Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 607: Icelandic Horror (139)

The Lizard Duke's words made everyone present stare blankly. Are they really tearing apart the hotel's means of transport? Is this a question of money or not? ?

But seeing that he actually tore down the curtains and was not punished by the hotel, everyone present was murmuring.

Could it be said that this shuttle bus is not a means of transportation for the hotel, but a local tool in Iceland?

Although it looks special because it is not afraid of corrosive snow, but what is the local Icelandic car in the warm-up competition that is not special? Maybe this is a local Icelandic car!

Miao Fangfei and Miranda looked at each other, and both of them carefully picked up the curtains. Sure enough, there was no reaction from the shuttle bus, and they were not punished! Everyone in the brigade immediately rushed forward and took the time to unload everything that could be taken away from the shuttle car and take it away. After they had almost dismantled it, Dan Lin's fingers flashed with lightning and he cut off a large piece of the car's skin.

"It might be useful to bring it with you."

Dan Lin smiled and said, there is the Thor's mark on this vehicle. This shuttle bus is indeed a local vehicle. If an avalanche occurs on the glacier like in the dream, with this vehicle that is not afraid of corrosive snow, it may be able to Make a simple sled to slide between the ice and snow, and Thor and Sludd will help them.

Everyone thought what he said was very reasonable, and everyone wanted to get something more. Unfortunately, two coaches had already begun to rush them outside. They could not miss the time to go up the glacier. The passengers could only regret getting off the bus with their loot.

Not counting the tour guides and coaches, there were still twenty of them, and the things in the car were not enough, let alone protecting the whole body. At best, everyone protected their most important heads and faces and waited for their exit, and then carefully carried the ice ax and got out of the car.



Heavy snow was falling from the sky, and twenty tourists stood on the vast land with ice axes on their shoulders, helmets on their heads, and crampons on their feet, like a team of miners. Behind them was the dilapidated shuttle bus, and beneath their feet was the pitch-black volcanic sand and gravel. The snow fell on it without leaving any trace, as if it was swallowed up by the vast blackness. Not far ahead are the undulating glaciers and snow-capped mountains. The black volcanic rocks wind up like a dark path until they disappear into the white end.

"Today everyone has to complete at least five hours of glacier hiking to experience this attraction."

B1 and C together give each person a countdown stopwatch.

"Is this stopwatch frozen?"

Seeing that its hands were motionless, Lisa shook the stopwatch and couldn't help but ask.

“I haven’t started glacier hiking yet.”

B1 smiled and answered for her. After listening to the tour guides' words, the tourists felt chills running down their spines. It turns out that this five-hour glacier hike cannot be discounted at all. The stopwatch only counts when hiking on the glacier! And now they were on a volcanic gravel road, not on the glacier. When hiking, they would rest along the way, hide from snow, etc., and the stopwatch would not count.

It’s said to be a five-hour glacier hike, but if you think about it this way, it’s probably much longer than five hours!

Moreover, there are many terrifying dangers on this glacier. The lead-gray sky was covered with huge snowflakes, which seemed to have weight when they fell on people, covering their bodies and heads in an instant. In just a few seconds, snow fell all over them. The biting cold made it almost impossible to breathe, and they didn't dare to inhale any snow foam into their trachea.

Fortunately for the passengers, heavy snow fell on the areas of their bodies that were not covered by the items on the shuttle, but it was not corroded too much. With a slight shake of their bodies, a layer of snow fell off their bodies.

"This snow only becomes corrosive when it melts."

Someone suddenly realized it and shivered: "It's so cold!"

Although it was not warm inside the car before, it still pales in comparison to the extremely low temperature outside the car. Even the camera issued by the hotel consumes power very quickly at extremely low temperatures, and ordinary electronic devices cannot be turned on. Even if you wear three layers of thermal underwear, a cashmere sweater, a windproof and waterproof jacket, etc., the unbearable cold still invades the bone marrow through the outer clothing. The cold wind even seems to blow into the soul, extremely cold, stop After a while, I felt like my hands and feet were freezing.

However, even though it was so cold, the passengers did not dare to use any means of keeping warm. They looked towards Director B, where the sizzling sound they heard when they got off the car came from him. He extinguished the fusion flame burning at his fingertips, and the snow in front of him had turned into a piece of gray-black mud. In the severe cold outside, the mud quickly froze into pure white snow, looking exactly the same as before.

But Director B threw a glove down, and a mind-numbing scene occurred. The glove was quickly swallowed up by the snow, as if it had been plunged into a swamp, completely disappearing. Director Bing held the wiper for the front window of the shuttle bus in his hand and used it as a stick to rummage through the white snow, but found no trace of his gloves. Not only that, there was clearly only a thin layer of mud before, but it froze into snow again. It was as if it was a bottomless pit, and the forearm-long wiper was almost completely inserted without even reaching the bottom, which sent a chill in people's hearts.

"This is a snow nest. This is the most scary thing when hiking on a glacier."

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The tooth hunter said calmly, tinkering with a few tires in his hands. The shuttle bus he got off first had its wheels removed! The four wheels were tied together with curtain cloth, like a small sleigh. Although there was no snow on this gravel ground, the fang hunter was still afraid of freezing the wolf's pads. He saw the Fenrir wolf cub covered in curtains lying on the wheel, being pulled by the fang hunter and running away, squealing with joy. Whooping.

Of course, it only experienced it twice before jumping off the tire. It happily rushed to Bingyi's side, lovingly nudged his calf with its head, trying to get him to sit on the tire. The tooth hunter is just for teasing the wolf cubs. Of course, it is impossible for him to actually be a sled dog pulling people. He casually dragged the tire aside and changed the topic:

"Be careful of the snow pit when hiking on the glacier. Once you fall in, no one can save you except a rope made of Icelandic horse hair."

"Are there many such snow nests on glaciers?"

Werewolf Walker said in a muffled voice. He still remembered the dream in which his relatives had rotten legs and were trapped in a snow nest.

"If the melted snow freezes again, it will form snow nests. Then there must be a lot of snow nests along the way."

B1 said seriously, as a tour guide he introduced Vatnajökull.

"Under the Vatnajokull is the Grimmjökull area. Grimmjökull erupted in December 1998, November 2004 and May 2011, but the most serious one was in Iceland in 1996. A major earthquake with a magnitude of 5.0 caused a volcano to erupt and spurt magma into the ice, causing horrific glacier floods."

"Glacier flood..."

Passengers' scalps are numb when they hear this. How many glaciers will melt as a result of this? How many terrible snow pockets will there be on the ice to be climbed on foot?

"Normally, snow will not turn into a snow nest. This kind of mutation only occurs after the volcano erupts and merges with the volcanic ash."

Another coach said that he was very responsible to check whether everyone's crampons were worn one by one: "There is a problem with snow in the sky now... there may be volcanic ash in the sky."

The Snæfellsnes erupted, and large amounts of volcanic ash were ejected into the sky. Along with the rain and heavy snow, there was mud rain and now this corrosive heavy snow.

"Just take gravel roads and ice roads. Don't step on any snowy areas."

B1 reassured that as for the heavy snow falling from the sky, as long as it is not allowed to melt and then freeze, it is not a big problem.

"It shouldn't... melt... but it won't. I feel... I'm almost frozen into icicles."

Shao Yuan trembled, shaking the snow off his body. It was really cold outside, and they were quickly blown by the cold wind as they stood still. My gloves were covered in snow and I didn't dare to rub my hands. I wanted to stamp my feet but I was stepping on crampons. There was gravel under my feet. If I stamped my feet, I would damage the crampons.

After all, the coach emphasized many times along the way that crampons are for walking on ice. There is a volcanic gravel road from getting off the shuttle bus to the glacier. Stepping hard on the stones will only reduce the sharpness of the crampons. Although most people are listening attentively now, they want to start hiking quickly, otherwise they will freeze if they stay any longer - which is very dangerous.


The coaches and tour guides agreed, and the two coaches took the lead to lead the two brigades towards the glacier. Since there were coaches taking the lead this time, it was rare for the two tour guides B1 and B1 to not have to lead the group. Instead, they fell back after the group finally broke off. Pretty easy.

"How are you?"

B1 said worriedly. He was carrying a backpack full of supplies, leaning on the ice ax and using it as a trekking pole. No skin was exposed on his body, but he moved lightly. He had obviously turned into a ghost state to resist the severe cold. He had also removed some curtain seat covers and the like on the shuttle bus before, but the tour guide's cloak was not afraid of corrosive snow, so B1 gave all these to Bingyi. At this moment, he was looking towards Bingyi and said in a tone of voice worry.

Yu Hehui turned into a huge white fox and was carrying Bingyi away. The fluffy fox tail wrapped around him, protecting Bingyi in the center. Fenrir the little wolf nestled obediently in his arms to warm his hands, and the hot lizard egg was also held in his arms. In addition, Bingyi was even more heavily dressed, and he also wore a bunch of guide capes. curtain.

Even so, his body temperature has dropped extremely low now. The cold affects Bingyi far more than others, and his breath can almost turn into ice. Even if the fire burned in his arms, it could not change Bingyi's extremely low body temperature.

And he didn't light the flame, as if he deliberately kept the temperature low. Although Yu Hehui was worried, he was not anxious because he knew that Wei Xun recalled the title of "cold-blooded one".

At the costume party last night, the hotel deliberately stripped away the mental memories of many tourists and tour guides, in order to subtly influence those with the potential to slice. Although Bingyi exchanged identities with the Lizard Duke and did not experience any of this, he was deprived of his memory from the moment he entered the warm-up match. This was also intended to stimulate him to be different from his former self and eventually split.

Now on the fourth day of the journey, the effects of amnesia have begun to show. Bingyi recalled the title of cold-blooded person without any warning last night, and the end of this title is "horrible road", which really worries Yu Hehui and the others.

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In fact, no one has ever won the most powerful title "Crazy Devil Kutu" given to tour guides in this decade by the hotel, and the final title "Crazy Devil" corresponding to Bingyi's cold-blooded person is worse than "Crazy Devil". On the way to the advancement of this title, won't Wei Xun go crazy? It's hard to say whether the hotel has a tendency to trigger Bingyi's schizophrenia in competitions. Is this the intention?

Now Bingyi suddenly recalled the title of cold-blooded person, and in this extreme cold, he had a deeper and deeper grasp of the title. How could he not worry Yu Hehui and Tong Hege.

"I'm okay."

When Bing came back, he exhaled a breath of cold air and his body was trembling slightly. It's not that he is not afraid of the cold. The cold-blooded person's extraordinary power makes him immune to the influence of emotions, but at the same time makes him afraid of the cold. Especially when the outside temperature was extremely low, Bingyi felt as if his blood was frozen.

But he didn't use various means to keep warm. Bingyi keenly discovered that under this situation, his extraordinary power as a cold-blooded person was slowly improving. If one day he can completely freeze his blood, will his power in this area be advanced? What will be the subsequent power? Iceman?

Could this be a path leading to the Frost Giant title?

Because of this, Bingyi became more and more interested in it. And glacier hiking is the most suitable attraction for him to improve his abilities in this area! After all, there is something wrong with such cold weather.

"The temperature will definitely be lower once we reach the glacier. After all, Miranda and the others almost froze to death."

B1 sighed, the appearance of the highly corrosive Snow Wozi made them worry that the dangers encountered by the brigade in the dream would appear in reality. The corresponding group of people encountered ice cracks and snow nests in their dreams. Ice cracks exist naturally, and snow nests have a somewhat weird and bizarre color.

Among the other two groups, Shaoyuan's group was also completely wiped out. They encountered snow zombies - people who probably fell into the ice crevice and froze to death. However, Miranda's group, who were rescued by all the cats, encountered the terrifying cold.

Now snow nests and extremely low temperatures have appeared, but there is no sign of the snow zombies. The passengers secretly thought that they would not be afraid even if the zombies came out. After all, Yu Xiangyang was there.

"What do you think causes the temperature to be so low?"

This section of the volcanic gravel road soon ended, and there was a vast expanse of white glacier in front of it. There was a trace of pure blue light in the white snow, which looked holy and a bit weird. You can't ride a fox while hiking. Bingyi put aside the title for the time being and got off the fox and stood on the ice. Wearing crampons on ice feels completely different from walking on flat ground. Some people like to drag their feet when walking, but when walking on ice, you must pay attention to lifting your feet vertically and then stepping down hard. Only in this way can the crampons work. The grip is firm and allows people to walk steadily on the ice.

Not counting climbing ice slopes and exploring ice caves, they also had four or five hours of glacier hiking today. The snow is so heavy that the coaches think they need to slow down a bit. The glacier hiking is expected to take six hours, not to mention that they will encounter various dangers. This is an attraction test that tests physical strength and willpower. Taking advantage of the short rest time after getting on the ice, the passengers drank hot water and ate chocolate energy bars to replenish energy.

"What caused the temperature to be so low? Of course it was a dream."

B1 and Bingyi were chatting and heard him ask this without thinking.

Danger in dreams will reflect reality, this is what they have verified so far.

“Nothing happens for a reason.”

Bingyi shook his head, the dream would not completely match reality. It's like there is a snow nest in a dream, but there is no corrosive snow. This is because Snæfellsnes erupted, spewing ash into the air.

It can be seen that the current weird low temperature must be caused by something.

"Maybe it's because of those snow zombies?"

Some passengers joined their discussion. Although he has not yet fully recovered his memory, Yu Xiangyang has his own unique opinions when it comes to zombies.

"The only immortal corpses that were frozen to death in the ice crevices. It's difficult to naturally form a zombie, and it's even harder to have such strong aggression and attack power."

Yu Xiangyang asked: "Are those zombies very big?"

"It's big."

Thinking of the scene in her dream, even Lisa couldn't help but shiver. The relatives in their dream were also separated from the large army. They were not lucky enough to find any ice caves. Instead, they set up a tent in the leeward place, hoping to wait until the wind and snow subsided.

However, soon after it was set up, the tent was weighed down very low, as if there were piles of snow. Someone wanted to go out to clean up, but then a terrifying scene appeared. Looking at the tent cloth from the tent, the downward dents looked like a deformed and huge human face! It was as if a giant appeared quietly outside the tent, lowered his head and pressed his face against the tent, and peered inside!

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The people in the tent fired two shots and tore the tent apart. Large piles of snow mixed with blood poured down, which was extremely terrifying. Lisa and the others were already on the verge of death at that time, and they could only vaguely hear relatives saying that there were snow zombies outside. The ones controlling the large piles of snow were the corpses that had been frozen into zombies.

"This isn't right."

However, after hearing what they said in detail, Yu Xiangyang raised an objection: "Zombies mostly rely on their own mutations, so why do they need to be wrapped in a big ball of snow?"

"Maybe that's not just ordinary snow? There's energy in the snow that they need?"

Everyone had different opinions. The more Yu Xiangyang listened, the more interested he became. He even wanted to quickly encounter a snow zombie to study it, but the other passengers smiled bitterly. It would be scary to think about being chased by this giant creature while hiking on a glacier.

"Huge size..."

Bingyi, on the other hand, was thoughtful. When the glacier hiking started, B1 was worried and the two coaches went to the front to check the situation. Bingyi deliberately fell behind and fell further and further behind. After finally getting a certain distance away from the group of passengers, he took out a small bottle filled with milky white liquid, which was the milk of the giant cow found in the sea yesterday.

When the bottle of milk appeared in his hand, the atmosphere around him became uncomfortable. The snow was still falling, but when it fell to the ground, it made a clanging sound like hail falling to the ground. The surrounding temperature was even lower, so strangely low that the heavy snow actually froze into ice cubes when it fell!

And when Bingyi took a drop of milk from the bottle, he felt the ground beneath his feet shaking slightly. He lowered his head and saw a terrifying and huge shadow gradually emerging under the snow-white and bluish ice, like a giant head. whale, and the shadow is getting bigger and bigger, as if approaching him from under the glacier again!


Bingyi's pupils shrunk, Snaefell volcano erupted, and Ymir, the ancestor of the giants, was resurrected. Where are the other giants? Especially the terrifying Frost Giants in Norse mythology! The ancestors of the giants grew up eating the milk of giant cows. This milk was definitely very attractive to the giants. The extremely low temperature on the glacier and the strange and huge snow giant in the dream all made Bingyi have all kinds of conjectures in his mind.

By now he was sure that beneath the Vatnajökull glacier was probably where the Frost Giants rested. And the huge black shadow under the ice beneath his feet was a resurrected Frost Giant! It was attracted by the milk. When Bingyi took off his scarf and slurped the milk from his fingertips, the giant was surprisingly angry! The huge black shadow under the ice approached quickly, and even the glacier began to shake.

"What's going on?! There's an earthquake?!"

"A volcano erupted?!"

"No way! We have only been hiking for ten minutes!"

The passengers in front also felt the terrible vibrations on the ice and the rapidly dropping temperature, and they all became nervous. An Xuefeng and the others, who were stronger and more sensitive, felt the vibration coming from behind as early as the beginning. They immediately turned back. When they saw Bingyi, their breathing almost stopped, and they saw Bingyi's side. Dozens of terrifying ice picks more than two meters high sprouted from the flat ground, as if an ice forest grew on the flat ice in the blink of an eye, and it was just the hair of the frost giant!

It's just that the ice cone didn't grow any taller, and the frost giant under the glacier didn't rush up anymore, because Bingyi was holding a dark-skinned dwarf in his hand.

It's the dark elf caught during a deep dive the day before yesterday!

"Alves, is that you?"

A thick, soul-shaking sound sounded from under the glacier, and the flat ice surface sunk downwards, as if a huge eye was about to open. When the Frost Giant was about to show up in anger, Bingyi was prepared and took out Ymir's minced meat, turning the dark elf maggot into a dark elf, instantly waking up Slud.

Sure enough, Sruder was not just referring to the Langjökull Glacier, Bian Shengbian Lei Shen could detect it immediately!

"A frost giant has revived. Fortunately, you are here, Sludde."

Bingyi kicked the frozen 'ice pick'. Before completely entering the glacier, the sooner he could test out Slud's attitude and the real cause of the extreme cold, the better. Even in the face of the people who were rushing over, with the clear eyes that said, "It's you, you're in Monsrud again", Bingyi rarely coughed, but he still said shamelessly and righteously: "The Frost Giant is..." Our archenemy, you... huh?"

Suddenly Bing's eyes flashed forward, and a mist rose in front of him. The dragon scales he had been carrying close to his body were slightly hot, and there were colorful lights. He vaguely seemed to have seen a dream again. In the snow, his mother and Wei Xun's mother led a team and ran all the way across the endless ice field, as if they were avoiding something.

And the terrifying enemy that was chasing after them and roaring furiously, causing the glacier to vibrate and the ice to collapse, was none other than - well.

It turned out to be an extremely large and terrifying frost giant!

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