Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 605: Icelandic Horror (137)

"My grandma is one hundred and three years old this year. She is seriously ill but has not passed away yet. According to the hotel's usual rules, you can live up to fifteen years after joining the hotel."

Miao Fangfei said, so far, no one has been able to come back alive after ten years on the battlefield. The person who lived the longest after entering the hotel, that is, the person who entered the hotel in the fifth year of his junior year and lived until the next ten years when he went to the battlefield, the total adds up to ten years at most. Five years.

"That is to say, if my grandma entered the hotel and lived to this day, she would have entered the hotel when she was eighty-eight years old."

Miao Fangfei spread her hands: "In other words, she first entered the hotel in the last five years of her junior year. But the last five years of her junior year——"

"He disappeared a long time ago."

B1 said solemnly, he celebrated his birthday this year and was about to turn thirty, and his mother passed away when he was just born. Even if his mother just didn't want to implicate them and cut off their relationship, even if his mother's first year in the hotel was counted, her mother could only live until he was fifteen years old at most, and now, it's almost fifteen years.

Theoretically speaking, at the extreme end, the mother who is in her last year can spend the journey with Miao Fangfei's grandma who has just entered the hotel. But how can the eighty-eight-year-old grandma, who has just entered the hotel, match Director Bing's mother and Wei Xun's mother? This big tour guide with a special colored cloak? Moreover, B1 is not exactly thirty years old, and the timing is not right either.

Besides, even if Grandma Miao Fangfei is extremely talented and extremely powerful in the first year she enters the hotel, then she must be in the top ten or top three teams in this ten-year cycle. Even if she is indifferent to fame and fortune, she will definitely be ranked among the tourists. Leave your name on the list.

This person cannot be found at all, and there is no name.

"And my grandma became seriously ill and couldn't get out of bed thirty years ago."

Miao Fangfei smiled bitterly and said: "Even if grandma enters a hotel, she will be a tour guide, she can't be a tourist."

"And if it's really a past-present correspondence, that would be terrible."

Yin Guangyuan couldn't help but interjected: "How did the hotel know that we would come to Iceland after so many years? Doesn't that mean that the list of pre-match matches has been decided already? This should not be in line with the rules of the hotel."

"So I think it's a dream weaved based on the makeup of our two brigades."

Miranda said: "But it is not necessarily all false, true and false, false and true."

"The prompt that Director C heard said, 'In the dream, you mistakenly entered the fountain of destiny of the three Norens sisters, and the past and present are chaotically intertwined.' Perhaps this 'chaos' does not only refer to the past and present. ”

“The past is chaotically intertwined with the past, and the chaotic past is intermingled with the present.”

That is to say, the family members in the dream have indeed been selected by the hotel, and have achieved the strength and status they had in the dream. For example, Wei Xun's mother and Bing Dao's mother, the special color cloak must be a first-class tour guide.

But they may not necessarily be from the same era, nor may they have been to Iceland on a journey. It's just that dreams mixed them together.

"But I still think Po wasn't chosen by the hotel."

Miao Fangfei insisted, and even listed many details of her daily life when she and her family visited her grandmother to support her point of view.

"Does your grandmother have any sisters?"

At this moment, Director Bing said calmly: "Sister, or younger sister."

Does grandma have any sisters?

Miao Fangfei originally wanted to say no, but as if she remembered something, she frowned and hesitated.

* *

"Miao Fangfei has an aunt."

On the way home, Deputy Liu Xingmao and Liu Xingmao were stationed at the Sunset Brigade. As early as before their departure this morning, when Miao Fangfei mentioned that her grandmother was still alive, he sent a key group of confidants to Xiangxi, and he himself added Miao Fangfei to the sunset. After joining the brigade, she rummaged through all relevant information.

Because when selecting people, hotels especially like to choose relatives, those who are related by blood or have close connections. Especially parents, grandparents, brothers, sisters, mothers, daughters, etc. A large group with strength and connections like the Sunset Troupe will usually investigate three generations above him after accepting him. After all, there is a high probability that his relatives have been selected into the hotel, and between two people who are related by blood, their inherited talents There will also be many similarities in direction, original title, etc.

Investigating the titles held by relatives is of great significance for planning the future direction of strength development for new members, positioning them within the team, whether they are offensive auxiliary or special titles, etc. Of course, it is difficult to check this information. After all, the hotel has tightly sealed all kinds of information from the past ten years, and even the previous decade. Only big tour groups such as Sunset, Crimson, and Laoshan in the East District can pass through. Some clues were found in reality and in the hotel.

But all kinds of information about Miao Fangfei's family is easy to find, because her parents are still alive, and besides her, she also has a pair of younger siblings, who are both lively and healthy. Miao Fangfei's family is a big family. Her mother has two brothers, one sister, and two sisters. Her father has one brother and three brothers. Now these people are married and have children, and they are all living healthy lives. No disease or disaster.

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Further up, Miao Fangfei's grandparents are still alive, and they are considered to be famous longevity old people in the village. They have not lost all their teeth at this age, and their hair is not completely white. It is simply a miracle of longevity. As for her mother's side, Grandpa Miao Fangfei died early, but he died in a landslide. There is a record of his death in the cemetery, so it doesn't mean he disappeared in vain. Miao Fangfei's grandmother was also very old and suffered from ailments. Before, she insisted on staying in the old Miao village. After she became seriously ill, Miao Fangfei's uncles took her to the city to take care of her mother.

The family is happy and there are no conflicts. If there is no one in the family who has been selected to join the hotel, how could Miao Fangfei join the hotel? When she was asked this question at that time, Miao Fangfei was embarrassed and said, "Grandma is old and not clear-headed. She has always been thinking about finding the legendary golden silkworm Gu."

Where can ordinary people find this thing in reality? Normal people would at most coax the old man after hearing this, and few would really look for something that doesn't exist. But Miao Fangfei was different. Her grandma had been very kind to her since she was a child. In some places, sons were favored over daughters. But when the whole family went back during the Miao New Year, any good things grandma had were always reserved for her.

Like grandma's precious bottles and jars, if Miao Fangfei's brother touches them naughtily, grandma will get angry and whip them, but Miao Fangfei is fine if she is curious. Although grandma wouldn't let her touch these things, she would patiently coax her and tell her that these things were dirty and shouldn't be touched. The younger brothers and sisters are all afraid of their grandmother and the gloomy old Miao village, but Miao Fangfei likes it there. It is a beautiful memory of her childhood.

When she was a child, she knew that her grandma loved to be clean, but her legs and feet were inconvenient. Every time she went back, she would diligently help her grandma clean the house. Then her grandma liked her more and more. This preference was so obvious that her brother even half-joked once. Half envious and curious, I asked my mother why my grandma was so kind to my eldest sister.

‘Because your sister looks most like grandma when she was young. ’

At that time, her mother smiled and replied: 'When your grandmother was young, she was a famous beauty in the village. It was a chaotic time, she had a hard time when she was young, and now she has a weird temper, but she loves you and doesn't let you touch those things, it's for your own good. ’

‘Grandma really raises gu? ’

My sister was curious and said: 'I heard them say that grandma used to be the most famous Gu woman. "

"Don't let them scare anyone."

Mother rarely put on a straight face and said seriously: "Your grandma never touches those things."

Grandma wanted to find the Golden Silkworm Gu, and she accidentally overheard her mumbling when Miao Fangfei stayed in bed with her when she was critically ill and hospitalized. Grandma was speaking Miao dialect. Miao Fangfei found out what she was talking about after asking someone.

Why would my grandma, who has never touched Gu, want to find Golden Silkworm Gu? Miao Fangfei didn't know, but she wanted to fulfill this wish for her grandmother. She studied tourism in college and originally returned to her hometown to work as a tour guide after graduation. The tourism industry was in a particularly sluggish few years and there were not many tour groups. Tour guides started to start side jobs one after another. Miao Fangfei simply quit her job and plunged into the industry. In those old Miao villages deep in the mountains and forests, look for traces of Gu insects and Golden Silkworm Gu.

This time, we rushed into the hotel.

Her experience was very bizarre. After asking for her permission, the people from the Sunset Brigade went to investigate and used various methods to accidentally discover that Miao Fangfei's grandmother was not one hundred and three years old, but one hundred and forty-three years old. ! Miao Fangfei's mother was born when she was thirty-eight, but based on this age, she was not the mother who gave birth to Miao Fangfei at thirty-eight, but seventy-eight!

Although you can see some shocking news nowadays about an 80-year-old woman getting pregnant and giving birth to a child, this is definitely not a normal situation, especially after Miao Fangfei’s mother, her grandmother also gave birth to two younger sisters. How could it be born? The weirdest thing is that Miao Fangfei's grandmother looked like a person in her thirties at that time, without any wrinkles.

The investigators of the Sunset Brigade visited many places and even had close contact with Miao Fangfei's grandmother, but they found nothing special about her. Could it be that she had a special background? It was only when I visited the old Miao village and found the elders in the village that I made the discovery.

It turns out that Miao Fangfei's grandmother was not a local born in the village, but after a big earthquake a long time ago, the son of the village chief at that time ventured up the mountain to look for the cow that was lost in the earthquake. By chance, he found her in the collapse of the mountain. She was discovered by accident in a cave. She was extremely beautiful, and the clothes she wore were smooth and beautiful that the Miao village had never seen before. However, her expression was innocent and ignorant, and she could not understand their words.

The clan leader's son thought she was the wife of the mountain god, a girl from the Luohua Cave, and was so frightened that she knelt down and kowtowed. Later, some time passed, and the old people can't remember clearly. Anyway, this beautiful woman was brought back by the patriarch's son and they became husband and wife. No one in the village dared to mess with them. I heard that anyone who messed with them or spoke ill of them would be in bad luck.

‘What he saw in the cave was not a person, but a pair of sisters. The elder sister was a girl from Luohua Cave. He didn’t want his younger sister to marry the mountain god, so he let her go with him. ’

The old man muttered Miao dialect with a strong accent, which roughly meant this.

"She is nothing, just an ordinary beautiful woman. She is one of those people whom my elder sister punishes by coming back to see her through the wind and rain from time to time."

Miao Fangfei's grandfather has passed away, and there are not many old people in the village. This is a clue pieced together based on their oral accounts. Elderly people said that this woman looked to be in her twenties or thirties, but in fact she was already in her sixties or seventies at the time. However, no information has been preserved from those years, making further verification extremely difficult.

But the Sunset Travel Group has been investigating this matter, because Bai Xiaosheng suspected that Miao Fangfei’s aunt was a traveler who was selected into the hotel a hundred years ago, and her strength was amazing. Miao Fangfei did not look like her grandmother, but like her Her aunt! There is a poster collection corridor in Metaphysics. This old brigade has existed for hundreds of years. Only captains of previous generations can enter this corridor. Of course, when the illusory black shadow appeared on the poster ten years ago, Bai Xiaosheng also transformed into Bai Xiaotian and went in to investigate, and by the way memorized all the words and background on the poster.

As the decade changes, generations of people disappear on the battlefield. The characters on past posters will disappear, leaving only the background and text. There were two posters with different background colors but the same title and name, which left a deep impression on Bai Xiaosheng.

[Winner of the year-end celebration·Mingshen Wuyu·Peak·Longnu Aping (limited)]

[The Opener of the Tomb of the Tusi King·Ming Shen Wu Yu·The Peak·Long Nu Aping (Limited)]

The current scenic spot at 30 degrees north latitude also appeared in the past. This is what everyone has speculated on. However, before Bingyi opened the tomb of the Tusi King, this speculation could not be verified due to the lack of old information. Until King Tusi's tomb appeared in the sky, Bai Xiaosheng was reminded of these two posters. And ‘Longnu Aping’ is a typical Miao name.

Miao names are usually composed of the format of "Han surname - real name - father's name - Miao surname". When transliterated into Miao transliterations, there will be some words such as "Dragon Girl Report", "Dragon Slave Report" and "Dragon Mi Report". Names such as "Tai", and the elements such as Tusi King's Tomb, Miao people, and "Aping" are connected, and they are connected with the Tusi King's Tomb on the journey of 30 degrees north latitude opened by Bingyi, the Li Gui Pingping in Qiebi Village, and the Li Gui in the journey to western Hunan He placed it on Miao Fangfei many times, borrowing words from her but not hurting her, which caused Bai Xiaosheng to have many speculations.

"Guo Pu once said in "Preface to Wuxian Mountain": Wuxian people...are born as the Lord and die as the Ming God."

"It is written in "The Rites of Zhou·Chun Guan·Si Wu": If there is a severe drought in the country, the shamans will perform the witch dance."

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Bai Xiaosheng slowly folded the paper filled with words into a paper crane and said to himself: "Wuyu is a sacrifice accompanied by music and dance when praying for rain in ancient times. Mingshen is a dead witch."

The title given to the winner of the year-end celebration by the hotel does not necessarily match his own title. For example, An Xuefeng's return home at dusk is not very consistent with himself. Bai Xiaosheng studied the poster deeply and believed that the title given by the hotel might correspond to the hotel's prophecy for this person, or the hotel's expectations for the future of this person.

The god of Ming Dynasty dances, and the dead shaman dances for sacrifice. Since she is dead, why is she sacrificed, and how does she dance? Bai Xiaosheng had conducted an in-depth investigation, but basically found no clues. If she is really Miao Fangfei's aunt, she must have been an unprecedentedly powerful traveler who could protect her sister and her sister's descendants from being disturbed by the hotel and live an ordinary life until Miao Fangfei.

“Old Dreams is a strange test of hotel attractions.”

When the passengers on the bus were asleep, Bai Xiaosheng briefly introduced his old dream to the audience in the Iceland live broadcast room.

"Different from reenactments, old dreams are based on current attractions, and are derived from half-illusory and half-real past lives. They use dreams as a carrier to influence tourists and tour guides."

Scene reenactments are things that really happened in the past, such as the reenactment of scenes in the Oasis of the Dead Sahara Desert. The past is the main subject, and the participating passengers must abide by the development of past events.

The word "dream" in old dreams is obviously different from "re-enactment" in nature.

Some scenes are dangerous to reenact, and some are relatively safe, but old dreams will undoubtedly greatly increase the difficulty of the original attractions.

"The dreamscape of the old dream will be simulated based on today's scenic spots, the memories of tourist guides, and the information retained by the hotel about many scenic spots and former tour guides and tourists. It is not completely consistent with the reality of the old days."

For example, the ages of the people in the dream are not from the same time period. Even the winners of the year-end celebrations from several eras may appear on the same stage in old dreams. It is based on travelers' impressions and memories of their family members. For example, Miao Fangfei never knew that she might have an aunt, nor did she know anything related to her, so the old man in the dream looked like her grandmother. appearance.

"But at the same time, dreams are not completely false."

Old Daydream is a bit like an All-Star Game. It puts the relatives of the travel guides in the brigade together, places them in Iceland, and 'simulates' a journey based on the standards of an unsolvable journey. It can be said that the person in the dream is indeed trying hard to pass the scenic spots on the journey and will encounter many dangers.

Even with the hotel's control, simulating an old dream would require a lot of effort, and at least two persons in charge would be required to host it. As for the attractions that cost so much and are superimposed with old dreams, it can be said that the risk factor is extremely high and is infinitely close to being unsolvable. It is extremely rare. In this ten-year cycle, there are only a few hundred tourists or tour guides who have experienced the old dream.

Summarizing experience from the past, there are a few rules for Old Day Dream attractions.

"1. The dangers encountered in the dream will also be encountered by the brigade in real attractions."

"2. The dangers that the brigade encounters in reality will also be encountered by the brigade in dreams."

"3. Reality can glimpse dreams, but people in dreams cannot see reality."

"4. The real brigade is basically unable to communicate with the people in the dream, and the incarnation in the dream is extremely weak. Ninety-nine percent of them will die in the first dream."

"5. If the incarnation dies in a dream, the corresponding person in reality will no longer be able to see the corresponding dream."

"6. Injury to the avatar in the dream will gradually feed back into reality over time, and of course, death as well."

"7. Injury or death in real life will gradually feed back to the dream avatar and relatives over time."

Bai Xiaosheng wrote all these summarized rules on special pieces of paper, folded them into paper cranes and let them fly. In particular, highlight the items under ‘Death Conditions’.

1. When the old dream ends, if the incarnation dies in the dream, it corresponds to the death of the tourist or tour guide in reality.

2. At the end of the old dream, if a relative dies in the dream, it corresponds to the death of the tourist or tour guide in reality.

3. Before the end of the old dream, the real person dies. If the avatar in the dream can be rescued, he can be resurrected when the old dream ends.

4. Before the end of the old dream, relatives and incarnations die in the dream, and there is a chance of resurrection.

In general, no one can die in dreams. If the dream was really like what Miao Fangfei and the others dreamed, and the avalanche and earthquake led to the entire brigade being wiped out in the dream, they would also be wiped out in reality. Of course, everything will be settled at the end of the old dream, but anyone who dies before the end will have a chance to be resurrected.

As for the old dream with such a high level of danger and difficulty, once it is cleared alive, the amazing reward is unimaginable. Just talking about one of the rewards of the old dream will allow you to inherit the ‘legacy’ of the blood relatives in the dream.

As we all know, tourists and tour guides will be recovered by the hotel after death. For those tourists and tour guides who go to the battlefield, the huge points they have saved will disappear when the hotel is stripped. Some special treasures cannot be taken to the battlefield and are not allowed by the hotel. transmitted to a brigade or brigade. These points or treasures will be recovered by the hotel and become 'heritage'.

Qi Lecheng, the captain of the Phenom Brigade, survived an old dream and successfully inherited a large amount of inheritance. Only then did he secure the position of captain of the Phenom Brigade at a young age, and was able to dominate the Metaphysics Brigade.

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And these legacies even include some special, out-of-print titles.

For example, there are records that most likely belong to Aunt Miao Fangfei, the 'Ming Shen Wu Yu' who left a poster on the corridor of the metaphysics brigade, and the mothers of Bingyi and 'Wei Xun', who are all first-class tour guides. They were definitely the strongest tour guides at the time, and could win the strongest title related to tour guides - even if Bingyi's mother joined the council and could not win the title at the year-end celebration, then 'Wei Xun''s mother was definitely the strongest at the time. A tour guide who will not let the title fall into the hands of others.

The hotel is warning Team An that it will not let him become stronger again.

Bai Xiaosheng thought to himself that there was a high probability that 'Wei Xun''s dream corresponded to Captain An's blood relatives, and Captain An was resisting all kinds of dangers. However, even if he passed the customs, when the settlement came, Captain An's mother's inheritance might still be lost to the hotel. Settlement to Wei Xun. It can be said that you bear the risks and I take the benefits. If there is even a slight disharmony between the two of us, there may be disputes.

And there is an extremely dangerous variable in this old dream.

That is the cat in the dream.

Now the old dream has divided the two brigades into three groups, and among them, the cat has revived all the dream incarnations of their group, which is different from the other two groups.

In the end, there will most likely be a confrontation between the groups. At that time, their group will most likely be judged by the hotel as being stronger and be besieged by the other two groups. It’s impossible for a life-loving person to not know this, so why does the cat wake up all the incarnations in the dream?

Although it is difficult for people in real life and people in dreams to get in touch, there are many ways to do so based on their strength and opportunities. Especially since there are dream chasers on this journey, the dragon scales in Bingyi’s hands are such an excellent prop. And just counting the egg he is holding in his arms, the Puppet Master can parasitize, the Black Widow can draw threads, and the Lizard Duke can, well, the Duke probably has no talent in this area, but it is enough.

What does he want to do?

* *

"Do you have sizes for cats?"

In the parking lot of the Skaftafell Visitor Center in Iceland, everyone got out of the car with their luggage under the guidance of the tour guide after discussing. First, I solved the problem of personal hygiene in the toilet next to the parking lot, then went to the restaurant in the parking lot to get hot water, and used the remaining Icelandic krona to buy some simple food.

Guides C and B handed over the glacier hiking risk information form to the staff here, and then took everyone to measure the size of their hiking boots, and then rented ice shoes of the corresponding size to each passenger. claw.

Crampons, ice axes, safety belts and helmets are the four necessary items for glacier hiking. In addition, windproof and waterproof jackets and pants, snow goggles, scarves and gloves are also needed. There is heavy snow today, and the temperature on the glacier will only be lower, so we must take measures to keep warm. When renting equipment, Bingyi relied on the charm of the Icelandic horse king to turn the staff aside, lift up the still sleeping phantom cat, and secretly asked him if he had cat-sized equipment.

"Um, we don't provide equipment for cat hikers here."

The staff member's expression was very indescribable, and he suggested: "We provide pet boarding services here."

"No thanks."

Bingyi declined and pondered for a moment, picked up the still sleeping Phantom Cat and looked at it for a while, then suddenly took out the volcanic lava lizard egg. Wei Xun had transformed into a humanoid to test equipment. Without any cover, the little rose-red lizard poked its head out from the edge of the eggshell. It held the eggshell with one front paw, and stepped on the wriggling spider silk and dust with its two hind paws. Purple tumor tissue, big eyes, and a look of domineering aura when looking at each other.

Then Bingyi stuffed a cat into it.

Haha, this is really filling!

Bingyiyile succeeded in stuffing the phantom cat into the egg. He just had a whim. After all, the phantom cat was not a real cat. It would be nice if he could stuff it into the egg and carry it with him - he really succeeded. Now only half of the cat's head was exposed, and the little red lizard was so suppressed that it lost its shadow.

He stuffed the egg into his jacket and took it with him. When Bingyi returned to the team, he saw that the coach who was taking them on a glacier hike had arrived. He held Fenrir and teased the little wolf very familiarly, and treated Yu and Huibian The adult fox also showed great interest.

"Everyone is here, so let's take the equipment and get on the shuttle bus."

After Bingyi came over, Fenrir wolf struggled down and trotted towards him. The coach finally stopped and said coldly: "I am your coach and consultant for glacier hiking in the next few days."

"You?? You're the coach?!"

Roger couldn't help but say, this man had just met the Tooth Hunter, or the Lizard Duke, last night! Lizard Duke comes to coach them? ? Miranda, who was standing at the front as the captain, turned slightly pale and shrank back silently.

"What, you have an opinion?"

Just listen to the tooth hunter sneer and say with a very bad attitude: "I am a native of Iceland, and my qualifications as a coach are enough. Otherwise, is it like some people who have no qualifications and can only work as bodyguards?"

"By the way, the ice cave you are going to explore today is also the route I found and planned."

He raised his chin and faintly hinted that finding the ice cave was not an easy task. He had also wasted a lot of hard work and had not slept since he was released by Odin and the others in the early morning. He was just looking for the ice cave. However, the expressions on the passengers' faces were very indescribable.

Ah, this is the ice cave where many people died?

Did the Lizard Duke find it?

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