Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 579 The Horror of Iceland (111)

Night masked horse dance?

A quarter past seven, this time is too delicate. It was much earlier than the normal evening confrontation, and also earlier than the normal purity test. It seemed that the hotel really combined tonight's purity test and confrontation into one. So much so that it caught the passengers off guard. They had originally arranged according to the regular time and were still discussing the confrontation in the evening. However, as soon as the restaurant and hotel prompts came out, the alarm came out of the blue.

At the Vík Town Campground, a local Icelander wearing the local Vík costume appeared in the barbecue area with a hunting rifle on his back. He extended his hand to guide the tourists who were about to return to their tents and said in a loud voice: "Icelandic horses, please Come with me."

He is nearly two meters tall, his skin is bronze, his hair and beard are as hard as steel needles, and he looks like an iron tower. With traditional clothes, he is full of that primitive and barbaric intimidation.

"Are you here to take us to the dance?"

The passengers looked at each other, Miao Fangfei frowned and asked calmly.

The local said piously: "Yes, the aurora forecast shows that between nine o'clock and twelve o'clock at night, there will be a high probability of an aurora appearing, which is most suitable for holding a night masked horse racing dance."

aurora? Some people looked at the sky, which was still covered with thick clouds and was as dark as night, and felt a little disbelief. It’s been raining all day today, can there be an aurora? However, Miao Fangfei and others suddenly thought of the sentence on the itinerary, 'During the aurora, you will see the gods gathering on the World Tree.' Could it be that today is what they were talking about? ?

It will be shown on the itinerary that tonight’s ‘dance’ is definitely an extremely important attraction!

"if so……"

Miao Fangfei pondered, if tonight's Aurora Ball is really an important attraction, then it's no wonder that the brigade with the highest degree of completion of today's attractions has not been announced yet. I'm afraid it still depends on the performance of tonight's dance!

"Aurora? Is there a dance party in the open air?"

Lu Daoren and other strong travelers from the East District were chatting. They didn't know about the aurora on the Iceland itinerary. After all, Miao Fangfei and the others hadn't mentioned it before. This attraction was after the glacier hike in order and was not involved in today's journey. Neither did Miao Fangfei or the others. Maybe he says anything like a fool. After all, they are both allies and competitors in the same district. Many times, like experienced travelers, knowing the key points of the itinerary and the contents of the attractions, they can roughly guess what types of tasks there are in the attractions and what props and rewards they are likely to obtain.

People who speak freely cannot survive in a hotel, and all their trump cards will be revealed in a matter of minutes.

"Of course it's in the open air. Do you want to race indoors?"

The native Icelander said impatiently, as if he was asking a stupid question: "The Valkyries ride Icelandic horses and gallop in the night sky. The light of their armors flashes and turns into aurora. If you don't race the horses, how can there be an aurora tonight?" prom."

Listening to his words, the passengers and spectators suddenly realized that this was what horse racing meant!

"Didn't the aurora forecast say there will be an aurora tonight?"

Yin Guangyuan looked left and right, everyone seemed to be suddenly enlightened, but he didn't understand yet and couldn't help but ask. Didn’t this local just say that there will be an aurora in the forecast tonight? Why do they have to have their Icelandic horses run to turn it into an aurora?

"Are you kidding me? How can a natural aurora come from this kind of weather?"

The locals in Iceland were in disbelief and laughed: "Oh, you silly little horse, of course the aurora forecast is for those noble Valkyries. Time to cast your gaze. They will favor those who run the fastest, have the purest blood, speak and behave. The most elegant little white horse. If any of you can be favored by the Valkyrie, she is willing to choose you and become your knight. Only then can you turn into an aurora - without the light shining on the Valkyrie's armor, where would you get the aurora? ”

So that’s it! Everyone suddenly understood and wanted to ask more about the dance and the mask in detail, but at this moment the local suddenly turned his back and asked suspiciously: "Why don't you understand such traditional customs? Are you our local Icelandic horses?" , Isn’t it someone from outside?”

"of course not."

Oops, we have to get rid of his suspicions! Passengers who have passed the purity test in the past two days should understand that you must not make the locals suspicious, otherwise the lightest punishment will be to expel you tonight, and you will not be able to attend the dance! Sirius Lu Zhuo immediately said: "If you don't believe it, you can test it at any time."

"Don't mention the tricks of the Thoroughbred Association. Real old Icelanders can tell who is a real Icelandic horse with just one pair of eyes."

But the man said disdainfully, arrogantly and disdainfully: "The Pure Blood Association...sigh, they have long forgotten those ancient traditions and used modern horse-raising techniques to raise good horses for people's entertainment. I don’t care about the antiquity and glory of the Icelandic horse – this is the horse chosen by God!”

What I said was wrong. There is actually a group in Iceland that advocates the 'old school' Icelandic horses. From the corner of his eye, he glanced at Miao Fangfei and the others, and saw that they were also surprised and unaware. Lu Zhuo's heart sank, as his words might cause unnecessary trouble.

"Are you horses from the Icelandic Horse Thoroughbred Association?"

Sure enough, the man's face darkened next, and he looked at them with unkind eyes: "We don't recognize the Icelandic Horse Association's purity testing methods."

"If I come to see you... you are very suspicious."

As soon as he said these words, the atmosphere immediately became tense. Lu Zhuo's face darkened, and he was about to speak. One person was responsible for the work. But Mr. Lu stopped him.

Lu Taoist noticed that this person's eyes were irregular and he said something suspicious, but his eyes kept glancing at their pockets. Thinking of the NPCs he met these days, he immediately understood - these people are basically greedy for money, and many attractions require money. How to keep money and make money make money is also one of the invisible tests of a hotel.

Although this person's facial features don't look like someone who is greedy for money, it is more likely to be a distraction in the hotel.

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“We are of course absolutely pure Icelandic horses.”

Just when Mr. Lu was about to take out his card to bribe, he heard Miao Fangfei say firmly: "If you are an old Icelander, then you definitely know Director B."

The conversation between them was in English (English is widely used in Iceland). The pronunciation of Icelandic B is different, so there will be no confusion about the meaning of Iceland B. Hearing what Miao Fangfei said, some people secretly curled their lips. Do you really think everyone knows you are Director B? Yes, the president of the Icelandic Horse Association does have a good attitude toward Director B, but didn’t this person just make it clear his disdain for the Icelandic Horse Thoroughbred Association?

Maybe he still has a bad relationship with the association, and Miao Fangfei's suggestion of Bing is more likely to add fuel to the fire and cause a big disaster. Then we will see how she ends up——

"Director Bing?! Oh King of the Gods, are you talking about the legendary Director Bing Horse?!"

However, before the man could finish his slander, he saw the Icelandic native suddenly change his expression, his facial features distorted with ecstasy, and a big bearded face stood in front of Miao Fangfei, his sharp eyes staring into her eyes, as if he could See into people's souls. No one dared to lie under such eyes, but Miao Fangfei remained calm, and everything she told was the truth.

"We are a team member of Director C. If you ask the locals at Blue Lagoon Hotel or Adventure Hotel, you will know that what I say is not false."

"Of course, of course, this route is correct. The horses led by Bing Daoma are indeed migrating in this direction."

The man was talking to himself, and his expression seemed to soften a little, but as soon as the passengers were relieved, he immediately turned his face and put his penis directly against Miao Fangfei's forehead: "You are lying!"

"That's not the case with the horses of the B-level horses. Don't think that we are easy to cheat! Those pure-blooded horses are well known in everyone's hearts and everyone remembers them clearly. Don't be clever and try to get away with it!"

Miao Fangfei was still calm when her forehead was pressed with the muzzle of the gun, but when she heard what he said, she felt terrible in her heart. The 'pure-blooded good horse' this person is talking about is probably Wei Xun, Yu Xiangyang and the others! Today they happened to have exchanged journeys and were not in Iceland, but this could not be said. If this person knew that Wei Xun and the others dared to leave Iceland, these horses from the island would definitely be expelled completely. What to do, how to explain now?

"Team Miao didn't lie, we are Director C's team members!"

At this moment, Shao Yuan came to his senses and said righteously: "Didn't you see the raven standing on the top of Director Bing's tent?"

After saying that, he pointed his hand towards Director B's tent in the distance. There was no light in the direction of the campsite. It was pitch black. Everyone had gone out to eat. Only the tent of Director B showed some light. Shaoyuan didn't actually see whether there was a raven on the top of the tent, but he knew that these words would definitely be useful to the man in front of him! Sure enough, after hearing what he said, the Icelandic native's expression changed again, and he even stuttered a bit when he spoke.

"Raven? You mean raven? Do you mean..."

"That's what you think."

Shao Yuan nodded enigmatically: "You should also understand what day it is today."

The man's expression changed, and he immediately saluted to the other side of the tent, and then said with a forced smile: "I recognized it, you are indeed the ponies in the third group of horses. It was too dark, so I didn't see clearly... The masquerade is coming soon It’s starting. Someone will come to pick you up, so I’ll leave first.”

After saying that, he was about to put away the gun and turn around to leave, but Miao Fangfei raised her hand and held the barrel of the gun against her forehead as if by accident. The man glared at her, and when he saw that she didn't let go, his face suddenly darkened. But he didn't say anything, he simply dropped the gun and hurriedly disappeared into the darkness.


When his figure was no longer visible, Shao Yuan secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

"Oh, you scared me to death just now!"

Yin Guangyuan couldn't help but stared at the gun in her hand and said, "Captain Miao, you are so brave, you are not afraid of him shooting."

"He was afraid to shoot."

Miao Fangfei said, looking at each other with Shao Yuan, both of them looked serious.

"Raven Wings...I think he looks like one of Odin's men."

Taoist Lu walked over, his face equally solemn. He knew how much the locals in Iceland admired the third-level guide horses. It stands to reason that mentioning the third-level guide horses in front of them is like cheating. This person indeed behaves like this, but he is fundamentally different.

"Since I know Wei Xunyu Xiangyang and the others, I definitely know you too."

He said bluntly: "This is deliberately making things difficult."

"When he started to sigh and said 'King of the Gods', I felt there was something wrong with him."

Shaoyuan sighed, the king of the Nordic gods is Odin. For this kind of person, Director B is not easy to use, but there is a raven beside him. This is Odin's messenger, Odin's spy. When people who believe in Odin see it, they will never do anything to it again unless they kneel down and salute on the spot.

"Today is Wednesday. I still feel too calm. It's normal for this person to come out now."

"It's not like Odin's divine power has come. He seems to be in a different state than Old Mark, Dan Lin and the others."

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Di Feiyu added: "If Odin's divine power really comes, it is impossible for him to be afraid of the raven."

While waiting for the arrival of the new prom lead, several people started discussing.

"Is it possible that he's just faking it?"

"Hiss, I think he was actually a little panicked after hearing about the raven just now... If he is really a believer in Odin, he should be more ecstatic than fearful and panicked."

"Yao Jinghe is right, there is indeed a problem with his attitude."

"Have you noticed that he knows the Valkyrie very well?"

"Indeed, he explained a lot. He even revealed the information that Aurora is the Valkyrie's riding armor that shines. This should actually be something we should speculate on by ourselves."

"Look at his hunting rifle. It says it has raven wings, but a pair of bird wings... The Valkyrie happens to be wearing a silver helmet decorated with bird wings."

"That's right!"

Miao Fangfei and others cheered up: "He may not be from Odin's side, maybe he is from Slud's side!"

"This attitude towards Director Bing's subordinates...maybe they are from Thor!"

"That's right, look at his clothes and his penis. He doesn't look like a follower of Odin."

There is a reason why Thor and Odin have ambiguous status, and even once had a higher status than Odin. Thor, the god of thunder, is the god of the poor and common people. He is in charge of agricultural production, weddings and funerals, and death. He is powerful, rude, and has a bad temper. He is a manifestation of people's beliefs in the agricultural era. Odin is the god of nobility, representing wisdom, knowledge, poetry and power. He is cunning, clever, lusty for power, and will do whatever it takes to achieve his goals. He is a god whose status soared after the collapse of Nordic agricultural society and people moved from land to sea*

Judging from the traditional national costumes worn by the Icelander just now, his belt, and his rough and loud voice, he looks more like a follower of the God of Thunder.

"That's why he became wary after hearing about the raven. He came here secretly and didn't want Odin to find out!"

"Then he was not just provocative, he definitely had hints."

"His attitude towards Team Miao...may suggest that there are Nordic gods and followers of Odin participating in this dance. On the surface, he will give preferential treatment to Director C, but in fact, he will attack us secretly?"

"Yes, the hotel warned that there is a terrible hunter at this ball. I originally thought it was a polar bear, but now it seems that it may be related to Odin believers!"

“Yes, it’s Wednesday after all!”

The more Miao Fangfei and the others discussed, the more enthusiastic they became. Taoist Lu and the others who heard a few words next to them were stunned. This kind of confidence that almost overflowed as he talked about the treasures of Nordic mythology, but I had never seen it before when I visited other scenic spots today! The difficulty of the scenic spots involving mythology is absolutely terrifying. Even the deer Taoist people are worried. The more they worry about Miao Fangfei and the others, "Finally we have reached the area where we are good at!" 'The expression looks weirder.

This is too strange! But the powerful travelers all admit that what they say does sound reasonable. Do they have any basis for this?

"You are the Icelandic horses who are going to attend this dance. Come on, come with me."

But before Mr. Lu and the others could ask in detail, the person who received them arrived. I saw this man wearing a luxurious dress, white gloves, and an exquisite bird feather mask covering the upper half of his face, with a broad smile. Taoist Lu saw that his hair was smooth and oily. This style was in stark contrast to the strong man just now.

This seems to be the person in charge of the dance. Did the strong man really use his name to remind them on purpose? The more he thought about it, the more he felt it made sense when he recalled what Miao Fangfei and the others had just discussed.

"We have specially prepared dresses and masks for you. From 7:30 to 8:00 it is time for you to wash up and prepare. At 8 o'clock, the masquerade will officially begin. There will be the most mellow wine at the dance, and everyone can enjoy the party. "

This man spoke in a very elegant tone, like reciting poetry, so sweet it made people get goosebumps, but he didn't say anything about the aurora. Miao Fangfei's heart was moved, and she didn't mention the news that the strong man had just said, and just asked, "This is a masked horse racing dance, when will we watch the horse racing?"

"After nine o'clock at night."

The man stopped smiling and became serious: "I heard that polar bears have sneaked into this dance, but don't worry. There will be hunters with guns guarding the dance, those wearing red masks. If you find a polar bear, please report it in time Report them."

Sure enough, Miao Fangfei thought to herself. Because the Icelandic horse purity test had not yet started, they were afraid that local Icelanders would suddenly arrive, so they asked Walker and others to stay away from the barbecue grill. Fortunately -

"Then five of you, let's come together."

Before she could rejoice, the man looked directly at the five Walkers, with the smile still on his face: "The dance will start soon."

go? Still not going? Everyone present pondered. If he refused, his identity would undoubtedly be exposed directly, but if he participated - has this person discovered the identities of Werewolf Walker and the Polar Bears? Could this be a trap set for them?

"It's here, why bother?"

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Walker and others walked over without hesitation upon hearing this. Walker also complained: "I haven't eaten well. Is there anything to eat and drink at the dance? Is there wine?"

“Everything you want is available.”

"That's fair enough. What about our Director C? I would say you should invite Director C first. That would be fair."

"Of course someone has specially invited a horse as distinguished as Director Bing."

The smile on the man's face deepened, he praised Director B like a poem, and finally said: "He should have arrived at the dance by now."

* *

The waves are roaring and black rocks are everywhere. The wide beach in Vic Town has been decorated as an open-air dance scene. A long string of small lights of different colors illuminate the darkness, making the scene look like a dream.

The long snow-white tables are filled with all kinds of hot and cold food, fruit desserts, and bunches of flowers that are extremely rare to see in Northern Europe during this season decorate the seats. The aroma of soup and barbecue comes, and there are chefs who specialize in cooking delicious food. As the sound rang out, a band was dedicated to playing in the darkness, and waiters wearing masks and dresses gracefully shuttled between the tables holding plates filled with cocktail glasses.

"The wine tastes good."

Bingyi took a glass of cocktail from the waiter's tray and smelled it. The rich aroma of the wine made people feel as if they would get drunk without drinking.

"Not even close."

The person next to him also took a glass of wine, drank it in one gulp, put the empty glass on the tray, and said coldly: "It's not interesting."

“It’s fun when there are more people.”

Bingyi chuckled, and the raven on his shoulder flew out, and Kuai Zhuanhen came back with a red cherry from the table full of desserts and cakes. It fell back on his shoulder with pride - it was rare for the phantom cat to be happy when it was not there. Free meeting.

“There’s no point in having too many people.”

The man muttered and changed the subject: "Let's talk about the wolf you raised."

After the hotel prompt sounded at a quarter past seven, someone came to Bingyi's tent and respectfully invited him to the dance. Yu Hehui originally wanted to follow him, but the man declined politely but firmly.

'There are hunters at the dance who will shoot all animals that have nothing to do with Icelandic horses. They can rest in a special venue. When the horse racing comes, there won't be so many rules.'

While no other animals are allowed in, ravens can. Even the symbol of this dance is raven wings. Bingyi can tell at a glance that this is probably Odin's dance.

So as soon as he entered the venue, besides observing, the most important thing was to find 'allies'. It was less than eight o'clock when he entered the venue, and there were only ten people in the venue. Everyone is wearing a white dress and a white mask. I don't know what is special about this dress mask, but it makes everyone's voice, height and even body shape look the same, regardless of gender, age or child.

If you want to recognize someone in this situation, you can only tell them by the way they speak. But apart from being familiar with B1, Bingyi had never spent much time with other tour guides. It's even more stupid to talk to each other one by one. If you draw too much attention, you will become a target. Just looking at all the people in white masks standing quietly, you know that no one here is a fool.

But the ‘allies’ Bingyi wants to make are not tour guides. His eyes fell on the men wearing red masks and patrolling with guns. As a precaution against polar bears, there were many hunters at this dance. Their characteristic is that they wear red masks, which are not all red, but mainly white, with various red decorations on them.

For example, some are decorated with red devil-like horns, and some are decorated with blood-colored claw marks that are eerie. Bingyi sets his sights on a hunter whose mask is decorated with red scales.

"You want to report it?"

The hunter's perception was extremely keen. Bingyi just stared at him for a while and then he walked over and took Bingyi aside quietly. Reporting polar bears is a very private matter, and letting others see it can easily make polar bears in crowds more careful about hiding themselves. It was during this alone time that Bingyi started chatting with this person, using raven as the topic.

This hunter seemed to have a bad temper. He started to become impatient after saying a few words. He was just patiently listening to Bing Yi's nonsense, and he was not interested in the raven. Bingyi had a suspicion in his mind, is the hunter really a staff member of the dance? Is it possible that they were also ‘hired’? In addition, he only had ten white masks present, so it seemed that there were no two special tour guides that Yu Hehui mentioned.

Is it possible that they are not Icelandic horses or polar bears, but have other identities?

If this is really possible...then this hunter, can he be the one? Bingyi observed that except for the mask on his face and the gun in his hand, the hunter was dressed exactly the same as the people participating in the dance. When he asked why, the hunter said perfunctorily that it was to avoid ruining the atmosphere of the party, and then turned to leave.

"Well, speaking of which, I couldn't bring any of my pets in. The rules of the dance are a bit too strict. My little wolf is still so young that he can't even eat meat by himself..."

Bingyi mentioned Fenrir wolf implicitly. He had actually found countless topics to talk about, but this hunter was really incorrigible and always had a perfunctory face. Seeing that he was about to leave, Bingyi could use his killer moves - if If this hunter is truly a believer in God, he will definitely react. If he is a tour guide, he may have a different attitude.

Sure enough, when he mentioned the wolf, the hunter who turned to leave turned back, looked at him, and his tone sounded gentler.

"Do you raise wolves?"

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