Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 610 The Horror of Iceland (142)

Seeing hundreds of snow zombies following the corn shoots away, the hearts of the passengers who had just relaxed were tense again. Why are there still dozens of snow zombies chasing them? ! The passengers who fell on the ice just now all suffered a serious fall. Ordinary people may have suffered broken muscles and fractures, but after all, they were passengers whose physiques were far beyond ordinary people. With this little effort, they all got up and gritted their teeth and continued to move forward. flee.

It's not that they don't want to turn around and kill the enemy. In fact, hundreds of snow zombies can be seen in the distance. At a glance, among the dozens of snow zombies here, all of them are extremely huge. Looking up close, they look like a small mountain. The snow zombies are terrifyingly powerful. Even Yu Xiangyang and others felt numb.

The peak level snow zombies are actually chasing after them, why!

Could it be that they came after Bing Dao?

Many people noticed what happened just now and roughly guessed that the Frost Giant could drive the Snow Zombie, and the Snow Zombie would spontaneously chase the Frost Giant. The large group of sky-level snow zombies were attracted by the Frost Giant's hair held in the corn shoots, but the peak-level snow zombies were still chasing after them. There must be something more powerful and attractive to them.

Is it Director B who has the title of Frost Giant? No one can do this except him. Although Loki in myth is not a descendant of the Frost Giants as described in many very famous film and television works today. He is the evolution of natural phenomena. It is the thunder and lightning (the male giant Fabuti) that strikes the tree (the female giant Laufei) and the raging fire (Loki, the god of fire). The god of fire and ice are incompatible, but they must In this case, Director Bing still has the minced flesh of the ancestor giant Ymir, who is the ancestor of the giants who represents frost.

It is not impossible for him to get the opportunity and obtain the title of Frost Giant. Maybe the ‘faith’ of these snow zombies is his chance! The passengers thought so, and so did Bingyi. Instead of running with the brigade, he untied the safety rope and stood alone on the ice slope, looking down at the roaring torrent of snow zombies.

He was so small compared to the zombies, but he stood alone in the ice and snow, calmly facing dozens of peak-level monsters, but he had an indescribable aura. His ankle-length white hair was like silver threads falling from the back of his cloak. Scattered, Bingyi connected the horse king's mane he had obtained, and his movements faintly revealed the power of Loki.

He wanted to accept these snow zombies as followers as Loki and prepare for his special ability to be promoted to a frost giant. So he didn't take out the minced meat of the ancestor of the giant Ymir, not wanting any other factors to be involved.

Closer, closer, a terrifying and suffocating aura rushed towards his face, and the rumble was deafening like the thunder of nine days, but Bingyi became more and more excited. The snow zombies ran wildly, setting off a sky full of snow, fog, and frost, and rushed toward him. The sense of danger filled with terror, distortion, and destruction was no less than that of dozens of Loughlin killer whales. However, under this heavy energy (pollution), Bingyi was pleasantly surprised. I feel that the power of the cold-blooded person is constantly soaring. It seems that it has accumulated countless powers for a long time. Now it has accumulated so much that it is almost reaching the critical point when it is stimulated.

Come, surrender to Him! B opened his arms, just like Loki opened his arms. Fenrir the wolf wolf, the corn snake and the little green are all by his side, just like the three sons of Loki. Dozens of snow zombies ran in front of him, and the passengers in the distant brigade subconsciously turned back, holding their breath, looking forward to the scene where the snow zombies surrendered to Director B!

But the next moment they stopped breathing, they saw the snow zombies running past Director B without slowing down and drowning him!


"what happened?!"

All the passengers and countless viewers in the live broadcast room couldn't believe it when they saw this scene. Seeing this group of peak snow zombies persisting in chasing them, everyone's scalp was numb. Seeing Director Bing jump to the bulge high on the ice wall like an Icelandic horse in the snow and dust. When his life was safe, An Xuefeng, who was at the rear of the brigade, was relieved. The heavy snow wrapped around him was not at all. Affected his speed, he was like a vigorous snow leopard, leaping three times and two to the front of the team, replacing the tooth hunter and leading the Honda team.


Bingyi climbed under the extremely high ice wall and looked down at the huge group of snow zombies rolling and running in pursuit like the wildebeest migrating from the Yellow River. He did not speak. Next to him, a figure emerged from invisibility. Yu Hehui, who had been guarding him, did not say a word. The atmosphere was a little tense for a while.

"There are five peak snow zombies left!"

It wasn't until most of the peak-level snow zombies chased the team away, but five peak-level snow zombies stayed, lying like five huge white steamed buns in front of Bingyi, that Yu Hehui finally breathed a sigh of relief. , laughed.


Bingyi responded slowly, still not very interested. The lizard egg in his arms shook, and the little red lizard's head poked out from the thick cat fur with difficulty. Seeing this, it spat out a message, sneered, and opened its mouth to express some opinions. However, Yu Hehui slapped it down and stuffed it with balls of snow, completely filling the gap between the phantom cat and the eggshell.

"I seem to see the shadow of corn shoots over there - I'm going to take a look. It might be a little dangerous. Lend me this egg to lay."


Yu Hehui took the egg without saying anything and disappeared into the air. Only Bingyi and five snow zombies were left here. No one was around anymore, and the lingering unspeakable feeling of embarrassment and depression was finally blown away by the heavy snow and cold wind. When Yu Hehui took the corn shoots for a few rounds outside and settled the group of heaven-level snow giants outside before returning, Bingyi could already greet Yu Hehui with a normal expression, and only one of the five peak snow zombies was still in the nest. in front of him.

"They feel the power of the frost giants."

Bing said: "The frost giant of death."

"In order to protect it, this group of snow zombies will go crazy and refuse all living creatures to approach."

Peak-level snow zombies are very powerful to him, and even one of them is a formidable enemy when faced head-on. But they have no self-awareness and no intelligence, let alone as smart as Yu Xiangyang. Whether it is the minced meat of Loki or the ancestor giant Ymir, they will completely surrender when they see it and open it to their master without reservation.

So Bingyi subdued these five snow zombies without any effort and got a lot of information from them.

"The body of a frost giant?"

Rao Shiyu and Hui were also surprised, remembering the frost giant that had been awakened by Bingyi and frozen by the Slude Glacier. It's not dead, so who killed this frost giant?

"Come on, let's go over and take a look."

Bingyi jumped down from the ice wall and ordered the snow zombie to take them to where the frost giant's body was. Now that he understood the reason for their wild pursuit, Bingyi no longer worried about the brigade. The snow zombies just want to drive them away, so as long as they keep running they'll be fine. Moreover, Wei Xun can also communicate with him mentally, so there is definitely no problem.

He simply took a detour with Yu Hehui to take a look at the body of the frost giant to see what killed it.

The pre-tournament tour is no different than other tours. Tour guides can also go on adventures and breakthroughs. There is no previous limitation that they could only leave the group for a quarter of an hour at most. As long as they don’t go too far and can take tourists to the scenic spots on time, the hotel doesn’t have too many restrictions. Otherwise, something like this would have happened to Bingyi and B1 when they were deep diving into the Silfra Fissure.

The ice wall tens of meters high shimmers with a faint blue light. There is a very narrow gap between the ice on both sides, like an ice stream, so narrow that only one person can pass through. Yu Hehui turned into a fox and jumped on Bingyi's shoulder, and the snow zombie led the way. Its huge snow-white body is like a big ball of marshmallow, flattened and elongated in the ice cracks. Such a large piece of white snow squirming between the ice cracks is as terrifying as a monster.

Especially after the snow was crushed, the corpse in the middle of the snow zombie was also revealed. It was actually a skeleton covered in blood! It didn't have any clothes or skin on it. It could only be seen that it was a human-like skeleton, about one meter high. The blood should have been completely frozen at such a low temperature, but there were still traces of blood on its bones among the white snow. It's flowing, like a different kind of blood vessel merging it with the snow, becoming a snow zombie.

There is a flame mark on its head, which is Loki's mark. It has become a believer in Bingyi. The crack in the ice was extremely long. Bingyi estimated that he had walked a thousand meters without seeing the end. However, the snow zombie started to climb the ice wall after walking halfway. It moved as quickly as an ape and climbed out in twos and twos. He broke through the ice wall, turned over and jumped outside.

To guard against it, Yu Hehui stepped on its shoulders and went out with him, while Bingyi climbed on the ice with an ice pick and axe, following closely behind them.

‘Be careful, it’s full of snow’

Before he could climb out, he heard Yu Hehui remind him, and then he took a sharp breath of air.

'What's wrong? ’

Bingyi jumped up immediately, and the sight in front of him made him breathe suddenly in unison. They saw a huge round iceberg in front of this ice crevice, less than a hundred meters away from them! Compared with other icebergs that are often several kilometers long, it is not too majestic, but it is still more than ten meters high. People look extremely small in front of it, but it is so round that it does not even look like an iceberg, more like an iceberg. Huge puck.

But it wasn't because of this that Yu Hehui and Bingyi were breathless. In the middle of this round iceberg, there were two huge eyes! It was wide open, with a deep pit in its left eye and a horrifying bulge in its right eye. The circles of pupils were like the annual rings of the world tree. It looked particularly weird and terrifying, as if it was staring at them, sending chills down the spine. Upright.

The itinerary said that the glaciers were covered with eyes. Could it be that what they saw in front of them was a wonder?


Bingyi was the first to come back to his senses. He stared at the round iceberg with strange eyes, and he took a long breath before exhaling.

"This is the head of a frost giant."


The snow zombie that had been leading the way had collapsed to the ground due to instinctive fear, like a puddle of trembling glutinous rice cakes. The snow squirmed and made an unknown sound. Bingyi knew through faith that it was in extreme fear and reverence at this moment.

This is indeed the head of a frost giant, and it is already dead.

"so tall?"

Yu Hehui took a breath of air, and the little fox subconsciously kicked Bingyi's shoulder with his hind paws. He almost blurted out a sentence but was held back by him.

This is much bigger than the giant Bingyi met in the Sahara! Those desert giants are only twenty or thirty meters tall at most, but the frost giant in front of me is nearly ten meters tall with its head alone. As long as it is not a big-headed doll, based on a head-to-body ratio of 1:9, it may be a hundred meters tall!

"Of course the giant is tall."

Bingyi said casually, moving his attention away from the giant's head and looking around. Unfathomable ice crevices, dangerous snow nests lurking around them, the head of a frost giant stuck in the crevice, and an eyeball that was gouged out.

All of this is very similar to the frost giant that the elders used to kill in the dream!

Is it a coincidence, this the frost giant? !

The prey they killed in the 'past' actually appeared in front of them again after an unknown number of years? Or is it because this frost giant was caused by him and affected the dream, so it only appeared again after it was killed? !

Bingyi felt a strong interest in his heart, and he suddenly issued an order to the snow zombie.

"Come on, punch me!"

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