Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 615: Icelandic Horror (147)

Where did the phantom cat go? When did you come back? Why does it travel alone, and is it his brother, or is it only related to his brother?

On the way to continue hiking on the glacier after leaving the ice crack, Bingyi kept thinking about this issue. The sleeping phantom cat didn't react at all. Bingyi put it on his shoulders and circled his neck. The little lizard in the lizard egg could communicate with people mentally and pull cat hair. He was worried about letting the phantom cat back.

"The road is too difficult."

B1 sighed, they had been walking on the vast glacier for more than an hour until the frost giant's head collapsed. However, compared with the mostly smooth roads before, the area they are currently walking in is filled with a lot of ice ditches, ice cracks, ice leaks and snow holes. If they step on the ground without paying attention, they will fall to their death.

Even though the tooth hunter and another experienced instructor led the way, the group did not advance very far because they had to make frequent detours. Fortunately, the large group of snow zombies all dispersed after the Frost Giant's head cracked. If they were chasing after them, the brigade would really have nowhere to escape.

"You can let her come down and walk around."

Bingyi smiled and looked at the deformed little girl sleeping on B1's shoulder: "Children all like to play in the snow."

"No, this place is too evil."

B1 shook his head helplessly. When he mentioned the crack filled with mist just now, even he was frightened. His body turned into an undead uncontrollably and he was almost dragged into the crack. His mental vision fluctuated violently, and he was extremely afraid of ice cracks, which affected him to a lingering fear.

"I'm sorry, I really don't see what's wrong with it."

B1 apologized, he knew that Bingyi cared about the phantom cat very much, and now that it was sleeping and not waking up, Bingyi was very worried. B1 also has an illusion of a sister who is always asleep, but his illusion is different from Bingyi's illusion. He sensed it over and over again, but felt that the cat was simply asleep, and nothing else was sensed.

"Thank you for helping me. It's with me. I don't have any special feelings. It's normal that you can't feel it."

Bingyi shook his head slightly. The phantom cat seemed to be sleeping as before, and he couldn't feel any other problems. Bingyi tried a variety of methods, all to no avail. Before that, he had been walking with Wei Xun, but the phantom cat that had a special reaction to Wei Xun before did not make any movement this time.

Coming to talk to B1 was the last resort. In fact, Bingyi knew in his heart that his illusion was different from B1's, and B1 couldn't see anything. He was deep in thought, holding a handful of cat hair in his hand. This was left next to the thermos cup. When it was picked up, the dragon hunter's scales flashed with faint multicolored light, indicating that it seemed to be related to a dream.

He has never seen his father in a dream... Is this a dream related to his father?

Bingyi wanted to take a look, but he would not rush into exploring until he had dealt with the little red lizard, figured out what the black liquid was, and reached the next safe resting point.

"From the beginning of the hike to now, we have only been walking for less than an hour."

Sensing the somewhat depressed atmosphere on Bingyi's side, B1 changed the subject. He took out a stopwatch and looked at it, frowning: "At this speed, I'm afraid we have to spend the night on the glacier tonight."

The whole team is slow not only because of the rugged terrain, but also for another reason.

"The ice crack in front is a bit special."

Miao Fangfei held an ice ax to support her body, squinting her eyes and looking into the distance: "The black... looks like the ice and snow have melted."

"The temperature is so low. It's unusual to have melting ice and snow. There is a high probability of an underground heat source over there."

Miranda said solemnly: "Maybe - I have to go and have a look."

After a brief discussion, the two brigades adjusted their direction of travel and walked towards the exposed black volcanic rock. Whenever there is rocky land on the ice along the way, the brigade will give priority to exploring it. Walking on volcanic rocks does not count as glacier hiking, and time stands still, making their overall hiking time progress slowly.

The reason why they did this was because after the Frost Skull collapsed, everyone in their two brigades automatically received a team mission.

Unsolvable main quest!

【Preparing for Ragnarok】

As soon as the name of this mission was heard, there was a sense of crisis that a storm was about to come.

[Main mission: Preparing for Ragnarok]

[Task Level: Unsolvable]

[Task description: Since ancient times, the most evil frost giant family has been suppressed under the Vatnajökull glacier. They have been suppressed for countless years. But the eruption of Snaefell volcano scattered the most evil and dangerous corpses (Ymir's minced flesh) across the nine worlds, leading to a series of strange events. Let the seal be destroyed, and the evil giants will be revived]

[The gods are working hard to clear away the corpses in other worlds. Only the human world cannot take care of it for the time being. Once the giants fully recover, Ragnarok will come early. Warriors are requested to deal with as many strange events as possible to delay the recovery of the giants. Bar! 】

Normal passengers received such a mission prompt, but the 'heroes' who received the Hero Medal after last night's horse racing received different missions. Two additional missions were added to the ordinary missions -

[1. The corpses of Ymir, the ancestor of the evil frost giants, are scattered in the world. Please collect as many corpses as possible and give them to Thor believers]

[2. The outer gods are very deep and are ready to take action. Maybe they will cooperate with the evil giants. Once you find a clue, please hand it over to the Thor believers as soon as possible! 】

Both tasks are accompanied by extremely high rewards, and even involve artifacts, gods (titles of gods) and various divine objects! In addition to completing the mission, they will also receive the blessings of the gods. The person who completes the mission the most will be sworn by the gods to protect him from falling into Ragnarok and becoming a survivor after Ragnarok. By.

Nordic mythology is a very special myth in the world. Many myths only have creation and no destruction. Even if there is destruction, it will be the destruction of mankind. Gods are eternal and immortal. But Norse mythology is different. It not only involves the birth of gods, but also the death of gods! This is a complete set of logic from life to death, Ragnarok and the fall of the gods. If you can participate in it and survive, you will definitely gain unimaginable benefits.

Divine meat, divine blood, artifacts, divine power, and even divine corpses, that is not only the burial place of the gods, but also the most precious treasure, and it also gradually pushes the atmosphere to a climax!

The outside viewers who were rushing around in multiple live broadcast rooms knew that not only the Icelandic live broadcast rooms, but also the brigades from the other four Nordic countries also received similar team tasks, but the focus was different!

Some focus on preventing the invasion of external gods, some focus on restarting the parliament and rekindling the divine fire, some focus on finding the lost miracles and artifacts of the past, etc. Even if the other brigades did not encounter the old dream, the difficulty of these four days' journey was extremely terrifying, but no one was willing to give up at this point! Everyone vaguely knows that the warm-up competition has now entered a fever pitch. The hotel has thrown away a lot of treasures and dangers like raising worms, in order to raise a leader who will be far superior to his peers in the next ten years and whose strength is astonishing!

It is said that the year-end celebration at the end of the decade is the most exciting, but the real established tour teams and tour guide alliances attach the most importance to the warm-up competition before the celebration. It was in the warm-up competition that An Xuefeng, who returned from the past, completely rose to the top and swept the year-end celebrations with unrivaled power, ascending to the throne of the number one hotel player in the next decade!

Those who can be selected to participate in the pre-heating competition are the tourist guides who are most favored by the hotel. Weak travelers are not weak, as long as they survive the competition, they will definitely rise to the top. As long as the strength is in place, the hotel will never skimp on points. Before participating in the competition, he was just a high-level tourist. After the competition, he jumped to the top. This leap in strength and class can drive everyone crazy.

Even if all the warm-up competitions every year in the past ten years are added up, the opportunities may not be as good as the competition in the last year! The two teams in Iceland are the most optimistic by everyone, but they are also the most worried about their total annihilation.

Compared with other countries, their mission is the most difficult, and it actually involves the final enemy, the Frost Giants. On top of this, there are also old dreams superimposed, and the dangers encountered are doubled. The most important thing is that there is a C-1 in their team.

Bingyi is Loki, who obtained Loki's flame and cultivated his children. Behind him are the peak snow zombies, and in his hands is the black liquid from the frost giant's head. Since the beginning of the competition, he has led the brigade to achieve the highest daily mission completion rate. He is far ahead of others, but after the glorious peak, there is a cliff. In the old dream, he corresponded to two people. In Ragnarok, he was not on the god's side, and the whole world was the enemy.

The most disturbing thing is that on the day of Ragnarok, all the top experts will probably regain their memories. Will the werewolf Walker Heydrich in his team and other West District bosses think of all these things and kill him with a backhand? one strike? At least Walker, who has an extremely grumpy temper, will never look good again after thinking about all these things.

This has made countless viewers excited and worried at the same time. As soon as the unsolvable main mission came out, private chat groups in hotel forums have been discussing endlessly. Can Bingyi make it to the end? Can he survive to the end?

Bingyi and B1 walked slowly and slowly at the end of the team, watching Miao Fangfei and the others cautiously explore the black rock area. The person walking at the front was actually Charlie, who had the second lowest presence in Miranda's team. He has the title of Lizard Man, and he is currently spitting out messages and sniffing the air.

But he finally shook his head hesitantly. Although everyone still went to the volcanic rock to check, they no longer had high hopes.

"It's so hard to find the actual burrows of volcanic lava lizards."

B1 sighed: "There are so many abandoned nests, they are just like Australian hares digging holes everywhere."

The tips for the main quest say that Ymir's corpse erupts from the volcano, carrying a strong smell of volcanic flames that will attract volcanic lava lizards.

Once a volcanic lava lizard's nest is discovered, there is a high probability that body parts will be found in the nest! The large-scale gathering of volcanic lava lizards will cause the glacier snow to melt, exposing the volcanic rock - this is not the volcanic rock under hundreds of meters of ice, but pure, the magma spewed by Snaefell collided with the glacier. The formed black stone is extremely polluting and dangerous.

But the greater the danger, the greater the opportunity. Miao Fangfei and others have always faced difficulties and are not afraid of hardships. What's more, they are very well prepared - there are shuttle parts that can prevent pollution, there are Fenrir wolf wolf and lizard Duke early warning (Duke:?), there is lizard man Charlie who can sense breath and communicate with lizards, and there is C The guide lent them the light and dark elf maggots.

They are born from Ymir's minced meat and are most sensitive to the smell of minced meat. If you are so well-prepared and still don’t want to take a huge risk to win the supreme treasure, then you might as well go home and eat milk instead of participating in the competition.

However, even so, it is difficult to find a real volcanic lava lizard nest. Under the Vatnajökull glacier are all frost giants. The minced meat of Ymir's ancestor can be easily transferred among them, and the volcanic lava lizards also migrate with them. Most of the places they found were abandoned nests.


But this time it was different. During the chat, Bingyi suddenly felt the violent fluctuations of the flames. He immediately looked around and his pupils suddenly shrank. He saw the monstrous flames rising like a fountain more than ten meters high on the black rock where everyone in the brigade was, and the flames burned. The air made a sharp sound, and the hot temperature could be felt even by them from the farthest away!

Miao Fangfei and the others quickly retreated back, and Bing saw with a sharp glance that the werewolf Walker, who was dressed in black and gray, was holding someone in his arms. It was the lizard man Charlie. All the facial features and hair on his face were gone, and he was burnt black. The helmet fell with a click, and his burned head rolled to the ground. Charlie was no longer breathing!

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