excitedly made the decision without any hesitation. Bingyi looked at her for a while and suddenly smiled.


No matter what plan Wei Xun had in sending Xiaocui, there was already a mess around him. The angel statues in A5, B3 and A5 all bear the power of the death mark. No matter how many there are of Xiaocui and Wei Xun, he also wants to see what interesting direction it will develop next.

"Of course I don't want you to die."

Bingyi sighed, this is true. After all, the premise of all this is that Xiaocui can withstand the power of the death mark without dying suddenly. According to Yu Hehui, Xiaocui is an invincible level demon insect, and his overall strength is stronger than corn shoots. If she couldn't bear it, Bingyi had no better choice.

"I understand, then let's give birth!"

Xiaocui said resolutely, looking at her master to let him see the determination in her eyes: "Master, I will consume a lot of energy in a while, can you give me that giant squid?"


Bing called back the corn shoots who were struck by lightning and couldn't believe that they were suspicious of insects. Their eyes were full of tears. The food that can be coveted by corn shoots is definitely rich in energy. Even if it may be related to the clues of giantization in the deep sea, if it is given to Xiaocui and it can really resist the mark of death and has the possibility of becoming Hela, then this exchange is Absolutely no loss.

I already have the minced flesh of the ancestor giant Ymir in my hand, and I can clearly distinguish which is lighter and which is heavier. After hearing his promise, Xiaocui showed a bright smile, but what he said next made Bingda pale in shock.

"Okay, then I'll go give birth first. I'll share the mark of death with the insect eggs. I will never let down my master's expectations!"

Xiao Cuixiong flew to the giant squid carcass with great energy and gestured: "Master, I will give birth to one hundred thousand squid first."


How many? ?

Bingyi's eyes suddenly went straight and he was speechless. No, if you want to die, then die, if you want to live, then live, this is not the meaning of life!

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